IssueVol. 009 Issue 018 (March 6 1929)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleDr. Jones Prescribes
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Review o? Literature, The Arts, and Public A??alr,. Volume IX New York, Wednesday, March 6, 1929 Number I8 EDITOIUaL BOA~ MICHAEL WU..LZAMS, Editor GEORC~ N. SHUSTXR,...
Paid articleWeek by Week
498 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, ~929 The Jones bill was thereupon speedily transformed into a plea for the mobilization of the judiciary battalions. As passed by the Senate, this plea incorporates a...
Paid articleExhibit A
March 6, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 5ox girl dejectedly hanging up her armor in the church at the gates of Paris; of her betrayal and death. There is genius in the plan. WE ARE sometimes more conscious...
Paid articleWings on Display
502 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, I929 of the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, have pointed out--to be spotted and if possible nailed. First of all, let us see what has actually happened in Italy. Has the...
Paid articleThe New Unemployment
March 6, x929 THE COMMONWEAL 503 proportion to the huge expanse of the country, have met with sympathy and co6peration from municipalities and state and federal government departments. Since...
Paid articleHow Shall Germany Pay?
Carter, John
504 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, 1929 HOW SHALL GERMANY PAY? By JOHN CARTER T HE sanguine statesmen who framed the reparation clauses of the treaty of Versailles in t919, and the...
Paid articleWhat Were the Middle-Ages? II
Lacombe, George
506 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, I929 WHAT WERE THE MIDDLE-AGES? II By GEORGE LACOMBE NOTHER man who performed well in the field of mediaeval studies is Haureau, whose innate honesty triumphed over...
Paid articleThe Parish Sees the Upper Room
Sharp, John K.
508 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, x929 Chartes. It is curious to see the Sorbonne once more interesting itself in the thought of the middle-ages, as in the days of Saint Thomas. Yet the lectures of M....
Paid articleWe Blow into Japan
Maxwell, Cliff
March 6, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 5xI WE BLOW INTO JAPAN By CLIFF MAXWELL N ONE of the crew of the S.S. Vagabond, from the chief to myself, a fireman, was overly impressed with our ship when we...
Paid articleNewman's Saint Philip
Moseley, D. H.
512 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, 1929 For all its apparent somnolence as of another day, the city bustles with modern commercial activities along the waterfront--it is back of the city, up those...
Paid articleOne By a Lake (verse)
Organ, Thomas
March 6, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 513 his sending a smart spruce young noble youth to a public house with a most enormously large bottle and a piece of ~gold to buy a pen'orth of wine 1" In a letter...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
514 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, 1929 THE PLAY By R. DANA SKINNER narlef't~ T HE exploitation of the Negro, both as an actor and as a subject for sensational dramatic writing, is progressing apace....
Paid articleCommunications
March 6, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 515 plicate matters further, there is a faction in the congregation which wishes to depose Reb Velvele, and uses his domestic misfortune to prove that the blessing of...
Paid articleBooks
O'Sheel, Shaemas; Shuster, George N.; Hull, Robert R.; Logan, J. D.; McEntee, Georgiana Putnam; Zabel, Morton Dauwen; Robinson, Morton; Engels, Vincent
518 THE COMMONWEAL March 6, 1929 BOOKS From Our National Family Album Forgotten Ladies, by Richardson Wright. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Gompany. $5.oo. I F THE title of Mr. Wright's new...
IssueVol. 009 Issue 019 (March 13 1929)
IssueVol. 009 Issue 020 (March 20 1929)
IssueVol. 009 Issue 021 (March 27 1929)
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