...The most distressing part of the letters seems to me to he that so much attention is being given to specific, isolated ideas, that do not appear to be a part of any well rounded set of basic principles...
...Hillman, who is a vice president of the CIO...
...Let's claim it...
...Labor and the nation stand to gain so much from a united labor movement that no effort should b« spared to achieve it," Hillman declared...
...Otherwise, a majority would vote to do away with them...
...It was probably the largest, political meeting of dirt farmers ever held In the United States...
...If I want to read any of this...
...6. We rob the poor by all sorts of intricate schemes of taxation, not realizing that by so doing we are merely creating larger pools of stagnant lanital and depleting the national buying power at the same time...
...It is equally logical : that the slaves, the destitute, the1 i underprivileged should think as they do...
...Roosevelt) actually want something better, but although we have mistreated democracy brutally for more than a hundred years, about all they offer is to spread some healing salve on the wounds and hope poor old Democracy will recover in some mysterious manner, while we continue to maltreat it by crooked taxation, piling up of idle capital, trying to make the machine earn the maximum regardless of whether human beings work or not, and many other equally ridiculous and childish processes... will see v.ho they are all working for...
...Anything new must be supplied after that...
...It was . covered with forests, roads, horses, j dogs, ehickeis, cows, tents and 'streams tut it was hard to find the i cat un'.'l someone pointed out its ' various parts, when all of a sudden i you saw the whole card was covered ! with a - at...
...I was there in 1914-15 and have found out that England's injustices were really the cause of the war in 1914 and also this one...
...Lewis and his ringing challenge to both old parties —to his threat to set up a third party : unless an intelligent change for the better is made soon...
...ate worker.— PETER SMZKWSKI...
...They tell us the answer to the prob-i lems of democracy is more democracy...
...I could go on much further in outlining the principles that we have ravaged...
...To go into detail on this subject would cover pages...
...We must make democracy work, or else— Of course this implies that democracy today is not working, and oi course they are dead wrong, because there has never been an hour since it was established in the U. S. A. tha* democracy has not worked...
...Quoting from the Committee on Economic Security (1934): "According to .stimates of the United States Department of Commerce, the total gross income produced last year was less than $40,000,000,000 and in 1929 —the :est year—$83,000,000,000...
...4. If we are to have a continuing I state of prosperity, incomes of all kinds, Hrge or small, must be put back into circulation promptly, in the country in which such incomes were obtained...
...Biting the Han/1 ;San Diego...
...K. REED...
...If ; you can't distinguish between what God created and what man produced, you better soak your head in vitamin B. AH suggestions as to what color we should paint the sky while ignoring the foundation under the ladder may lead to ruin, sorrow, and defeat...
...However, the i amazing machinery of controlling public opinion has served to make a sad farce of . this fundamental of democratic government...
...If it <s moral, right, and desirable to have a few individuals make profits on food and 'clothing, why it is not equally moral, right and desirable to make profits on electricity and other utilities...
...The war makers could not possibly fare any better under one than they are doing today, when their winnings are entirely the gift of the people—RAY S. KELLOGG...
...But how...
...Not intimidation, but provocation...
...Your war policy is one and the other is your fault-finding of other progressives, or as you r-all them, "radicals...
...He Is Critical [Midlothian...
...In seven months he had fired 2,100 state employes and hired 2.700 for the departments under his control...
...We can see the men engaged in producing goods for exports, but we cannot see the Idle ones that are made idle by imports paying for the "xports...
...Money thus created could not be recalled according to the whims and fancies of a small group of persons, but would remain a safe, stable medium of exchange which would per-mantly add to the purchasing power of the nat'on...
...At thaw-who's say it will not make as good n keynote theme as any?—RICHAKn LEEK LEV...
...D. C—If the necessity arises, America can tram 50.! O0O air pilots for the armed forces during the next year, according to 1 Robert H. Hinckley, chief of the Civil Aeronautics Authority...
