Vol. 015 Issue 007 (July 1 1982)
••Cover Page••
Capitol Ideas / Congress, Lobbied by Mountebanks
Bethell, Tom
C A P I T O L I D E A S CONGRESS, LOBBIED BY MOUNTEBANKS by Tom Bethell I t is with a heavy heart that one turns to the querulous topic of civil rights. The very phrase conjures up an...
Editorial / One Fat Thespian / Seabed Socialism
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
admissions, the results of hiring-and now the results of voting. The Supreme Court in 1980 shot this idea down, however, sensibly ruling that litigants who didn't like the election results...
The Continuing Crisis
T H E C O N T I N U I N G C R I S I S _9 May . . . the month passed with no nuclear war reported? Oh glory? Oh grandeur? Oh blessed relief? The little birds twirp twirp in the trees above. The...
Norman Podhoretz and the Vietnam War
Rodman, Peter W.
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR VOL. 15, NO. 7 / JULY 1982 Peter W. Rodman NORMAN PODHORETZ AND THE VIETNAM WAR Morality had everything to do with it. The Vietnam war, in retrospect, can be judged on...
Caffeine in the American Bloodstream: The Politics of Disharmony
Stark, Andy
and Ford Administrations were willing to disengage American forces and negotiate a settlement but foresaw profound psychological consequences from a total American capitulation or collapse....
The Forlorn Dreamer of Prague
Don Herzog THE FORLORN DREAMER OF PRAGUE Salvaging Franz Kafka from the slums of family and politics. K a t r k a ' s prose is stripped of all adornment, almost childish in its simplicity....
A Recipe for the Good Society
Williams, Waiter E.
Walter E. Williams A RECIPE FOR THE GOOD SOCIETY A report from the Federal Unequality Commission. What are the goals for America if it is to become the good society? For an answer, you need...
Eminentoes / Peking Duck
Miriam; London, Ivan D.
PEKING DUCK John King Fairbank--one is tempted to call him John Fairbank Rex of American Sinology--has led a long, wondrously fortunate, productive, interesting, satisfi/ing--and...
The Talkies/Pop's Diner
POP'S DINER No doubt about it, diners are in. From the trendy Empire Diner in Manhattan to the photo-realist paintings of John Baeder, the roadside diner has gone the way of the BurmaShave...
The Nation's Pulse / America's Royalist Underground
Jamieson, T. John
carefully nurtured antisexist sensibilities. Some laughed so hard they almost choked on their cookies. They were also watching a movie about their parents' generation, which no doubt added to...
cently announced his readiness to return to the throne if he is called. With the rise of unrest in these captive nations where the memory of royal rule is still fresh, can American foreign...
High Life /Low Life
Wolfe, Tom
B O O K R E V I E W S ) c f f r e y Bernard and Taki are two of the hottest tickets in British journalism. They write for the Spectator of London, in whose venerable ecru pages they stand out...
Steaming to Bamboola
Norman, Geoffrey
STEAMING TO BAMBOOLA Christopher Buckley Congdon & Latt~s, dist. by St. Martin's Press / $14.95 Geoffrey Norman A few years ago, I advised Christopher Buckley not to write this book. We were...
Miller, Stephen
them. And you are reminded of just how appealing and frightening and sad the humanity in all of us is. Buckley is writing speeches for George Bush these days. I would have advised against that...
Inside the Iranian Revolution
the corrosive power of rationalization. Traditional patterns of thought and feeling have much more staying power than Weber realized; they are continually modified but rarely do they disappear....
Ross, Mitchell S.
which revolved around the Shah's figure was unlikely to remain intact after his departure and negotiate as an institution with the opposition. If Sullivan was to " o r c h e s t r a t e "...
The Fate of the Earth
Gold, Vic
which revolved around the Shah's figure was unlikely to remain intact after his departure and negotiate as an institution with the opposition. If Sullivan was to " o r c h e s t r a t e "...
Spectator's J ournal / Spooks and Scholars
Beichman, Arnold
S P E C T A T O R ' S J O U R N A L Spooks and Scholars Its name is the Consortium for the Study of I n t e l l i g e n c e (CSI). Its 25 founding members are academics drawn primarily from the...
Current Wisdom
C U R R E N T W I S D 0 M The Cornell Daily Sun A stimulating report on the advanced thoughts presented at a recent panel d i s c u s s i o n for t h e bull dyke i n t e l ligentsia of...