Notes in the News

NOTES in the NEWS The Secret Commitments Under the chairmanship of Senator Stuart Symington, Missouri Democrat, a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee is winding up what we earnestly hope will...

...The summary says six Guardsmen, including two sergeants and a captain, "stated pointedly that the lives of the members of the Guard were not in danger and that it was not a shooting situation...
...The Grand Jury, assisted in its labors by a special prosecutor who later declared that the Guard "should have shot all the troublemakers," found that the Guardsmen "fired the weapons in the honest and sincere belief and under circumstances which would have logically caused them to believe that they would suffer serious bodily injury had they not done so...
...Said Oscar B. Lubow, president of Starch: "Women are even less attentive commercial viewers than men," a survey discovery that should cause frothing at the mouth in soap and detergent manufacturing circles...
...Those demands—and the defense fund being organized in behalf of the twenty-five defendants indicted—deserve the support of all Americans who still believe it is possible to attain justice within the system...
...We found this heartwarming information in *a brief item on Page 10 of a recent edition of The Wall Street Journal...
...There is no specific University regulation on hiring a homosexual, but the regents' position, in essence, was that the public would assume McConnell practiced sodomy, a crime...
...Although the U.S...
...It was ironic that a strike by International Typographical Union members should have precipitated the death of the Gazette and Daily, for Gitt had long been a supporter of organized labor...
...Weeks after the issuance of the thoughtful and illuminating report of the President's own Commission on Campus Unrest, Mr...
...Newsom: The Armed Services Committee is familiar with it...
...District Judge Philip Neville in Minneapolis, in a decision the American Civil Liberties Union characterized a "landmark," has held that "an homosexual is after all a human being, and a citizen of the United States," and therefore the University of Minnesota, as an agency of the state, cannot constitutionally refuse to employ an avowed "exclusively" homosexual solely on the grounds that he is one...
...The Starch company, an advertising research concern, spent $50,000 and a year's time studying commercial viewing habits in Atlanta, Georgia, a representative city for survey purposes...
...For conspicuous bravery in the face of four-letter words" Kent State Travesty If there was ever a case of outrageous insult added to mortal injury, it was the report of the Ohio Special Grand Jury that investigated the tragic shootings at Kent State University last May 4. In contemptuous disregard of the facts—the facts even as attested by a sweeping FBI invstigation—the Grand Jury fully exonerated the National Guardsmen who killed four students and wounded nine more, and indicted twenty-five persons linked with the campus protest against the Cambodian invasion...
...Gitt grew old...
...servicemen operate communications facilities in Morocco...
...But since we have not studied the evidence compiled by the Commission or the arguments put forward in behalf of its recommendations, we are reluctant to endorse or denounce the report as a whole...
...Duscha is director of The Wash-ington Journalism Center and the author of two books, Arms, Money and Politics and Taxpayers' Hayride...
...Newsom: I believe, Mr...
...However, the Executive Branch initially sought to delete from the published record the fact that U.S...
...What about the bloodbath in Cambodia where some 400 innocent bodies floated down the river of death...
...Or, to put it another way, the chances are that if they spent $1,000,000 on commercials, $830,000 of it will be wasted and some of that loss will benefit their competitors...
...Lang: I would say all members of the Appropriations Committee, sir, because the facilities are covered...
...Every day on the front page of this tabloid appeared the phrase: "The news all the time without fear or favor, bias or prejudice...
...If the Selective Service Act were allowed to expire, however, he would be required to go to Congress for permission to resume conscription...
...The Times surveyed a sample of eight smaller cities that have tried complete integration, and the consensus of their school authorities is that it has worked...
...ground combat troops in Laos...
...Early this October, Gitt asked his printers to take a temporary ten per cent pay cut...
...The Communist Military Intelligence Section [about 7,000 agents] also intercepts top-secret South Vietnamese Army and police radio communications...
...If I had known what Lyndon Johnson really was, I wouldn't have taken his advertising either...
...He never drank himself...
...On a number of occasions in the past year, The Progressive has commented in these pages on the Subcommittee's findings—particularly its disclosures of how the United States has bought allies, enlisted mercenaries, squandered funds, and risked—if not encouraged—new military adventures in Asia...
...Newsom: I would like to associate the State Department with that thought...
