Baldinger, Wilbur H.

READING FROM THE RIGHT WILBUR H. BALDINGER Washington ANYBODY who is able, in good conscience, to sign an oath that "I am a citizen o£ the United States and am not now, nor have I ever been, a...

...He now has his own outfit, Defenders of the American Constitution, Inc., and publication, Task Force...
...the United Voters Club to Fight Communism, which nestles quaintly on the Little Red Schoolhouse Farm at Newport, New Hampshire...
...The non-subversive pupil's affiliation with Liberty & Property attests that he "is deeply interested in domestic politics and foreign affairs" and favors not only the Constitution and "Freedom" but "Nationalism...
...The schools often have interlocking faculties...
...For a basic tuition fee of only $3 he has the privilege of reading Right, official L. fe P. publication, "a monthly newsletter of, by and for the American right wing," and of being introduced to a variety of stimulating co-educators in the public issues of the day...
...If it is suggested, in public, that some sections of the native American right wing are perhaps becoming anti-Semitic fronts for fellow-travelers of racial and/or religious bigotry, their response can be righteous...
...It points out that there are "many Russian-born doctors and dentists" in the Public Health Service, that the Service and the Soviet Union belong to the World Health Organization, and therefore Americans should be "a little alarmed to find Russian doctors pouring rat poison in the public water supplies...
...But there is little quibbling any more about that aborted trial...
...And no Congressional committee has a specific mandate (nor does any want one, for that matter) to examine their financing, although the 1950 House Select Committee on Lobbying Activities did find, in a peripheral hunt, that leaders in such industries as oil and manufacturing had given generously to some of them...
...Right's italics and exclamation points...
...between European and Oriental values, mores, ideals and ways of life...
...Also, Russia has "no inheritance tax" against incomes, whose free-enterprise sanctity here can be restored only by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment—or, at the very least, by limiting all income levies to no more than 25 per cent...
...A guidebook may be handy for this last stop, and Free Men Speak has one...
...It is actually between the white and the colored world, of which Russia is the Lord . . . The next play is up to our American Trotskyites, like Adlai [Stevenson], Milton [Eisenhower], [Harold E.] Stassen, [Walter P.J Reuther, [David] Dubinsky, [Max] Ascoli, [Bishop G. Bromley] Oxnam and a host of others...
...Right, which attempts to be the clearing house for theories and practices of all in its particular territory, tries to put him right...
...She's just opposed to President Eisenhower and to every Democrat anybody could mention, except for some Southerners...
...Right proceeds, perhaps intending to reserve Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Nationalists for an excepted place of Asiatic honor in a more advanced study of the world contest: "It is between East and West...
...In his right wing anti-Communist courses, if he is industrious enough to take a full curriculum, the scholar will be taught to be anti-Republican, anti-Democratic, an "anti-internationalist" and "anti-socialist"—and perhaps an "anti-fluoridationist" as well...
...Our danger is NOT foreign 'Communism,' " Right reassures any adherents who may betray nervousness about it...
...In addition to Secretary Holman, L. & P. luminaries include national committee advisers within the organization which includes "militant groups" which "represent some ten million Americans who are determined to combat and destroy the twin subversive forces of internationalism and Marxist liberalism" and which "range in goals from philosophical anarchy to Social Credit," "each and every one" of which is anti-communist and therefore pro-American...
...But Right in its issue of April, 1956, may express a characteristic reaction of its coalition to this notion...
...The more respectable guides among right wing leaders try to bypass the gullies or to look the other way when anti-Semites, in Communist fashion, crawl out from them to infiltrate organizations whose members, when they joined up, may have had nothing more sinister in mind than isolationism, states' rights, the blessings of non-union labor, or the sins of high taxation...
...On the way he may find it fruitful to Learn and Live (Seattle) the American Way of Life (Chicago) in the School of Living (Brookville, Ohio...
...READING FROM THE RIGHT WILBUR H. BALDINGER Washington ANYBODY who is able, in good conscience, to sign an oath that "I am a citizen o£ the United States and am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of a subversive organization" is eligible for enrollment with Liberty & Property...
...And since "internationalists" are high on the political liquidation lists of the American right wing, it should follow that the right wing is susceptible to penetration by anti-Semites who are eager to help...
...They rear back, scoffing indignantly, much as some silly and/or innocent members of demonstrable Communist fronts react when the House Un-American Activities Committee makes unfair guilt-by-association deductions...
...It touched on just two "glaring examples" of organized "racist hate-mongers"-—the National Renaissance Party, a recrudescence of the pre-war Bundist Christian Front, which put out a Bulletin for a couple of hundred followers, and Conde McGin-ley's Christian Educational Association and Common Sense...
...Its investigation ended in Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups, published by the Committee December 17, 1954...
...In the "East vs...
...At any rate, "Nationalism" textbooks can be eye-openers to the uninitiated...
...West" battle Russia "is a poor excuse for a Communist state...
