POLITICAL BOOK NOTES Public affairs books to be published in February. American Military Commitments Abroad. Roland A. Paul. Rutgers, $10. Straightforward description covering every place...

...Raoul Berger, Harvard...
...Simon & Schuster, $8.95...
...Andy Jacobson...
...Joseph E. Finley...
...Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry...
...Investigating the FBI...
...The New Socialist Revolution: An Introduction to Its Theory and Strategy...
...Walter Sheridan...
...The Retreat of American Power...
...Norton, $6.95...
...The Kennedy Neurosis...
...Man, Society and the State...
...While the vulgar Marxism of the political analysis proves embarrassingly dated, the “personal reminiscences of life and work in the American Communist Party, from the Brooklyn of the thirties to the Berkeley of the sixties, are interesting and gracefully written...
...Morrow, $12.50...
...The Retreat from Riches: Affluence and Its Enemies...
...Worth a look if you didn’t see the pieces the first time they were published...
...Bureaucracy and the Public: A Reader in Official-Client Relations...
...A valuable collection...
...Gregory fochiln...
...If a book is thick enough, it can have everything: “Trust and the Cab Driver,” how Israel treats its newcomers, and “Bureaucratic Man: A Portrait and an Interpretation...
...The Second American Revolution: Some Personal Observations...
...A1 Richmond...
...Tangential at points, but on the whole a vivid and fascinating book...
...None of Hoover’s friends showed up, so the overall balance tips against the FBI...
...Bobbs-Merrill, $8.50...
...When Even Angels Wept: The Senator Joseph McCarthy Affair-A Story Without a Hero...
...Elihu Katz, Brenda Danet...
...Rabbi Meir Kahane...
...Harvard, $7.50...
...Richar B W. Baron, $4.95, $.95...
...Already outdated by the ouster of Tony Boyle, this workmanlike history of the United Mine Workers is marred by its almost total dependence on secondary sources and public documents...
...Juror Number Four Edwin Kennebeck...
...Delacorte, $8.95...
...Michael P. Lerner...
...Dodd, Mead, $7.95...
...Atlantic Monthly Press, $8.95...
...Straightforward description covering every place but Vietnam, based on the author’s work as a Senate investigator...
...The Powell Affair: Freedom Minus One...
...Gustav Ranis, ecf Norton, $8.95...
...Joseph M. Belth...
...Peter Passell, Leonard Ross...
...For it provoked Berger to take 301 tendentious and heavily footnoted pages to prove, with appropriate references to English Common Law and the Founding Fathers, that while the English Parliament has virtually unlimited powers of impeachment, Congress does not...
...POLITICAL BOOK NOTES Public affairs books to be published in February...
...Design of Cities...
...The United States and the Developin Economies, revised 1973...
...The Corru t Kin dom: The Rise and Fall of the UnitezMine gorkers...
...Gambit, $6.95...
...Harper & Row, $6.95...
...John D. Rockefeller, 111...
...Edmund N. Bacon...
...David Rudovsky...
...Gerry Ford made a serious error when he said during his 1970 campaign to impeach Justice Douglas that an “impeachable offense” is whatever Congress “considers it to be...
...PrenticeHall, $5.95...
...Life Insurance...
...Henry Brandon...
...Nash, $7.95...
...Bruce Ennis, Loren Siegel...
...Scribner’s, $4.95, $1.95...
...Viking, $17.50...
...Viking, $6.95...
...National Security and American Society: Theory, Process, and Policy...
...Pat Watters, Stephen Gillers, eds...
...The Papers of Adlai E. Stevenson, Volume 11: Washington to Sprin ield, 1941-1948...
...Ann Jones...
...Must the Seas Die...
...Putnam, $6.95...
...Gambit, $7.95...
...Saturday Review, %10.95...
...The Walden Two Experiment: The First Five Years of the Twin Oaks Community...
...Belth insists that consumers “make their own decision” between straight life and term insurance, although Herbert Denenberg, Pennsylvania’s reformist insurance commissioner, never mentioned in this book, says that “cash life has been used as a device to obscure costs and confuse the public...
...Kathleen Kinkade...
...This uninsightful but wellintentioned account of the New York City trial and acquittal of 13 Black Panthers climaxes with Kennebeck gushing: “I began to feel that more light was streaming through the window than the sun himself could have provided...
...Wallace Reyburn...
...Harper’s Magazine Press, $6.95...
...Houghton Mifflin, $8.95...
...Kansas, $8.95...
...Frank N. Trager, Philip S. Kronenberg...
...Oscar Handlin...
...The Tarnished Shield...
...The Fleischmann Report on the Quality, Cost, and Financing of Elementa and Secondary Education in New York %ateVolume 1. Viking, $14.95, $6.95...
...The Inferior Sex...
...Uncle Tom’s College...
...If much of the book reads like old stuff, it’s only because Paul did such a good job uncovering the facts three years ago for the Symington committee hearings...
...Peter T. Manicas...
...Indiana, $6.95...
...Praeger, $6.95...
...Morrow, $7.95...
...A pompous history of European immigrants to America...
...George Walton...
...Mark Lipman...
...Half the pieces are in normal En lish, half in sociologicalese...
...Nancy Clinch...
...Doubleday, $7.95...
...The Rights of Mental Patients...
...The Uprooted...
...Amid the spate of recent books on American education, this slim volume by the new headmaster of Phillips Academy, Andover, stands out in its ability to be pragmatically reformist without losing its sense of outrage...
...Richard W. Baron, $4.95, $.95...
...Lately Thomas...
...Time to Go Home...
...The Fall and Rise of Jimm Hoffa...
...Handlin’s manufactured subjectivities applied to “immigrants” in general are irritating and uninformative and swamp the solid observations and interesting nuggets of social history, The VIP With Psychiatric Impairment...
...Man’s A ression: The Defense of the Self...
...Doubleday, $7.95...
...Papers from the 197 1 Princeton conference, ranging from scholarly discussions to I-was-a-G-man tales of life inside the Bureau...
...Brown, $15...
...Grosset & Dunlap, $10...
...A Long View From the Left: Memoirs of an American Revolutionary...
...Places for Learning, Places for Joy: Speculations on American School Reform...
...Colin Moorcraft...
...One wishes this book were better, because a consumer handbook in this field is desperately needed...
...The Ri hts of Prisoners...
...Well-written, detailed portrait of a small, black, urban college at which the author (white) taught English, Thomas College is a closed world in which the self-serving president and his court-like administration reign, in which power is maintained over the faculty by methods which include spying and slander, and in which the students and educational quality are the last considerations...
...While Belth is good on details, his premises are often those of the industry, dismissing critics as having “an abysmal lack of knowledge about the fundamentals of life insurance...
...Basic, $15...
...Stealing: How America’s Employees Are Stealing Their Companies Blind...
...Theodore R. Sizer...

Vol. 4 • February 1973 • No. 12

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