...The President has read a summary of the CIA report...
...The Selective Service Act is due to expire next June, and sentiment has been building in Congress—and in the country—for eliminating peacetime conscription...
...Never again did Robert Hall place advertising in Gitt's paper...
...There is a significant difference between striking the draft from the legislative books, on the one hand, or merely maintaining a "zero draft," on the other...
...Senator Fulbright: Why do you want to keep it classified...
...Senator Fulbright: If you do not believe that is the case, why do you not discuss it publicly...
...Fitzkee resumed publication under the name of the York Daily Record...
...Senator Fulbright: But that is the Congress...
...Fitzkee has already moved to turn the successor publication into more of a traditional daily paper, which means bland treatment of the news...
...He fought for what he believed in, and he did not care who disagreed with him...
...In 1924, he supported Robert M. LaFollette Sr...
...The case involved a twenty-eight-year-old librarian, James M. McCon-nell, who was accepted by the University of Minnesota for an $11,000 cataloging job last April...
...Nor did he ever take patent medicine advertising...
...assistance" to the Philippine Republic, Laos, and Cambodia were delayed for weeks and months while the Departments wrangled with the Subcommittee over how many—if any—of the facts should be disclosed to the public...
...Chairman, if I might make one statement: There is no intent or desire on the part of the Defense Department, at least, to keep any knowledge of our facilities in Morocco from the Congress [deleted...
...Gitt put the story on page one...
...Even as the Subcommittee was releasing its latest records at the end of October, news agencies reported from Saigon and Vientiane that U.S...
...Nixon has not seen fit to comment on its findings or, indeed, indicate that he has read them...
...Most of the 30,000 infiltrators are not North Vietnamese but South Vietnamese, demonstrating for the thousandth time that the war in South Vietnam, even today, is basically a civil war...
...Austin C. Wehrwein (Mr...
...That is no longer true, he said...
...The research disclosed that Atlanta viewers pay attention to only one out of three television commercials...
...For fifty-five years, Jess Gitt edited and published the liberal, individualistic, and outspoken Gazette and Daily in the staid, conservative city of York, a community of 60,000 set in the lovely hills of the southeastern Pennsylvania Dutch country between Baltimore and Philadelphia...
...Reformers of all stripes looked to the paper as an example of what U.S...
...Nonetheless, the Symington Subcommittee has already contributed significantly to the new awareness—especially in the Senate—of the perilous implications inherent in many of America's overseas commitments...
...The regents, named by the legislature, are mostly conservatives, attuned to political opinion...
...As the accompanying excerpt (on this page) from the Subcommittee's published record illustrates, the State and Defense Departments have gone to ludicrous lengths to censor not only their own officials' testimony, but also the questions and comments of Senators...
...Chapel Hill, North Carolina...
...Nixon can "Viet-namize" the war successfully...
...David Sghoenbrun, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, on U.S...
...I always sat in the office where everybody could see me, and shoot at me if they wanted to...
...While other newspapers ignored or buried Federal Trade Commission decisions adversely affecting big advertisers, Gitt put the stories on the front page...
...Much attention is being paid, at last, to the recommendations of the Gates Commission, which prepared detailed projections of the pay levels and other amenities that might make it possible to maintain an all-volunteer Army...
...Thus their experience may not apply fully to major cities where integration would require busing for greater distances and where larger numbers of pupils are involved...
...Wehrwein, a Pulitzer Prize winner who has worked on The Progressive, The Milwaukee Journal, the Chicago Sun-Times and The New York Times, is now an editorial writer for the Minneapolis Star...
...In Berkeley, California, "officials believe that complete integration explains a cessation of white flight from the city...
...Which Bloodbath...
...Homosexuals as Humans Recognizable, "exclusively" homosexual males, who are said to make up four per cent of the U.S...
...The judge ordered McConnell hired, but later, when the University started an appeal, he stayed his order pending the final outcome of the case (which could go to the U.S...
...It will be the ultimate affront to the nation's youth—to everything, in fact, that is still decent in America...
...Government agencies concerned...
...when their recommendations will be automatically reversed in the implementation of Government policy...
...The Gazette and Daily had a circulation of only 35,000, but it was known from coast to coast not only by newspapermen but also by informed liberals and radicals...
...The paper had one of the early American Newspaper Guild units, and fought hard for the rights of labor for more than half a century...
