Vol. 006 Issue 009 (June 1 1973)
••Cover Page••
The Continuing Crisis
DEPARTMENTS I I i i i i i ii The Continuing Crisis ............................................................ 2 Editorial" R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr .............................................
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr.
On Taking Slobs Seriously apologists see it, this contemporary Dillinger's world view is just as legiti-mate as that of any other citizen. Indeed it is often portrayed as no different than One...
The Public Discourse
Weaver, Paul H.
Conference. The ensuing explications always tickle me and fuel my belief that man's closest relatives are not the primates but the hyenas. I have the suspicion that these interviews always...
A Question of Numbers
Buchanan, Patrick J.
?atrick J. Buchanan A Question of Numbers
Accurate coverage of important events the press' first responsiblity. Coverage ;hich is exaggerated --either uninten- ~onally through carelessness or...
A Minority Report Makes Good
Feulner, Edwin Jr.
they deserted while in the military to avoid fighting in Vietnam." What are the facts? Well, the fact is that the U.S. government places the figure of verified deserters and draft dodgers in...
The Nixon Monument
Huston, Tom c[mrles
for an increase in funding over the last fiscal year. Lobbying pressure grew. The groups most directly affected had represent-atives in wheel chairs and wearing leg braces moving about the Capitol...
was destined to be Disraeli and he asstmmd a British accent. But influencing the President proved to be easier than selling FAP, because the sales job had to be done on the President's...
The Significance of FAP
Lenkowsky, Leslie
the remotest influence on the formulation of domestic policy. In the Nixon White House it was damn tough for a man of ideas to survive; for a man of conserva- tive ideas and a modest dose of...
The Nation's Pulse
Coughlin, Bathhouse John
and write --about the one or two things Assistance were enacted in that fashion. they might have done differently. More- Beyond its substantive content, FAP also over, the events of the last three...
Eleven Years of Peace
Brookhiser, Richard
I~e independent thinker" who "stands , alone...with less than a care for Villification (sic)program" against 9 Expanding on this courage motif, eclared "I am badgered at airports this moment...
National Health Care: Solution or Disaster
Alexander, Diane
think you are --Something special?' My answer was: 'Yes. I am something special. A United States Senator. That is some-thing very special.' "He meant, of course, that the office of Senator was...
Letter from a Whig
Slemp, C. Bascom
highly respected throughout the country as a certification of ability; many medi- cal schools give the exams to their stu- dents as an evaluation of the success of their teaching.) .... When it...
The Best and the Brightest
O'Rourke, Terry
to counter this problem any better than build-up. The FY 1974 outlays for the quests of the Department of Defense "as its predecessors. Department of Defense is at the lowest we have never weighed...
Rebellion in the University
Howe, Neil
The author's naive assertion that American policymakers were moti vated by a simplistic belief in mono-lithic communism merely reveals that he does not understand the elements of a deterrent foreign...
The Case for American Medicine
Griffith, W.J. III
because they are nihilistically opposed student movements. When oM myths fell for the gap between ideals and action, to traditional bases of intelligible de-apart in the late 1960s, only analyses...
Brudnoy, David
loads the system" with hypochondriacs which "actually interferes with the care of the sick." The same criticism has been leveled at socialized medicine. Proponents of a nationalized HMO claim,...
The New Chastity
Kavanagh, Patricia
people while explicitness means "porn." Here's the rub in Last Tango: while the lovely young Maria Schneider, who plays Jeanne, Brando's three-day trick, shows all, Brando is discreetly protected...
The Bootblack Stand
The Bootblack Stand are really quite simple, but then what the Democratic Headquarters is indoes one expect from a creature whose habited by wierdos. complexity is on a par, say, with the The...
Myths of the Vietnam War
Lulves, John F.
tential costs enormous. (For one thing, you could go to jail- which would mean that your life's work as a professional politician would be instantly and forever ended..) Only an amateur, one without...
To the Editor: One of the nicest things that has happened to me of late is a friend sending me a subscription to your thought-provoking and often hilarious Alternative. A case in point is Tommy...
Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
"Whom the gods destroy theyfirst make mad'-Euripides WASTELAND REVISITED Free form art practiced in the book re- view column of the sagacious Progressive: Theodore Roszak is a seeker. Like...