THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Opposition Leadership Dear Sirs: The defeat of that brilliant, devoted public servant, Adlai Ewing Stevenson, would be less hard for Democratic and independent voters to take...

...Will the age of 45 fS&fbr next year's program...
...What profit can come to, Russia from a non-producing Hungary...
...There comes a time when they will have to produce the" goods...
...Over one hundred thousand non-white citizens are being forced to leave their homes and move into government designated locations...
...I object strenuously to the statement: "But Israel's hands are far from clean...
...If Israel refused to negotiate, her refusal was based on the futility of having to negotiate by proxy...
...World Wealth' Dear Sirs: It may happen that many more Huttw garians are massacred and that Israel IK destroyed...
...Support of the common enterprise must be voluntary, not compulsory...
...Let the sewer-liberals determine the fundamental principles involved in legislative programs...
...Can the idea of communism be destroyed by killing...
...Should we appropriate $40 billion or $45 billion...
...Senator Neuberger, according to his article, is proud of his social security program to provide disability for all permanent-'fjr and totally disabled workers at the age of 50...
...People placect in prisons likewise will not produce...
...History is filled with the oblitera tion of peoples and states, but mankind survived...
...Are H-bombs more immoral than A-bombs...
...As for Israel's stature of loneliness—foolish person...
...This just isn't so...
...9. A world government is the only means to prevent war...
...He wrote: "In some states the old Socialist Labor Party (semi-syndicalist) will be on the ballot...
...Obtain his -gSjport from relatives...
...If an Israel, born out of the horrors of Nazism, had still to endure loneliness on any account, that is something that should plague the denizens of the "civilized" world...
...Quibble, quibble, quibble...
...G. D. Nichols Fayetteville, Ark...
...What about drafting fathers, college students, engineers, scientists...
...Without appearing ridiculous, Mr...
...Robert D. Kreigh Columbia, Mo...
...Let the sewer-liberals (Richard Neuberger, Paul Douglas, Hubert Humphrey, Adlai Stevenson) answer the basic question —not whether this program is better or worse, or which course of action is more expedient—but which is right or wrong...
...I shall be glad to send free to anyone requesting it a copy of "World Wealth But please do NOT send for it if you ¦ convinced that— 1. Human nature makes war inevital...
...Nuclear weapons will never be used...
...Organized politically, they can register the decision for change peacefully, by the civilized means of the ballot...
...Lillian Ott Hollywood, Calif...
...VThe principal fault of the sewer-liberal is that he frequently becomes so involved in details, rather than principles, that he total-forgets the ultimate goal...
...The fundamental issue is whether human beings as presently constituted can check their violence and com-bativeness sufficiently to prevent their total destruction by their own hand...
...The use of the smear word "isolationist" seemed particularly unfair when applied to them, since all they really wanted to do was isolate us from war...
...It is the belief of the sponsors of their campai that the legalized uprooting of over one hundred thousand persons is too flagrant if violation of human rights, too grave a thraet| to human dignity to be passed over with;a| brief sense of moral indignation...
...Charity7 Beg...
...Even if Israel had, in fact, been guilty of refusing to negotiate, she would still be justified morally considering with what brutality all the Arab states befell her the day after coming into being...
...This must come as quite a shock to those who harbored the hope that utopia could be ushered in by force and violence...
...As it is, the services of Mr...
...Eisenhower's re-election...
...When they will insist upon a program because it is right, they will have graduated to true-liberals...
...If the method of war is right, let's make the required all-out effort and become a garrison state...
...On August 26, 1956, an article on the front page of the New York Times announced the latest move by the government of the Union of South Africa in the application of its apartheid policies...
...Or saturation bombing...
...Especially when the party which lost the Presidency still controls the legislative branch of the government, simple justice dictates that its leader should sit there and share in the formulation of federal law...
...Eunice B. Armstrong Scarborough-on-Hudson, N. Y. Quibble, Quibble Dear Sirs: Sid Lens, in his October issue article 'Sewer Liberalism," has pin-pointed exactly the primary defect, not only of our "liberal" Congressmen, but also of The Progressive...
...The Socialist Labor Party has, for the 66 years of its existence, advocated a complete reconstruction of society from capitalism to socialism, through the political and industrial organization of the working class (the vast majority...