...In short, it all added up to bad public relations...
...The time is rapidly approaching when commission members will be vilified as soon as they are appointed...
...Although there was initial tension over complete school integration, race relations improved in the schools to the point where, in some cities, "such rapport has spread to the larger community...
...The television industry and advertising agencies which profit so handsomely from commercials that waste the advertiser's money and bore millions of Americans into amnesia as they stare blankly at their sets, will attack the Starch report or try to smother it...
...I just fought for what I believed...
...The CIA recently informed the President that 30,000 Communist agents have infiltrated the South Vietnamese government, including its police and military forces and its security and intelligence services—a development that comes close to destroying any chance that Mr...
...A recent New York Times survey has come up with at least part of the answer, and it is an encouraging one...
...NOTES in the NEWS The Secret Commitments Under the chairmanship of Senator Stuart Symington, Missouri Democrat, a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee is winding up what we earnestly hope will prove to be only the first phase of a searching inquiry into U.S...
...In sum, McConnell was as much entitled as anyone to the due process right against discrimination...
...Among those indicted on rioting and other criminal charges were a student wounded by a Guardsman's bullet, a professor who formerly served with the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in Washington, and the president of the Kent State student body—an ROTC cadet who was elected last June on a non-violent platform of "Power to the Peaceful...
...Or Song My and Hue and so many other bloody incidents on our side or theirs ? Was there a bloodbath, as feared, in Algeria, Morocco, or Tunisia when the French withdrew...
...In arguing their point, representatives of the Executive Branch said they had in the past never officially disclosed we were operating communications facilities...
...And it was no idle slogan for Jess Gitt...
...when their reports will be denounced before they are even drafted...
...This wholesale exclusion, particularly from the Federal civil service and private employment requiring security clearance, is in part an outgrowth of the Senator Joseph McCarthy era when "homos" were equated with "Commies...
...On the day the Robert Hall clothing chain announced the opening of a store in York with five pages of advertising in the Gazette and Daily, a story came over the wires reporting that the FTC accused the firm of some deceptive practices...
...McConnell, who has a master's degree, moved to Minneapolis and in May created a minor stir in the local papers when he applied for a marriage license to marry Richard J. Baker, who is a law student and a leader of a campus homosexual club...
...Though by current standards many persons characterize an homosexual as engaging in 'immoral conduct,' 'indecent' and 'disgraceful,' it seems clear that to justify dismissal from public employment, or...
...Before I was fifteen I had read all of Dickens, and there was never any question where I would be after that...
...H At Riverside, California, said School Superintendent Ray Berry, minority group children used to fall two grade levels below whites by the end of the sixth grade...
...He is said to disbelieve its analysis that infiltration means a resurgence of Communist strength can be expected in South Vietnam as the Americans withdraw...
...Senator Symington's inquiry—and this is the first time we have had one—not just about Ethiopia but in many places —has indicated that there has been a very artful, in-depth concealment of what we are doing...
...In his decision Judge Neville said that "homosexuality" was a broad term and did not necessarily involve sodomy...
...These heavy-handed attempts at official censorship have by no means been confined to information that might, by any stretch of the imagination, be classified in the interests of "national security...
...We count on readers of The Pro-gressive to do their duty and spread the delightful news from Starch to every Middlesex village and farm, from glen to glen, across the fruited plains to the mountains, and on to the oceans white with detergent foam...
...The Pentagon's "zero draft" gambit should be recognized, however, for what it is—a slick attempt to keep the Selective Service System in operation on a stand-by basis for "emergencies...
...In their school systems, they agreed, the educational performance of black children has improved "while white children are performing at least as well, and sometimes better than they did before integration...
...Later it sought to dismiss it as "essentially a one-man product" that did "not represent the formal position of the CIA...
...In 1948, the Gazette and Daily was the only daily newspaper in the country to back Henry Wallace for President...
...rather U.S...
...As for white resentment over integration, it was bitter in New Albany when that Mississippi community— long before a court order—desegregated its four schools...
...They would have revolted long ago, as this Committee would have...
...Chairman, that as far as the State Department is concerned, our primary concern, we certainly want the Congress to know, and we feel the Congress does know, of the existence of these facilities, but we are trying— Senator Fulbright: When you say the Congress, whom do you mean...
