Vol. 018 Issue 002 (February 1 1985)
••Cover Page••
The Continuing Crisis
THE CONTINUING CRISIS December passes, and it now appears that Mr. Walter Mondale actually won the election. He promised to clean the conservatives out of the State Department, and Secretary of...
CORRESPONDENCE Breadwinner Feminism In his otherwise admirable article "Condemned to Liberation: The Woman As Breadwinner" in your November issue, William Tucker omits the demand-for-labor aspect...
Editorials/Kirkpatrick/Peking Marx
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
EDITORIALS KIRKPATRICK Some Americanos have a curious avidity for making matters more difficult than they are. Perhaps they fear idleness. Possibly they forgot to read the instructions. Quite...
Capitol Ideas/Ducks and Bees
Bethell, Tom
CAPITOL IDEAS DUCKS AND BEES For conservatives, the weeks following President Reagan's re-election were not at all auspicious. Reagan himself seemed to go into a protracted hibernation, but by the...
Introduction/A Letter to the President
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
Reagan II: Appraisal & Prognosis INTRODUCTION A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT Dear Mr. President, Where's the Rest of Me? is an intriguing title for an autobiography, but it will make an even better...
White House Politics/The Devil and Mr. Reagan
Barnes, Fred
White House Politics THE DEVIL AND MR. REAGAN by Fred Barnes In a stretch of about three minutes in the first presidential debate last October, two different Ronald Reagans appeared on stage in...
Environment/Reclaiming Conservative Ground
Tucker, William
Environment RECLAIMING CONSERVATIVE GROUND by William Tucker Last September, I was invited to Washington by the Heritage Foundation to join a group of people meeting with William Ruckelshaus,...
Economy/Focus on Growth
Roberts, Paul Craig
Economy FOCUS ON GROWTH by Paul Craig Roberts Despite the magnitude of his reelection victory, it will be difficult for President Reagan to put his economic policy back on track. Several...
Constitution/Standing Tall on Realignment
Kristol, William
Constitution STANDING TALL ON REALIGNMENT by William Kristol Three strategies will compete to guide the Reagan Administration in its second term in the area of civil rights and constitutional...
Defense/Strategies Money Can't Buy
Cohen, Eliot A.
Defense STRATEGIES MONEY CANT BUY by Eliot A. Cohen Ronald Reagan was elected President in November 1980 primarily because of defense and foreign policy issues. The humiliating Iranian hostage...
Central America/More of the Same
Wiarda, Howard J.
Central America MORE OF THE SAME by Howard J. Wiarda Ronald Reagan's overwhelming reelection in November was more than just a personal victory for the President. It was also a mandate for his...
Hollywood/In a Word, Communistic
Sobran, Joseph
Hollywood IN A WORD, COMMUNISTIC by Joseph Sobran Dirty Harry, made in 1971, should have been a turning point in American popular culture. It was the first movie that talked back to...
The Public Policy/Free Trade's Costs
Harrigan, Anthony
THE PUBLIC POLICY FREE TRADE'S COSTS by Anthony Harrigan In 1843, on the eve of England's repeal of the Corn Laws, the great conservative Benjamin Disraeli reminded his countrymen that "Free...
Among the Intellectualoids/Sons of Frankenstein
Evanier, David
AMONG THE INTELLECTUALOIDS SONS OF FRANKENSTEIN by David Evanier It was an emotional evening for a few, but not many, present at Columbia University's Wollman Auditorium in mid-November. The...
The Kennedys: An American Drama
Collier, Peter; Horowitz, David
BOOK REVIEWS political power. They were demagogues of oligarchy. Disguised as populists, they championed the definitely privileged and supposedly enlightened few. These few, when ensconced in the...
The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust and Modern Conscience
Shawcross, William
THE QUALITY OF MERCY: CAMBODIA, HOLOCAUST AND MODERN CONSCIENCE William Shawcross/Simon and Schuster/$19.95 Mark Falcoff The Quality of Mercy is really three (for purportedly exploiting the...
Staying On Top: The Business Case for a National Industrial Strategy
Phillips, Kevin P.
STAYING ON TOP: THE BUSINESS CASE FOR A NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY Kevin P. Phillips/Random HOuse/$15.95 Roger Martin We have always been told by the promoters of industrial strategy that in...
Home Before Dark
Cheever, Susan
HOME BEFORE DARK Susan Cheever/Houghton Mifflin/$15.95 George Sim Johnston In the last decade many skeletons have been loosed from the literary closet and made to dance obscenely. Did the good...
The Committed Observer
Aron, Raymond
THE COMMITTED OBSERVER Conversations with Jean Louis Missika and Dominique Walton Raymond Aron/Regnery Gateway/$17.00 . Joseph Shattan I am told that during the 1930s and '60s, analysts of the...
Watchers at the Strait Gate
Kirk, Russell
WATCHERS AT THE STRAIT GATE Russell Kirk/Arkham House Publishers/! 14.95 T. John Jamieson The "strait gate" of the title is, of course, the difficult passage into etering told that two terms...
Dos Passos: A Life
Spencer, Virginia
DOS PASSOS: A LIFE Virginia Spencer Carr/Doubleday/$24.95 Terry Teachout With the 1936 publication of The Big Money, the final volume of his U.SA. trilogy, John Dos Passos seemed firmly...
Spectator's Journal/Mexico, No Domino
Martinez, Mary Ball
SPECTATOR'S JOURNAL MEXICO, NO DOMINO by Mary Ball Martinez Conservative monitors of the Central American political scene regularly refer to what they call the "domino theory." They envision...
Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
CURRENT WISDOM Wall Street Journal Miss Barbara Ehrenreich and Miss Jane O'Reilly, authoresses both, put their persecution complexes to use in analyzing the fair Geraldine's recent...