...The leadership principle applied to socialism is as obnoxious as that practiced by fascism...
...You quibble...
...Had he said, "Let's provide Mjcial security to anyone as soon as he becomes disabled," he would have reason to be proud...
...Why ad.Senator Neuberger select the age of 50 tajfcer than 48 or 45...
...something about it...
...Vernon Ward Belhaven, N. C Soviet Tyranny Dear Sirs: Having followed Russian affairs for many years, I wonder if Soviet leaders have a sense of direction except that of doing what seems expedient for keeping them in poweri How long will they be able to talk out al both sides of their mouths...
...Is the method of war right or wrong...
...Has war solved- any problem...
...It is the conviction of those sponsoring the petition that if the American people were aware of the infamous practices in South Africa they would wish their government to take an active role in working toward a solution to this problem...
...How do you think nations grow strong and mighty, by bowing their national heads and praying for miracles to happen...
...But if these are not your convictions, and If you hold your breath when a TV or radio -program is "interrupted for an important announcement"—if you believe the next "Pearl Harbor" may well be the last news you'll ever hear, then I'm sure you will be glad to take the few minutes necessary to send for and study the seven-page outline of "World Wealth" and let me have your comments and criticisms so it can be revised and Improved...
...Hadn't we better do...
...W is not a plan for peace...
...Organized industrially into socialist industrial unions, they will enforce their ballot box decree and provide the basis for a new, a non-political government which will have industrial instead of geographic representation...
...Samuel Burkhard Tempe...
...Visceral voting" entails total lack of recall concerning Mr...
...In the matter of military appropriations, the sewer-liberals have a field day...
...THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Opposition Leadership Dear Sirs: The defeat of that brilliant, devoted public servant, Adlai Ewing Stevenson, would be less hard for Democratic and independent voters to take were there only constitutional provision for official recognition of him as the chief leader of the Opposition, until such time as the defeated party chose to appoint another leader...
...Stevenson are largely lost to the nation...
...Guns and tanks were not sufficient to get determined Hungarians into the work of production...
...Public ownership and operation of the essential means of production for the public welfare is a great social Idea, but the individual must remain free...
...Visceral voting" results from the feelings that stirred in people who watched thli epitome of all Hollywood heroes ride through the streets in his bubble-topped limousine with arms outstretched and the Magic Smile flashing from right to left...
...The issue of Polity will be fought on principles, on whether social security itself is wrong or JH$£ Senator Neuberger's stand on social security, from his own pen, is a perfect example of sewer-liberalism...
...Thomas Criticized Dear Sirs: Norman Thomas' meandering opinions about the recent campaign, in your November issue, are so aimless that nothing is proved or disproved by his verbosity...
...Will you consider an untried invention called "World Wealth...
...People who refuse to work will pro* duce no goods...
...Thomas made, however, which should be corrected...
...Eisenhower's 1952 promise of 100 per cent of parity, the Salk polio vaccine fiasco, McCarthyism, the Dixon-Yates contract, Nixon's voting record in the Senate and unscrupulous campaign methods, Eisenhower's advanced age, his two major illnesses within the past year, and his four-year disinclination to exercise leadership or accept responsibility for executive acts...
...Can violence or the threat of violence to others preserve our democracy...
...Or napalm...
...Isn't any un-tried way to prevent nuclear war wortte considering...
...Too often we are exposed only to the reverses in the field of race relations, and The Progressive performs a valuable funcA tion in documenting the more hopeful de-velopments as well...
...The author further says that: ". . . and she threw away much of her stature as a lonely, besieged republic when she took the law into her own hands by invading Egypt...
...It is sponsorED by no organization...
...1: Soviet tyranny is being weighed In the" balance and found wanting...
...Truth is no either-or affair...
...The Socialist Labor Party has never advocated syndicalism...
...No system is any good unless there is freedom for the dissenter and plenty of room for him to carry out his independent ideas outside the system...
...1H Copies of the petition and further infM| •nation about it can be obtained from the American Committee on Africa, 4 Wesk 40th Street, New York 18, N. Y. Norman Holmes New York, N. Y. 'Visceral Voting' Dear Sirs: I have been challenged to explain the term "visceral voting" as applied to Mr... is rooted in basic thinking...
