News Worth Remembering DOLLAR DIPLOMACY appears to be doomed. Business and politics are to be divorced, as far as our international relations are concerned. The policy of making our government the...

...The appointment was declined by McCombs, who said, "The acceptance of the position would involve greater sacrifice than I should make...
...To the Democrats he said, vote for our primary candidate...
...It is stated that Richards' state information bureau bill and the long distance telephone will organize the state into a rural market The bill provides in detail how the bureau can be conducted so that labor may find employment, employers may find laborers, sellers may find buyers and buyers may find sellers...
...McCombs to remain in this country to have a hand in the future management of the party...
...The Knox treaties with Honduras and Nicaragua started with the promise that the loans sought by those republics should be made by American bankers, in fact by a known group of American bankers...
...Many of the farmers who attended told briefly of their appreciation of the practical value of the conference and expressed the hope that it would be made a permanent activity of the school...
...This statement, which is printed in full on this page, was given out after a long discussion by the President and his Cabinet...
...President Wilson accepted the resignation in a brief note...
...A clause in the bill provides for the speedy advancement of such cases on the court dockets...
...The negotiations for the floating of the big loan have been in progress for more than two years...
...McCombs cannot accept the appointment to France...
...President John F. Sims of the normal school feels that this conference is a new departure not only in the normal school work but in educational movements in general...
...It prohibits the issuance of stocks and bonds by any utility corporation without the permission of the commission...
...As the American group had been ready to serve the administration in the past, irrespective of the heavy risks involved, so it was disposed to serve the present administration if requested...
...During the last administration Secretary of State Knox proposed to the United States Senate that conventions similar to that under which the United States is acting as a collection agency for Santo Domingo be entered into with respect to Honduras and Nicaragua...
...It is vested with power to compel the railroads and other utilities to produce their books and papers, to adopt a uniform system of accounting...
...Saturday Evening Post...
...The program of the conference was prepared with the thought that the people of the rural communities might inform the normal school of their conditions and needs in order that the school might be of greater service to them in as many helpful ways as possible...
...Such expenditure would be impossible were it not for the unprecedented patronage of these theaters...
...Some of the features of the bill are as follows: It requires railroads to run their trains on time and to furnish plenty of cars...
...You may be assured, therefore, that no revocation of this executive withdrawal will be recommended without first affording full opportunity for the presentation of the views of your constituents and for the complete investigation of the possible uses of this river...
...A Notice to Wall Street The statement is taken as a notice to Wall Street that no longer may the government be used for the promotion or guaranty of loan enterprises of American banking companies to the detriment or exploitation of weaker nations...
...It gives the commission exclusive jurisdiction in the abolition of grade crossings and the right to distribute the cost...
...Former Governor John Burke of North Dakota has been appointed Treasurer of the United States by President...
...It is a great pity that the country has to ask such sacrifices of those who are invited to serve it abroad—a service which every year becomes more exacting and more important...
...Ben Hur which has run for twelve years—certainly beyond the lifetime of any moving picture film—cost just half as much to produce in the first place as did the film of Dante's Inferno...
...McCombs to accept...
...This is given sig nificance by a number of political writers who see in it a desire of Mr...
...The Secretary recently received through Senator Poin-dexter a telegram from a state senator stating that the legislature of Washington had unanimously passed an act reserving all waters in the We-natchee basin, but that before the act was signed by the governor certain power interests had filed on these waters, and urging the president and the secretary of the interior to serve the best interests of the State of Washington by maintaining intact President Taft's executive order withdrawing the 18,553 acres of reservoir sites involved...
...McCombs Declines Foreign Post President Wilson offered the ambassadorship to France to William F. McCombs, chairman of the National Democratic Committee, and urged Mr...
...The policy of making our government the business agent and the guarantor of Wall Street interests in their investments in South American1 and Asiatic countries—a policy begun by Roosevelt and perfected under Taft and Knox—is to be completely reversed...
...It empowers the commission to ascertain the physical value of utility property for the purposes of taxation and to determine a fair profit on the money invested...
