Borah, William E.

Pork, Patriotism and Peace A Notable Address Delivered in U. S. Senate by William E. Borah; Believes That Time Has Come to Give American People an American Issue By WILLIAM E. BORAH (V. S....

...In the minds of some it may not be considered wise to say so, but the situation is here, and I am one of those who believe that we should speak truthfully and plainly to those who must pay our taxes and fight our battles...
...President, the stupendous, almost incomprehensible burden of $66,747,000,000 in the way of bonded indebtedness upon the countries named who are engaged in this war...
...Peace Is Discussed MR...
...ASIDE from the general principles which guide me in the opposition which I have heretofore interposed to river and harbor bills, I am particularly opposed to this bill at this time because a vast number of the projects can wait, and can wait without any detriment to the country, to commerce, or to the situation which is most immediate and imminent in the country—the war situation...
...Germany has issued $13,400,000,000 ot bonds, Russia has issued $7,890,000,000 of bonds, Italy has issued $2,520,000,000 of bonds, Austria has issued $3,-659,000,000 of bonds and the United States will add to it this year in the way of bonds in all probability to the amount of at least $10,000,000,000...
...still trifle with selfish and immaterial matters as the storm comes on...
...and so it seems it behooves us, sir, to conserve our energies, our financial ability, and our power in every conceivable way...
...Will the American Senate delay for a single hour to cut away all unnecessary and idle things which impede progress or add unnecessary burdens and meet this situation as it is necessary for us to meet it in order to solve the problem...
...We have our allies, and with them a common purpose, but America is still America, with her own institutions, her individuality, the moral and intellectual conceptions of her own people: she is still a sun and not a satellite...
...Senator Borah also declared it his belief that America should declare terms in order that this country may have an American issue to fight for.— The Editor...
...This Is not a propitious time, generally speaking, to discuss peace or to propose peace if we intend to have that peace which is permanent and which endures...
...If the rate of losses continues, then there will be 18,000,000 tons destroyed and 6,000,000 tons replaced, or a net loss of 12,000,000 tons 18 months from now...
...If there is efficacy in prayer in such things as these, the American people may well offer up a silent prayer at this hour for the guidance and the preservation and the success of Kercnsky...
...Does anyone suppose that Germany at this hour would consider any proposal of peace other than the peace which takes care of Germany's interests as Germany alone sees those interests...
...Government and diplomacy may be interested in the future of Constantinople and the Bagdad railway, but out yonder in the open where every move toward war means sorrow and sacrifice, where families are to be separated and broken, where husband and brother and son are to be offered upon the altar, that altar must be our country—you must speak to them of things of home and of the flag, you must give them an American issue for which to die...
...Russia has for all practical purposes at this hour, for the present at least, passed out of the conflict Her internal difficulties have made it practically impossible for her to be of effect upon the fighting line...
...Pollen, upon the shipping conditions: According to, the latest statistics Great Britain feas lost since the beginning of April an average of 24 ships a week...
...The tonnage of these ships is not stated...
...All the world's power of replacing the lost tonnage has also been stated to be equal to about 2,000,000 tons between February, 1917, and February, 1918 and about twice this for the period between February, 1918 and February, 1919...
...I want to say here from the floor of the Senate that the business men of this country had better take a keen interest in these propositions, and that speedily...
...If not willing to do that, are you not willing to put into this bill a provision that no part of the money appropriated by it shall be expended except that part which those carrying on the war shall deem necessary and essential to the progress and the prosecution of the war...
...President, we have not arrived yet at the time when we can discuss peace with those powers against which we are arrayed...
...We ought to act with reference to every measure according to the seriousness of our task...
...There Is only one way to get cash, and that is to go to those who have it...
...Every dollar thus far provided for may be necessary...
...Does anyone suppose the central powers, with Russia caving in, with the submarine war growing stronger and more effective apparently every day, With France, apparently at the height of her fighting power, not able in all probability to go beyond the point which she now holds—with those conditions presented to the German mind, does anyone suppose that we could discuss peace with them upon any basis whatever other than terms which Germany would practically dictate...
...the man, bless God, in whose moral and intellectual fiber are ingrained the teachings and traditions and aspirations of a century of national life—a national life separate, distinct, exceptional, and sublime...
...Could a more serious message come over the wires at any time, one involving more nearly the lives of millions of our boys, than the fact that Russia is breaking down...
