IssueVol. 010 Issue 022 (October 2 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 023 (October 9 1929)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Illusion of Mr. Shearer
572 THE COMMONWEAL October 9, I929 their closets are trembling with fear. And when it seemed as if the United States and Great Britain might reach an agreement tending to alter the character...
Paid articleWeek by Week
572 THE COMMONWEAL October 9, I929 their closets are trembling with fear. And when it seemed as if the United States and Great Britain might reach an agreement tending to alter the character...
Paid articleBloody Bill Barnes
576 THE COMMONWEAL October 9, I929 La Guardia, the Republican candidate and the one chiefly responsible for the dilemma's posing, can add heavily to his score. And the other mayoralty...
Paid articleThinking and Tradition
October 9, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 577 THINKING AND TRADITION HILDREN have, we confess, a disturbing habit of piling up questions until you are faced with the necessity of appealing to a...
Paid articleThe Senate Looks at Unemployment, II.
Ryan, John A.
578 THE COMMONWEAL October 9, x9z9 THE SENATE LOOKS AT UNEMPLOYMENT II. IMPORTANT FACTS WHICH IT FAILED TO SEE T IS a curious irony that the Committee failed utterly to suggest any...
Paid articleSummer Cabin (VERSE)
Wagner, Charles A.
580 THE COMMONWEAL October 9, I929 ing, a general and constant capacity for overproduc- tion. It is most pronounced in agriculture, coal mining, textiles, the boot and shoe industries and is...
Paid articleClaudel's Play of Paradox
Bregy, Katherine
October 9, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 58x CLAUDEL'S PLAY OF PARADOX By KATHERINE BR/~GY ASTERFUL at once and conciliating as M. Claudel has proved in his diplomatic inter- course, he has...
Paid articleWhat Have the Faithful Sung?
Schaezler, Karl
October 9, x929 THE COMMONWEAL 5;83 WHAT HAVE THE FAITHFUL SUNG? By KARL SCHAEZLER HROUGHOUT t h e nineteenth century cul- tural activities in both France and Germany remained under...
Paid articleLaw and Law Enforcement
Mattern, Johannes
October 9, 1929 THE COMMONWEAL 585 only as typical instances of unecclesiastical church music (Klose's own term). The rendition of these works has been impossible, however, if only for...
Paid articleThither Are My Sorrows (VERSE)
Concepcion, M. de Gracia
October 9, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 587 repeal it cannot secure has but two alternatives, supine submission or nullification. Of course, nullificaton as a welbestablished Anglo-American...
Paid articleIn a Convent Garden
Sister, A Maryknoll
October 9, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 587 repeal it cannot secure has but two alternatives, supine submission or nullification. Of course, nullificaton as a welbestablished Anglo-American...
Paid articleDeath Dread (VERSE)
Espina, Concha
THE COMMONWEAL October 9, I9Z9 ,i and "Deo gratias!" answer we all, and I am off. Cool and sweet it is, with a hint of a wind from the sea, and the low morning sun stretching the trees'...
Paid articleCommunications
October 9, I929 THE COMMONWEAL 589 COMMUNICATIONS MR. DELL ON THE PAPAL FASCIST ALLIANCE San Jose, Cal. O the Editor :--Mr. Robert Dell, in the July 3 issue of the Nation, answering my...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, Richard Dana
October 9, x929 THE COMMONWEAL 59 x world to come, she will not find herself at liberty to indulge in the pleasing pastime of flinging flowers at her equally self- willed companions, until...
Paid articleBooks
Healy, Patrick J.; Milton, George Fort; Shuster, George N.; Brunini, John Gilland; Cunningham, Doris
October 9, 1929 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 593 BOOKS Darkness Following Lincoln The Tragic Era, by Claude G. Bowers. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. $5.00. F THE great crises in...
IssueVol. 010 Issue 024 (October 16 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 025 (October 23 1929)
IssueVol. 010 Issue 026 (October 30 1929)
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