IssueVol. 007 Issue 013 (February 1 1928)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleHeadliners
THE man on the curb has had the time of his life watching the latest Sing Sing death struggle. Kept out of a ring-side seat by the law, he nevertheless got more than his money's worth out of the...
Paid articleWeek by Week
p)AN-AMERICA is in session, to what effect one •*• can only surmise at present. But if the program of good-will is carried out with the enthusiasm which has been displayed in large samples during...
Paid articlePathways of Peace
TXT'HILE the peace proposals of M. Aristidc ^^ Briand may not meet with acceptance, the endeavor of the French Foreign Minister will never be classed as a failure. As Mr. William R. Castle, jr.,...
Paid articleUnity among Christians
' ^ O AUTHENTIC text of the papal encyclical •^^ dealing with the question of union among Christian churches is, unfortunately enough, available as we write. The translation supplied by the...
Paid articleBernard Shaw, Mexico and the Pope
Williams, Michael
L AST August, when I was in London, I sent to Mr. George Bernard Shaw the letter which follows: Dear Mr. Shaw:—I am the editor of The Commonweal, a weekly review published in New York....
Paid articleCanada Questions Mexico
Boddington, Ernest F.
WHEN, a little more than a month ago, the Right Reverend Michael F. Fallon, Bishop of London, Ontario, wrote an open letter to Mr. Mackenzie King, the Canadian Premier, demanding an explanation...
Paid articleThomas Hardy as I Knew Him
Windle, Bertram C. A.
I SUPPOSE it is a curious thing that one who, like myself, had been a close student of Hardy's novels almost from their earliest appearance, should never have suspected that the places which were...
Paid articleEurope's Spiritual Dilemma, II
Massis, Henri
IF WE cast an eye over Europe as it is today, bruised in mind and body, it seems to us that what makes it one is a unity of suffering. And beneath the sombre frenzies of a world that appears, at...
Paid articleThe League and the Papacy, III
Reynold, Gonzague de
AMATTER that is beginning to concern Catholics vitally is the preparation of youth at their own universities for international careers. For beside all other liberal professions, an...
Paid articleSaint Hilda Guild
Bowdoin, W. G.
ECCLESIASTICAL vestments have always played an important part in the service of the Church. The object of their use is to add dignity and honor to the service in which they are employed, and they...
Paid articlePoems
Griffith, William; Meehan, John; Flanagan, Dorothy Belle; Stuart, Henry Longan; Powers, Jessica; Brink, Carol Ryrie
(§ortilege Something of her is all but told By the voice of the rain. April spends silver, June spends gold, That she may laugh again. She, who is sister to the sun. And elf-kin to the...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
The First Stone THE latest presentation of the Civic Repertory Theatre is The First Stone, the work of a new American playwright named Walter Ferris, the play being based upon a story by Mary...
Paid articleBooks
Lapp, John A.; Walsh, Thomas; McErlean, J. A.; Sands, William Franklin; McKenna, Daniel J.; Radziwill, Catherine
How Should History Be Taught? Public Opinion and Teaching of History^ by B. L. Pierce. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. $3.25. DR. PIERCE of the faculty of the University of Iowa has done, with...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
/ counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library.- -C. LAMB. "There is a touch of Lent in the air already, Britannicus, and my yearly renunciation of tobacco grows ominously near. When the...
IssueVol. 007 Issue 014 (February 8 1928)
IssueVol. 007 Issue 015 (February 15 1928)
IssueVol. 007 Issue 016 (February 22 1928)
IssueVol. 007 Issue 017 (February 29 1928)
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