IssueVol. 012 Issue 002 (February 1 1979)
Cover••Cover Page••
Paid articleThe Continuing Crisis
T H E C O N T IN U I N G CRISIS • December through January, and our President is hard at work. He speaks out forcefully for the Shah, and Americans begin to leave Teheran. He orders a carrier force...
Paid articleEditorial/A Positive Proposal from the Ashes
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
Editorial A Positive Proposal from the Ashes R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. I have often said that ours is one of the most intellectual and influential audiences of any periodical in the Republic, a...
Paid articleSincerity in Foreign Policy
Stillman, Whit
Whit Stillman Sincerity in Foreign Policy A "deep backgrounder" on the administration's Taiwan decision and how the press has collaborated in misreporting it. In announcing his decision to end...
Paid articleA Friendly Call from Chiang Ching-kuo
Roche, John P.
John P. Roche A Friendly Call from Chiang Ching-kuo A speculative account of two Kremlin conversations following President Carter's China initiative. LOCATION: Situation Room, the Kremlin TIME:...
Paid articleOuter Space and Earthly Politics
Horner, Charles
Charles Homer Outer Space and Earthly Politics How the Communist andThird World advocates of a "New World Information Order" are seeking control of satellite communications. Twenty years ago,...
Paid articleA Good Word for Bureaucracy
Miller, Stephen
Stephen Miller A Good Word for Bureaucracy To a degree, bureaucracy is a necessary evil. The question is what degree. If, like a football coach rallying a team that played poorly during the first...
Paid articleCarter's Primary Problem
Keene, David
David Keene Carter's Primary Problem Will he be the Dukakis of 1980? The year was 1970 and the cry was "law & order." Republican candidates from Mississippi to Illinois and from New York to...
Paid articleThoughts on Historical Study in a Time of Change
Kirkendall, Richard S.; Vaughn, Stephen
Richard S. Kirkendall & Stephen Vaughn Thoughts on Historical Study in a Time of Change A symposium on History. In 1976 a prominent historian declared, "We find ourselves at this Bicentennial,...
Paid articleCapitol Ideas/What the Press Doesn't Say About Jonestown
Bethell, Tom
CAPITOL IDEAS by Tom Bethell What the Press Doesn't Say About Jonestown "He was trying to build a whole new kind of man in the jungle-the pure socialist man." - Odell Rhodes "There were people...
Paid articleThe Talkies/Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Yagoda, Ben
THE TALKIES by Ben Yagoda Invasion of the Body Snatchers The current remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers marks a considerable improvement over the last aliens-from-space film, the...
Paid articleAmerican Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964
Manchester, William
BOOK REVIEW American Caesar: Douglas Mac Arthur, 1880-1964 William Manchester / Little, Brown / $15.00 Aram Bakshian, Jr. Poor Douglas MacArthur; the whole thrust of his career and character ran...
Paid articleA Dangerous Place
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
BOOK REVIEW A Dangerous Place Daniel Patrick Moynihan / Atlantic-Little, Brown / $12.50 William Kristol Shortly after Daniel Patrick Moynihan had declined the position of U.S. Ambassador to the...
Paid articleMake-Believe Presidents: Illusions of Power from McKinley to Carter
Hoffman, Nicholas von
BOOK REVIEW Make-Believe Presidents: Illusions of Power from McKinley to Carter Nicholas von Hoffman / Pantheon / $8.95 Karl O'Lessker In an age when all too many journalists are both childish...
Paid articlePrimacy or World Order: American Foreign Policy Since the Cold War
Hoffmann, Stanley
BOOK REVIEW Primacy or World Order: American Foreign Policy Since the Cold War Stanley Hoffmann / McGraw Hill & Co. / $12.50 Owen Hatteras Stanley Hoffmann, now a professor of government at...
Paid articleIn Search of History: A Personal Adventure
White, Theodore H.
BOOK REVIEW In Search of History: A Personal Adventure Theodore H. White / Harper & Row / $12.95 John R. Coyne, Jr. Someone's always mad at Theodore White. From the late 1930s until 1945, when...
Paid articleThe Great American Beer Book
Robertson, James D.
BOOK REVIEW The Great American Beer Book James D. Robertson / Caroline House / $14.95 Michael Ryan The effect of any given beer on any given palate at any given time is a matter at once...
Paid articleCorrespondence
CORRESPONDENCE Hold the Irish-American Writers In my article "New York Jew: A Tale Distorted" (November 1978), I spoke of Kazin's Jewishness as "a very contemporary phenomenon, resembling the...
Paid articleSpectator's Journal
SPECTATOR'S JOURNAL Primal Judiciary From the Washington Post: MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 4-Vice President Mon-dale has taken the apparently unprecedented step of asking for a direct hand in the selection...
Paid articleCurrent Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
CURRENT WISDOM The Nation Cross-eyed, hyperventilating, and sweating profusely, Mr. Jules Feiffer, cartoonist and writer, elucidates contemporary America, moments before swallowing his tongue at a...
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