Vol. 005 Issue 007 (April 1 1972)
••Cover Page••
The Continuing Crisis
The Continuing Crisis Letter from a Whig:
Prettiness in Politics
Moscow, John
"Prettiness in Politics" John Lindsay Prettiness in Politics John O VER THE YEARS he has been in public office John V. Lindsay has been called many names, ranging from the unprintable to the idolatrous. He has had...
Professionalism vs. Student Power
Hacker, Dr. Edward A.
"Professionalism vs. Student Power" The Charnel Halls of Ivy Professionalism vs. Student Power Dr. Edward A. Hacker THERE ARE CERTAIN academic matters such as teaching, curricula, examinations, grading, etc., which...
A Memo to the Ripon Society
Witonski, Peter P.
"A Memo to the Ripon Society" A Memo to the Ripon Society on the Death of American Liberalism W HAT FOLLOWS are some short and hastily contrived thoughts on an event of great significance for what used to be called...
What Is Socialism and Will It Work?
Milstein, Tom
"What Is Socialism and Will It Work?" we were thus in a position to do just about as we pleased, which, in fact, we proceeded to do with some success. Our foreign policy was well-intentioned, and full of Liberal idealism, and...
Palmists and Scholarship
Joy, Dan
"Palmists and Scholarship" Rightists who are truly concerned with the survival of libertarian values in the modern world - - as opposed to those who prefer being merely mouthpieces for the wealthy - - would do well to...
In Defense of the Sawbone
D., Dr. John D. King, M.
"In Defense of the Sawbone" Rebuttal to North In Defense of the Sawbone Dr. John D. King, M.D. T HE ALTERNATIVE of January carries an article by Gary North entitled Natural Foods vs. The Synthetic A Priori, which is...
You Won't Have Civilization to Kick Around Anymore
Docksai, R. Frederick
"You Won't Have Civilization to Kick Around Anymore" Congress on Medical Quackery, Chicago. Quite a number of doctors did use krebiozen, the great majority of them on only one or two patients, which is significant in itself since these...
In the Public Interest
RocheIII, George Charles
In the Public Interest George Charles Roche !11 O N PREVIOUS speaking trips Hawaii, I have usually accepted an invitation to appear on a radio talk show of station KTRG in Honolulu. The KTRG...
Communist China, 1949-1968
Cooper, Douglas W.
"Communist China, 1949-1968" Florida is it. Its economic and ethnic composition approximates the national average. A politician who has demonstrated substantial appeal in Florida might even become that rarest animal - - a...
The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition
East, John P.
"The Basic Symbols of the American Political Tradition" Finally, whether our other allies lose confidence in our keeping to our half of mutualsecurity agreements could depend upon whether we let China have only...
The American Theatre, 1969-1970
Brudnoy, David
"The American Theatre, 1969-1970" As this hook is highly innovative methodologically, it is particularly lamentable that the behavioralists, in their preoccupation with "method," should ignore it. Kendall and Carey have fused...
The Bootblack Stand
The Bootblack Stand Dr. George Washington Plunket, our prize-winning political analyst, has just completed a penetrating study of the last Congolese election. Published in August, it focuses on...
A Clockwork Orange
Olson, Kevin S.
"A Clockwork Orange" neat review illustrated with wonderful drawings, text and illustrations alike evocative of better days on Broadway, days unlikely to find their match in the future, at least on these shores....
"Correspondence" actually mechanical - - this concept can be directly applied to the post-brainwashing Alex, and also to the collectivist society in which he lives. The dividing line between organism and...
A Note from the Provinces
Gerde, Jerry
"A Note from the Provinces" actually mechanical - - this concept can be directly applied to the post-brainwashing Alex, and also to the collectivist society in which he lives. The dividing line between organism and...
Current Wisdom
Jackasses, Assorted
"Current Wisdom" "Whom the gods destroy they first make mad." TIMELESS POLITICAL VALUES Thinking the unthinkable with Dr. Harriet Van Home: I have never met a conservative with sex appeal. Never. Men who...
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