...I believe that there ought to be laid before our people a more specific program as to what we propose to attain, as to what we propose to accomplish, and as to the terms and conditions upon which the war, so far as America is concerned, can end...
...I want to call attention, Mr...
...After we have declared war and taken the steps upon the part of the Government which necessarily follow, we come then to deal with another world entirely...
...but I think this much ought to be said, lest I be misunderstood...
...I say this, not, sir, with the view of dealing with Germany or with the expectation that she would accept from us at this time any proposal which we might submit, but I say it in behalf of our own people and of permitting them to know definitely and specifically the things for which they are expected to fight and the things which shall constitute the end of their task...
...We are not told what neutral shipping is lost...
...You will not change these things over night...
...we must have cash...
...It must be a matter of grave concern to business, to labor, to capital, and to the patriot generally to see the Congress, after having put upon them billions in the way of burdens, to turn and add expenditures such as are found in this bill...
...And with this condition of affairs confronting ns it is necessary that we proceed to legislate here upon these respective measures as if the enemy were at our gates...
...Unofficial statements place the neutral and allied losses, not including British, at something like 50 or 60 per cent of the British losses...
...Will any Senator who honors me with his presence dispute that as a patriotic obligation...
...It is not alone the amount appropriated, but it is this disposition to waste of public servants which is distinctly alarming...
...I call attention to another phase of this situation...
...To Expend Billions ACCORDING- to the figures which have been put into the RECORD, and about which there seems to be no dispute, we are now approaching an expenditure and an obligation of nearly $17,000,000,-000...
...Necessity Is Urged IN VIEW of the fact that the countries with which we are now allied are raising apparently every dollar that they can, but must necessarily vote these large Issues of bonds, and in view of the fact that we have already incurred obligations or provided for expenditures approaching $17,000,000,000, as a matter of patriotism, in the simple discharge of the most simple duty which devolves upon ua, wo ought to insist that every item of appropriations which passes through this body shall have stamped upon it "necessity...
...I read in the reliable papers this morning that, instead of the amount of tonnage sunk decreasing, it is increasing day by day, and thus, while the Russian forces are breaking away from the fighting line the submarines of the Teuton powers are spreading havoc upon the seas, and Prance is being fought almost to her knees, though displaying again and again courage and heroism such as has never been excelled in the history of the world...
...She in the war now practically as the guarantor of the financial success of every ally...
...Not only has Russia for the present time passed ont of this war, but the submarine problem, which, it was hoped a few weeks ago, might by this time be well upon its way to a successful solution, instead of being favorable to the allies is distinctly favorable to the Teuton powers...
...Let us not as a Government make that same fatal mistake with reference to our own people...
...The American citizen must live his character...
...Has the time not come, sir, when we should realize here and now, if we have never realized before, that indeed America is in this war and that, for weal or woe, it is our war...
...America ought to hold the reins of peace every hour and at all times...
...How can we escape the force of this solemn duty to those whom we represent...
...I can not imagine anything more calculated to dull initiative and to discourage economy and energy than this heartless and unconscionable waste of public funds in an hour like this...
...No more serious situation, sir, could confront warring nations than that which Confronts the allies at this hour...
...the man of simple and fixed but noble national instincts...
...peace was discussed...
...you can not transplant in a few weeks the habits and ideas, the methods and ways, of other people...
...I am not so sure but that the time has come when the American people should have presented to them moro definitely and specifically the terms and conditions upon which we are fighting the war and the terms and conditions upon which we would cease to fight it...
...There has never been an instant so calculated to call forth patriotic effort to euliat the unselfish zeal of those who have to do with the guiding of their country's affairs at this present time...
...that they sent their ambassadors to France and England to study government and to practice the arts of diplomacy, but they misunderstood or did not read at all the noble qualities of the masses...
...No, Mr...
...we can not discuss peace with them...
...S. Senator From Idaho) William E. Borah} United States senator from Idaho, recently delivered in the senate a masterful address on issues incident to the roar...
...PRESIDENT, something was said a few days ago in the Senate about peace...
...and one of the reasons, in my opinion, why it does not exist is because of the nebulous and uncertain terms and conditions upon which we are supposed to be in the war, and the utter want of knowledge as to what conditions will take us out of the war...
...Sir, if our own institutions are not at stake, if the security of our own country is not involved, if we as a people and as a Nation are not fighting for our own rights and the honor and lives of our own people, our declaration of war was a bold and impudent betrayal of a whole people and its further continuance a conspiracy against every home in the laud...