...This announcement followed a conference in the offices of J. P. Morgan & Company, and is as follows: "The American group, consisting of J. P. Morgan & Co., Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the First National Bank and the National City Bank, was formed in the spring of 1909 on the expressed desire of the Department of State that a financial group be organized to take up the participation to which American capital was entitled in the Hu-Kuang railway loan agreement, then under negotiation by British, French and German banking groups...
...Painful Situation "My friends," declaimed an orator during the convention—"My friends, I say to you that this great republic of ours is standing on the brink of an abscess...
...The Anti-imperialist League sent President Wilson the following telegram: "Congratulations on the magnificent statement given out by you concerning the Chinese loan...
...It makes the commission virtually a court, from which appeal is by certiorari to the courts...
...He was urged to call a national congress for the study of the white slavery question...
...Assistant Secretary Wilson served under the Taft administration and had a part in the negotiations growing out of the Taft-Knox policy of securing a part of that loan for American bankers...
...These devlopments have led to the prediction that the Administration will shortly recognize the new Chinese republic, and that efforts will be mad to revive and carry out the "open door" policy toward China that was formulated by John Hay...
...SOME IDEA of the vogue of the picture play can be secured from a comparison of the investments to-day made in this form of play with those in the older standard forms...
...Notes on the Present State of the Theatre By THOMAS II...
...The commission will have the power to order physical connections between different utilities, such as between telephone systems, for reasonable compensation, when there will be no irreparable injury...
...I am equally confident that China will rejoice at our nation's attitude...
...The commission will have full power to have three brakemen employed on all freight trains, if three are necessary...
...He states: "This action by the federal government was initiated in response to the request of citizens of your state, and in view of the recent action of the Washington legislature reserving all waters in the Wenatchee watershed it illustrates the type of co-operation between state and nation necessary to promote the highest utilization and development...
...It compels utility corporations to set aside a certain amount of their earnings as a depreciation fund, upon determination by the commission...
...A fight is expected in the Assembly, where the indications are that the bull moosers, under the leadership of Governor McGovern, and the liquor interests are joining hands to bring about the defeat of the referendum...
...Steps toward the formation of an agricultural club were taken to include all who are interested in the betterment of rural conditions...
...But deferring to the policy now declared, the group has withdrawn entirely from the Chinese loan negotiations and has so advised the European and Japanese banking groups...
...He would have accepted at an unreasonable sacrifice and I could not further press the offer upon him...
...Agents of the United States have collected the customs and sent the money to New York...
...School and Farm Confer A Farmers,' Rural School Teaehers' and Home Makers' Conference was held recently at the Stevens Point, Wisconsin, state normal school...
...These were negotiated by the Taft administration two years ago, and their ratification was earnestly urged by President Taft...
...As stated in President Taft's message to Congress of December, 1909, these purposes, in effect, called for the co-operation of the bankers as the 'indispensable instrumentality' which the American government needed to enable it to 'carry out a practical and real application of the open door policy.' "The Department of State considered that American co-operation with the banking groups of the several great powers enabled the United States to exercise a practical voice in China's affairs, and constituted the best guaranty for the preservation of China's integrity...
...It was specifically stated that the course decided upon by the Administration was recommended by Secretary of State Bryan...
...Crown Prince Constantine succeeds to the throne...
...It prohibits the issuance of passes by railroads except to physicians, lawyers, agents and shippers and not to exceed two bondsmen in each county...
...After his visitors had described briefly the disclosures of the investigation in Illinois and had stated the need of national legislation for the protection of working girls, the President said: "I appreciate to the full the gravity of this question...
...I have no doubt that in the matter of the Chinese loan the President and retiring secretary and assistant secretary did what they thought best for our country and China, but I am entirely in sympathy with the attitude of President Wilson and heartily indorse both the position taken and the language employed by him, and I may add that I am sure that the country will approve of the change in policy...
...Secretary of State Bryan appeared before the Illinois legislature last week and admonished the members to perform their sworn duty by ending the deadlock and electing United States Senators in accordance with the primary election verdicts...
...It is not an unusual thing for the management to spend $100,-000 on a production of a silent drama...
...In his letter of resignation he said: "I find myself entirely out of harmony with the radical change of policy, as I understand it...
...President Wilson's statement does not outline the general diplomatic policy of his Administration, but it does dispose of a policy which has placed American diplomacy on a lower and more sordid level than ever before in its history...
