Vol. 003 Issue 004 (December 2 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 005 (December 9 1925)
••Cover Page••
Women and Poverty
WOMEN AND POVERTY THE "subsistence line" is an appalling phrase. It stands for something that cuts across society like a deep lesion through a living organism. Once this is reached the struggle...
Week by Week
WEEK BY WEEK ANYONE who wishes to grasp the importance of ^organized feminine action in our world and time need merely observe three events which were almost simultaneous: the fifth annual...
Catholic Women at Work
CATHOLIC WOMEN AT WORK very recently the press of France reported a splendid feminine achievement in the interests of economic peace. A strike in the Paris garment trades had led the Christian...
Catholic Women Unite
Shirley, Elisabeth Randolph
I2O THE COMMONWEAL December 9, 1925 CATHOLIC WOMEN UNITE By ELISABETH RANDOLPH SHIRLEY FROM November 15 to 18, the fifth annual convention of the National Council of ...
The Catholic Immigrant
Owens, Marie R.
THE CATHOLIC IMMIGRANT By MARIE R. OWENS THE present immigration law, known as the Immigration act of 1924, which went into effect in July, 1924, limits the annual quota of immigration to 2...
Dust of a Dancer (verse)
Driscoll, Louise
TDust of a Dancer This is the dust of a dancer; Now, if a flute should call, Do you think she would answer, Or stir at all? Little brown hands went swinging, The time of the dance to...
Beaux and Miss Nobody
Walker, Helen
December 9, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL 125 BEAUX AND MISS NOBODY By HELEN WALKER IT WAS with all that startled surprise that comes to the very young on discovering for themselves a truth ...
Why the Saints?
Scudder, Vida D.
WHY THE SAINTS? By VIDA D. SCUDDER WHY the Church? was the title of a questionnaire recently sent out by an eager association organized to enquire into a Christian way of life. The Catholic...
From a Book of Meditations
w From a Book of Meditations E speak of the "mysteries of faith/1 and the necessity of accepting without fully understanding—as though mysteries existed in the supernatural order alone. But...
Agnes Repplier, Essayist
Kolars, Mary
13° THE COMMONWEAL December 9, 1925 AGNES REPPLIER, ESSAYIST By MARY KOLARS IT IS easier to enjoy Miss Repplier's achievements than to classify them. Her passion for books, the variety of...
A Communication
A COMMUNICATION THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Los Angeles, Cal. TO the Editor:—From week to week, as I have read the editorial comment and other articles on international affairs, I have noticed in...
Davies, Mary Carolyn; Wilkinson, Marguerite; Parmenter, Catherine; Luhrs, Marie; Callaghan, Gertrude; Buehrle, Marie
132 THE COMMONWEAL December 9, 1925 POEMS Qonsort The lovely moon, who has the world to roam in, The world of sky without a trail or track. The lovely moon still finds herself at home,...
The Play and Screen
Skinner, R. Dana
December 9, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL 133 THE PLAY AND SCREEN By R. DANA SKINNER Shaw's Androcles IT IS almost pathetic to see Bernard Shaw dissect himself in public. He is so unconscious of what...
Robinson, Landon M.; Gill, Roderick; Walsh, Thomas; Shuster, George N.; Liljencrants, J.
BOO K S Memories of Ninety Years, by Mrs. E. M. Ward. Edited by Isabel G. McAllister. New York: Henry Holt and Company. $5.00. IT WERE unkind to bear upon this book with the light of too...
The Quiet Corner
THE QUIET CORNER / counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library.—C. Lamb. "It looks as though the Lucy Stoners were gathering no moss just now/' remarked Primus Criticus, removing his silk...
Vol. 003 Issue 006 (December 16 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 007 (December 23 1925)
Vol. 003 Issue 008 (December 30 1925)