...Perhaps these will serve as a checking list, to determine the general direction In which we are trying to go...
...Penson in 1937, however, defy I improvement...
...People who are 60 and over constitute less than 9 per cent of all the people in the United States but...
...So much for my personal platform...
...when the time for peace comes, that the peace is a reasonable and fair one...
...It Is true lhat electricity and other utility services are very necessary to our comfort and well being, out every one has to eat and wear clothes, in fBCt food, clothing and shelter are the three absolute essentials for human existence on this planet...
...Roosevelt run* for his third term for president...
...No people should be persecuted on account of race, or religion, or the color of their skin...
...I believe the president deserves this honor...
...i Are electric lights more important j than food-' If it is desirable to elim-' inate profits from the relatively un-i important business of furnishing light and transportation, why Is it not | much more desirable to eliminate profits from the business of furnishing the -.-sentials of life...
...I live vhere a few years aso there was a town of very little value with ; 200 inhabitants...
...Where shall we look for a way out of our difficulties...
...A : democracy is supposed to give the : underprivileged majority the oppor-• tunity of refusing to be governed by the privileged minority...
...But I would also be glad to vote for ¦> La Folette...
...At least, let's claim the rent.—R...
...He is a danger to all civilized people, and he must be defeated and disarmed.—VICTOR S. YARROS...
...I could not think of voting for a candidate that can only knock the New Deal, but doesn't seem to know what else to do...
...The triumph of Hitlerism spells the destruction of civilization in Europe, and eventually, in the Americas...
...Francis j E. Townsend will propose it...
...I believe that the acquiring of this essential factor is well nigh impossible...
...Will TV A get a hint of its fate In the keynote...
...In fact, most of our mistakes, in one form or another, have consisted of robbing the poor—in a country which has declared that all men are equal...
...The largest incomes cannot be spent normally...
...This page has interested me because I have been profoundly concerned with what laymen are thinking, as distinguished from editors, politicians, and big business men who have had more than their share of space In the current press since my childhood...
...1—"All the tracks go i into (he lion's den...
...Dolliver, Folk, Lindbergh, a dozen others... peace parleys...
...Of course, it is equally within i their power to alter it but not while they remain ignorant...
...As a crlef Introduction to what I want to say, I give, as a background of my >\vn viewpoint, my conception of what constitutes good citizenship...
...Again, we may expect democracy to ! work true to form, vote itself a new i leader, and never touch or even rec-| ognize the old dictator, the profit sys-i tern, standing behind and directing I John L. Lewis...
...Some of them in my opinion are out and out Reds or Irishmen with a violent hatred of England...
...1 Untrue...
...I—In reading your paper for almost a y-ar...
...many j are for and many are against all i that modern Russia stands for...
...If this civilization blows up...
...The Republicans like conditions the way they have been...
...Let me cover a few high spots on the war...
...I like to feel that we have actually had a few presidents, like Washington...
...What will be needed in Philadelphia evidently is a voice of the arising west, and a "new-" voice this time...
...No question about it...
...Among leaders today, there is an apprehensive feeling for the economic safety of our country...
...These writers are foreign with a bitter hatred of the Allies and a fierce contempt of the United States, which feeds and clothes them...
...Appropos, it may be well to call to your careful attention that several of your Wisconsin partisans in the United States congress are staunch Townsend plan advocates and no doubt are doing all within their constitutional authority to make this plan the statute of our fair land...
...Food and Li slits fSin Diego, Call—I enclose re-new«l to my subscription to your very interesting, but fuzzy thinking publfca'ion.Your advocacy of public ownership of utilities is all right in my humble opinion, and the comparative figures that you frequently publish regarding the relative costs of electricity under public and private ownership fully bear out your contention as to the desirability and social advantages of public ownership...
...The decisive reason he was the wise men's choice is that Sta.-.-en is a "liberal...
...There has been nothing in his 18 mon'hs as a public characler to mark him an owner of progressive principles...