...We can not carry on this war, in my judgment, without a thoroughly aroused and sustained public opinion in favor of the war, which does not at this time exist...
...We have reached the point where we must reflect upon this plan of issuing bonds ad libitum...
...If there are items In this bill—although they are small, but though small in their individual standing they become large in their collective standing— If there are items in this bill which can wait—and ibout that, Mr...
...Shall we rise to the invitations of this solemn and awful hour or shall we...
...Sir, under conditions so unfavorable, America has entered the war...
...France baa issued bonds to the amount of $10,532,000,000...
...President, that In all probability a million American boys in addition will find graves upon European soil...
...Senator Borah paid his respects to those gentlemen who are saddling $28,000,000 in "pork" on the country at a time when the country is facing an expenditure of $11,000,000,000 in tear expenditures...
...President, there never has been a time in this struggle, from the first day of August, 1914, until this present hour, when the outlook was so serious and menacing to the allies as It is at this time...
...It has recently been stated In Washington that the figures for June show that the U boats are destroying tonnage at the rate of 9,000,000 tons a year...
...Calculate the annual interest on this and you get some conception of this burden...
...If this gallant leader, standing now at the head of his disorganized forces, meets either the assassin's bullet or failure in other ways, it means a leaven which will disorganize and demoralize the situation beyond any power that language can portray...
...Only France and Italy publish weekly lists like the British list...
...With an enemy that is apparently marching on to victory, we shall hardly be listened to upon their part...
...We have got to raise money...
...How shall we answer in the court of conscience when called to plead to the indictment of taxpayers of this country...
...President, it seems there can be no possible doubt—do we not owe it to the country, to the perilous situation in which we stand, and to those who must bear the burden of this war, to stop bere as patriotic Senators and eliminate them from the bill...
...You have, Mr...
...The hour of sacrifice has arrived, and, being here, will the Senate of the United States linger and parley, sir, over money to go into Fish Creek, Tombigbee Creek, or some other inconsequential and worthless waterways...
...that no Item which can not be said to be absolutely necessary to the successful carrying on of the war ought to pass, and that to pass it would be an act in disregard of the imminent urgency which confronts this country...
...Aside, therefore, from the underlying principles which have heretofore been discussed, the manner In which the bill is always made up, the object and purpose of the bill in some respects, we ought to take into consideration the outloofc of the taxpayers of this country, their undoubted discouragement when they see such things as this being done at a time when they have such tremendous burdens already...
...Will anyone tell me, as conditions are developing at this time, under those figures gathered by an accurate, conservative and expert writer upon this subject, that we are going to win the war under the present program...
...That vast body of people, upon whom all interested in this war upon the side of the allies depended so much and from whom they expected so much have by reason of the situation at home practically left the battle front What doe9 that mean to the people of the United States...
...If we have any regard for public opinion—and upon public opinion, and public opinion alone, ultimately this war must be fought and won—if we have any regard for the great masses of the people upon whom this burden is ultimately to fall, we ought to scrutinize every measure that comes before this body with a view of exempting from its provisions, if possible, every single dollar that is not necessary in this great exigency...
...I think we ought to say in as clear terms as possible just what America demands as a prerequisite of peace...
...It means, Mr...
...On the 1st of February of this year there were supposed to be about 40,000,000 tons available for all the world's needs in sea traffic...
...The Submarine Peril BUT that is not all, Mr...
...England has up to the present time issued bonds to the amount of $18,740,000,000...
...Let us keep in mind that the ways of government and the paths of diplomacy overshadowed by no sacrifice are often far from the sad and dusty lanes down which the people march to war...
...it is an American war...
...From this forward you must deal with the man on the street, in the field, and in the factory...
...President, to an article which appeared a few days ago in the Ne)w York Tribune, written by Mr...
...but certainly it behooves us, even if it Is necessary to trim at every possible point we can and to avoid imposing any burden that is not absolutely necessary...
...His remarks were made during the consideration of the rivers and harbors measure...
...No ono seems to know what will constitute the emd...
...We leave the field of form and formality and find ourselves in the world of the concrete, of the real, where hearts throb and grieve and men are preparing to suffer and die...
...It is no longer a European war, sir...
...President, Viviani in that remarkable address bidding farewell to the American people told us that the great mistake the German Government made was in not knowing the French and English people...
...We ought to waste no where and in no way...

Vol. 9 • August 1917 • No. 8

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