A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES AMONG OUR BETTERS ilase slderiy commuter who opened his copy of Te» 3 i^rsht-Ti¦bane*' hut Madoey morning on his way r- geai Westchester nearly dropped dead from...

...how about your brocaded pajamas, Buddy ? In *etrict you can get a simple pair made out of ^ * satla for $75...
...8tudents will be required to have a knowledge of American History...
...He said that under the sew elevated structure at Seventy-second street and Columbus avenue, a man was stationed to wave a red flag to warn the drivers of restless horses of the approach of the little puffing locomotives which then drew the elevated trains...
...Next to this story of Miss Rothschild's he S1 * Piece about the experiences of twenty-seven 2J|tirU who took a fling at getting Jobs in some or Other last summer...
...Halcyon days, with no swarming hikers throwing banana skins and peanut shells and Sunday supplements all over the landscape...
...asiilil taf'ttoia 'downwJwn...
...w* an continuing our flght for these Meals in the firm expectation that you, the Socialist Youth of the World will join ui in our struggle and will return to your countries prepared to fight military con•cription, the granting of wag credits, and every ktad of war preparation, and to refuse ta participate in warfare...
...So far it has been rather slow work getting in touch with the various papers...
...Then came summer...
...Old stagers like ourselves to this business of sell lug a world nearer to the soul's desire do not aeed the Injection of narcotic vigor In order to keep a* oa Che batUefront...
...Let us forget that we are called Reds, Radical*, and Revohitionariea . . . There isn't an ounce of substantial nourishment for the growth of the Socialist movement in'that sort of palaver...
...This may as well be* realized before election day ao that we will not have to offer the suddenly discovered alibi that we had no organization, and all the rat of the old complaints...
...The men had their clubs and the younger people bad their cotillions...
...The New Leader has prevailed upon "New Yorkee' to tell his story in a series of which 4his article is the first...
...The house where be was born was a substantial brownstone, four-story house on a side street between Amsterdam avenue and Columbus avenue...
...This process must stop...
...According to Zeta Roth¦M who has been around the shops lately for "The York World", you can get a fairly good chemise * our way for $150, panties for $100 and a rather de** oigktgown for $250...
...The first is on The Method of Scientific Socialism...
...The youthful ^battalion was manned by student officers who got their jobs mostly by boot-licking the half-drunken old drill-master who walked around with his chest puffed out roaring his orders...
...The middle classes were interested in the goings-on of society but made no strenuous effort to break in...
...One Is bora without knowledge...
...Bom* of u* war* aiqsrboned during the war because of our refusal to flght out 'comrades across the ssa...
...Not quite a year ago...
...Fringing them one always found groups of deluded snthuslasta, ready to back op their heroes tb the death...
...So all you boys and girls who have J** hanging back from taking this cozy little place fap right up...
...Thsjao* «der...
...We are all generals, pretty near all wise on the actual facts and figures arrayed •gainst us...
...6, and every Hrst Sunday of every other month...
...l'-r^se saakeup man of the "The World" should be inFJjeSttad...
...That they have gon< about their job of navigation through all these disheart ening year* ia a tale of heroism for the future generations to read and glow over...
...After the death •jtOBgh old age of the regular Vice-Presidential canMats, ha was put on the ticket to run with Fat Taft...
...Ours m a sarmmgly daaaayuigv bat rigorous task, one which summon* our utmost courage...
...Why do we today live In great cities, crowd into subways, almost forgetting the took of green trees and fields...
...Beginning Sunday...
...Plans will be made of similar nature for his leave-taking...
...Neither tear* nor false whoopee win affect our at ami ing and worth as determined Socialists...
...We have some neat chiffon b*Bg* for $500 a pair...
...some of us— though very few in number, did our utmost to get *h5 women together...
...In the "good old days" when every proper word had ta have Latin ancestors, the announcement of courses issued 9y a college was known as a prospectus —a look ahead...
...It is with a feeling of deep regret and bitter disappointment that we regard their Inactivity...
...CANADA The following letter was received from Montreal For information writ* to the Y. P. 8. L. office...
...in this hour of need...