...current developments in the Middle East suggest that this time we may have pushed our luck too far...
...Visceral voting" is not characterized by reflection, logic, knowledge of the facts, or willingness to face reality...
...It has consistently opposed and exposed syndicalism as merely another variety of anarchism...
...The leader of the defeated major party should automatically take his place either in the Senate or House of Representatives, where he can represent the millions of voters who expressed their faith in him and his policies...
...Grave Threat Dear Sirs: I think that readers of The Progressive will be interested in a petition, which is concerned with the apartheid policies of the government of the Union of South Africa, and which is currently being circulated by the American Committee on Africa...
...When the Wpose and goals of social security are published, then it will not be necessary to Stable over whether the eligibility age fl$6uld be 60, or 50, or 45...
...There is virtually no representation for non-white citizens in the Union of South Africa...
...The turmoil in Poland and Hungary indicates that no scheme of education carrbe sufficiently effective to make people love ,to live under tyranny...
...Gene Hill New York, N. Y...
...6. Wars can be localized, not sometimes but always...
...The Fundamental Issue Dear Sirs: Sid Lens in his article on "Sewer Liberalism" struck a responsive note when he nostalgically referred to the liberals of yesteryear as pacifists in one degree or another...
...He returns to his law practice, accepting occasional speaking invitations, while lesser men assume the leadership of the party in Congress...
...Such men have long since been driven out of public life, there being little popular support for the liberal-pacifist combination since Franklin D. Roosevelt turned warrior...
...She has shown a truculence of her own in refusing to negotiate some of the issues in conflict between herself and the Arab world around her...
...Now men can make our race extinct= No one wants this...
...Julius Irvine Evanston, III...
...There are many historical examples of nations and peoples who have survived conquest rather well...
...No method that have tried has prevented war...
...If the method of war is wrong, then let's go all-out in pursuit of peaceful solutions...
...Few people now know or care that Robert M. LaFollette, Sr., urged international action to stop World War I before Woodrow Wilson brought out his idea of a League of Nations...
...There is nothing like good will for it*5 leasing human energy to produce the goodsi* that men seek...
...S2^» People are too dumb or lazy or selfish Ijnw anything about anything...
...The good earth can never be built by em means...
...It simply is not in the card*1 for the Soviet type o! social management to produce the conditions under which so-, ciety can prosper...
...Valuable Function Dear Sirs: Thanks for David Williams' helpful and, revealing report on the progress of public school integration in our nation's capital...
...Nor has it ever been proved, as Mr...
...As the author himself points out in the beginning, it was Israel that had to endure the spite of a spiteful Arab world, and not the other way around...
...Only a wealthy, powerful democracy can afford it now and then...
...What is new is the hydrogeK-bomb...
...5. A protection against the poisons from radioactive fallout will be discovered...
...Which should be developed most vigorously, the Army, Air Force, or Navy...
...Too often in human history everybody has been wrong until some lone individual blazed a new trail and set a new course which all mankind later followed...
...But he didn't say this...
...I wonder how long this pious writer would wait for someone else's law to intervene before he decided to fend off the murderer at his throat...
...The entire African population has only three representatives in the lower house of Parliament and these must be of European descent, elected by Africans in the Cape Province, one of four making up the Union...
...If she was wrong, she was wrong, and there can be no two ways about it...
...R. B. Cox Pomona, Calif...
...Don't you know that war is the best cure for national loneliness...
...The question of race relations in the Union of South Africa is now pending before the Political Committee of the General Assembly, and it is hoped that the petition can be presented when the question comes up for discussion during the present session...
...What is the purpose of social security...
...No individual, no committee, no minority, and not even the majority, can decide what is right and force humanity to conform to the official view...
...After all, the Socialist Labor Party is the oldest party in America bearing the name Socialist...
...And if an Israel, poor, peace-hungry, and moral, had no course but to take the law into her own hands, that is because of a stupid President and an anti-Semitic Secretary of State...
...The best that the tyrant can do with bayonets is to kill people...
...Revolt in the Communist world Is real and can no longer be concealed...
