IssueVol. 005 Issue 004 (December 1 1926)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleIn Behalf of Union
THE COMMONWEAL A Weekly Rapieto d Literu~e, The Arts, and Publle AWaits. Volume V New York, Wednesday, December 1, 1926 Number 4 CO In Behalf of Union .................... Week by Week...
Paid articleWeek by Week
THE COMMONWEAL Published weekly and copyrighted 1925, in the United States by the Calvert Publishing Corporation, 25 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City, N. Y. MICHAEL WILLIAMS, Editor Assistant...
Paid articleThe People to a Queen
9z THE COMMONWEAL December I, t926 standards rigidly. Mr. Mooney believed in the power of the daily journal as a moulder of public opinion, and the code of civic ethics to which he adhered honor-...
Paid articlePetition to the Queen of Roumania
December I, 1926 THE COMMONWEAL 93 PETITION TO THE QUEEN OF ROUMANIA: E present to Your Majesty our respectful salutations, and as citizens of the United States we welcome you to our country as...
Paid articleMexico-Whither and Whence?
Keppler, John
94 THE COMMONWEAL December I, I926 MEXICO--WHITHER AND WHENCE? By JOHN KEPPLER (This is the first of two articles by Mr. Keppler, setting fortk the character of Mexican civilization and the...
Paid articleSeven Sins of "The Churches"
Whitehead, Henry S.
96 THE COMMONWEAL December I, 1926 ginning of the end of Spanish rule. Auspicious was the moment, Spain being then, like the rest of Europe, at sword's-point with Napoleon the Great. Hidalgo...
Paid articleSo Chaste a Thing Is Loneliness (verse)
Hall, Amanda Benjamin
98 THE COMMONWEAL December I, 1926 diseases affecting our characteristic "American Chris- tianity" is Christian unity. To secure this desidera- tum, as Christ prayed for its continuance--"that...
Paid articleMan and the Microscope
Windle, Bertram C. A.
December I, I926 THE COMMONWEAL 99 MAN AND THE MICROSCOPE By BERTRAM C. A. WINDLE I N ONE of the Lay Sermons, Huxley writes of "our great antagonist--I speak as a man of science--the Roman...
Paid articleDoes College Train the Citizen ?
Johnson, Burges
December I, I926 THE COMMONWEAL IOI DOES COLLEGE TRAIN THE CITIZEN? By BURGES JOHNSON (In this article, the fourth in the series on modern education, Mr. Johnson, who contributed ar~ artide...
Paid articlePrincess and Peddler
Gallagher, Marie
December I, I926 THE COMMONWEAL lO3 PRINCESS AND PEDDLER By MARIE GALLAGHER ~'THE Princess is coming I" drawled the two bronze at giraffes at each side of the palace door. "The Princess is...
Paid articleWhite Myrtles by a Deserted House (verse)
Ray, Louise Crenshaw
December I, I926 THE COMMONWEAL lO3 PRINCESS AND PEDDLER By MARIE GALLAGHER ~'THE Princess is coming I" drawled the two bronze at giraffes at each side of the palace door. "The Princess is...
Paid articleCommunications
Io4 T H E C O M M O N W E A L December I, I926 COMMUNICATIONS T KING ARTHUR AGAIN London, England. O the Editor :--Sir Bertram Windle, who wrote a de-lightful review on King Arthur's Country...
Paid articlePoems
Conkling, Grace Hazard; Shallcross, Eleanor Custis; Sterling, George; Flynn, Clarence E.
December I, I926 T H E C O M M O N W E A L Io5 POEMS Porto Rico I Ploughing the Cane-Fields The dark ridge, then the crumbled hill, then a cone The whole sky rests on, then the sun in a...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana; S., H. L.
Io6 THE COMMONWEAL December I, 1926 THE PLAY By R. DANA SKINNER Pygmalion ND so, the season being well advanced, the Theatre Guild again bursts forth with an attack of Shaw. This is an...
Paid articleBooks
Colum, Padraic; Tondorf, Francis A.; Bates, Ernest Sutherland; Sheen, Fulton J.; Walsh, Thomas; Meadows, George D.; Maynard, Theodore; Cain, George M. A.; Clark, Edwin
Terry manages to be the dominant figure as the acid, proud and possessive Mrs. Borkman. Many of the scenes recall Miss "Ferry's equally fine work in a well-remembered play of two seasons ago,...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
THE QUIET CORNER I counsel thee, shut not tky heart nor thy library.---C~ LAMB. "This," said Miss Brynmarian, as she flourished a large pair of editorial scissors, "this is the day for...
IssueVol. 005 Issue 005 (December 8 1926)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 006 (December 15 1926)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 007 (December 22 1926)
IssueVol. 005 Issue 008 (December 29 1926)
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