Vol. 002 Issue 022 (October 7 1925)
Vol. 002 Issue 023 (October 14 1925)
••Cover Page••
Sanctity and Society
545 SANCTITY AND SOCIETY THE memorable celebration of the martyrdom of Father Jogues and his Jesuit companions at Auriesville, New York, called forth more than ordinary comments in the secular...
Week by Week
547 THE COMMONWEAL Published weekly and copyrighted 1925, in the United States by the Calvert Publishing Corporation, 25 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Michael Williams,...
Debts and Disarray
551 DEBTS AND DISARRAY /TAHE sole and simple meaning of the French debt ¦*• settlement is that there has been no settlement at all. It is inconceivable that official optimism, as reported...
The Age of the Earth
552 THE COMMONWEAL October 14, 1925 Who will the next man be? Le roi Philippe? The very idea is scoffed at in this country, but the event certainly seems nearer than it has ever been since...
Religion and Education
Chesterton, G. K.
553 RELIGION AND EDUCATION By G. K. CHESTERTON IT IS only by a definite and even deliberate narrowing of the mind that we can keep religion out of education. I do not deny that it may, in...
Poland Resumes Her Place
Wroblewski, Ladislas
555 educationalists do, and decline any sort of sentimental recrimination about the pure and noble aims of men of science. Many who would despise anything so classical as the teaching of...
The Carmelites' Return
Williams, Michael
557 Alsace-Lorraine and, at the same time together with Austria and Russia, returned Poland her freedom. Obviously, the resurrection of Poland even then, even in an atmosphere of perfect peace,...
The Philippine Church
Concepción, M. de Gracia
560 THE COMMONWEAL October 14, 1925 THE PHILIPPINE CHURCH By M. de GRACIA CONCEPCION T ITTLE has been written about the pre-Spanish conditions -L' of the group of islands called the...
Account Me Not... (verse)
Stuart, Henry Longan
Account Me Not . . . Account me not disgenuine that I wear My Nessus-shirt of misery still bedeckt With pitiful tinsel favors, still affect Old fashions of flowers for the thorns I bear— Nor,...
The Old Woman of Beare
O'Connor, Frank
561 The Old Woman of Beare Translation of Frank O'Connor. (The Old Woman of Beare has been called "the greatest of Irish poems." Written somewhere about the tenth century, 500 years before...
Pekin in 1902
Sands, William Franklin
562 THE COMMONWEAL October 14, 1925 Year on year falls from my flesh Since my fresh, sweet strength went grey. Death renews all things. Tis "My God!" With me now, come ill or good; Let me...
563 Here, as in Tientsin, everyone wears khaki puttees or the English leather legging and affects the military swagger. A great beheading was announced to take place, as all these Chinese...
The Play
Skinner, R. Dana
566 THE COMMONWEAL October 14, 1925 THE PLAY By R. DANA SKINNER The Bridge of Distances ANEW producer has entered the lists of those who would joust for the international mind in the...
Robinson, Landon M.; Kolars, Mary; Clark, Edwin
567 The Buccaneer HE co-authors of What Price Glory?, Messrs. Anderson and Stallings, are responsible for this flight into the realms of historical, romantic drama. The result of their effort...
The Quiet Corner
571 THE QUIET CORNER / counsel thee, shut not thy heart nor thy library.—C. Lamb. Dr. Angelicus put down the letter he had been reading and turned abruptly to Tittivillus. "I am not at home to...
Vol. 002 Issue 024 (October 21 1925)
Vol. 002 Issue 025 (October 28 1925)