Vol. 003 Issue 004 (December 2 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 005 (December 9 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 006 (December 16 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 007 (December 23 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 008 (December 30 1925)
••Cover Page••
Our Daily Bread
OUR DAILY BREAD ONE who reads carefully through the proceedings of the latest congress of German Catholic scholars, cannot help being struck by a note of earnest and anxious inquiry. A certain...
Week by Week
WEEK BY WEEK WITH the passing of the year there have ended also four seasons of pilgrimage which closely intertwined pontifical Rome and the ends of the earth. Fortunate throngs from our own...
The Congress
THE DILEMMAS OF A DEAN E modern college educator who, somewhat like Macbeth's porter, hears a mighty thundering at his gates, is likely to be a little disturbed, even in his dream. What is the...
The Vagaries of Communism
Stolberg, Benjamin
December 30, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL 205 THE VAGARIES OF COMMUNISM By BENJAMIN STOLBERG THE fourth annual convention of the Workers' party of America was held in Chicago from August 21 to...
A Witness to the Faith
Stuart, Henry Longan
208 THE COMMONWEAL December 30, 1925 A WITNESS TO THE FAITH By HENRY LONGAN STUART ON Saturday, December 4, as the train from Detroit steamed into the Park Row station at Chicago, a dense...
Mended (verse)
Storey, Violet Alleyn
Her mind is mended now— Bright bits that scattered when He let it fall have formed A pattern once again. This plate is mended, too, But one would never know It had been broken if No other...
The League at Work
Zimmern, Alfred
210 THE COMMONWEAL THE LEAGUE AT WORK December 30, 1925 By ALFRED ZIMMERN THE Locarno agreements mark a decisive turning point in post-war history. The entry of Germany into the League...
To the City in the Snow (verse)
Ruggeri, Agnes O'Gara
Webs I weave a web of song to snare A mood—the memory of a spray Of foam-flower, blossoms of the pear, I hold within a roundelay. A word of love, a robin's note, A seamew's cry—lest I ...
Nationalism as a Religion, III
Hayes, Carlton J. H.
212 THE COMMONWEAL December 30, 1925 NATIONALISM AS A RELIGION III. ITS ESTABLISHMENT IN FRANCE By CARLTON J. H. HAYES THE French Revolution—that landmark in the history of...
Rebels (verse)
Hill, Frank Ernest
THE FOUNDING PAINTERS By ANNA McCLURE SHOLL AN ENGLISH critic once said of us that we were not a young nation as we fondly believed, but an embodiment of all the antique ghosts of European...
The Play
Walker, Helen
December 30, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL 215 THE PLAY The Dybbuk IN The Dybbuk, a play by S. Ansky translated from the Hebrew, which had its premiere on December 17, New York witnessed a...
COMMUNICATIONS THE LITURGICAL MOVEMENT Hyattsville, Md. TO the Editor:—I have been so much interested in the letter signed by Father William Busch on The Liturgical Movement, that I have been...
Ryan, John A.; Cooper, Frederick Taber; Bates, Ernest Sutherland; Kolars, Mary
December 30, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL 219 BOOKS CHILDREN'S BOOKS ' I ^ HERE was a time in the dim dark ages when such a A thing as a children's book was unknown and unheard of. The legends that...
The Quiet Corner
THE QUIET CORNER / counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library.—C. Lamb. Miss Anonymoncule hurried in to face a great pile of Christmas cards in blue and black and yellow—Russian,...