...An irrigation ditch was taken out and 20,000 acres watered tributary to the town...
...5. One of our national delusions of | a first order is that of foreign trade...
...Ton-nsendite IPeVris...
...Therefore, I wish to point out that Pen...
...We must choose between them and Hitlerism— ar.d surely there is no room for doubt as what the choice Americans is...
...All other foreign trade produces nothing for the nation as a whole except loss involved in transporatlon and money charges for handling it...
...Roosevelt is the only president since Lincoln that has given the common people any consideration whatever...
...i—I have read The Progressive for many years and above all I enjoy the Readers' Forum...
...he was almost totally unknown even in nis native state...
...The ".ar is now a war between evil and wrong on one side, and essential civilization on the other... present income levels would under the Townsend plan receive over half of the entire national income...
...It should be a Christianity that is based rn the golden rule of Christ...
...One time I saw a postal card that i read: "Do you see the cat...
...In the entire U. S. A., by the time the people are permitted to vote on the war question, assuming congress ultimately passes the Ludlow amendment granting that permission, there is no doubt but what a lurid, ultra patriotic, flag-waving publicity campaign will have been put on and put over by the war-makers and their stooges, it will have gotten in its work, and the decision to go to war only in the event that the U. S. A. is invaded will be defeated by a thumping majority...
...It is achieving the exact aims those who pull the strings wish it to achieve...
...He commended existing social security and wanted more of it...
...Life under certain conditions is not worth living That has been a maxim among '•ivilizcd people...
...just what adjustment, after the period of anarchy has taken place, will be made...
...A former governor of California ¦ says: "If there is ever a tetter proposal for the betteiment of mankind | than the Townsend plan...
...Harold Stassen of Minnesota as keynoter of the coming national Republican convention is a commentary on what was available lor that duty...
...I Anything is economic where the I contribution and withdrawal are ! equal...
...Could not "The First Seven Years of the Roosevelt New Deal" be printed as folders and sold to all those who are interested and would distribute them In hotels, barber shops, and hand them to friends—any way to got the truth to the neople?—E...
...This may sound like a beneficent dicta.tor.ship...
...never contributed a cent, but collected more and more rent...
...but it Is illogical that either of 1 these groups should fail to under-i stand the viewpoint of the other...
...His administration deserves credit for the subsequent passage of state civil service and of departmental re-j organization—measures the Farmer-I Laborites should have put through if I they had not been more interested In I civil war than civil service...
...Hitler is unbalanced, abnormal, a sadistic savage...
...Our far-flung organization for training.," he said "is something to be proud of...
...What the candidates wish to get over is the idea that unless we make it work ;nd keep it working just like it always has worked, we will unwittingly be inviting a dictator to step up and Lake over...
...When you have "seen the cat...
...The St...
...That 1940 is showing some faint signs of an awakening intelligence is ! indicated by the rousing receptions being accorded to John.L...
...this is also true of the persecution of Christian minorities...
...But what England and France have done, or neglected to do in the past is wholly irrelevant to the present tragic situation...
...For Third Term ISt...
...The Democrats (some of them, including Mr...
...and the issuing of money is done by our government instead of financiers...
...Glenn Frank has just spent two years in delving into the nation's problems, and in a report oi some 30.000 words, offers nothing better than our present program...
...We must aive the Allies all the aid ive can We must see...
...For instance, your platform has much ground for you to play upon—LOUIS VAN DEl'SEN...
...Or worse yet, to say what he will do or would do if elected...
...One is as much in the wrong as the other...
...These would take the place of interest Varing government bonds usually sold to financiers...
...Had we elected more of these, in succession, we might not...
...The entire mess is quite literally the gift of the people—to them-( selves...
...The persecution of the Jews last year was a stigma on the Christianity of our day...
...He campaigned in 1938 on a borrowed Farmer-Labor platform, saying that he only wanted to return Minnesota to the liberal traditions of Floyd Olson and John Johnson...
...This is strictly a European war being fought for European economic and financial power, and we should «tay out...
