IssueVol. 007 Issue 005 (December 7 1927)
IssueVol. 007 Issue 007 (December 21 1927)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Voice of the Prophet
IT IS plain as day that the world's moral energy, served primarily by philosophers, educators and religious authorities, is battling resolutely with the problem of disastrous war. Indeed this...
Paid articleWeek by Week
TN HIS message to Congress, the President dealt -•• with some thirty-four major topics. But nothing he said regarding any of them was nearly so startling, if we can judge by-press comment, as the...
Paid articleThe Uses of Ugliness
T T IS not only those of us whose critical faculty in •^ matters cultural was formed during the two or three decades preceding the war, who find ourselves slightly disorientated when facing the...
Paid articleThat Christmas May Be Christian
Shriver, Mark O.
EVERY year, just about the time of the winter solstice, a queer sort of oppression overwhelms me. There is a strange feehng that things are not exactly as they should be. Christmas is...
Paid articleFor the Love of Children
Wickham, Harvey
THE tourist who visits the church of Saint Onofrio, at the northern end of the Janiculum hill, in Rome, usually pauses on his way to the Tasso Museum (in what was once the old monastery)...
Paid articleYesterday
Toole, Helan Maree
CHRISTMAS morning. "Adeste, fideles, venite adoremus Dominum." We listen to these penetrating strains while gazing at the miniature crib scene, symbolic of that glorious Bethlehem manger more...
Paid articleFlorentine Humoresque
Tahcheechee, Leon
WHEN the Baroness went to inquire about the house in which she had spent a good part of her life, the sir, gentleman, cavalier, com.missary of confiscated properties in Florence, spoke to her...
Paid articleChristmas Carol (verse)
Rosser, Flavia
The little waits' song lingers my window-sill below, Their faint and futile fingers across the lute-strings go, Their flute-like voices waver with the wind's flow. "Oh, sing of the Babe of...
Paid articleLancelot J. S. Wood: Citizen of Rome
McCormick, F. J.
MORTAL life seems to be only a flash in eternal Rome. The Argentinean light on the Janiculum hill apparently symbolizes it in those breaking bursts of color that cross the swarming hills and the...
Paid articleYou Who Come Seeking (verse)
Edey, Birdsall Otis
You who come seeking unto Bethlehem, Hoping to revive and heal a faith that is no more, Take your lighted taper and pass through the low-hung door To kneel there in the quietness of that most...
Paid articleCommunications
HOW PROTESTANTS SEE US New York, N. Y. TO the Editor:—Father Ross's article indicating how our Protestant brethren regard us certainly shocks a Catholic into some serious thinking. I am, I...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
Out of the Sea IT IS more than curious—it is amazing—that a combination of men so experienced in the theatre as Don Marquis, author, George Tyler, producer, Walter Hampden, director, and RoUo...
Paid articlePoems for Christmastide
Thornton, Francis Beauchesne; Sargent, Daniel; Kallenbach, Marie Schulte; Lister, Queene B.; Clark, Imogen; Edsall, Richard Linn
Cjfrom the SibyV s Book The scudding cloud has heard in the night From the fretted forest white with frost, A glittering Word, a singing Word, And youth has won and age has lost. We shall grow...
Paid articleBooks
Windle, Bertram C. A.; Radziwill, Catherine; Bregy, Katherine; Maynard, Theodore; Martens, Frederick H.; Hoey, Peter E.
Faith and Ferocity Roman Society in Gaul in the Merovingian Age, by Sir Samuel Dill. New York: The Macmillan Company. $7.50. THE late Sir Samuel Dill has left in this book a lively picture of...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
/ counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor 4hy library.—C. Lamb. "When a certain ancient authority declared vigorously, 'Go to the ant, thou sluggard,' hu—quite unintentionally, perhaps —gave a...
IssueVol. 007 Issue 008 (December 28 1927)
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