BOOKS Changing sell-perceptions ol the middle-class woman Ann Norrissett Davidon WOMAN'S PROPER PLACE: A HISTORY OF CHANGING IDEALS AND PRACTICES, 1870 TO THE PRESENT by Sheila N. Rothman Basic...

...The deliberate sacrifice of the professional, scientific, and business elite, which was intended to (and in fact did) destroy the bourgeoisie as a power structure, does not fit any definition of evolution...
...These are the women "who see themselves as potential 'losers' in the sexual free marketplace: housewives who have no alternative means of support to their husbands' income and, they fear, no alternative to their present husbands...
...Elections are perceived as a means of identifying the best revolutionaries, not of representing the people's opinions...
...Both Carter's government and the nation as a whole are split on the question of switching from petroleum to nuclear power...
...Pull your coat over your head and pray for deliverance...
...We all see that hypnotizing gray mushroom cloud clearly enough in the mind's eye...
...Reactors far bigger than anything which ever had been built or tested were ordered in scores...
...In spite of occasional acknowledgement of the improvement in the distribution of the national income and the social and psychological value of work for all, Dominguez tends to minimize these major contributions of the Revolution...
...Today, when too much commentary is either clinical newspeak for the massive academic industry or frilly chatter for the massive popular-media industry, Spender's prose reminds us that there is a tradition of intelligent and sensitive writing about books and authors... Sidney Harris (William Kaufmann, Inc...
...322 pp...
...It says to the reader: "Give up...
...What if regulation of the nuclear industry had been adequate...
...683 pp...
...276 pp...
...Getty's Reminder: "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights...
...Both Woman's Proper Place by Sheila M. Rothman and For Her Own Good by Barbara Ehren-reich and Deirdre English are such excellent documents of how women have been viewed, advised, restricted, protected, exploited, and manipulated in the past century or so that it is hard to imagine any further books on the subject can possibly be needed or conceived...
...FOR HER OWN GOOD: 150 YEARS OF THE EXPERTS' ADVICE TO WOMEN by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English Anchor Press/Doubleday...
...England's insistence on sticking with domestic technology ended in economic f lure, and it has not saved Britain r • , a bitter nuclear controversy i ,e )dy surviving competitor to light water, Canada's heavy water reactor, is bought mainly by countries interested in building atomic weapons...
...For these women every advance in women's legal status seems to represent a further erosion of male responsibility...
...When H.L...
...But when one contrasts the average Cuban's disapproval of such antisocial elements with the resigned acceptance of the dog-eat-dog philosophy that dominated the island in the late 1950s, the change is impressive...
...Soldiers are positioned around the complex...
...Because they cover many of the same developments and use similar sources, it might be assumed that reading only one would suffice, but for any thoughtful feminist or student of feminism each yields information and insights which are reinforcing and complementary...
...The writers of Woman's Proper Place and For Her Own Good trace the shift from "the nursery to the bedroom" (the title of one of Rothman's chapters) beginning in the 1920s with the emphasis on woman as sexual companion — a far cry from the dangers seen in female sexuality in the Nineteenth Century...
...A brief paragraph in the preface asserting that he approves more of some of the Castro regime's policies and less of others is hardly adequate, nor is his statement that he has never belonged to any organization for or against the regime...
...Dominguez sees the major changes that have occurred in Cuba — the enormous rise in the level of education, the more equitable division of the national wealth among all citizens, the insertion of the vast majority of Cubans into the political process through mass organizations — as excluding a possibility of a return to the past...
...Something weasely has crept into our journalism in the past fifty years...
...But exploration of this puzzle led to the conclusion that light water's success was "directly linked to the spreading controversy over nuclear power...
...The book reveals Dominguez as belonging to the school, beloved of academia, that isolates the historian outside history where he can view objectively and describe impartially the doings of mortals...
...For Cuba, however, I do not believe this theory holds...
...The chapters in Light Water on the nuclear debates in France and Sweden, plus the early chapters describing the nuclear bandwagon, make the book worthwhile reading...
...This forces Dominguez to disguise opinions as though they were scientific conclusions, and the reader's task is complicated because the author does not state his value systems and prejudices...
...Yet he suggests that it is unimportant...