...Courts, he said, have abandoned the concept that public employment is a mere privilege and not a constitutionally protected right...
...It certainly cannot be doing so to increase its own secret budget since it is clear from the degree of infiltration cited in the report that the networks of Communist agents are so massive and the agents so widely supported by the population that no conceivable counterintelligence plan can root them out...
...Despite the results of its own investigation, the Justice Department has not responded, at this writing, to demands that a Federal grand jury be impaneled to investigate the Kent State affair...
...male population, are barred from most jobs...
...Think of the effect on television advertising if the Starch findings are brought to the attention of TV advertisers everywhere: they have only a one in six chance that their commercials will sell their brand of product...
...Two weeks later Gitt sold the paper to Harold Fitzkee Jr., the York County district attorney, and his two law partners...
...As Pincus observed, "the Executive Branch in this transcript sought to have deleted or edited out statements by Subcommittee members which emphasized their belief that by classification, the Executive Branch kept the American people unaware of facts pertinent to the United States operation of facilities in Morocco...
...We are in general agreement with the Commission's conclusion that the reading matter of American adults should not be subjected to Government censorship...
...Communist agents have infiltrated the government at all levels...
...journalism ought to be...
...The Subcommittee's work was instrumental, we believe, in marshaling support for the Cooper-Church amendment and other efforts designed to curtail the U.S...
...But {Cgay liberation" is a growing movement and homosexuals of both sexes are individually and collectively demanding that they be treated and judged as individuals...
...The 'Zero Draft' Gambit Defense Department officials, led by Secretary Melvin R. Laird, are displaying a sudden surge of enthusiasm for the prospect of ending all draft calls within the next two years...
...What he [McConnell] does in his private life, as with other employes," the judge continued, "should not be his employer's concern unless it can be shown to affect in some degree his efficiency...
...I didn't do any great crusading," he continued...
...Lang: Mr...
...Expensive Boredom Given enough publicity, the findings of a recent survey on television commercials conducted by Daniel Starch & Staff, Inc... reject an applicant for public employment, it must be shown that there is an observable and reasonable relationship between efficiency in the job and homosexuality," Neville wrote...
...Such earlier landmark studies as the reports of the Commissions on Civil Disorders and on Violence in America have long since been consigned to the dusty remainder boxes of the Government Printing Office...
...According to the top-secret CIA study, whose details were made available to The Times by Government officials who had read it, "The study notes that the mission of some of the high-level agents is to try to manipulate [Saigon] government policy...
...His case is being handled by the Minnesota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union...
...Nobody ever did... can be made into an educational advantage of great value to children of all races and to the community as well...
...This, we suspect, is a dereliction we share with the President of the United States and most—if not all—members of the U.S...
...could shake Madison Avenue to its foundations and blow a huge hole in television advertising budgets from coast to coast...
...Nixon, never one to miss a cheap shot in the heat of an election campaign, declared a couple of weeks later that the Commission's recommendations were "morally bankrupt," as demonstrated by "centuries of civilization and ten minutes of common sense...
...servicemen in Morocco were publicly described there as instructors—a concept that would have appeared as fact based on the manner in which they wanted to delete the transcript...
...Employment is hard enough for even suspected homosexuals, although, for some reason, Lesbians arouse less discriminatory spleen...
...Can any bloodbath after our departure be greater than the bloodbath of war itself, which has taken a toll on both sides of a total of almost two million casualties, in dead and wounded, and more than three million homeless...
...I just kept being liberal all the time...
...Under a "zero draft" the President could, at any time, order the resumption of inductions...
...In some instances, the transcripts have been "sanitized" in a deliberate design to deceive as well as conceal...
...In a preface to the Subcommittee's recently published hearings on American military activities in Morocco and Libya, Walter H. Pincus, the Subcommittee's able chief consultant, noted that the Administration "is arbitrarily using its classification power to keep from Members of Congress and the American people not only information previously disclosed by high Administration officials, but also facts that could be embarrassing to the U.S...
...Do you mean the chairman of the Appropriations Committee...
...But that seems to be the standard pattern now for dealing with the findings of Presidential Commissions...
...I don't know how I survived so long," Gitt told me when I talked with him a few days after he sold the newspaper...
...Newsom: [Deleted.] Senator Aiken : [Deleted.] Mr...