...The need is more intelligence...
...I don't have to read The Progressive...
...Try and find one that isn't...
...IClieer Suggestion of Labor Harmony NEW YORK CITY—A tumultuous demonstration, lasting for 20 minutei, was touched off here last week at the convention of the Amalgamated Cloth-j ing Workers Union when its president, ; Sidney Hillman...
...on the other hand, are unorganized, inarticulate and practically helpless...
...But why stop at public ownership of utilities...
...All of these things have been approved, every step of the way, decade after decade, right up to the present moment, right into the present quag-: mire, by a majority vote of the electorate...
...Perhaps the public is not ready for li blic ownership of all productive machinery, but it never will be ready if fuzzy thinkers continue to side step and confuse the issue.—FRANK SIMPSON...
...It should be a Christianity based on the brotherhood of man, for humanity's above human and material distinctions...
...It is neither a dream ! nor a regret, but a hard, comforting fact...
...We are all inconsistent and imperfect...
...some j like this and others like that—all de-j tails of relatively minor importance and constituting no part of a road ! economic pattern of thought...
...True, our exporter may make a profit, while another business suffers a lass from th« imports that pay for the exports, but as a nation, we gain J nothing except in the kind of trade mentioned as being Justifiable...
...Yet we spend billions for a navy, a chief purpose of which is to "keep open the channels of foreign trade...
...when Stassen fi'ed for governor two years ago...
...vfarie-i, Ida.l—I hope Pres...
...Jackson and Lincoln, who were in this class...
...say that we are too cowardly, too blind, too selfish and mean, to take risks In the cause of humanity decency 'tnd progress...
...Stassen is highly jiersonable on the platform, an ear-fi!ling speaker who has mastered most of the FDR fireside mannerisms...
...It's a knack he developed in college politics a few short years ago...
...Civil service was held up until the raithful could be frozen into office...
...This enormous backlog of potential military flyers can be created without "any loss of efficiency or safety," Hinckley contended...
...demanded the CIO resume peace negotiations with the AFL...
...others j are strongly for and many positively j against o)d-age pension plans...
...Personal Credo TPalm Springs, Cal.l—For many years I have read The Progressive with keen enjoyment, especially "The People's Forum" page...
...The present social, economic, financial, and political situation in the U. S. A.—the debts, the taxes, the unemployment, the poverty, the dispossessed, the suffering—everything that we have, or that we do not have, apparently has the full approval of a big majority of the electorate...
...GOl\ Keynoter I St...
...Some of them are probably on relief, but they haven't the gratitude of the dog who bites the hand that feeds him —J...
...If such it be...
...If the landlord, as such, ever i furnished any earth, I never was i able to see it...
...This plan is believed to be of divine origin...
...This means simply that it is no simple task to acquire a social order that we claim to be striving for But I confidently believe it can be attained...
...Cal.l—I was just ready to send in my renewal when up pops an editorial article under the blasted caption, "Promoters in Their Place," to condemn and bewitch the millions of followers of the great Townsend Plan...
...Minn.1—The selection of Gov...
...This is the consensus...
...In short, democracy is a detriment to an ignorant electorate for they will vote upon themselves with a shout of triumph conditions that a humane dictator would not think of imposing —an inhuman one would hesitate attempting to clamp onto them by force of arms...
...The middle class offers little hope —they are too much concerned with the pleasures of spending their small incomes for the joy of running around in their motor cars (paying twice as much gasoline tax as the rich pay), being entertained by the radio and the movies, and hoping to be able to advance to a membership in some kind of a eolf club The ,>oor...
...Unions ! must give 30 days' notice of strike and then submit to 30 or more days' mediation where the dispute is in an industry "affected with a public interest...
...I have not mentioned our utterly indefensible monetary and banking racket because it is a subject that is so taboo that it will probably have to wait for attention until some ol the more glaring inequities have been remedied, though it may be propei to start with it...