...When I visited Russia, I left with the impression that its tragedy was that the Communists had changed nothing...
...The spreading nuclear controversy also contributed to construction delays, but Bupp and Derian agree with other authorities that interventions were not the decisive causes of added costs...
...Without being self-righteous or melodramatic, they raise questions which lurk beneath the relatively easy and apparently liberated lives so many of us have now: What is our nature...
...Its un-compromised but now panicky and angry activist remnant (leftish lawyers, scientists, and technocrats, whom sociologists nowadays describe as the New Class) turns to guerrilla violence...
...The moment of truth What's So Funny about Science...
...127 pp...
...And the 'womanly' values of community and caring must rise to the center as the only human principles...
...But there is no such thing as an objective historian...
...241 pp...
...Engaging entertainment, written with style and wit...
...The selections from this, his third cartoon collection, are reprinted from American Scientist...
...Surprisingly, "the first time that Auden, Day-Lewis, and Spender were all three in a room together was in Venice, after the war, in 1948...
...This collection of assorted essays, personal journal entries, book and theater reviews, and some poems represents Spender's entire writing career of more than forty years...
...hegemony, there is a qualitative difference between the two...
...Yet ultimately Cuba: Order and Revolution leaves the reader with more questions than convictions...
...The biggest competitor to neo-romanticism, Ehrenreich and English add, is not "rationalist feminism" but the "marketplace psychology purveyed in the 'self-help' literature, popular magazines, psychotherapy programs, and occasionally feminist literature itself...
...It is a tradition which is quite noble and should not be lost sight of...
...No, that would violate an old convention...
...The fact that scientists take themselves so seriously makes them fair game for ego-puncturers like cartoonist Sidney Harris, and Harris has made a career out of doing just that...
...Carter himself, under pressure from big business and his mad energy czar, James Schlesinger, is tilting toward "nukes...
...Books Briefly Magic musicals The Street Where I Live, by Alan Jay Lerner (W.W...
...This is the question hinted at by Irvin C. Bupp and Jean-Claude Derian in Light Water: How the Nuclear Dream Dissolved...
...Bupp and Derian shed little light on what accounted for the light water boom, except to say that it fed on itself in an uncritical environment...
...What technical characteristics...
...The Carter of this book is a windbag, a racist, an opportunist, as verbally clumsy as Gerald Ford, as shrewdly monomaniacal as Lyndon Johnson, as paranoid as the Richard Nixon of The Final Days...
...Wilmington, Delaware, is blacked out when its electrical system is sabotaged...
...Eliot, James Joyce, and D.H...
...I heartily dislike that cute little word too, but Cockburn and Ridgeway didn't invent it...
...The Case of New York, by David Rogers (The Free Press...
...But even the early chapters add little to the important studies done by Henry Nau and Warren Donnelly, and Walter Patterson's Nuclear Power and the French CFDT's L'Electronucleaire en France remain the best overall discussions of atomic energy and nuclear technology...
...Spending no longer had to be justified in terms of the house, the kids, the future...
...The more they treat the controversy as a non-rational if not irrational dispute over values, the more they undercut their own expose of failings on the part of manufacturers, utilities, and regulators...
...He has contributed to The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and The Nation...
...As they move into a discussion of the current nuclear stalemate, however, their prejudices begin to interfere with their analysis...
...Both books fall short of presenting a full political perspective and make little or no reference to the roles women have played in the anti-slavery movement, the peace movement, and, to some extent, in socialist and labor movements...
...I have a predisposition to agree with the thesis that an official commitment to Marxism does not necessarily involve a rupture of continuity...
...But the super problem is still energy...
...If the Vietnamese had believed that, General Westmoreland would still be in Saigon...
...English and Ehrenreich, co-authors of Witches, Midwives and Nurses: A History of Women Healers and Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness (now available from Feminist Press, Old Westbury, New York), have expanded on those two works to produce a comprehensive analysis of what has been happening to women since the industrial revolution...
...Mencken covered the inauguration of Warren G. Harding and wrote, "No other such complete and dreadful nitwit is to be found in the pages of American history," he didn't mean it to be read as "fiction...