...The publicity about the rather bizarre happening (the license was refused on the ground that marriage is only for heterosexuals) angered the regents, who were already receiving furious protests from Minnesota citizens about the Gay Liberation Club...
...Come to think of it, that time is already at hand...
...If the Kent State twenty-five are railroaded to jail, if the scandalous report of the Ohio Grand Jury is permitted to stand as the last word, the tragedy of last May will have been compounded to a monstrous degree...
...military intervention in Indochina...
...In any case, is it not time to stop spilling blood by and of Americans...
...they mentally tune out the other two...
...Here, then, is a lesson that might be used to cool off busing arguments and other integration controversies: School integration is not only morally right...
...Acting in unseemly haste to record its fearless enmity to "filth-mongers," the Senate—with only five members dissenting—voted October 13 to repudiate the Commission and all its works...
...Newsom: [Deleted.] Senator Fulbright: You have been able to mislead the Congress and the people of America as to how much it costs...
...But in the cities in The Times' survey the results have been impressive...
...The other cities cited achievement levels among black and white pupils which led The Times to conclude: "Fears that white children's performance would suffer under integration appear baseless...
...Sears, Roebuck withdrew all advertising from the Gazette and Daily because the paper printed an FTC finding that some carpets which Sears claimed to be fireproof were not...
...Students from Northwestern and Columbia and other good journalism schools went to York to work for little more than $100 a week because they knew this was an outpost of true journalistic freedom...
...In stark contrast to the Grand Jury's report was the evidence compiled by the FBI...
...They refused and went on strike...
...The goal is attainable if the peace forces do not allow themselves to be hornswoggled by the prospect of the "zero draft...
...Complete school integration—defined as achieved when the ratio of whites to non-whites in the schools closely parallels the racial composition of the community itself—has been tried in far too few cities to date...
...Newsom: [Deleted.] —Testimony of David D. Newsom, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and William E. Lang, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, before the Symington Subcommittee...
...Rochester, New York...
...Of the one-third of the spots they do recall, they can identify the products advertised only half of the time...
...At each step of the way, however, the Subcommittee has been forced to contend—often to no avail—with persistent efforts on the part of the Executive Branch to keep the facts about America's commitments from Congress and the American people...
...In 1964, Gitt refused to take advertising for Barry Goldwater's Presidential campaign, and later said: "I would never take the advertising of any warhawk...
...In another recently released transcript—this one dealing with American military activities in Ethiopia and amply confirming Georgie Anne Gey-er's article, "Eritrea: A Name to Remember," in the June, 1970, issue of The Progressive—Senator J. William Fulbright, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, told Government witnesses: "I don't think the public has the slightest idea of how our money is being dissipated all around the world...
...And best of all—as we see it—when they do remember the kind of product a particular TV spot advertised—soap, for example—in half of the cases they recall not the brand shown on the screen, but a competitor's brand...
...He would be free, therefore, to beef up the armed forces whenever he felt disposed to protect the "national interest" by blundering into a new Vietnam...
...Elimination of the draft should therefore be a high-priority goal for those who want to curb the President's power to wage war without the consent of Congress...
...Supreme Court), although he told the University to keep the job open and give McConnell back pay if he wins...
...Possibly the most dangerous network reported by the CIA, Sheehan pointed out, is the estimated 3,000 members of the Vietcong security service who permeate South Vietnam's police and army intelligence services, military security, and even Saigon's version of the CIA...
...Transcripts dealing with the unsavory details of U.S...
...The Coleman survey found that integration into majority white schools was the most important school factor in improving the educational performance of black children...
...Why the CIA, even with its long record of deviousness, would want to invent any of this we cannot imagine...
...School Integration Works Throughout the years of interminable wrangling among school boards, parents, and politicians about school desegregation, the educator truly concerned about the child—black or white —has sought the answer to one question: What is the educational and social effect of school integration on the child...
...Supreme Court has not yet spoken on a case that goes to the root of their rights under law, U.S...
...Why distinguished citizens continue to subject themselves to the humiliation of serving on blue-ribbon commissions is something of a mystery to us...
...This, we regret, is a reluctance not shared by the President or most Senators...
