IssueVol. 010 Issue 022 (October 2 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 023 (October 9 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 024 (October 16 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 025 (October 23 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 026 (October 30 1929)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleSix Dead Men
656 THE COMMONWEAL October 30, I929 to prove memorable. During years when party gov- ernment seemed the only possible way in which author- ity could be set up, various groups interested in...
Paid articleWeek by Week
656 THE COMMONWEAL October 30, I929 to prove memorable. During years when party gov- ernment seemed the only possible way in which author- ity could be set up, various groups interested in...
Paid articleMr. Wilbur's "Wards"
660 T H E COMMONWEAL October 30, 1929 m How does Dr. Sadler or anyone else know there is no such thing as Santa Claus?" Seriously, in spite of our diversion at the spectacle of two...
Paid articleTwelve O'Clock Sharp
660 T H E COMMONWEAL October 30, 1929 m How does Dr. Sadler or anyone else know there is no such thing as Santa Claus?" Seriously, in spite of our diversion at the spectacle of two...
Paid articleToward Jerusalem
Mokarzel, Salloum A.
662 THE COMMONWEAL October 3 ~ , I929 TOWARD JERUSALEM By SALLOUM A. MOKARZEL N MY travels in Syria I had counted on making my visit to Jerusalem the supreme goal of my ex-...
Paid articlePulaski and the Revolution
Reid, Richard
October 3 o, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 665 PULASKI AND THE REVOLUTION By RICHARD REID HE observance, under the President's proclama- tion, of October 1I as the one hundred and fif- tieth...
Paid articleSummering at Cliff Haven
Walsh, James J.
666 THE COMMONWEAL October 30, I929 After the battle, in which Count d'Estaing was among the wounded and the famous Sergeant Jasper killed, Pulaski was conveyed to the brig Wasp, a pri-...
Paid articleConqueror (VERSE)
Driscoll, Louise
October 3 ~ , I929 THE COMMONWEAL 667 The experience of the Catholic Summer School, now approaching its fortieth year, has been that the average man and woman can find grateful...
Paid articleNew Perspectives in Charity
O'Grady, John
668 T H E C O M M O N W E A L October 3 o, i929 NEW PERSPECTIVES IN CHARITY By JOHN O'GRADY ATHOLIC social work has always been regarded as an essen- tial part of the pastoral...
Paid articleMangan, the Irish Dreamer
Toole, Helan Maree
670 THE COMMONWEAL October 30, 1929 effort, to supplement existing agencies and to lead them to better standards. The diocese alone was duly quali- fied to speak for Catholic philanthropic...
Paid articleIn Old Goa
Maxwell, Cliff
October 3 o, I929 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 67x oriental poems, Lionel Johnson suggests, "Mangan has poured out of his darkness of the shadow all a captive's longing for the sunlight, for...
Paid articlePoems
Walsh, Thomas
672 THE COMMONWEAL October 30, 1929 POEMS BY THOMAS WALSH The editors of The Gommonweal, wishing to remember the death, one year ago, of their friend and associate, Thomas 14Zalsh,...
Paid articleCommunications
October 30, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 673 COMMUNICATIONS CAN EUROPE BE UNITED? Boston, Mass. O the Editor :--To one who believes in much smaller navies than those planned by the...
Paid articleBooks
jr., Ernest Brennecke; Healy, Patrick J.; Shuster, George N.; Cunningham, Doris; Kolars, Mary; Lane, James W.; Farley, Ambrose; Crowley, Paul
October 3 ~, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 675 a false impression that nothing is being done. It is unfortunately true that, notwithstanding the use of all safety devices known today, and the...
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