IssueVol. 007 Issue 009 (January 4 1928)
IssueVol. 007 Issue 010 (January 11 1928)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleUnhallowed Hallelujahs
A JOURNAL like this, which can honestly claim that it uses a compass to find its way through the maze of the epoch, is also necessarily influenced by the unsteadiness of the contemporary human...
Paid articleWeek by Week
TjTIOLENCE in various Pennsylvania coal regions ^ and the failure to date of attempts to reach some kind of settlement of the issues involved prove that coal remains a matter for serious public...
Paid articleProsperity's Age-Limit
A S PROSPERITY becomes more and more the •**• national slogan, there is noticeable a growing sensitiveness over its practical manifestations. A month seldom passes now without some report,...
Paid articleArrows in the Air
"C A T H O L I C WRITERS' DAY," recently ob^ ^ served in London, was a first attempt to reproduce in England movements of a similar character that have taken place in France and Italy, and...
Paid articleWhat the Church in Mexico Wants
"THE statement lately made by one of the New I York newspapers that 'until there is peace "*• between Church and state in Mexico there will not be complete peace in Mexico, and there will not be...
Paid articleA Poet of the New Austria
Fuchs, Friedrich
WHO is Heinrich Suso Waldeck? The name, which is affixed to a much-talked-of volume of lyric verse—of selections frugally chosen— published recently under the title of Die Antlitzgedichte, is...
Paid articleLeaning against a Pillar
Almedingen, Edith
THERE is a pillar in a Florentine church, an ordinary pillar, not too beautiful, not too ugly, a pillar one would pass by without noticing, unless, perchance, one's limbs were weary and one's...
Paid articleA Master Rediscovered
Sullivan, Francis P.
IT HAPPENED lately that an errand took me into a shop that is particularly well supplied with books on theological and philosophical subjects. The whole of one of its walls was covered with...
Paid articlePuer ad Jesum Infantem (verse)
Plumpe, J. Conrad
Ave, Mater amabilis! Ostendas raihi quem filiolum tenes Brachio niveo, precor. Die, fraterculus hie (o utinam!) meus? Vultu quam gravis et sciens, Ac tamen oculis quam tener ac bonus! O beata...
Paid articleMalta's State Church
Wright, Herbert F.
WHEN one speaks of the "established religion" of *^ the British empire, the reference is apt to be understood to be to the Church as by law Established after the reigns of Henry VIII and...
Paid articleGive Us Bread
MoIIoy, Mary
THE popular Open Letter to Freshmen, To the Students of 1927, To the Seniors of 1928, which appeared in America recently, may be a very good intention; they may also be a subtle publicity device...
Paid articleNotre Dame des Champs (verse)
McLarney, Alice
Our Lady Mary looks upon The street of Notre Dame des Champs. Among the chimney-pots she stands With cloud-crowned head and outstretched hands, While pigeons daily growing bolder Find a refuge...
Paid articleCommunications
THE MANUFACTURERS' PROGRAM South Manchester, Conn. TO the Editor:—My attention has been called to an editorial in your issue of December 14 on the program of the committee on Junior Education...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
Behold, the Bridegroom— NEW plays by George Kelly are approximately annual events. The last three years have given us The ShowOff, Craig's Wife and Daisy Mayme. Now comes Behold,...
Paid articlePoems
Fuller, Ethel Romig; Ramsay, Joan; Smith, Edith Livingston; O'Sullivan, MaryIsabelle; McCormick, Virginia; Madeleva, Sister M.
Mirage Around the lane's Familiar turn, I saw the house, With the churn Sunning on The old porch floor, And someone peering From the door. I heard a voice, Beloved, uncanny— And I was...
Paid articleBooks
Fenwick, C. G.; Stuart, Henry Longan; Martens, Frederick H.; Zabel, Morton Dauwen; Shaughnessy, Gerald; Clark, Edwin; Hawks, Edward
The Federal Charter The Living Constitution, by Howard Lee McBain. New York: The Workers' Education Bureau Press. $1.50. THIS little volume forms one of a series known as The Workers' Bookshelf,...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
"I counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library."—C. LAMB. "As we stood at the door while the symphony audience came out, Britannicus," mused Doctor Angelicus, as he quietly digested his...
IssueVol. 007 Issue 011 (January 18 1928)
IssueVol. 007 Issue 012 (January 25 1928)
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