...Charisma has been "formalized" and invested in a collective leadership and, more generally, in the Communist Party as a whole.' 'The Communist Party has claimed the right to rule because its members behave correctly, because they are the most devoted revolutionaries among the citizens, and because their decisions have led to improved performance...
...Reporters, on the side, have always written novels about imaginary characters...
...Flames of truth The Official Rules, by Paul Dickson (Delacorte Press...
...Norman Mailer subscribed to this idea in his Advertisements for Myself and, in my opinion, novelist Richard G. Stern executed it wonderfully in his solid, and overlooked, The Books in Fred Hampton's Apartment in 1973...
...At the same time, he is trying to buy off certain anti-nuclear leaders, including the Union of Rich Folk (URF), deracinated SDS types who are also sons and daughters of the old ruling class...
...Roth-man charts the development of clubs and organizations such as the YWCA and WCTU which gave middle-class women charitable outlets and spread their ideas of "virtuous womanhood" to working girls and new immigrants...
...What emerges is a vivid, on-the-scene impression of his life during each decade, showing again that the nonfiction miscellany can make an intriguing form of autobiography...
...By 1968 manufacturers were taking orders for plants six times larger than the largest one in operation...
...While his people are starving after a long drought, this ruler of "Islamic socialism" refuses American aid because of his intense dislike of American consumerism developed during his years at McCarthy college (a coy touch) in Wisconsin during the 1950s...
...Peter LaSalle (Peter LaSalle is a fiction writer and poet who teaches creative writing at , Iowa State University...
...Rothman deals with poor and working women largely in terms of the efforts made on their behalf by middle-class women (first through women's clubs, then through settlement houses, finally through legislation), while English and Ehrenreich write at some length of healers and midwives who traditionally served the poor and of the Thomsonian healing system which in the Nineteenth Century became "the working class and feminist alternative to regular medicine...
...Satiric portraits of American Presidents are starting to blur in my head...
...this was a period of sticky confusion, as typified by Spender's later embarrassment upon discovery that the magazine he was editing, Encounter, had been partially funded by the CIA since early in the decade...
...If Carter and his people are as bad as Cockburn and Ridgeway suggest they are, they are ten times worse than jerks, and I volunteer to help the authors overthrow them...
...In Europe the technology was introduced under the aegis of a U.S.-EURATOM cooperation agreement, "a trojan horse for light water...
...To allay suspicion, the disposable Walter Mondale is sent in as a hostage...
...Here we find a lucid description of how the first order for a commercial light water reactor in the United States (Oyster Creek, 1963) sent a tremor through utility board rooms and produced a mad rush in 1966-1967 to purchase atomic power plants...
...Indeed, I think he does an outstanding job in his attempt to be fair...
...149 pp...
...Perhaps one of the biggest defects of Cuba: Order and Revolution is Dominguez's failure to explore the nature of this difference...
...Dominguez has a good point when he says attitudes have been changed more by militancy in revolutionary organizations than by the massive efforts of the educational system...
...They quote a director of market research for a multinational corporation: "People living alone need the same things as people living in families...
...Cuba since 1959 CUBA: ORDER AND REVOLUTION by forge I. Dominguez Belknap Press of Harvard University Press...
...Dominguez, I believe, overstates his case for his thesis that the Castro regime's efforts to develop a revolutionary mystique have had minimal impact, that worker attitudes are little changed, and that no marked increase in selflessness has occurred...
...Light water" refers to the U.S...
...For me the sole slack piece is "Rhineland Journey," a rambling report from devastated Germany after the war...
...Later the settlement houses became hotbeds of more vigorous reform, and, as scientism became America's new religion early in this century, scientific home-management and child-raising engaged the energies of middle-class women...
...The magical spell of good theater pervades these reminiscences of the making of My Fair Lady, Gigi, and Camelot by librettist and lyricist Alan Jay Lerner...
...The Secretary of Energy is "that goddam nut Schlesinger...
...Oh the Senate majority leader: a female character suffers "the impenetrable stupidity of Robert Byrd...
...To many Europeans it seems especially unfortunate and ironic," we are told, "that certain technical characteristics of light water reactors make them an easy target for anti-nuclear critics...
...The invalidism and "hysteria" common to many middle-class women in the Nineteenth Century who were displaced by the factories in many domestic functions such as weaving and soap-making gave way to new activities following the Civil War...