...aecond street, was a pr*^ 4_*itg' wss*r place Which had been a dap* wsskt wad was now called Sherman ftwsgw*, Bosenty-second street itself ifjspey B*eav* sosae thorowghfare...
...The Caldwell* heard Mark Twain with his strange Western manners and William dean Rowells who was fostering the beginnings of American realism and the gentle H. C. Runner and others read at Carnegie Hall...
...m a fraternal ptottotion...
...The tefrijgaj asejrd reaches down to us that there is a revolt jMtjsx La Quardla in the very citadel of Republican¦a^ah* staid Union League Club...
...Reginald Borenson, Wilfred Weltock, Wilfred Whitley...
...Some of them even had a fr»awaging SB social philosophy...
...They never eMaawp to Inquire how much the nun ikilaalsai aasde out of the sale of uniforms at thrsa or four times their cost price or how wsucb exhrnttion drills and sham battles and the like netted the lupcrliitsssdstlt Tata PaUawdes Then Fortunately after the boy bad become seriously ill m his second year, John's parents lin Med that something was wrong with the school and sent turn to another aad anon human institution farther uptown,' one of the oldest schools in the dtp with traditions dating back to the early daps when the Dutch settled the island aad started a school In the little fort that was Manhattan...
...The CaldweEs were substantial middle-class people of standing In the community and socially-minded to the extent that they wanted to see the r—sarin Wei thorn ""JBjJ-lgfdBte ptwed...
...In short, they have enough material with which to get a hearing before the public —if they only would...
...Where are your women...
...Let them enjoy their ease, their soft Jobs, their *rtt«iirl peesperity . . . Don't begrudge them their otaocuroo...
...ttlng seems to be rotten in Denmark hut far J^ftosn us to complain, w/dont want to get the Jj**°n abroad that we Socialists are sore about wtag...
...They would pedal along the crowded bicycle path up the long hill that led to Grant's Tomb and then coast down the other side to the ferry that took them to Fort Lee...
...There'is so moch that they could do to help enlist the support of non-Socialist women voters for our party and its candidates...
...These alone were the warp and woof ef sincerity...
...Her can there be much virtue in pulling the old "pep" aad Polly anna puppets out and Jerk them through a abew of optimism piffle...
...Among the instructors for the various courses are Mary Beard, co-author of the "Rise of American Civilization...
...They wanted applauding audiences . . . their thunder far revolution was a self-satisfying indulgence as long as it gave them the chance to strut behind the footlights ia he-man roles, while the gaQeriee howled their hurrahs...
...Today, when the opportunity to look ahead is so much greater and the desire to do so mu"h more widespread, we have abandoned the :lumsy word and substituted plain English...
...is the first output of the recently organized "Y...
...The essential identity of all folk gains Increasing recognition...
...We know which ones among us are the theatrical posturers, the silly egoists, the cry-babies, the self seeker* and the sorry crumb-matcher...
...Prom a leisurely, classical education for the few, we move first to a new quantitative basis, of which the chief concern at that time was to educate all...
...there's any shopping for the old woman that you •at done in our district just let us know...
...But they an smacked of the stage...
...There was no amusement park then and the woods were thick and in the Autumn full of trees with brightly colored leaves and' there were nuts on the ground and there was eider to be had at an old inn a mile or two from the ferry...
...Next to Ring Lardner see Bob Bench!ey, Nicholas has always been our f avast* Columbia jester...
...A COMMUNICATION OF INTEREST To the Second International Congress of BociaUst Youth, Vienna, Austria...
...It alone can, if it will change the apathy and indifference to activity and enthusiasm...
...Par, what the League's educational program seeks to do Is to see eye to eye with the members what tools of understanding, service, or enjoyment would snrtch their lives and usefulness...
...mast active members had to...
...But eae ship don't make a navy for the Co-operative Commonwealth...
...AS the campaign of the Socialist Party ¦r*- progresses the absence of the women members are keenly .felt...
...a look ahead This is the title of the educational prorrsm of the New York iWc»«n's Trade Union for the 1929-10 term...
...Caledonia 0684...
