Follette, Belle Case La

Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE Second National Convention of the Woman's Peace Party By LOUISE P. KELLOGG (This intimate and sympathetic report of the second meeting of...

...In-some industries, such as steel making and railroad work, long hours, are maintained continuously throughout the year...
...Within the last decade hours have slightly decreased in the industrial world, but with this decrease in hours has gone an increase in speed...
...It exercises all the muscles, fends to bring about uniform development and is in itself cleansing, both inside and, out.—The Playground...
...On the other hand, many industries have "rush sea-sous,'' during which the factories work for abnormally long hours, and then do little or no work in the "slack season...
...In the steel industry, at the time of this investigation, there were 90,000 men doing this six days a week, and 35,000 others doing it seven days a week...
...They represent a constituency of twenty-five thousand members in one...
...Massachusetts was well represented and New York sent thirty delegates...
...Peace, as the members of the Woman's Peace Tarty envisage it, is no sentimental, flabby, neutral condition...
...The American Neutral Conference Committee, the World Court League, and the American Council for Promoting International Friendship through the churches were all unqualifiedly endorsed...
...The meeting was held a month earlier than the convention of a year ago in order to draw up its congressional program in the early days of the short session...
...Home and Education Conducted by BELLE CASE LA FOLLETTE Second National Convention of the Woman's Peace Party By LOUISE P. KELLOGG (This intimate and sympathetic report of the second meeting of the Woman's Peace Parly was written by Wisconsin's representative at that inspiring convention...
...it would seem that this has only to be understood to be endorsed...
...Do you realize the meaning of a "twelve-hour day...
...Fatigue, long continued, lead3 inevitably to exhaustion...
...Both involve overwork...
...and when Miss Rankin takes her place in the Ipcislative body of the greatest nation on earth, ynu ran almost see said world start forward like an automobile when the driver thrown in the clutch...
...It will indicate that the day is approaching when the woman and the child shall assume their rightful prominence in the eye of government, and that lawmakers shall turn their minds (o education, to pub-lic health, and to human welfare, to something else hesides swords and pocketbooks...
...The tone of the meetings was earnest hut not sentimental, and only an occasional incident revealed the great depth of emotion held in check by the importance of the work under discussion...
...Tiic result was the formation of a committee to draft a permanent organization and thus forge one more link in the chain of international understanding and sympathy...
...Fatigue is the product of the number of hours of work multiplied hy the intensity of the work during each hour...
...Aino Malmberg...
...the period covered by this investigation...
...Miss Kellogg, who is a member of the staff of the State Historical Society, is deeply interested in tiic bringing about of the war's end and tlie establishment of means for ensuring permanent world peace...
...It will be as significant as when the first black man cast his vote...
...The attendance was largest from the Eastern states...
...The Interstate Commerce Commission recently issued a bulletin showing the relation between overwork and railroad wrecks...
...the Central Powers by the Poles, the Bohemians, the Croatians, the Armenians, and others...
...Yours, Good Samaritans, is the task of enforcing this just sentence.—From "Social Rcligion...
...There were gathered the best-known women-of the country...
...FRANK CRANE Copyright 1917 by Frank Crane Published by permission of Associated Newspapers WHEN Miss Jcannctte Rankin of Missoula, Montana, takes her scat In the National House of Representatives among 434 men, it wilt be a sight for men and angels...
...if he secures eight hours of sleep, he has left in each day ninety minutes to visit his family, read, play, enjoy, live...
...The Long Day "Hideous Survival of a Past Age" By SCOTT NEARING THE LONG DAY is one ol tie most hideous survivals of a past age...
...Or the last heretic was roasted...
...The last was chosen as the vice chairman of the American movement, to relieve Miss Addams from the details of the national work and set her free to give all her strength to the international department of which she is also chairman, equiring her presence at The Hague...
...The hours in the steel industry, are habitually long...
...if he spends half an hour washing, dressing and undressing...
...The twelve-hour day means that the man who leaves home at 5:30 in the morning and starts to work at 6, quits work at 6 in the evening and reaches home at 6:30...
...Among other great women working with her in this greatest of all reforms are Anna Gar-lin Spencer, Ella Flagg Young, Lillian Wald, Fannie Fern Andrews, Mrs...
...When a record is broken it means simply that the goal to be struggled for has been set ahead...
...The world do move...
...Every social institution was made for man, hence when an institution ceases to serve man, and instead demands service of him, that institution must either be reformed or abolished...
...Mead, Mrs...
...Miss Rankin of Montana By DR...
...Albanians and Armenians to the Slavonians and Ukaranians...
...Or the French people said good-by to their last king...
...MOST of those in attendance are now American citizens...
...The conference was presided over by Jane Addams, and was attended by one hundred and twenty delegates from twenty-seven states and Hawaii...