...What is it that makes my hackles rise against this rather snappily written, sometimes funny little satire, Smoke: Another Jimmy Carter Adventure, by Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway, political columnists for The Village Voice...
...Not surprisingly, unforeseen technical difficulties continued to drive up nuclear costs...
...In retrospect, it seems to them that greater reliance on heavy water or gas graphite systems would have reduced their vulnerability to politics in the United States...
...He divides the contents into several sections, each covering a decade, and he introduces the sections with new essays to add an overview of each ten-year span and some notes on the work to follow...
...For the interested general reader with limited time and patience, For Her Own Good is in my view the better buy, not only in money but in scope and perception...
...They conclude that the "woman question" is really the question of how all of us "organize our lives together...
...Predisposed to believe that the facts favor nuclear power, they assert that "the cause of the nuclear safety controversy is a difference in values, not a lack of information...
...When the small reactors initially ordered proved too expensive, utilities pinned their hopes on construction of much larger plants...
...Elsewhere, the writing cuts close to the confessional bone for stinging results, as in "September Journal," a month's worth of musings on both his shattered marriage and the European future in that ominous year 1939...
...Durant's Discovery: "One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say...
...Still, their description of how the boom evolved is clear and honest...
...Should I tell you how the book ends...
...Meanwhile, certain Administration figures (Schlesinger, Hamilton Jordan, Jody Powell) have learned of the terrorists' plans through an informer and decide to send troops in shooting, televising the whole show nationally on election eve...
...This idyll was interrupted for a while in the 1940s by the war which took many women temporarily out of the home...
...So really this trend is good because it means you sell more products...
...The U.S...
...He outlines several major areas of contrast between business and government before embarking on a case study of one attempt to transfer good business sense to the public sector...
...The anti-nuclear movement splinters...
...Up goes a natural gas pipeline in the far West...
...We read books like Smoke for the satirical characterizations of the famous players...
...The Official Rules is billed as "the definitive, annotated collection of laws, principles, and instructions for dealing with the real world" — and that's exactly what it is...
...Gordon Burnside (Gordon Burnside is a free-lance writer and book critic for St...
...BOOKS Changing sell-perceptions ol the middle-class woman Ann Norrissett Davidon WOMAN'S PROPER PLACE: A HISTORY OF CHANGING IDEALS AND PRACTICES, 1870 TO THE PRESENT by Sheila N. Rothman Basic Books...
...His books include "Revolution Next Door: Latin America in the 1970s"and "No Peaceful Way: Chile's Struggle for Dignity...
...Most of all it is an affectionate tribute to his collaborator Fritz Loew and to playwright Moss Hart, who directed My Fair Lady and Camelot...
...Unaware of the flimsy basis for the U.S...
...In analyzing EDC's successes and failures, he offers important lessons for any group that wants to influence government...
...The Land of the So-New Sixties and Seventies (one section treats the pair), when Spender feels much older and reflects on his contemporaries and writers of an earlier generation — particularly Eliot, who, he concludes with respect, had more artistic influence on the poets of the 1930s than even he realized when younger...
...I dislike this stuff because it has the same effect on politics that terrorism has...
...The set included Spender, W.H...
...There was undoubtedly evolutionary continuity, as Dominguez claims, in the first big change that occurred: the change of the U.S...
...What Rothman calls the recognition of "woman as person" in the new feminism is not a source of total joy to English and Ehrenreich, who tie the concept in with the market economy which battens not only on the burgeoning "me" books and encounter groups but also on the single or divorced woman whose liberated lifestyle is prey to, and encouraged by, the new commercialism...
...The bulk of The Thirties and After probably falls into the category of literary criticism, if we take "criticism" in its largest sense to mean writing about books and authors... originated in Hyman Rickover's nuclear submarine program, where the overriding objective was development of a highly compact and reliable reactor...
...While Cuba has labor shortages, the other Latin American countries have unemployment rates as high as 40 per cent, and still rising...
...Auden, C. Day-Lewis, Louis MacNiece (all poets), and the fiction writer Christopher Isherwood...
...The market "must be pushed back to the margins...