...Those who gave him the nod are already at work on the keynote...
...Downey regarding amendments (1939) to social security act, I quote: "In page after page of closing questioning, Robert M. La Follette, a leading statesman of the senate, probed mto the new provisions with an arutcness which proved distinctly embarrassing to his witness...
...While I do not expect many "ambitious" people to subscribe to such a doctrine, I do believe that if we are ever to have a successful political leadership in this country, some such idea must actuate at least the few who control the destinies of our social order...
...Again, will a Republican victory in 1940 herald a purge such as Stassen conducted in Minnesota upon assuming office...
...Neither the New Deal, the Progressives, nor the Republicans can liquidate our primary problem of our national affairs without and until this Townsend plan is adopted...
...Either the average life is too short or our educational processes are badly conceived and poorly executied...
...It is as follows: Regardless of my own qualifications as to education, native Intelligence, industry, resourcefulness or general productivity in services or material things, I am willing to live on the average American income, providing a concerted effort is made to raise that average to the highest practicable point for the general happiness of the nation as a whole...
...Nevertheless, we would like to continue the paper, even though a young disconcerted whipper-snapper of a discombooberated nincompoop tries to assert inch a whim this late date...
...It can't be denied that Roosevelt has done more for the common people .ban any man since Lincoln...
...I find that you are not as progressive as you should be...
...Seei' iii the Cat | lEmmo't, Ida...
...And for whom...
...The millions of small incomes find no difficulty in getting back into circulation...
...Schwellenbaeh's speech would make good campaign literature...
...OSt is the telligence and to humanism...
...Slavery, degradation, loss of self-respect sr.d all moral and intellectual values are certainly worse than war...
...The only foreign trade that makes sense at all is the exchange of our surplus production for those things that we need and cannot produce in our own country...
...Except for two terms as a rural county attorney, he had never held an office...
...The Golden Rule romaha...
...This is democracy working, also an example of how it is worked...
...For example, some are for and some are against the neutrality act...
...I am a native of Belgium...
...This is the law Keynoter Stassen will hail in Philadelphia as the proper successor to the Wagner act...
...As you well know, some of your ideas, opinions, and policies were or st ill are considered radical...
...It will be motivated by-the principles of Christ, live, let live, and above all, help the other fellow to live—REV...
...You must think this a trifle extreme, but consider their names...
...Many of the men who subscribe to our declaration of independence and constitution believed in human slavery and provided in the constitution that for more than 20 years after its adoption, the slave trade should not be interfered with...
...I was for Roosevelt, heart and soul, but not anymore since he embarked on the war path...
...That is absurd, because anybody with any common sense knows that a president can not do most anything unless the congress and the court agrees...
...the plain people, to believe -.'hen one liberal tells us the president works for peace and another says he will drag us into war...
...The sooner any subversive "lenient is overcome and the congress will come out of their hibernation and realize the advocacy of this simple fat t. the sooner the whole country will accelerate to a wholesome trend of genuine energized en masse prosperity...
...Many good farmers went broke improving : the land and trying to pay for the ditches which were all charged up against the farms...
...v Neii...
...if public opinion can ever be awakened to its importance, —LESLIE WILLIAMS...
...I go by what the president himself rays...
...The earth is ours...
...rather, is it...
...It only serves to cast a reflection of unintelligence...
...Punishable practices for workers include picketing by other than striking employes except under certain conditions, picketing where there is no strike, "threatening" scabs, "interfering" with transportation...
...I accept it in lieu of a grossly incompetent purer form of democracy...
...Paul to pay tribute to Secretary of Agriculture Wallace and his efforts to humanize federal farm credit policies...
...I was pleased to read in The Progressive the speech made by Fen...
...The different views of the writers interest rr:e very much...
...Though certain nervous candidates I and little politicians may fear the rise of a personal dictator, one is not needed...
...I don't think It is your duty either to criticize or boost them...
...We hope the Christianity of tomorrow will be a much better Christianity than that which prevails today...
