IssueVol. 005 Issue 009 (January 5 1927)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 010 (January 12 1927)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Senate and Public Welfare
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Reuiew of Liter~we, The Arts, and Public AfFairs. i i Volume V New York, Wednesday, January 12, 1927 Number Io CONTENTS The Senate and Public Welfare...
Paid articleWeek by Week
THE COMMONWEAL Published weekly and copyrighted 1925, in the United States by the Calvert Publishing Corporation, 25 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Mm~A~. WILLIAMS, Editor Assistant...
Paid articleBirth and Breeding
"-58 THE COMMONWEAL January I2, I927 who has tramped up and down the good old college paths for twenty-seven years, in fulfilment of a promise made to the wife of his youtb ~3ince dead) that he...
Paid articleWhitewashing Broadway
January 12, 1927 THE COMMONWEAL 259 medicine. Meanwhile sociology has seen the eugenic fancy die by inches. Of course, it still turns up here and there--for instance, in a large and imposing...
Paid articleThe Cross of Malta
Shuster, George N.
260 THE COMMONWEAL January I2, x927 THE CROSS OF MALTA By GEORGE N. SHUSTER W HEN, after the epochal Armistice of I918 had been signed, the Red Cross throughout the world gathered to view...
Paid articleThe Problem of Italy
Sturzo, Luigi
262 THE COMMONWEAL January i2, 1927 THE PROBLEM OF ITALY By LUIGI STURZO T HE irremediable contradiction between the char- acter and aims of Fascism, and the natural and historical mission...
Paid articleFrench Catholic Literature
Fay, Bernard
264 THE COMMONWEAL January IZ, 1927 of Fascist enterprises, the large output of laws, the exalted tone of propaganda and the harangues on the Roman empire, are bewilderingmtending to create be-...
Paid articleReligion in Russia Today
Grey, Lawrence Maynard
266 THE COMMONWEAL January 12, I927 him the direction of a literary collection entitled Le Roseau d'Or, comprising novels, poetry, and critical essays--all orientated toward Catholicism and the...
Paid articleBooks of Mary of Scots
Tourneur, Nigel
268 THE COMMONWEAL January I2, 1927 God goes on. The number and importance of the Moscow libraries strikes one with wonder. At every great street corner, the government has set up books of natural...
Paid articleThe Only Door (verse)
Powers, Jessica
January 12, 1927 THE COMMONWEAL 269 How John Knox and his followers must have held their hands up in horror at sight of the Marguerites of Margaret of Navarre; Verard's Jardin de Plaisance; and...
Paid articleCommunications
January 12, 1927 THE COMMONWEAL 269 How John Knox and his followers must have held their hands up in horror at sight of the Marguerites of Margaret of Navarre; Verard's Jardin de Plaisance; and...
Paid articlePoems
Walsh, Thomas; Whiteside, Mary Brent
270 THE COMMONWEAL January 12, 1927 POEMS Tile Fair Gompaniom The Shah FeHdoun, haviny unsuccessfully carried his war-[are into the land of the Turks, was rescued by a fisher boat on the...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana; W., H.
January x2, x927 THE COMMONWEAL 971 THE By R. DANA The Guitrys in Mozart T HE name of Guitry is one with which to conjure in Paris. There was a time when Sacha Guitry was known only as the...
Paid articleBooks
Sands, William Franklin; Hull, Robert R.; Meadows, George D.; Cooper, Frederic Taber; Maynard, Theodore; Cain, George M. A.; Shuster, George N.; Bates, Ernest Sutherland; Martens, Frederick H.
Belasco production of What Never Dies was exerting its in- fluence. For according to its theme, the spirit of romance is a thing unfettered by encroaching years and grey hair--in fact, the author...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
THE QUIET CORNER I counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library.---C. Lamb. "I wish," said Euphemia (n6e, Miss Brynmarian) "that they would stop picking on women." "Poor pickings at best,"...
IssueVol. 005 Issue 011 (January 19 1927)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 012 (January 26 1927)
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