...Capitalism and the market economy are paid little heed in Rothman's analysis of how "woman's proper place" came to be viewed in successive eras, while English and Ehrenreich see them as critical — and usually determining — forces...
...Cuba's enormous capital developments are entirely Cuban-owned, while elsewhere the transnational corporations are the principal owners and beneficiaries...
...This is not a challenge to his good faith and commitment to objectivity...
...While the Vice President prattles, the Army pounces — but something goes wrong...
...This conclusion, they believe, "will not please those who are committed to atomic energy's role as a vital part of our future...
...There was a time," says one dolphin to another, "when I thought humans were as smart as we are...
...333 pp...
...In contrast, English and Ehrenreich are perhaps less comforting but more challenging in their summation of the vision "implicit in feminism — a society that is organized around human needs...
...reactor technology which swept the world market in the 1960s, only to become mired in controversy during the 1970s...
...Comedy in Africa The Coup, by John Updike (Knopf...
...Utilities persisted in viewing reactor economics in the most favorable possible light, and new excuses repeatedly were found for unexpected and drastic increases in nuclear electricity generating costs...
...boom, European utilities soon jumped on the light water bandwagon, and governments dropped competing reactor development programs...
...For Spender, the decades themselves are so distinct that they seem fully tangible, almost geographical as well as temporal settings, and thus new lands for him and the other poets of the 1930s to explore: The Land of the Hopeful Thirties, and the rallying behind anti-Fascism...
...This time the prolific novelist writes a comedy about a likable buffoon who is a dictator of an imaginary African country...
...The result, for Dominguez, is the institutionalization of authoritarian (but not "totalitarian") rule by "an aging elite of white males...
...In the political arena, where the women's movement is one more vested interest group, Rothman finds a strange "solace" in her final thought that "it is difficult to be king when the gods are changing...
...Among questions of this sort, one of the most interesting is what would have happened if a different nuclear technology had been selected in the first place...
...While For Her Own Good is fascinating throughout, in the end English and Ehrenreich's socio-economic perspective and probing ethical concern differentiate their book from Rothman's and perhaps most other well-documented studies of this kind...
...Spender emphasizes that though the group had a natural leader in Auden, they never constituted a bona fide movement with a manifesto or other trappings...
...Paul Dickson, who has written for this magazine (among others) on an astonishing variety of subjects, has compiled all the possible corollaries, combinations, and permutations of Murphy's Law ("If anything can go wrong, it will...
...Bupp and Derian make no bones about their basic sympathy for nuclear technology...
...325 pp...
...Even if it is true, as I tend to agree, that the end result was the substitution of Soviet for U.S...
...The "togetherness" of the 1950s came unstuck in the 1960s, this time perhaps for good...
...How shall we live...
...They completely neglect the massive influence of Hyman Rickover himself, for example, even though the light water reactor often is called "the Rickover reactor" abroad...
...But first they have to say so plainly...
...Congratulations," says one researcher to another in an industrial lab, "they've named a lung disease after you...
...The authors come close to an old bone with their scenes of a URF convention in northern California: SDS did have its class divisions, and Weatherman was the most class-stamped party since the Spanish Falange...
...To use a quintessential phrase of our times, I'll buy that...
...Partly it's a sneaking respect for Jimmy Carter, the first President in twenty years to find a way of governing the United States without killing Asian peasants...
...236 pp...
...Carter strikes a deal with URF...
...There has been a retreat from the radicalism of the late 1960s, a greater stress on material incentives, a resumption of economic growth in the 1970s...
...Although Bupp and Derian hint throughout that the nuclear controversy is tied somehow to the choice of light water technology, they never really explain how...
...What if the industry had tested emergency cooling systems and figured out what to do with wastes before building commercial plants...
...He stresses that wage differences are much greater than a decade ago and sees this as likely to create new class distinctions...
...Political columnists Cockburn and Ridgeway ought to be good at this, and they do have their moments...
...Some questions are unanswerable because the evidence is not in...
...On the Vice President: "Mondale's voice came through, rising to its habitual plaintive whine...
...This quaint remark, made in 1870 by a professor addressing a medical society, is also cited by English and Ehrenreich along with other amusing and horrifying illustrations of the Nineteenth Century male-dominated medical profession's obsession with the uterus (or the ovaries, and sometimes the clitoris) as the source of women's ills...