...Furthermore, determined Hungarians have shown what people can do without the use of atomic bombs to discredit Soviet manage ment...
...Sanest Note Dear Sirs: Your December issue editorial, "Both Your Houses," struck the sanest note I have, seen anywhere on the criminal conduct of the Soviets in Hungary and the Anglo-French forces in the Middle East...
...or by a |tow gradual process of education...
...Semi-syndicalist" is a term without meaning, a phrase possibly coined by a semi-witted mentality...
...Can the method of war be Justified by the teachings and example of the New Testament...
...Sewer-liberal" is not quite as derogatory as the name would seem to imply, and yet the distinction between the true-liberal and sewer-liberal is more than just order-of-,magnitude...
...Should our youth be conscripted for 18 months or 24 months...
...war can be prevented only by a apir-P «»ange in men and women...
...It Is an emergency safety device which, if used, can guarantee no war for four years or more and also m rising standard of living everywhere durisffi "World Wealth...
...R. E. Campbell Tenafly, N. J. Defense of Israel Dear Sirs: Whoever wrote the editorial, "Both Your Houses," in the December Progressive, must have got a spike deeply imbedded in the soft end while straddling a fence between Mish and Mash...
...Under our present practice, the nation is the loser...
...Get down to basic principles, and details and amounts will take care of themselves...
...In turn, free people have good will...
...For progressives and the left, the revolts In Poland and Hungary constitutebju lesson number one, for these revolts are b people who have experienced Communittee rule...
...Visceral voting" is the only way to exr plain how the same people could elect a Democratic Congress and return to office a Republican President and the Republican advisers who pull the puppet's strings behind the scenes...
...The people want freedom...
...But all such discussion of war and peace is now obsolete...
...We cannot do both...
...Consider some ¦m the examples which Senator Neuberger rased in his reply to Lens...
...It was on the scene ten full years before the Thomas brand of "socialists" began their opportunistic exploitation of the term...
...Thomas cannot plead ignorance as an excuse for such a blunder...
...Neu-berger suggests, that conquest by tyranny and barbarism has a more degrading effect on a people than war...
...8. Any existing plan for disarmament will result in anything except a national competition in cheating...
...But dead people will no longer produce...
...Suppose a man becomes totally disabled when he is 3.5 'What is he supposed to do until he reaches the magic age of 50...
...Only those persons in positions of power, large and small, who can keep- this issue constantly before them and in their thinking, can be of any help to us now...
...Accordingly, the petition is addressed to Ambassador Lodge at the United Nations and requests that he take ". . . vigorous action to protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the non-white peoples of South Africa," and that he ". . . move to be established a new commission of the General Assembly of the United Nations which will investigate the threatened action of the South African government and make recommendations for the speedy alleviation of deprivations suffered by the non-white people of Johannesburg...
...On the other hand, how can we measure the degradation of the human soul through mass murder, the hardening of the human heart through brutality, and the darkening of the mind by lies and hate indoctrination...
...7. Treaties, alliances, pacts, conferences, «nd foreign aid programs can always prevent war...
...There is one serious error Mr...
...Would it be better to have fighter-bombers, or heavy bombers with fighter escorts...
...Can our relations with other nations be handled better by some technique other than by the military method...
...They were internationalist enough in their belief in universal world brotherhood...
...Georgia Cozzini (1956 Candidate for Vice President for the Socialist Labor Party) Milwaukee, Wis...
...Object Lesson Dear Sirs: The Polish and Hungarian revolts against Soviet Communism demonstrate that it is impossible to build a classless society under the tutelage of an elite and all-knowing class that high-handedly imposes its will on the great mass of people...
...Soes social security have a purpose...
...Communism, founded on bloodshed, defends itself by bloodshed...
...If Israel was right, she was right...
...Or poison gas...
...The policies of apartheid, which were begun in 1948, constitute a program of systematic subjugation whereby two and a half million whites are able to tell eight and a half million non-whites where they may live, whether and where they may go to school, how they may make their living, whether they may travel and whom they may marry...
...It is based on the' need immediately to stop trying to StOft things and to start to do a new thing...
...The true-liberal argues the method of war...
...It's as simple and as deplorable as that...

Vol. 21 • January 1957 • No. 1

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