...Since this fact has been established beyond question, the long day has been weighed in the balance, found wanting and condemned to abolition...
...If the average worker in modern, industry was engaged in an occupation of tense interest and broad value, eight hours might be too few, but the average job is a dead job—monotonous, same, to the point of madness...
...Finland by a member of the suppressed parliament, Mine...
...As a speaker, she conveys the message of Peace with understanding and effect...
...The incident will be another mark of democracy coming of age, the entrance of one-half of the citizens into conscious self-government...
...They represented some fourteen nationalities, ranging alphabetically from the...
...In some of the steel mills, where men work twelve hours a day for two weeks and then twelve hours at night for two weeks more each time that they change from the day to night shift they work twenty-four consecutive hours—a whole day without rest...
...For 'steel mills the report on the wages and hours in the iron and steel industry in the United States thus summarizes the length of the working day: "During May, 1910 ft...
...Or the last man imprisoned for debt Or the first telegram sent over the land or fee first cablegram tinder the ocean, or the first wireless message through space...
...In this article, she reflects truly the spirit of the Washington gatJicring.— B. C. L.) AT WASHINGTON on December 8-10, 1016, gathered a remarkable group of women to discuss the means of furthering the objects of the American Branch, of the Women's International Committee for Permanent Peace...
...Because of these beliefs the American members of the International body to meet co-ordinately with the diplomats that are to draw the Treaty to close the present war invited representatives of the oppressed and dependent nationalities of Europe to gather at Washington on the days succeeding the Woman's Peace Party's Convention and present the cause for their own people...
...The waste of fatigue is far fn excess of the waste from illness, since fatigue is directly responsible for the lower efficiency of at least one-half of the population...
...hundred and sixty-six organized branches...
...Contributions for the budget uetted $5,000...
...Overwork a Menace OVERWORK is a menace to industrial, social and personal welfare, because it results in one of the most serious and far-reacbing human maladies— fatigue...
...Not only are hours in American industry long, but they continue long in the face of a rapid increase in the industrial strain...
...Miss Rankin will be the voire of forty...
...As one of the delegates forcibly said, whatever their views of the Pacifist movement or the way to end the present war they should never permit any expression but that of respect for the noble women who had had the vision and the courage to call them to a conference and listen to their national woes...
...There is one primary factor upon which society must depend for its maintenance—that is upon joyous, enthusiastic men and women...
...In the steel mills of Pittsburg, "superintendent is pitted against superintendent, foreman against foreman, mill against mill...
...It will mean one-half of the population emerging from nonage...
...It was also resolved that action should betaken leading to the calling of the Third Hague Conference at the earliest, possible moment...
...Miss Wald, Miss Richards, Grace Abbott, and Mrs...
...While the total number of hours may be less, the total vitality expended on the work is necessarily much greater because of the increased concentration and speed required...
...I mean the people who dig the coal whicli you burn, who make the shoes, hats, shirts and gloves which you wear, who carry you from city to city, or 'from street to street...
...and it was proposcd as a constructive measure that modern scientific physical education should be adopted for both boys and girls...
...The engineers and brakemen on freights and the signal tower men work for periods which exceed in length those of any similar group of workers...
...Society does not need the extra goods which his weary fingers shape...
...And the sonorous saying of the judicious Hooker shall take on new meaning, that "of law no less can he said than that all things in heaven and earth do her homage- the very least as feeling her care, and the greatest as not exempted from her power...
...There is one possible answer to that question...
...They were from hoth groups of belligerents in the present war—-the Entente being represented by the Irish, the Finns, the Lithuanians, and Serbians...
...Or the teacher called to order the children In the first public school in the United States...
...We are enlisted in the War against War...
...The needles break, the thread catches, the material draws—a dozen things happen, and, as the work is piecework, every minute counts...
...Do you know how long the working people of the I'nitcd States actually work...
...Whether the long hours be continuous or intermittent, their result is the same...
...A score of devices are used to speed men to their uttermost...
...California was not without her representation, and the Central West was reported as rapidly organizing...
...The character of the convention gave assur-mce that its aim would be constructive, and its liscussions practical and statesmanlike...
...The headquarters of the organization is in Chicago...
...Years ago a woman tended two slowly running looms...
...exhaustion leads to disease, and then, ultimately to a death which is due to continual, wearing, intense work...
...those in whom the social consciousness is most lnrgely developed, and who have learned hy long years of service in all phases of social reform the need of co-operation among nations as well as among individuals...
...There is neither joy nor enthusiasm in the victim of the long day...
...Federal jurisdiction over aliens was urged, just treatment of our dependencies, the referendum in the Danish West Indies on the question of their transfer to the United States, the abolition of secret diplomacy in Pan-American affairs, and the adoption of the principle that investors must take their own risks...
