Vol. 006 Issue 004 (June 1 1927)
Vol. 006 Issue 005 (June 8 1927)
••Cover Page••
The Arc Across the Skies
THE rebirth of splendid romance in the heart of the distracted modern world has shed glamour about the name of twenty-five year old Charles Lindbergh. Never perhaps has there been a more...
Week by Week
TT IS difficult to see in the World Economic Confer•'• ence just brought to a close in Geneva more than an indication of what might be accomplished if public opinion throughout the world...
Cahn in Nicaragua
'T^HE news states that one may now climb the moun••• tains round about Managua without clinging for dear life to a password. In this respect Colonel Stimson's report is encouraging, even though...
SINCE a famous diplomatist of the nineteenth century set all the chancelleries of Europe buzzing by the simple process of stating the facts, the reverberations of truth have been as unaccountable...
Changing China
Walsh, James Anthony
FEW public statements have been made by Catholic missioners in China concerning conditions in that much troubled country, for the simple reason that an opinion i^ hardly formed when it is...
A Pickwick Holiday
Zabel, Morton Dauwen
THAT famous "first ray of light which illumines the gloom and converts into dazzling brilliancy that obscurity in which the earlier history of the public career of the immortal Pickwick would...
Charcoal Fumes
Helm, MacKinley
IN THAT most undergraduate of epochs, the fin de siecle, a noticeable number of sensitive persons in England either committed suicide or entered the Roman Church. It is fair enough to call the...
Home (verse)
Kolars, F. T.
A traffic whistle's distant shrill Brought back to me again Country mornings wakened by A blackbird's high refrain. I journeyed home, and there I found A morning bird's refrain Sang far-off...
Father Furdek Leader
Palickar, Stephen J.
A NYONE who reviews the history of the Slovak •'• ^ people in America is likely to find that the name of Father Furdek gleams through it everywhere. And how could it be otherwise? This man...
The Moroccans
Ohana, Jacques
TV/TUCH has been written about Morocco and its ^^^ people since the career and downfall of Abd-elKrim. As a native of Morocco, I have read these tales with Interest, and have noted, frequently...
Hospital Room (verse)
Allen, Sally EUiott
And has that narrow corridor Where steps pace to and fro, Really an end, really a stair? And do these folk that always cross my door Pass down that way and go? These close, high walls—outside...
Saint Michael's in Toronto
Shuster, George N.
THOUGH I have seen Saint Michael's College, Toronto, Canada, only once, it is not likely that I shall ever forget it. The sprawling border-cityj then dotted with unfinished railway terminals,...
Moore, Catherine; Tobin, James E.; Meisling, Vaughn Francis; Childe, Wilfred; Laing, A. K.; Colum, Padraic
<iJtQountains This bridge with stone is pillared under. Across the arch the traffic shrills; Beneath, the cars and engines thunder, And the river. Between the hills The valley listens and the...
RELIGION AND PATRIOTISM Chicago, 111. TO the Editor:—The attached clipping from The Book of Anecdotes of the Rebellion, compiled by Frazer Kiridand and published in Chicago by H. C, Stebbins in...
The Play
Skinner, R. Dana
Ruddigore WHAT is a poor manager to do who would revive a Gilbert and Sullivan opera in the same city where Winthrop Ames has re-created lolanthe and The Pirates of Penzance? The sheer...
Hull, Robert R.; Stuart, Henry Longan; Boddington, Ernest F.; Walsh, James J.; Shuster, George N.
J Methodist Saint: The Life of Bishop Asbury, by Herbert Asbury. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. $5.00. BISHOP FRANCIS ASBURY is not only the maker of American Methodism. He was one of the builders...
The Quiet Corner
"/ counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library."—C. LAMB. A sheepskin book of poems, golden-brown with age, dropf>ed on Dr. Angelicus's portly knees as he read the lines: " 'The children...
Vol. 006 Issue 006 (June 5 1927)
Vol. 006 Issue 007 (June 22 1927)
Vol. 006 Issue 008 (June 29 1927)