...He trotted along in the rear rank of the last company containing the very smallest boys and in his doting parents' eyes put up a very brave showing indeed But he was soon to find that a military school breeds a peculiar kind of snobbery and inflicts real cruelty upon the children who are subject to discipline of this sort...
...Tied up with these changes in our mode of living, and an integral part of them, are the completely altered concept, scope and intention of education today...
...The questions aad discussion from the audience touched upon the Labor Party in England, its purpose and future work, the Socialist Party in America, the possibility of war, and the influence of Russia...
...English or foreign language) can help greatly by personal calls on the editors...
...And X suspect that he has aJ<T swltshed his aflagianee to "The Mew York fjtjss", the only trouble being that "The Tiroes" too, ^gtfm something about Thomas and those blank, blank jjaaUjats every morning...
...They've lost their souls for our movement...
...The Yipsels were bedecked with red ribbons and buttons, and a ten by four foot "parchment" banner bearing the lejend "We Welcome Ramsay MacDonald...
...Janus Barr, P. A Broad, A Penner BrocJcwayT Sononervus* Hasttogs, W. Him...
...Look about and see the squalor, filth, and hunger, the disease and inhumanity that still stifle man...
...On Fifth Avenue we P* a tins of evening slippers ranging from $100 to pair, if the Missus wants a felt hat with a buckle just slip us $175 and we will pick * a jimdandy...
...It was what is called "The Golden Age" and the new rich were beginning to break into society...
...Some went abroad...
...Cecil H. WQOn International Youth Day By J. j...
...Years ago, I met them in East Side cafes . . . laay discussion iau, freelance spell binders, parlor expert* la verbal magic...
...the path of least resistance is chosen, and an unwitting impediment in the way of progress results...
...Mass., will address the 8 o'clock Fellowship Service at the weekly meeting ot the Bronx Free Fellowship at Azure Masonic Temple...
...Around it are woven pictures of a city now almost forgotten...
...Then he h really funny...
...L1LLIAS S. KAPLAN EDITOR published every week by the "new leader for the young peoples socialist league National YPSL News The article which appeared last week in this coluain entitled "Apologia Pro Vita...
...But they were* generally looked upon as social barbarians and it was the old families of English and Dutch ancestry under the urbane guidance of that fascinating character Ward McAllister who still ruled the social roost It was McAllister who invented the expression "The Four Hundred" selecting four hundred names to be invited to the Vanderbilt's baU...
...And we can get a great deal ef what is wandering about these days if we only put our heads together and plot the deal through...
...Circle One '11S7 Boston Road) will hold a series of discussions on outside organizations, to be led by that organization...
...Some of th...
...the oneness of youth is being factually established...
...Or do you seek to understand the meaning, the philosophy of life, as others have found and expressed it...
...They always have you laughing when they go...
...It seems to be satisfied with its work...
...Today Is International Youth Day...
...If we were aiibalillaiit only by the rich spirit of dreamers, aad the unlimited physical resources of men aad woman ready to civ* evep life itself for the dream, we would all be the happier and healthier for it...
...Let us celebrate our world- holiday with plans for greater weak, and hopes for the accelerated realisation of ou- ideals...
...we think it's just grand that a man can mp in bis brocaded pajamas (costing $7*,) around ¦*Oock in the evening just before the cock-tail hour, the little dress-makers hurrying home from "**art shops around Fifth Avenue to squander 2**" to $18 a week in riotous living...
...Yours truly, New York City Many Yipsel£ quit work and cut school to welcome Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald to America...
...i sotTif W*I*SB* , Una of Central Park an4:»»w*m--a* A Terfc Street" <*y...
...Let us have done with the smug, hardestod anrraaa lads that still call themselves our Comrade...
...Boston Road, near East 172nd street on Sunday evening, Oct...
...Perhaps it is the "*why" of things that you most want to took into...
...Edited by Pauline M. Newman concerning woman * eeparlawni at new* and Ticwa at sarticalar interest ta the waaua sf the Iskvr ainaml...
...The first hour of each evening will be devoted to a lecture by an authority in the field of economics, education, art or philosophy, with an introductory lecture by Mrs...
