Vol. 008 Issue 002 (November 1 1974)
••Cover Page••
The Continuing Crisis
The Continuing Crisis - GIBBON NEVER saw the like of it! It is indubitably the ugliest piece of household furniture since the torture board, and yet for twenty years the average Americano has been mysteriously...
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
"Editorial" WHEN THE STENTORIAN voice of science speaks, a deep, rolling thunder lumbers out of the heavens and most Americans piously bow their heads. It is a stunning show of compliance that has left many an...
The Unheavenly City Revisited
Muth, Christopher De
"The Unheavenly City Revisited" EDWARD C. BANFIELD's The Unheavenly City was published in 1970, and almost immediately it came to dominate discussion of urban policy issues in serious academic and political circles; apparently it...
Capitalism and Its Milieu
Molnar, Thomas
"Capitalism and Its Milieu" RECENTLY, I ATTENDED the lecture of a wellknown defender of capitalism at one of the hauts-lieux of free-market economy and ethos, a midwestern university. To my surprise, the question in the...
Your Last Will and Your Free Will
Szasz, Thomas S.
"Your Last Will and Your Free Will" IF YOU ARE NOT rich, are not interested in becoming rich, don't know anyone who is rich, and are not afraid of the capricious power of corrupt psychiatrists, then you may not want to read any...
A Libertarian's Basic Repertoire
Raico, Ralph
"A Libertarian's Basic Repertoire" Our Enemy, the State by Albert Jay Nock Introduction by Walter Grinder Free Life Editions, 1973, $2.95 (paper). As We Go Marching by John T. Flynn Preface by Ronald Radosh Free Life Editions,...
From Language to Cant
Beichman, Arnold
"From Language to Cant" THE CRISIS OF VALUES in the United States arises, in large part, from the erosion of the authority of language. Until now we have maintained a high level of civilization and an unembarassed sense of...
The Public Policy
Rusthoven, Peter J.
"The Public Policy" RECENTLY ATTORNEY GENERAL William Saxbe grabbed about forty-five seconds of network news time by making some semi-apocalyptic noises about the nation's crime rate. According to our chief law...
The Client Nobody Knew
Stein, Benjamin
"The Client Nobody Knew" FOR SOME REASON, I always kept the door to my outer office unlocked. The door was on the third floor of an office building that hadn't been new when I had moved in thirty years ago, and it hadn't...
Letter from a Whig
Slemp, C. Bascom
"Letter from a Whig"[Washington)—HAVING WORKED in the Vixon campaign in 1972 I had great hopes ind expectations for the Nixon Presidency. But disagreement over domestic policies with the Nixon Administration arose...
Our Orchestras and Their Purpose
Regnery, Henry
"Our Orchestras and Their Purpose" SYMPHONIC MUSIC has become so generally available, even commonplace, through records and radio, that it is easy to take it for granted, to overlook what a magnificent instrument a fine orchestra is...
Ford and the GOP Prospect
Keene, David
"Ford and the GOP Prospect" FR. NIXON'S DECISION to resign the Presiancy rather than face almost certain re-oval after impeachment by the House of apresentatives and what would have to aye been a long and bitter trial in...
The Bootblack Stand
Plunkitt, George Washington
"The Bootblack Stand" Dear Dr. Plunkitt: I am the only candidate who has ever run for the Senate from New York, wearing levis and hush puppies. Of course this is a real advance against the rich and the powerful, and it...
The Great American Saloon Series
Weisberger, Siegfried
"The Great American Saloon Series" Last year we auspicated this illustrious series not with the intent of publishing 3 string of autobiographical essays on >ophomoric debauches nor with the invent of competing with the likes of...
The Imperial Presidency
O'Lessker, Karl
"The Imperial Presidency" "THE PRESIDENT of the United States," said President Nixon at a news conference in early 1973, has a "constitutional right .. . to impound funds . . . when the spending of money would mean either...
All the President's Men
Stein, Benjamin
"All the President's Men" AT ONE POINT in the story of how two reporters for the Washington Post covered the Watergate story and broke much new ground in it, the following lines occur: "They had not broken the law . . . that...
Brudnoy's Film Index
Brudnoy, David
"Brudnoy's Film Index" The Marx Brothers—all four; count 'em—in a 1930s flop, their second film, a warmup for their triumphs later. Well, as Groucho says in response to a bloated industrialist's...
Gottfried, Paul
"Revolutionarie" MY IMPRESSION of Eric Hobsbawm before reading his latest book, was founded on two distinct memories. One was related to his exhaustive treatment of various insurrectionary movements. Christian...
The Talkies
Stein, Benjamin
"The Talkies" The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kraritz (:aliprnia Split J BE LOVEABLE. you have to start out being ved. There is no other route, and trying e other routes leads to being not only unveahle, but...
Intellectual Skywriting
Geltman, Max
"Intellectual Skywriting" EVERYTHING GOOD in the book is borrowed. The title was taken from Robert Heilbroner, the conclusion off the wall of a Dublin pub: "When sex is good it's the most beautiful thing in the world. But...
Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
"Current Wisdom" R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., wish to take this nortunity to thank the anonymous pracil jokester who entered a subscription to magazine for Ms. R. E. Tyrrell. "Current sdom" was running short of...
"Correspondence" To the Editor: Somebody has sent me a complimentary subscription to your magazine. This is to express my thanks. As a New Yorker might say, this is the best thing to come out of Kansas since the...
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