...To fight and try to overwhelm Republicans in its coterie of enemy liberals, Liberty & Property plans to set up right wing press headquarters in San Francisco at the GOP national convention this summer, providing typewriters, telephones, and duplicating machines among its services...
...His primary Right lessons absorbed, his passport as a patriot stamped by L. & P., and feeling himself to be in distinguished company, the student of Americanism has credentials to explore a vast veldt of American thought and learning where adventure can be found at every turn...
...Mary D. Cain, publisher of the Summit, Mississippi, Sun and founder on her own of the Individuals for Liberty...
...The Coalition, according to 1947 testimony at a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing by John B. Trevor, its late president emeritus, was "among the organizations which it was alleged were used by the people under indictment" in the World War II mass sedition case...
...The Americanism scholar also would find it instructive and maybe entertaining to drop in on a "Nix in '56" party in New York, where the hostess is Sally Stratton, an attractive brunette who writes a sprightly column, "As It Looks to Me," for Free Men Speak of New Orleans and for other right wing journals...
...But wider vistas are at hand...
...The staff of the Un-American Activities Committee, incidentally, has taken a look, however fleeting, into the un-American activity of Jew-baiting...
...This tentative but promising foray was worth only one paragraph in the Committee's Annual Report...
...To look and listen as Dan Smoot Speaks from well-oiled Dallas, Texas, takes a mere $10...
...As he goes along he almost certainly will be anti-organized labor and anti-integration, these being cardinal principles in pro-states' rights attitudes he will be expected to adopt...
...In the veldt traversed by the student of the right there are gullies which cross—and sometimes merge with—ground which feels more solid, and the unwary explorer is in danger of getting tangled in them...
...Nonetheless—and no matter- how little national influence the right wing may have in political 1956—¦ it's something worth watching...
...A special L. & P. heroine and adviser is Mrs...
...The Coalition, "An Organization to Coordinate the Efforts of Patriotic, Civic and Fraternal Societies to Keep America American," meshes the American Defense Council with more than 80 other outfits bearing names like the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America and Southern Vigilant Intelligence Association, Inc...
...the enemy is "Marxist Liberalism" at home...
...For a satisfying field trip he may need go no further past conventional political guidelines than For America in Washington and Chicago, which charges $1,000 for a founding subscriber's first-class ticket...
...6 for March, 1956...
...from the U.N., which works out of Sarasota, Florida, and to various spas, uncontaminated by chemical treatment of water, which are run by leagues and committees opposed to fluoridation as a Communist plot...
...But on one hand this enthusiastic roster was too inclusive, and on another it couldn't keep track of growth, mergers, and splits...
...In a subsequent listing of official publications the Committee didn't even bother to include the communique from its expeditionary force on the Fascist fringe front, and nothing has been heard from it since...
...And if some of the political topography and the people he encounters seem exotic at first to the novice explorer, he should understand that it takes all kinds to make a nationalist country and that all, on the L. &: P. map, are "anti-communist and therefore pro-American...
...He has time not only for L. & P. but for active duty with a half-dozen other contingents on the right flank, such as the Campaign for the 48 States, Interim Committee for a New Party, and Committee of 10,000,000 Americans for the rehabilitation of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Wisconsin Republican...
...Still ahead are rewards of Portions in Due Season (Denver), a march up the Avenue of Tomorrow (Detroit) and across the Rubicon (New York) prior to arrival, to the accompaniment of the Bell Ringers (South Pasadena), at the Dawn of the Independence Foundation (Portland, Indiana...
...And, unless he manages to skip some of the more unpleasant classes which at least a few of his teachers are constrained themselves to avoid, he may learn to be anti-Semitic...
...possibly pay for all of their operations...
...No, Right says in its issue No...
...Or for $25 he can get close to the Manion Forum of Opinion in South Bend, Ind., as a radio fan club member...
...Box 180, San Francisco 1, California, and whose chosen field is the nature of Communism...
...Right holds that Karl Marx long since seduced Republicans and Democrats here, and the two pitiful parties are deemed by many "pro-American" collaborators to be irretrievably lost to Moscow...
...One L. & P. adviser is Lieutenant General P. A. del Valle, a 1915 Annapolis graduate who commanded artillery on Guadalcanal, led the First Marine Division in the capture of Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands and, before his retirement from active military service, was director of personnel at Marine Corps headquarters...
...She's for J. Bracken Lee, Republican governor of Utah who refuses to pay income taxes so long as any foreign aid comes out of them...
...In 1955 Liberty & Property made a compilation of 524 " 'Rightist' Groups, Publications and Some Individuals in the United States (and Some Foreign Countries)" to help the student...
...The traveler should find Time for Truth (Palm Beach, Florida), a spin on the Wheel of Progress (Washington) and a Starboard Club (Redondo Beach, California) excursion with the We Go for Joe (McCarthy) Group (South Pasadena, California...
...No matter whether it's represented by the glittering military brass which decorates For America, by the mellifluous voice of Dean Clarence Man-ion calling (over 100 radio stations) for minority-vote election of a "pro-American" President by electoral college trick, by the authoritarian exhortations of ex-FBI Agent Dan Smoot, or by a now-obscure pamphleteer possessed of one loathsome idea, one typewriter, and no presently-perceptible public following...
