IssueVol. 005 Issue 017 (March 2 1927)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe President Must Decide
THE PRESIDENT MUST DECIDE ^T^HE reports of congressional debating about farm J_ relief are not convincing or consoling reading. One suspects a desire to force the President into a corner by...
Paid articleWeek by Week
451 WEEK BY WEEK T^OR the moment, discussion of United States activi-"¦ ties in Mexico and Central America has narrowed down to economic issues. Some reports that the Calles government is...
Paid articleThe Inflating of Bullfrogs
454 THE INFLATING OF BULLFROGS IN AN article in the New Statesman, on The Present Inflation of Literary Values, which has started a brisk correspondence in the London publication, Richard Le...
Paid articleSpiking the Guns
455 SPIKING THE GUNS THE Briand reply to President Coolidge's invitation to attend the proposed Washington conference is an exceedingly interesting document. In declaring that his country...
Paid articleDefiance of Elphege Daignault
Boddington, Ernest F.
456 DEFIANCE OF ELPHEGE DAIGNAULT By ERNEST F. BODDINGTON AN EXTRAORDINARY situation discloses itself f\ in the diocese of Providence, Rhode Island. One Elphege Daignault, in conjunction with...
Paid articleA Modern Catholic Architect
Mumford, Lewis
458 A MODERN CATHOLIC ARCHITECT By LEWIS MUMFORD A LITTLE while ago I attempted in The Commonweal to outline the conditions under which a living architecture might flourish in the churches....
Paid articleEmergent Evolution
Windle, Bertram C. A.
460 EMERGENT EVOLUTION By BERTRAM C. A. WINDLE PROFESSOR Herbert Spencer Jennings, of Johns Hopkins University, recently delivered an after-dinner talk on what he describes as the "fresh...
Paid articleThe World and the Church
Sands, William Franklin
461 THE WORLD AND THE CHURCH By WILLIAM FRANKLIN SANDS SEVERAL years ago, after the world war, two professors of history at Columbia brought out a "language" map of Europe. All over...
Paid articleJohn Inglesant
Coleman, A. I. du P.
463 JOHN INGLESANT By A. I. du P. COLEMAN MY FIRST reading of John Inglesant was in the far-off days not long after it made its public appearance (it had been privately printed in 1880, but no...
Paid articleThe Slavonic Stand
Konuš, J. J.
464 THE SLAVONIC STAND By J. J. KONU\<S MR. R. W. SETON-WATSON, professor of Slavonic Studies at King's College, London, recently characterized the relations between Slovaks and Czechs in the...
Paid articleCommunications
4^5 COMMUNICATIONS THE MERCURY SCHOOL AND METHODISTS Huntington, Ind. TO the Editor:—After reading Mr. Denis A. McCarthy's letter on The Mercury School and Methodists in The Commonweal of...
Paid articlePoems
Foley, Virginia; Case, Elizabeth; Phlegar, Thelma; Ryan, Kathryn White; Haley, Molly Anderson; O'Donnell, Charles L.
467 POEMS Quietness I would kiss the hand of Quietness, Like some white flower; fingertips as cool As carved white jade upon my burning wrist; Peaceful as lilies in an opal pool Of beauty...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
468 THE PLAY By R. DANA SKINNER Chicago SINCE Chicago, by Maurine Watkins, labels itself "a satirical comedy," and has, as the target of its satire, the screaming tabloids, it cannot be...
Paid articleBooks
Walsh, Thomas; Middleton, John S.; Donnelly, Francis P.; Martens, Frederick H.; Patterson, Robert; McGuire, Harry; Farley, Ambrose
469 BOOKS The Pope of the Sea, by Vincente Blasco-Ibaiiez. New York: The Macmillan Company. $2.50. IT CAN be said of Blasco-Ibaiiez that he knows how to choose a striking title; The Four...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
475 THE QUIET CORNER / counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library.—C. Lamb. "Bon jour, mes amis," said Dr. Angelicus airily, as he flung open the library doors. "Ah," remarked Euphemia,...
IssueVol. 005 Issue 018 (March 9 1927)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 019 (March 16 1927)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 020 (March 23 1927)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 021 (March 30 1927)
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