...As Professors Reo M. Christenson and A. S. Engel demonstrated in their debate in the September issue of The Progressive, the question of what —if anything—to do about pornography is a complex one on which reasonable and well-intentioned men can disagree...
...The results of the FBI investigation, like the factual findings of the President's Commission on Campus Unrest, were available to the Special Grand Jury...
...Shoddy Demagoguery' The editors of The Progressive have not yet read the full, 874-page report of the President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography...
...Nixon's rejection of the CIA warning in favor of more "optimistic reports" repeats the pattern of disaster pursued by his predecessor...
...It chose to ignore them and perform a wretched travesty against the judicial process...
...Is it the security law of 1947...
...Integration accompanied by improvements in educational methods and teaching of good quality can, as The Times survey indicates, benefit both black and white pupils...
...Integration has been the trigger to education more than anything else we could have done," Berry asserted...
...Quoting "highly placed sources" in South Vietnam, the Associated Press said the American forces in Laos "have suffered scores of casualties in recent months that never have been made public...
...Lang : I do not believe that is the case...
...The Gazette and Daily also was an early supporter of civil rights causes, quickly recognized the dangers posed by the late Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's tactics, and early perceived the problems of fallout from the testing of nuclear weapons...
...This is a routine appointment, only technically subject to Board of Regents approval...
...They are not, therefore, subject to criminal prosecution under the laws of this state for any death or injury resulting therefrom...
...I guess just by being on the offensive and giving them hell...
...White children gained 1.1 grades in the same period...
...The University admitted this was the first case in at least ten years where the regents rejected an academic staff recommendation...
...why do you classify it...
...The basis for his disbelief, White House officials told Sheehan, is "the generally optimistic reports he has been receiving from other sources about the progress of pacification, the improved military performance of the South Vietnamese, and the effects of the Cambodian incursion...
...Newsom: [Deleted.] Senator Fulbright: [Deleted.] What you really want to avoid is any controversy over it right here in the Congress and in the press, is it not...
...It has caused us to break the mold to get away from the rigidity of our old educational system...
...From the official transcript, as censored by the Departments of State and Defense the utmost importance that the Symington Subcommittee continue its valuable work in the new Congress...
...There are mature editors and reporters across the country who regret that they never had a chance to work for the Gazette and Daily...
...Evans-ton, Illinois...
...But Neil Sheehan, a widely respected New York Times correspondent in Washington who has covered the war in Vietnam, found that there are Government officials in Washington who believe that the CIA study implies "that the South Vietnamese government has little chance of enduring over the long run because of the great extent of Communist penetration...
...As summarized in a Justice Department document and disclosed on the Senate floor by Senator Stephen M. Young, Ohio Democrat, the FBI investigators found "reason to believe that the claim by the National Guard that their lives were endangered by the students was fabricated subsequent to the event...
...Lang: Yes...
...These revelations have, in our judgment, received far from adequate attention in most of the news media...
...In 1958, at the age of seventy-four, he quit smoking and summarily banned all tobacco advertising from his paper...
...withdrawal from Vietnam...
...and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania—average 150,000 population...
...Senator Fulbright: Can you tell me what is the real justification for the classification...
...By means of its own staff investigations and close questioning of Pentagon and State Department officials, the Symington Subcommittee has managed to remove at least some of the veils from America's far-flung military entanglements...
...Meanwhile, McConnell and Baker have filed suit in a county district court to force issuance of the marriage license...
...Communist infiltration has been so vast that the CIA reports "the failure of hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese policemen and soldiers to report contacts by Vietcong agents," Sheehan said, and "the enemy network could not exist without the tacit complicity—whether from fear, sympathy, or apathy—of the majority of South Vietnamese soldiers and policemen...
...Julius Duscha (Mr...
...Those wonderful Starch people, the kamikaze pilots who have bombed Madison Avenue, had further startling news to report...
...But it can ask the embarrassing questions and focus public attention on the inadequate—or deceptive—answers...
...The Senate Foreign Relations Committee should examine the validity of the CIA report's principal findings...
...In the case of Morocco, Pincus pointed out, "the King of Morocco himself has been reported as saying that officials of the Soviet Union know what the United States is doing in his country...
...Chairman, that our use of the facilities, as well as the presence of American personnel in Morocco, is known to the Moroccan people...
...It is a pattern that risks thousands of American and Vietnamese lives merely to save the faces of the Administration and its hawk supporters...