...Municipalities will be allowed to purchase property of utilities under terms set out in the act...
...Under the terms of the law, every public utility will be required to furnish reasonably adequate service and facilities, and charges for service must be reasonable and just...
...Morgan "Withdraws" Following President Wilson's announcement, the American bankers interested in Chinese loan announced their withdrawal from the negotiations...
...I feel compelled to devote myself to my personal affairs, and at the same time I will lend any assistance in my power that will contribute to the success of the Democratic administration and the Democratic party...
...But I appreciate the force of the reasons he gives...
...Bryan said: "He looked at the Chinese loan proposition from the same standpoint that former President Taft and the late Secretary Knox did...
...Dante's Inferno cost considerably in excess of this figure and the Bernhardt-fJejane series, The Fall of Troy and The Crusaders have cost in excess of $50,000...
...Vitalizing Supply and Demand" A hill to establish a state bureau of information passed both houses of the South Dakota legislature and was signed by the Governor March 3. This bill was presented to the legislature and championed by Mr...
...Burke is known as one of the most prominent of "the original Wilson men...
...News Notes —President Wilson listened to members of the Illinois Senate's vice committee last Saturday...
...The Six-Power Loan The effect of the President's statement is to withdraw this government from the six-power scheme to force a loan upon China and acquire control in that vast empire by insisting upon a voice in the administration of that nation's finances...
...Unquestionably there will be no renewal of this arrangement when the present treaty expires...
...My admiration for his abilities, my knowledge of his singular capacity for grasping complex situations, my confidence in his tact and resourcefulness, as well as my affection for him and the intimate relations that, of course, exist between us, combine to make my disappointment very great indeed...
...The sacrifice of time, of means and of opportunity at home is very serious for any but men of large means and leisure, and the diplomatic service is unnecessarily hampered...
...This measure creates a state board of five members to regulate the rates and services of public utility corporations in Missouri...
...The steam railways will continue to be governed by the railway commission laws, but the interurban companies will come under the provisions of the public service commission law...
...The existing powers conferred on the railroad commission are transferred to the public service commission... compel the installation of electric headlights, construction of depots, and to require additional switching facilities, improvement of track bed or rolling stock, and to regulate the expedition with which stock is handled... Progressives he suggested that since they had no candidates before the people in the primaries, they might vote for whom they chose and still have standing at home...
...Definite regulations are prescribed by which the commission shall have supervision over the issue and sale of stock and other securities of the public service companies...
...Procedure is specified whereby the comiission may force the public service companies to adopt reasonable rates and charges...
...the first practical step in fulfilling the noble ideals you have promulgated, and toward the restoration of the moral world influence of the United States, impaired so gravely since the war with Spain...
...Closer co-operation between the school and its patrons and increased service to the community was the theme...
...Two treaties with Nicaragua and Honduras, involving the principle of a government guaranty of loans to those republics made by American bankers, still remain in the senate committee on foreign relations, canvass having shown that they would not be ratified by the Senate...
...During that time the amount of the loan rose from twenty-five million dollars desired by China to three hundred and fifty million dollars which the great financial interests of this country and Europe attempted to force upon China...
...I was particularly anxious that he should...
...This law strips the legislature of further necessity of dealing with railroads and other utility corporations...
...Bryan and completely relieve me of my further obligation in the premises...
...Bryan Pleased In an interview at Des Moines, Iowa, Secretary Bryan declared that he was entirely in sympathy with President Wilson's, policy toward the proposed Chinese loan...
...Concerning the resignation of the Assistant Secretary, Mr...
...After a strenuous contest between the champions of state regulation and the representatives and allies of the public service corporations, the bill was finally passed in the legislature and was signed by Governor Ralston...
...For eight years the United States has been supervising the finances of Santo Domingo...
...Appeals from the orders of the commission in regard to rates may be taken to the courts of any county in which orders of the commission are operative...
...And he added: "I had no reason to suppose that the fate of negotiations which had so long had the studious attention of the foreign offices of six great powers would be abruptly determined with such quite unnecessary haste and in so unusual a manner...
...Indiana to Regulate Utilities Indiana now has a strong public utility law...
...The bill provides for the creation of the public service commission of Indiana to consist of five members...