...The crisis and confusion which are met by some in sybaritic self-indulgence, consumerism, and rejection of children are being met by other women in a neo-romantic upsurge against equal rights and abortion, according to English and Ehrenreich...
...She also credits technology and the professions, but her first focus is on the struggles of women's colleges against male professional warnings about the harm that brainwork would do to women's specialized bodies, created "as if the Almighty...
...299 pp...
...But they themselves amply demonstrate that the controversy arises as much from a mistrust of official information as from conflicting philosophies...
...puterized one...
...210 pp...
...What are our needs...
...Smoke is set in that soon- to- be-upon-us year, 1980...
...Their focus, like Rothman's, is more on middle-class women than on poor working women, so in neither of these books will you find any thorough description of "the plight of the working girl" in the early industrial era, or, for that matter, in our present comAnn Morri$sett Davidon is a freelance writer and peace activist...
...It was radically revolutionary...
...Partly it's a growing hostility to political satire in the nuclear age, a tradition reaching back through the anti-Nixon potboilers of Philip Roth and Gore Vidal, to Barbara Garson's mindless MacBird, to the father of them all, Richard Condon's cynical 1959 thriller, The Manchurian Candidate...
...had taken the uterus and built up a woman around it...
...A professor of sociology and management at New York University, Rogers is basically sympathetic to EDC goals, but he gives a balanced view...
...The inflation rate oozes ever higher...
...Years of meticulous research combined with wide scholarship make Jorge I. Dominguez's book, Cuba: Order and Revolution, a unique contribution on the development of Cuba in this century...
...The Land of the Dark Forties, when the soulful questioning of the course of Western civilization was waged in Horizon, the magazine founded by Spender and Cyril Connolly...
...English and Ehrenreich point out that "a clear-headed capitalist could only rejoice at the new self-indulgent mood of young women" as it became clear that "one sybaritic single could outconsume a family of four...
...It is tempting to ask how this embarrassing situation might have been avoided...
...The difference is there's no sharing...
...Business in city affairs Can Business Management Save the Cities...
...The two books make frequent reference to the neglect of poor women amidst the torrents of analysis and advice showered by the "experts" on middle-class women...
...The Israelis have just invaded Turkey...
...The Land of the Tepid Fifties, when Spender and others had already denounced communism in favor of various codes of personal freedom...
...Jerry Brown is about to bolt the Democrats and form a third party...
...Gary MacEoin (Gary MacEoin has made ten visits to Cuba and has traveled extensively throughout Latin America...
...Atomic Energy Commission neglected safety and environmental problems connected with light water commercialization...
...At last — a book that fully lives up to ihe promise of the publisher's jacket blurb...
...from the point of view of proliferation heavy water even more than light water has had a corrosive effect on the nuclear dream...
...Both were associated with atomic energy programs, Bupp in the United States and Derian in France, and together they set out to discover what explained light water's victory over competing technologies...
...This promises to be heady stuff: an anti-nuclear study written by reputable pro-nuclear scholars...
...He recounts the history of the Economic Development Council (EDC), an organization founded in 1965 by major New York City corporations which sought to bring their version of economic rationality to city hall...
...Throughout the 1960s, Bupp and Derian make plain, the U.S...
...The spirit of the 1970s ought to react to that with grim joy...
...Rothman makes the interesting assertion that "the institution that has exerted a primary, but certainly not exclusive, influence in shaping different concepts of proper womanhood has been the college and university...
...Had the gas graphite or heavy water reactors developed in Canada and Europe been selected instead, we might have avoided the current impasse...
...But the change after 1959 was of a different order...
...Louis magazine...
...What vulnerability to U.S...
...The most historically revealing pieces, I think, are the reviews Spender turned out as a young man in the 1930s...
...However appropriate the light water reactor was for submarines, Bupp and Derian imply, a different reactor might have been more suitable for generation of electricity...
...Jimmy Carter is gearing up for reelection, though as usual his Administration is in foggy trouble on nearly all fronts...
...Finally, I find it strange that Dominguez fails to put the Cuban performance over the past two decades in the perspective of what has happened elsewhere in Latin America...
