IssueVol. 002 Issue 022 (October 7 1925)
IssueVol. 002 Issue 023 (October 14 1925)
IssueVol. 002 Issue 024 (October 21 1925)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Changing Campus
COMMONWEAL Number 24 Volume II 59 ~ 593 R. Dana Skinner 594 Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595 599 THE A Weekly Review of Literature, The Arts, and...
Paid articleWeek by Week
575 THE COMMONWEAL October zI, I9z5 Among the many recent incidents which seem to show a growing disposition to seek salvation by a healing of the ancient breach between East and West,...
Paid articleThe President's Address
579 COMMONWEAL THE October 2t, I925 THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS an act, could hardly hope to cope with the tragic possi- bilities of tomorrow's air-picnics. I N silence, SPITE the of...
Paid articleNews from Lucarno
October 21, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL 580 conviction. And so if we are content to let the Italian will rise with passing years; and the famous "armed be an Italian first, we may hope that he will...
Paid articleIdeals in Catholic Education
Cox, Ignatius W.
COMMONWEAL THE 58z wanting. But compare the two, the non-sectarian col- read the ancient classics, reveled in the glorious civiliza- lege and the Catholic college, not with regard to tion of...
Paid articleThe Elf Child (verse)
Andrews, George Lawrence
COMMONWEAL THE 58z wanting. But compare the two, the non-sectarian col- read the ancient classics, reveled in the glorious civiliza- lege and the Catholic college, not with regard to tion of...
Paid articleNordic (verse)
Spingarn, J. E.
COMMONWEAL THE 58z wanting. But compare the two, the non-sectarian col- read the ancient classics, reveled in the glorious civiliza- lege and the Catholic college, not with regard to tion of...
Paid articleCatholics and Economics
Somerville, H.
583 COMMONWEAL THE October 2I, ,.9z5 CATHOLICS AND ECONOMICS By H. SOMERVILLE I BORROW the title of my article from that of be expected that we exert any influence on the mind David A....
Paid articleThe Paradox of France
Walsh, James J.
October zx, x925 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 584 they do not want. No honest and intelligent with the suppression of liberty by Mussolini. It is man who reads the encyclical can declare the true...
Paid articleThe New Poland
Wroblewski, Ladislas
October 21, x925 THE COMMONWEAL 586 persistent attack upon the Church has been pursued is an open secret that many of the religious congrega- in defiance of public opinion and against all the...
Paid articleThe Seven Sleepers
Colum, Padraic
October 21, 1925 T H E C O M M O N W E A L 588 sound Poland as a great central European republic in We are not speculating on anybody's sentiments, the rather uncomfortable place which destiny...
Paid articleCommunications
October 2I, I92 s T H E C O M M O N W E A L 590 the cross was reared in triumph over the churches and As they stood there, it seemed to the seven of them, over the gate of the city, and that...
Paid articlePoems
Kemp, Harry; Davidson, Gustav; Bunker, John; Miller, J. Corson; Callaghan, Gertrude; Walsh, Thomas
THE COMMONWEAL October 2I, I925 POEMS Ecstasy When I was young, and the new day broke in At the white window-pane, showing its face, Something played for me with a violin-- Saying that...
Paid articleThe Play
Skinner, R. Dana
COMMONWEAL THE 594 THE By R. DANA SKINNER C HEAP themselves, epigrams make and up a a tongue play--not in the even cheek the do lightest not, by of lawyer...
Paid articleBooks
Benét, Laura; Sholl, Anna McClure; Walsh, Thomas
October 21, 1925 THE COMMONWEAL in Tarnishna strong womanly qualitynshe has now acquired, or perhaps been able to reveal for the first time. She also displays now an engaging and deliciously...
Paid articleThe Quiet Corner
October 2I, 1925 T H E C O M M O N W E A L THE QUIET CORNER I counsel thee, shut not thy heart, nor thy library.--C. LAMB. "JUSt look around this library," ejaculated Doctor Angelicus,...
IssueVol. 002 Issue 025 (October 28 1925)
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