STUCK IN THE FAST LANE? THE SON ALSO SETS The Limits to Japan's Economic Power William Emmott Times Books, Inc., $19.95, 292 pp. Peter Kovler Recent polls show increas-ing American...
the job of Chief Justice (the editor, a political scientist, as is Shapiro, accurately notes that Burger is a "man of limited capacity and no discernible coherent philosophy"). Liberals may...
Nice guys finish first? IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE LESSONS FROM AMERICA'S BEST-RUN COMPANIES Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman Harper & Row, $19 95, 360 pp Peter Kovler Commerce has never...
(Irish, Italian, and Yankee); of race (white, black, Hispanic); of economic class (Boston runs the entire spectrum, from indigence to inherited wealth). These differences are obvi6us. What is...
carefully filing reports on the latest pro- noted, "One must also ask if the enorm- we get, and the deadlier, the more we duction of Mother Courage as being sub- ous amounts of time,...
the term "liberation theology," and developed his own formu- tragically, this is apparent in the U.S. reaction to the lation in dialogue with, rather than opposition to, the Latin ...
CLARENCE LONG TAKES ON FOREIGN AID A progressive Yahoo? PETER KOVLER ALTHOUGH the acrimony has not been as apparent as in the last years of the Vietnam war, Congress and the administration...
ROY SCHEELE WILD PEAR The pear tree petals are like wax at the lip of a candle's rim, a clear film or lacquer of light; like the edge of the waning moon where it drops off sheer as water to a...