...The girls in the recent shirt waist makers' strike in New York complained that instead of watching one needle running as needles did ten years ago, at the rate of 2,200 strokes a minute, they were now compelled to watch from two to twenty needles on the same machine, some running as high as 4,400 strokes a minute...
...Similar conditions exist in the textile mills of New England...
...The nation will watch her as the fond mother watches her baby take Its first step...
...Miss Addams presided, and stirring addresses were given by Professor Baleh, Mrs...
...Such conditions persist in the face of expert testimony that men work better during an eight hour than during a twelve-hour day...
...Later, as the hours of work grew less, the number of looms was increased to four and six, and now, with the Drapers, an operative is ex-pected to look after from twelve to sixteen looms...
...THE PERSONNEL of the convention was remarkable...
...It will be an act symbolic of the progress of the human race...
...Finally it was resolved: "That the Woman's Peace Party send a message of sympathy to our sisters in the warring countries, assuring them that we suffer with them and echo their hope for the speedy end of the war...
...arlyle railed Oanto "the voice of ten silent centuries...
...Much of the stress of the convention was placed upon opposition to compulsory military service, especially to tiic military training of minors in the public, schools...
...The seven-day working week was not confined to the blast furnace department, where there is a metallurgical necessity for continuous operation, but it was also found that in other departments productive work was carried on on Sunday for commercial reasons only...
...Gripped by the stern necessity which compels him to earn his bread, the worker enters American industry, and, caught in its levers and cogs, labors on, producing what he must, to earn what he may...
...It will signify the triumph of reason over prejudice and petrified custom...
...Men and women need not work twelve hours a day in order to secure a livelihood for themselves and for their families...
...THE propositions presented and afterwards embodied in resolutions and in a congressional program had for their object the diminishing of causes of friction between nations, and the elimination of the occasion of war...
...An investigation showed that he had been asleep at his post when he ran' past the last signal tower...
...In the sea of democracy woman shall no more dwell upon an island of disfranchisement...
...If there were any doubters in the great audience they could not fail to be converted and convinced of the reason and vision of the methods and aims of the organization...
...What we mean by Peace is the ORGANIZED LIVING TOGETHER AMONG NATIONS...
...Swimming Best Exercise I OVERS of the "dip" will rejoice to know that Amherst College has judged swimming the best exercise, for all reasons, for boys between fourteen and twenty...
...Of these Jane Addams is first, both in the hearts and thoughts of the women of the world...
...Or Luther uttered his protest in the Wot of Worms...
...Could you make the same motion 4,000 times a day, and keep it up day after fey, year after year, without growing weary...
...Strain on the Worker THE STRAIN of industrial effort upon the worker depends first upon the length of the day's work, and, second, upon its intensity...
...Glendower Evans, Janet Richards, Alice Thatcher Post, Emily Greene Balch, Lucia Ames Mead, Sophonisba Broekenridgc, and Harriet Tark Thomas...
...Workday in Textile Mills THE average work day for textile mills is ten and a half hours, and for shoe factories ten hours...
...Was industry made for man, or man for industry...
...One of the most disastrous of recent passenger wrecks was caused when the engineer, disregarding the signals, ran his train into a freight...
...Overwork, with its attendant evils, thus becomes a problem of serious magnitude...
...Example after example is cited in which a brakeman, who had worked fifteen, twenty, thirty, or even thirty-six hours, with practically no opportunity to rest, was sent back at night to flag an oncoming train, fell asleep on the track and was cut to pieces by the engine, which, in another moment, crashed into the train from which the sleep-sick brakeman had been sent...
...It was shenrn that the testimony of educational experts proves the detriment of training young children for military service...
...Or the last witch was hanged...
...If a man must spend an hoar going to and from work (this is below rather than above the average) ; if he requires an hour to eat breakfast and dinner...
...Belgium was ably represented by her famous pacifist, Senator Henri La Fontaine...
...We stand for the fundamental principle of the American nation that "governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed," and believe that only on the principles of an international righteousness can permanent peace be organized...
...SUNDAY, December 10, a mass meeting was held in Belasco Thaatcr that packed tiic house, and from which many were turned away...
...We believe in the Newer Preparedness, that will promote justice and co-operation among nations, abolish international hatreds, and destroy the causes of war...
...On the part of the United States it was proposed to secure "the creation of a joint, commission or of joint commissions on Which experts from Japan and China and the United States shall sit," in order to discuss "the complex and difficult issues arising between the United States and the Orient...
...50,000 or 29 per cent., of the employees customarily worked seven days per week, and 20 per cent, of them worked eighty-four hours or more per week, which, in effect, means a twelve-hour working day every day In the week, including Sunday...

Vol. 9 • January 1917 • No. 1

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