EXCHANGE OF VIEWS Theology in the Americas More like a 'happening' Waltham, Mass. To the Editors: Although I have deep respect for Peter Steinfels's writing ability and perceptive social...
huckster is exactly thatmfear, plastic-wrapped in "new, improved" containers. And they are buying it with dollars and cents that also pay the salary of the draft board registrar and the racist...
an exehange o f v i e w s STRIKING TEACHERS & LOCAL CONTROL To the Editor~: We were surprised and chagrined to read the report by Maurice Berube on the current school crisis in New York. Several...
an exchange of views Catholics and the Chicago RiotsChicago, 111. To the Editors: Michael Schiltz ("Catholics and the Chicago Riots," Nov. 11) is a personal friend whose astute mind and...
AN EXCHANGE OF VIEWS "The Real Revolt on Campus" Williamsburg, Va. TO THE EDITORS: I am writing to you on the assumption that you seek in your magazine to present things as they actually...
AN EXCHANGE OF VIEWS Castro and the Church in Cuba Springfield, Ohio TO THE EDITORS: For a situation so unhappily "classic" as "Castro and the Church" [Oct. 13], it's a shame that The...