...Then whenever you looked at the | card, volt couldn't see any of the I other pictures for the cat...
...If it Is advisable that the public should own the utilities that furnish It with conveniences, why is it not more important that the public should own the sources and channels from which and through which it derives its food, i clothing, and shelter, the three essen-' tial that it must have to survive...
...Am I all wrong or is there some sense in this line of thought...
...He draws out about I $13,000,000,000 a year and at least | 90 per cent of it is in the 'hands of I the few... what ! this measure is going to do.' " One i'f the country's leading inves-| tigators ol economics very recently j had this to say: "Unemployment and old-age insurance programs are de-sirable, •tit they should be set up on a j pay-as-you-go basis so that these j fake 'trust' funds would be elimin-I ated, these excessive tax burdens on 1 payrolls radically reduced, and these | contributions to unemployment re... face the problems that befuddle us...
...So, I ask you to fill your paper with more Important facts...
...Paul election came but three days after some 20,000 farmers from Ohio to California jammed St...
...Democracy, however, is working perfectly today just as it always has...
...Wherever two ' blades .if grass grow where tut one ; grew before, the landlord claims the extra blade...
...Deal Story I Grass Creek, Wyo...
...Fight to keep us out.—A...
...Once the Farmer-Labor wastrels were thrown oul taxes could quickly be reduced...
...I do not know how many will approve of this personal creed, statement or doctrine or confession of faith, or whether others will feel that there is any need for such a definition of good citizenship...
...Tall ind well set up...
...There has never been an hour since democracy was established in the U. S. A. that we have not had a dictator—the profit system—in almost complete control, yet the efforts upon the part of the people to overthrow that dictator are very weak indeed...
...It Just about kill* all hope of any security for the .in for nr...
...What ?re we...
...2. It 's entirely logical that people of wealth and resulting power should think as they do...
...What phantasy...
...May I suggest, therefore, a few ! asic thoughts that may e interebsting ! to the readers of the "Forum" page | and those who write for it...
...You give me the impression of a reactionary paper sometimes...
...Shortly after the announcement of Stassen'.* selection for the keynote job, the unimpressed voters of St...
...On the other hand, they would be alive and active custodians currently to spend the money void of thought of any vupidity...
...they cannot be reinvested when we have reached a point where we already have more railroads, hotels, shoe factories, steel mills, automobile factories, etc., than we have any need for even assuming we all had as much of their products as wc could use satisfactorily...
...As to the letters in the Forum page, while I naturally would not expect to agree with all the ideas proposed, I am happy to find that so many people are thinking about our national problems...
...Answer: Congress can perform its constitutional right and print government backed (as opposed to gold backed) currency to be paid directly to the vi'tkers and manufacturers in war industries for services rendered...
...but" liberal...
...I am sadly disappointed in the accomplishments of the congress...
...Their fears are groundless...
...In either instance the government makes money from nothing, but in the case of the currency there will be no interest to pay...
...It is the first I have seen in print calling public attention to the many things 'he Roosevelt administration has done for the people and nation at large...
...He is curiously like Paul McNutt in that he has been training for the presidency (and the steps which lead to it) since he was a freshman in law school...
...I can just pick up any paper in and around Chicago and get the same results...
...The Nazi creed is an insult to intelligence and to humanism...
...To make it short, to put all the blame on Hitler would be unjust...
...They differ only that some arc becoming more worked up about the matter than others...
...We can and have gotten along without electricity, but wp cannot get along without food and clothing...
...present corporation income tax is "n admirable example of this —the largest single item of federal income collected for the government by the corporations but passed on to the consumers in the form of higher and higher prices...
...Arms Financing [CrooKston, Minn.]—Question: If our govrnmeit deems it necessary to spend several billion dollars for defensive purposes, how can this be financed without further 'burdening our people with debt...
...The only alternative, therefore, is for us to find some way of electing to important offices wen who are J informed and possessed of a desire to effect the results an informed public opinion would produce...