...Newsom: I would like to state, Mr...
...It is obvious that if they are correct to any significant degree, the whole Nixon Administration strategy of defeating the Communists by "Vietnamiz-ing" the war becomes even more foolhardy than it was...
...Unable to get a library job, McConnell makes $100 a month as an eight-hour-a-week inventory clerk...
...They know we are there, we have no problems in Morocco at all...
...At the trial, McConnell denied that he engaged in sodomy in Minnesota, and insisted that he neither advocated homosexuality or recruited for it...
...It has aided all education for all children...
...Special Forces troops were leading mercenaries in clandestine forays in Laos—despite repeated assurances by the Pentagon that "there are no U.S...
...Greenville, South Carolina...
...Lang: [Deleted.] Let me say, Mr...
...Nevertheless, the newspaper's crusades twice won for it the coveted Hey wood Broun Award...
...Chairman, that the Congress has been informed in the past of the existence of our use of these communications facilities at Kenitra...
...This is precisely why we deem it of [Deleted] Senator Fulbright: . . . Most people would think we are out of Morocco...
...He is a liberal Democrat but the paper will never be the Gazette and Daily...
...Gitt never took a liquor advertisement because his father had been an alcoholic...
...The report of the President's Commission could have become a useful starting point for a national discussion of a public question which seems to interest many Americans and obsess a few...
...But it's all over now...
...At the insistance of the State and Defense Departments, the transcripts of the Subcommittee's executive sessions have been heavily censored—often to the point where entire pages consisted only of the word [Deleted...
...Newsom: [Deleted.] Senator Fulbright: [Deleted.] Mr...
...There is an urgent need for continuous Congressional inquiry into the nation's multitudinous military activities abroad, and for an unremitting battle against the Government's attempts to keep the public's vital business under wraps...
...But what has happened in the survey cities supports the findings of a 1966 Federal report named for its chief author, James Coleman of Johns Hopkins University...
...Even a Senate Subcommittee cannot compel the Government to tell the truth...
...Senator Fulbright: [Deleted.] Mr...
...They have encompassed efforts to withhold details that might "embarrass" our bureaucrats or those of other nations, to conceal actions taken without Congressional authorization or knowledge, to obscure even the fact that censorship was being practiced...
...The eight cities surveyed—New Albany, Berkeley, and Riverside...
...The White House first declined to acknowledge there was such a CIA report...
...My mother," Gitt said, "was a great lover of Dickens...
...So although there was no suggestion that McConnell was not qualified for his job, or that his homosexuality would affect his duties or efficiency, or that he would be exposed "to children of tender years," the regents rescinded the job offer because it was "not consistent with the best interests of the University...
...He noted there was no evidence of such, nor evidence that McConnell would handle classified material, and that the employment forms were barren of any questions about sex habits or practices, heterosexual or otherwise...
...A Great Paper Dies The death of any newspaper is sad news because a democracy flourishes best when there is a wide diversity of opinions and many places to express them, but the death this fall of the York Gazette and Daily was an especially melancholy event because there are so few newspapers left like it...
...for President... agreements" and commitments abroad...
...Deleted.] Senator Aiken: [Deleted.] Mr...
...And how did this man raised in the conservative, fundamentalist Pennsylvania Dutch country become such a champion of the underdog and of liberal causes...
...CIA Warning on Vietnam Although The Progressive has attacked the policies, methods, and credibility of the Central Intelligence Agency many times in the past, we believe that—unwittingly or not—the CIA has with a single report to President Nixon given the peace forces in this country and in Congress an excellent opportunity to increase pressure on the Administration for speedier troop withdrawals from South Vietnam...
...For example: f In New Albany, Mississippi, black children gained 1.4 grades in educational achievement in the first year of full integration...
...Instead, it has become a victim of shoddy demagoguery...
...His son Josh, ill all his life, was not physically able to carry on, and the newspaper's profits declined and then turned into losses...
...But so far only two of 2,000 students have transferred to a private segregated academy...
...The CIA, he added, "cited such feelings as evidence that the Saigon government could not command the deep loyalty of the men on whom it depends to defend itself...
...The Library Staff Association, and the library officials who hired McConnell, have stood by him...

Vol. 34 • December 1970 • No. 12

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Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.