...As a matter of historical fact, "The greatest hoax of the age is that Russia is a Communist nation...
...As L. & P. Secretary Bruce Holman puts it, domestic agents of the Kremlin will be rampant at the convention unless the public knows about them, and he is "sick unto death of the biased, unfair and slanted reporting of 99 per cent of the publications in America, which are controlled through ownership or advertising by the Left...
...He then becomes a novitiate in specialized schools of isolationist patriotism whose L. & P. section has headquarters in P.O...
...they proliferate by the day...
...And the explorer will not want to miss sidetrips to the Society of Red Haters of Huntington, West Virginia...
...Another busy Liberty & Property helper is Representative Ralph W. Gwinn, New York Republican, who also is a leader in the Campaign for the 48 States and a longtime aide to Edward A. Rumely in the Committee for Constitutional Government...
...They are marked, although not always clearly, by soiled rags which serve as banners for Gerald L. K. Smith's Cross and the Flag, C. Leon de Aryan's Broom, Gerald B. Winrod's Defender, Conde McGin-ley's Common Sense, John Hamilton's Protective Association, Major Robert H. Williams' Intelligence Summary, or Women's Voice of We, The Mothers, Mobilize for America, Inc., whose editorial subsistence staple is the moldy Protocols of Zion...
...The "Nix" in the slogan-like name of her club does not necessarily mean she wants Vice President Richard M. Nixon promoted to the Presidency now...
...However, if one thing seems sure it is that their usually modest matriculation charges can't WILBUR H. BALDINGER, a free-lance writer who formerly served eight years with the Washington bureau of Newsweek, has been engaged in a long study of right wing groups in America...
...He may clamber down to Americans Underground (Valley Forge, Pennsylvania) and tunnel his way Back to the Republic (Tacoma, Washington) and then, after rest and suitable preparation in hiding, Go Forward Now (Denver) toward the American Viewpoint (New York...
...Right finds the book "hilarious," concluding that "the ADL (as is typical) makes it plain that it is again following the Communist tactic of accusing its enemies of the selfsame thing it, itself is guilty ofl Indeed, this funnybook proves that 'anti-Semitism' IS being used as a political weapon—a weapon which is being used against those patriots who are desperately fighting to preserve America from marxist internationalism...
...Some members of the Coalition might have momentary qualms about swearing to L. & P.'s affidavit that they never belonged to "a subversive organization...
...Post-Stalin tactics of the Soviets, which have been keeping world chancelleries up past bedtime, just make it plainer than ever that the most devastating weapons of aggression the Russians have aren't thermonuclear or diplomatic devices but "fawning servility to minorities and incredible stupidity by our ruling liberal elite" in the United States...
...Unlike the degraded United States, where liberal "lickspittles" of Communism have betrayed capitalism, Russia subscribes to it by nurturing "an economic system of strict incentives...
...These are the gullies of open anti-Semitism...
...Internationalists" and "Jews" are interchangeable terms in the vocabularies of anti-Semites, just as "cosmopolites" and "Jews" meant the same in Stalin's postwar Russia, where suppression of them unto death was a patriotic aim...
...For example, an elementary lesson in Right (whose L. fe P. tenets are shared generally by any number of other bands of political rebels who cry out for a third party messiah in this Presidential election year) is that Kremlin plots aren't really difficult at all to comprehend, combat, and destroy...
...of Chicago, which boasts of Merwin K. Hart of the National Economic Council and Dan Smoot, a Facts Forum postgraduate, among its directors...
...It is assumed at the outset of his instruction that the student is an anti-Communist by faith and conviction, although preliminary tests probably will show that he had no idea how ill-informed and unsophisticated on the subject he had been...
...Still another is J. H. Gipson, a publisher in Caldwell, Idaho, a quadruple-cause man who serves as well on the Campaign for the 48 States, Committee for Constitutional Government, and national policy committee of For America...
...An independent count could start with the American Coalition of Washington and run on alphabetically through We, the People...
...It reviews Cross-Currents, the latest book by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein in their surveys of bigotry for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith...
...NASWUSUN, or National Association Seeking the Withdrawal of the U.S...
...With Gipson, as For America policy-makers, are such retired heroes as General Robert E. Wood, Lieutenant General Edward M. Almond, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Lieutenant General George Strate-meyer, General James A. Van Fleet, General A. C. Wedemeyer, General Mark W. Clark...
...Liberty & Property foreign gospel is that the downgrading of Josef Stalin and the "whitewashing" of Leon Trotsky mean simply that the Kremlin is devoting more of a buildup to a "pro-Trotsky line" of battle, which had been laid down all the time, for new conquests, more by racial color than by Communist ideology as such...
...Nobody has made an accurate count of how many of these patriotic courses, most of them conducted by mimeographed correspondence, are available to a truly dedicated researcher...

Vol. 20 • June 1956 • No. 6

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