...We nave stubbornly tried to build up an increasingly ponderous concentration of wealth, while ravaging the elements of simple arithmetic by assuming that we could extract such wealth from the producers of it, without, putting it back into circulation...
...He has that professional politician's •urefootness so prized by convention managers...
...That being the case, you would expect me to be somewhat disappointed In your paper...
...Certainly the rich and powerful will not change the situation for us—they naturally like too well our present status...
...3. An informed public opinion is the first essential of a successful democracy...
...of social security legislation, controlling in some meager way the stock exchanges, fussing about the appointment of this or that ambassador, ol the size of the battleships we are going to build to support our export markets...
...These events provide the keynoter a slightly disheveled background for assurance that the New Deal will get its com.'-uppance from the Midwest...
...It should be free from race exploitation and race prejudice...
...There was a time when fighting was done with clubs and stones and bare fists: when a revolution sometimes produced slightly better conditions, but with modern defensive materials, revolutions are simply out of date...
...My own slender hope of improvement roots in the thought that we must find a few men who understand and sympathize with some of these basic principles and who will courageously express themselves as a means of putting themselves in a position to effectively use these principles...
...1. His'ory of human beings does not reveal a single example of a humane government, on a large scale and for any appreciable term of years, measured by the simple creed I have outlined ;n a preceding paragraph...
...The pacifists are right, course, in their general attitude .ird war—wholesale murder and pillage and bestiality—but many of them forget that there are evils far worse than war...
...Far be it from me to criticize or try to improve some of your columns, but there are some items that I have read that disagree with me...
...Now, not all your readers are so-called Progressives as happens to be...
...These two questions have not been answered by the candidates, nor will they be in the entire campaign...
...Let us begin to think o! basic mistakes and to correct them rather than to argue over the detail...
...It would be a victory lor savagery, obscurantism, intoleraole tyranny and cynical rejection of all that is dear and necessary to an enlightened man or woman...
...They may not have seen the cat tut they enjoyed his purr...
...As an alternative for doing so, we have permitted hundreds of millions of this stagnant, wealth to be spent in foreign travevl and investments in foreign countries, without realizing that such a process could produce only chaos at...
...Now to the point of your finding fault with radical groups...
...To say, now that we have the right and duty to stay out of the war in Europe, 01 the world war...
...That is oxiomatic and the status quo...
...Well, you j have been so accustomed to see land , treated as private property, to see '¦ farming, railroading, manufacturing, i banking, merchandizing, mining and j the various activities that you fail i to see how it contributes to the land-i lord...
...He cheerfully declared himself for "responsible" labor unions and demanded legislation to protect them from the irresponsible ones...
...In "Highways to Prosperity" by-Sen...
...U. S. Can Train Pilots, Is View WASHINGTON...
...1—Present day Christianity is impotent in the face of current evil forces...
...The victory of Hitlerized Germany would be one of the most overwhelming and appalling catastrophes imaginable...
...Old age pensions have i undergone a drastic change to be-| come old age loans, secured by prior | lien upon the homesteads of the aged...
...We "ven loan millions of dollars to foreign countries so they may buy from us, without thought as to how they are %oing to pay or whether they will ever pay, even in a form trTat is meaningless as to an ultimate national profit...
...Stassrn's newness, unfoninately, is but the sheen of youth...
...May we say to the administration that the embodiment of the Townsend plan enacted is the adequate solution to this major problem...
...criticized John L. Lewis for breaking...
...While this transpired the town grew and the landlords on Main st...
...As with McNutt, there is something about him you can't quite believe in...
...We cannot <xcure safety and immunity by standins aside and letting the Nazis enslave, humiliate, and dismember Britain and France, or subjugate Scandinavia and deprive it of all independence...
...Republican liberalism, Minnesota model, n long on the Republican, short on the liberalism...
...Wc do not live for animal pleasure alone...