...Cuba: Order and Revolution is enormously valuable for the information it provides, but the student of Cuba must look elsewhere for a true perspective...
...With politicians scrambling to board the bandwagon of fiscal conservatism, David Rogers's introductory warning about public finance is most timely: there is nothing inherently virtuous about a low budget for city services, he believes...
...All of them, like the few examples that follow, burn with the hard, gem-like flame of truth: Kitman's Law: "Pure drivel tends to drive ordinary drivel off the TV screen...
...He believes the Revolution is now stabilized...
...The Harvard historian offers a mass of hitherto inaccessible data on political, economic, and social change since Castro came to power in "'1959...
...Cuba still has loafers and black marketeers...
...The reporter Mencken thought Harding a jerk, and he said so plainly...
...Nuclear impasse LIGHT WATER: HOW THE NUCLEAR DREAM DISSOLVED by Irvin C. Bupp and lean-Claude Derian Basic Books...
...His book abounds with juicy anecdotes and vivid vignettes of theater people and stars (Rex Harrison, Julie Andrews, Richard Burton, and Maurice Chevalier among them...
...The proportion of the national product going to the lowest 30 per cent of the population in wages, health, education, and other services has grown substantially in Cuba while falling disastrously elsewhere...
...But their first job was to bring us the news, the things they saw, heard, and felt, the things they experienced as witnesses...
...policy of imperial control set in 1902 to a policy of hegemony in 1933...
...Stephen Spender often seems intent in The Thirties and After on setting the record straight on exactly what it meant to be a poet in the 1930s — one of the young, Oxford-schooled writers joined, as Spender says, by both their affiliation with the Left (especially in backing the Republican cause in Spain) and their enthusiasm for the innovations of major literary modernists, such as T.S...
...he stuck to his Marxist beliefs with admirable idealistic vigor, even if the tenacity was a touch naive...
...It is an amazing tour de force...
...One subjective coloring that comes through to me is an undercurrent, just reaching the surface from time to time, of minimizing the changes effected by the Castro regime...
...The Official Rules is a lively, lovely proof of Durant's Discovery...
...A clever, if inflated, satire...
...This is a question which has no answer in the marketplace or among the throngs of experts who sell their wisdom there...
...Some seventy nuclear power plants are operating in the United States today, and yet we still have not resolved the question of whether we really want any nuclear power at all...
...He recaptures the trials and final glories of the three productions...
...With household management and child-raising down to a science, women had little to hold their homes together except the enticements they could offer men as pals and playmates...
...Many others, I suspect, result from the author's understanding of his function as a historian...
...From the data he offers on the economy, the control and ownership of natural resources, and the motives the United States and the Soviet Union have for seeking to be the dominating power, it is clear that Dominguez understands what the difference is...
...The fable provides a backdrop for some acid comments on America's commercial culture and the misdevelopmem of the Third World...
...And perhaps not mine alone...
...Ehrenreich and English are unable to accept either alternative...
...Politics as satire SMOKE: ANOTHER JIMMY CARTER ADVENTURE by Alexander Cockbum and James Ridgeway Times Books...
...But terrorists rarely come from among the old rich...
...His tributes to Connolly and Auden upon their deaths are two honest, moving prose documents...
...By the mid-1970s atomic energy would have been wholly indefensible had it not been for fortuitous rises in coal and oil pricbs...
...Willi am Sweet (William Sweet is a free-lance writer who specializes in arms control and disarmament issues...
...By the mid-1970s, the pre-revolutionary levels of aggregate economic performance, allowing for price inflation and population growth, were finally surpassed...
...In the history of Twentieth-Century Cuba, there is indeed a broad area of continuity and of evolution caused by the worldwide contemporary modernization process...
...Finally, just before the November election, the guerrillas seize a nuclear reactor complex in New Jersey and hold it for ransom: a public pledge by Carter for solar power...
...Is there a place for love and caring within a still "masculinist" society...
...The early chapters live up to expectations...
...Can all these things be true...
...We are never told...
...A long look back THE THIRTIES AND AFTER: POETRY, POLITICS, PEOPLE, 1930s-1970s by Stephen Spender Random House...

Vol. 43 • February 1979 • No. 2

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