...Lane Refuses to Open Sites to Power Interests Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane has stated his position with respect to insuring the highest utilization of public land resources in a case of great importance in which much interest is being manifested in the Pacific Northwest...
...1 thank you...
...This great loan was to be divided up among the financiers of five European powers and a group of Wall Street bankers ia this country...
...The United States for these eight years has simply been a collecting agency in Santo Domingo for the New York bankers...
...What the moving picture operators spend in preparation of course comes back in the enormous distribution of the films over hundreds of centers in this and other countries simultaneously...
...Provision is made, under, certain, conditions, for two or more public utilities supplying similar service to be merged...
...Commenting on Mr...
...Wilson, Mr...
...This is done under a treaty which has two years to run, and so the arrangement could not be set aside by the new administration at this time, even if it cared to do so...
...If you will be so kind as to leave with me the suggestions you have made I will give the matter the fullest consideration...
...The commission is empowered to fix express rates within the state and to create free zones of delivery in incorporated cities...
...These methods against which I respectfully protest are the very extraordinary circumstances which I feel vitiate my understanding with Mr...
...George B. ("Boss") Cox, of Cincinnati, whose operations by and for business in Ohio politics have long been notorious, together with ten other officials and directors of the Cincinnati Trust Company, was indicted last week on the charge of having violated the state banking laws...
...R. O. Richards...
...The purpose of statewide, free information is to vitalize the operation of the natural economic law of supply and demand...
...Is the moving picture show socially and artistically a constructive force...
...This was indicated last week in a published statement by President Wilson outlining the new administration's policy with regard to the proposed Chinese loan...
...These treaties were subject to the criticism that they favored at the start a special group of capitalists and this objection in itself was found in the Senate to be fatal, for it excluded competition and made possible the suspicion of a too close understanding between officials of the United States government and certain great financiers in New York...
...Assistant Secretary Resigns President Wilson's announcement drew the immediate resignation of Huntington Wilson, Assistant Secretary of State, who has been Acting Secretary of State during Secretary Bryan's trip to the Middle West...
...Public Utility Law in Missouri A public utility bill has passed the Missouri legislature and has been signed by Governor Major...
...Power is given the commission to require the keeping of uniform accounts open to examination, and to require full information concerning the conduct of the business...
...In order that data, may be obtained for the fixing of rates, the commission is empowered to value "all property of every public utility actually used and useful for the convenience of the public...
...Both this federal withdrawal and the state reservation were made with a view to possible utilization of the water for the irrigation of 290,-000 acres in the Quincy Valley, on the east side of Columbia River, which, as stated in the telegram to Senator Poin-dexter, "means millions to the State of Washington and further development of Quincy Valley...
...As stated the purpose of the bureau is "for the benefit of the public generally, for the purpose of gathering and publishing information pertaining to supply and demand, concerning labor, live stock, cereals and seeds and the more important items of farm produce so as to facilitate improvement and guard against waste and foster a rural market, to create an equilibrium or check upon city markets...
...Upon the request of the Chinese government, however, it was reduced to one hundred and twenty-five million...
...This group thus became interested in Chinese loan matters, not primarily for its own profit, but for purposes indicated by President Taft and Secretary Knox...
...McCombs declination President Wilson said: "I am very sorry indeed that Mr...
...It was President Roosevelt who introduced this custom of meddling with the financial affairs of other countries...
...In spite of the high sums spent in the production'of standard productions, this amount is seldom reached by even a spectacular piece demanding a large expenditure for costumes and scenery... Republicans he urged, vote for your primary choice...
...The Wisconsin Senate on March 20 passed the Glenn bill to submit woman suffrage to a vote at the next general election...
...These proposed conventions were not reported by the committee on foreign relations, and so the state department was not able to make any arrangements under which this government would back New York bankers in those two countries...
...Licenses and franchises hereafter granted to any public utility shall have the effect of an indeterminate permit, subject to revocation by the commission for cause...
...The secretary's letter to Senator Poindexter points out clearly that he has no intention of revoking the order of withdrawal of the public land...
...King George I of Greece was assassinated on March 18 while walking in a street of Salonika...

Vol. 5 • March 1913 • No. 13

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