...Our Dictator (Norwalk, O.)—In the pre-primary and pre-convention political activities now going on throughout the U. S. A., there is one thing about which all the candidates, little and big, and all their spell-binders in all of the factions and parties, are in almost complete agreement...
...In short, all that we are experiencing today, all we are enjoying, all we are suffering, has been quite literally a gift of the people...
...That one thing is that now, this year, we simply must make democracy work...
...In Ohio, for example, thousands of elderly people are still existing upon a monthly dole, miscalled pension, of $22 because the people last year voted ,3 to l to withhold a real pension of $50 per month...
...and this runs into many nundreds of millions of dollars annually...
...We have a title from our creator...
...The state grain mill in Minnesota which made flour for state hospitals was offered by the present administration to the mill's implacable enemies—the Minneapolis flourmakers...
...because the old car goes only half as many miles per gallon as the new car...
...And what folly as ir the annuitants would bum up and destroy or hoard the hard, earned money :>r any money...
...Why not make some of the adjustments before the collapse...
...We should stay neutral at any cost, selling, buying, or giving credit to any nation at war and play no favorites to neither side...
...W. A. MANSVR...
...He looks like good box office...
...When other members of the committee tried to head him off...
...They also re-elected, just to cinch the matter, three trade union members of the city council to give the progressives their first council majority...
...We have enough democracy...
...Superceded Is the anti-J labor Injunction statute for which Floyd Olson once struggled...
...The state legislatures don't seem to be any better, especially that of Idaho on the unemployment fnsurnn-e question...
...i The farmer, at first glance, because he ; owns large tracts of mortgaged acres, ! imagines he is the landlord and he knows that he doesn't receive much for nothing but if he will look again, he may see some centers that have more land values than all the farms iaround...
...Out of War fSan Antonio, Tex.1—Your paper is a good and interesting paper, but you don't put the most important question of *he day at the head of everything—to keep us out of war...
...The nresident in his message to the 76th congress lastly pointed out by saying "We have not solved the unemployment problem...
...As another and even better example of robbing the poor, we let the user of ar old motor car pay twice as much gasoline tax as the owner of a new *nr...
...Mad dogs are dangerous to all people ;n a certain neighborhood...
...We must think also of the Christianity of tomorrow...
...The fax reforms won the hard way I by Gov...
...I have reread the speich many times...
...No eouiv.ry is without sin...
...To me he is unmistakably heading for war as fast as he can drag the people in...
...A young man just turned 33...
...Let's cut out the money changers' racket so we can live and let live.— N. P. STENSHOEL...
...Labor got a bill so sollcitious of i its responsibility that both AFL and j CIO immediately demanded its outright repeal...
...For myself, I believe in asking myself what I think and giving the answer as set forth above...
...Faul turned out a mayor who had the Stassen organization's backing and elected a New Dealer who had the vigorous support of the labor unions and the Farmer-Labor city organization...
...La Follette explained: 'AH I am anxious to do is to develop the fact, for the benefit of the committee and any others who may be interested, in order that we may not have any ex-| aggerated hopes aroused as...
...Then follows the upheaval to resist such low tactics without capitulation...
...Minnesota and the great valley nave produced genuinely liberal Republicans in their day—La Follette, Norris...
...THE PEOPLE'S FORUM—A Full Page of Letters from Progressive Readers GIVE ME THE LUiEliTY TO KNOW, TO UTTER, AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE, ABOVE ALL L1BERTIES.-MILTON The World Crisis WuUer Park, Fla.l— The neutral-of the United States has ceased to ;i virtue...
...Lewis B Schwellenbach, Washington Democrat, entitled, "The First Seven Years of the Roosevelt New Deal...
...B. WILSON...
...It is the of reason...
...In fact...
...Stassen is what Minnesota calls a "yes...
...The body has it claims, but so has the human soul, the human conscience...
...This is a day when we need to build up good principles in America, not tear 'em down...
...I don't think the precedent is any better -iian superstition...

Vol. 10 • June 1940 • No. 23

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