Vol. 038 Issue 002 (March 1 2005)
••Cover Page••
Regnery, Alfred S.
NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER Christian Kiev BY ALFRED S. REGNERY WIRES DON'T DIE EASILY. Thus, the successful 11J Vladimir Putin and his network of old Soviet election—finally—of Viktor Yushchenko is...
CORRESPONDENCE 4 Topsy-Turvy I am always delighted when your magazine arrives. The February issue was handed to me upside down and I said to myself "Oh, here's Clinton." Try looking at it that...
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
THE CONTINUING CRISIS R. EMMETT TYRRELL, JR. January passed, all 31 days of it, with the casualty list of history's deadliest tsunami climbing steadily towards 200,000 and probably beyond. Yet...
Ukraine's Unreported Revolution: Viktor Yushchenko was swept to power by the forces of religious freedom
Aikman, David
Ukraine's nreported evolution VIKTOR YUSHCHENKO WAS SWEPT TO POWER BY THE FORCES OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. LARGE PART of what's at stake here is the future of Christianity in this part of the...
New Fuel for Scandal: Boeing. John McCain, and the aging Air Force tanker
Babbin, Jed
VAT FIR FOR SCANDA FNVY THE BRITS. Their government scandals always seem to include steamy sex between a minister and some hottie the tabloids can display in dishabille. Sadly, Aunless one of the...
Million Dollar Lungs: Insulated by greed, trial lawyers sweep aside the real asbestos victims
Macomber, Shawn
MELT JON DOLLAR ( 22 THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR March 2005 TT BEGINS WITH A SHORTNESS OF BREATH and maybe a nagging, Advil and it disappears. But for a few unlucky souls, the pain branous lining of...
The Bush Reinauguration: A day of vision, disunity, and Islamic outreach
Neumayr, George
THE BUSH RE A day of vision, disunity, and Islamic outreach. 1 N 1829, A DELIRIOUS M013 followed Andrew Jackson back to the White House after his Inaugural swearing in ceremony and trashed the...
One Enchanted Evening Celebrating the Bush Inauguration in civilized style
Mitchell, Amy K.
national life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran, and the varied faiths of our people." This must be the first time a president has adverted to the words of the...
POLITICS: Secure in Galveston
Fund, John H.
POLITICS JOHN H. FUND Secure in Galveston 1 RITICS OF REFORMING SOCIAL SECURITY are using scare tactics to argue that allowing workers to use some of their payroll taxes to set up personal...
CAPITOL IDEAS: The Decline of the Liberal Faith
Bethel!, Tom
CAPITOL IDEAS TOM BETHELL The Decline of the Liberal Faith IBERALISM, AMERICAN-STYLE, iS dying on the vine. I refer to the faith of liberalism—the belief in "the redemptive transformation of...
THE HELLHOLE SPECTATOR: Touring the Al Gore Presidential Library and Museum
Albin, Leonard
THE HELLHOLE SPECTATOR LEONARD ALBIN Touring the Al Gore Presidential Library and Museum Why didn't Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Carter attend its opening? LMOST OBSCURED BY THE CLIMBING...
CONSTITUTIONAL OPINIONS: The Misuses of Compassion
Arkes, Hadley
CONSTITUTIONAL OPINIONS HADLEY ARKES The Misuses of Compassion IBERAL PUNDITS HAVE BEEN EXERCISING their genius to deny that the presidential election produced a mandate of any kind, but...
COLLEGE AVENUE: A Tale of Two Administrators
Kopff, E. Christian
COLLEGE AVENUE E. CHRISTIAN KOPFF A Tale of Two Administrators ISTEN, MY CHILDREN, and you shall hear the tale of two university administrators. It is a story about what you are allowed to say in...
LETTER FROM EUROPE: Sonntag in the Park with Chomsky
Gedmin, Jeffrey
LETTER FROM EUROPE JEFFREY GEDMIN Si III1111111101.41V Sonntag in the Park with Chomsky N OBSCURE 1984 FILM called Brother From Another Planet featured an empathetic alien from outer space who...
THE PUBLIC POLICY: The Wealthy Uninsured
Hogberg, David
THE PUBLIC POLICY DAVID HOGBERG The Wealthy Uninsured F WE WISH TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE without health insurance, the solution lies in reducing government involvement in health care. That...
Aitken, Jonathan
HIGH SPIRITS JONATHAN AITKEN Hell, Yes! Y GREAT-GRANDFATHER, the Reverend William Aitken, who was the Presbyterian Minister of Newcastle, New Brunswick, from about 1860 to 1900,...
Tucker, William
THE TRAVEL SPECTATOR WILLIAM TUCKER ^11.1.,LIL-f III U Oh, Jerusalem EOPLE TAKE their religion seriously in the Middle East. Things that happened eight centuries ago often seem like...
BEN STEIN'S DIARY: Visiting Hours
Stein, Benjamin J.
BEN STEIN DIARY Visiting Hours by Benjamin J. Stein NEW YEAR'S DAY HAT ARE YOU IN HERE FOR?" I asked the gaunt man with glasses sitting on the far edge of a bed in Building 215, the...
THE TALKIES: Midsize Man
Bowman, James
THE TALKIES JAMES BOWMAN Midsize Man I r I 0 ME, THE MOST INTERESTING THING about the election just past was the debut upon the political stage of a new and powerful electoral interest...
Men at War
Beston, Paul
BOOKS IN REVIEW Men at War Generation Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America and the New Face of American War by Evan Wright (Putnam, 354 pages, $24.95) Reviewed by Paul Beston AIllVAN...
The Gipper's Pen
Bandow, Doug
BOOKS IN REVIEW wrote that sentence after he had been away from the men awhile, after his identification with them had dissipated. The civilian world has a fog of its own. Another odd note is...
IN MEMORIAM: James McClellan, RIP
Landess, Thomas H.
IN MEMORIAM THOMAS H. LANDESS James McClellan, RIP IM MCCLELLAN was handicapped by his own virtues. He was too creative and forthright to be comfortable in the academy, where all the dullards...
PUBLIC NUISANCES: Coogler Laureate 2004
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
PUBLIC NUISANCES R. EMMETT TYRRELL, JR. Coogler Laureate 2004 fT IS AWARD TIME IN AMERICA. In all the precincts of intellectual and cultural endeavor the hubbub is beginning. Even in sport the...
Jackasses, Assorted
CURRENT WISDOM Boston Globe A Globe reporter ventures out to historic Lexington, Massachusetts, to interview Kerry diehards on the eve of GWB's second Inauguration andfinds a patriot about to...
LAST CALL: Pilgrim's Progress
Shaffer, Suzanne
LAST CALL SUZANNE SHAFFER Pilgrim's Progress HAT IS THAT? WE HAD TAKEN OFF from Newark airport. Night had fallen, and my squeamish stomach was beginning to relax. Above the heads of...