torical need: "The urgency of confuting heretics made it nec- MEDIA essary to find new words to express the ancient faith about God." Finally, he exhorted his readers to value these new...
WISE GUYS JOHN SHEA THEIR GIFTS WERE PERFECT In the midsixties a Roman Catholic cardinal and a priest Scripture scholar found themselves seated at the same table at a dinner party. The cardinal...
Books: CHRIST IN THE SPIRIT CHRIST PROCLAIMED CHRISTOLOGY AS RHETORIC Franz Josef van Beeck, S.J. Paulist, $8.95, 616 pp. A NEW CHRISTOLOGY Karl Rahner & Wilhelm Thiising Seabury, $12.95, 239...
the parables Jesus told reveal his identity. Since we are never far from our stories, our stories become a way of getting at us. Not only the stories we tell but those we hear and read are often...
D i s c i p l i n e and Punish: The B i r t h of the PrJsom MICHEL FOUCAU, LT Translated by Alan Sheridan Pantheon, $10.95 [333 pp] W. $. DI PIERO Michel Fouoault is l~rolmbly the best known...