Vol. 008 Issue 003 (December 1 1974)
••Cover Page••
The Continuing Crisis
The Continuing Crisis - THE AUTHOR OF this punctiliously authenticated historical record would like to take this opportunity to thank our Heavenly Prankster for the lush imbecilities bestowed on us...
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
"Editorial" Honeyfogling Inflation IT IS WITH A NAGGING sadness that I witness the slow sepulchering of historic England. Sadness because I revere the patrimony that Churchill's island...
The Legendary Churchill
Cosgrave, Patrick
"The Legendary Churchill" SHORTLY AFTER a recent book of mine on Churchill appeared, I took part in a...
The Imperial Churchill
Emmert, Kirk
The Imperial Churchill A IN HIS ESSAY, "Consistency in Politics," Winston Churchill suggests that the most important thing to know about a reputed statesman is the nature of the broad...
The Warrior Churchill-1915
Wallin, Jeffrey D.
"The Warrior Churchill-1915" the moral and political virtues needed to govern the political community: He considered the statesman to be the embodiment of human virtue. Now man does not attain virtue naturally, without...
The Warrior Churchill-1940
Elst, Philip Vander
"The Warrior Churchill-1940" this force by replacing the trawlers with fast destroyers equipped to sweep mines, and this was in fact comleted by April 4. As for the main forts, by the end of the day they had been dominated by...
The Victorian Churchill
Kristol, William
"The Victorian Churchill" His realization that in a conflict between a continental power like Germany and a maritime power like Britain, the latter's central objective had to be one of blockade and containment...
Business of America
Reinken, Paul E.
The Business of America - Let Us Now Praise Natural Monopoly MONOPOLY in a free enterprise system? As a toiler in Ma Bell's vineyards, I came to understand this anomaly a...
Schlesinger for the Defense
Harrigan, Anthony
"Schlesinger for the Defense" that philosophy—so important to the public interest—should be the result of a national dialogue in depth; not whimsical bureaucratic tinkering that would promote profits for a chosen few. . . . "In...
Norman Podhoretz: An Appreciation
Meyerson, Adam
"Norman Podhoretz: An Appreciation" Adam Meyerson Norman Podhoretz: An Appreciation TEN YEARS AGO this month, the University of California came to a halt and a new episode of American melodrama began. In the next seven or eight...
Watergate: The Bottom Line
Lieberman, Myron
"Watergate: The Bottom Line" WHAT DIFFERENCE will Watergate make? When the last criminal has been jailed or pardoned, the last column written, the last politician elected or...
Serpent in Eden
Nolte, William H.
"Serpent in Eden" media personnel, who do not live on the handout and on leaks and who do not allow themselves to be used to mislead the public. A man with a weak heart would hardly boast about his great health...
The Talkies
Stein, Benjamin
"The Talkies" many Southerners whom Mencken encouraged and helped. The amount of time he devoted to the Rebels—advising them, contributing to their journals, finding other contributors, helping them get books...
An American Life
Cox, Suzanne C.
"An American Life" own," he tells Hagman, who obviously should be in mental hospital. The movie closes on Harry living by the beach in Santa Monica with lots of very good-looking old people. (In fact, the only clear...
National Suicide
Griffith, Wellington J. III
"National Suicide" really no greater than himself. The major reason he went to work for the CRP was not to get Richard Nixon re-elected, but to get himself a better job after the campaign. And the major reason he...
Brudnoy's Film Index
Brudnoy, David
Brudnoy's Film Index - Federico Fellini's magnificent reminiscence of his 1930s boyhood. A lusty, loving, wry, and tender ramble through the four seasons and the many conditions of...
Letter from a Whig
Slemp, C. Bascom
"Letter from a Whig" Conspiracy in America Today (Washington)—WITH PRESIDENT Ford's absolute and unconditional pardon of Nixon the White House honeymoon with the national news media ended. After...
The Public Policy
Rusthoven, Peter J.
"The Public Policy" conspiracy after another, and by utilizing secrecy, secrecy, secrecy, in every story." The most recent effort to bring the Bilderberger conspiracy to light came during the Rockefeller confirmation...
The Bootblack Stand
Plunkitt, George Washington
The Bootblack Stand - Dr. George Washington Plunkitt, our prize-winning political analyst, is celebrating the publication of his new book, which is now available...
Remembering Bix
Doyle, Mary Jo
"Remembering Bix" disobedience—namely, that one should have the "right" to violate "immoral" laws without subjecting himself to punishment. Yet public discussion of Mr. Ford's qualified amnesty proposal among the...
Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
Current Wisdom A REVISIONIST GEOGRAPHY: William Kunstler, patriot, posits an exciting new conception of America the beautiful: We live in a sinkhole of a country. –Bloomington...
Correspondence To the Editor: Paul Gottfried's otherwise perceptive review of E.J. Hobsbawm's self-serving biography carelessly accepts its Communist author's characterization of Zionism as Jewish...