...Single Taxers, Sociallst-Laborites...
...He wants it distinctly unPaaxsl that the rest is a mere $45,000 a year, and fc—P at that...
...the new position of women, the problems of family life, marriage, the relation of the sexes will be considered in this connection...
...from an atmosphere of intellectual assurance and smugness be bos developed.into a fighter known by thousands for bis espousal of modern ideas of economic and political progress...
...We may he like the rest who have misused their labors aad given them only the bitter sponge ot remorse for sustenanca...
...John's father used to tell him that when they first moved "way up town," as it was called then, a great saany of his friends joshed him for going out into the country...
...With the passing of each year, the bonds that interrelate youth the world over, grow more closely knit...
...The rest of us can only look on and be amused...
...How have these thins* come about...
...There be flourished, entered wholeheartedly into the life of the school and spent long nappy afternoons playing cops and robbers or prisoner's base up and' down tree-lined West End avenue or rolling Riverside Drive...
...They lanaaaT...
...Who, who are the builders and destroyers of society...
...The renting agent is disturbed about this...
...Meetings were not practical...
...We evwa know ourselves by this time...
...JOHN CALDWELL: NEW YORKER The, City in the 90'—A LAiJety fiddle dm$ at Work and Play "Nt* Yorker," who prefers for the present to rematn anonymous, can be found in that monument of snobbery coiled the New York Social Register...
...Others got oeeved because so-and-so did not ccme to the branch meeting, therefore that member refused to help organise the women...
...It was a military school of the old style and it was probably there that the boy got his hatred of militarism and uniforms of all sorts which lasted him the rest of his life...
...They were content with their own rather modest functions...
...T " e about thirty-five present to 1 Warren lecture on the History Socialist movement in this cou .it was a former editor of the famous .-.ppeal to Reason, Which was one of the most widely circulated prewar radical papers...
...There was a leisurely attempt at culture in the shape of such organizations as "Uncut Leaves" where authors read from their manuscripts before they were published...
...Wet have nothing to shame us now except our lack of aaaabers...
...We shall bide our time...
...These Bhang es WW ke analysed as they appear In folk ballads sand Negro spirituals, in our architecture and industrial arts, in literature and m painting...
...and every second and fourth Sunday of the month thereafter will be held a series of discussions on Scientific, Marxian Socialism...
...else wanted America %e rsaJMjr .apkf Jap* dome great...
...The little boys would lie out on a rock and took across at the upper end of the city where only a frame house or so stood where now the serried ranks of apartments make the) landscape hideous, and dream the loSJb long dreams of youth and tell one a—n 1111' what they were going to do when they grew up...
...ever to know, for the great majority were born here and their parents before them...
...P. 8. L. Editorial Service...
...R Is content to let the matter rest as it has done in the past ten years...
...Considering that we had no paid officer to is the work, and that those of us who did what was necessary to bring the women together, did that after a day's work, the experiment was oulte encouraging...
...So many are on the threshold of intellectual independence, and yet so few are really free...
...At first he was proud of his brand new blue uniform with its crossed white epaulettes and the pom-pom in his gold braided hat...
...A) the guff about Liberalism really comes down to tkefaet that his liquor is costing him more than it did a Dr*-War days and that, by the way, is the limit of ¦est Liberalism in this country^ anyhow...
...What a source of strength and power they might have been...
...We thank the beard, of Karl Marx that they have dwindled into fewer and fewer numbers as the year* have gone by...
...The Youth of America must be approached...
...To be sure he was only "a caaHats ones...
...for we build a wondrous commonwealth, where men will be humane...
...and 2} would like to form a Young People's Socialist League in Canada and would, therefore, be under great obligations to you for any information regarding the formation of such a league...
...Are you looking ahead to a point at which you will need better to express yourself, better to interpret what you read, better to understand what others lay...
...All we need now Is a following Imbued with the ancient spirit of 1912...
...Osod Oeteument Clubs and agate asajsw hut rain attempts to break tb* hoM Whseh Tammany bad upon the met of Use city...
...Gentlemen: The writer and other boys between the ages of 18...
...the journey Down-town John's father went downtown on a horse-car which was often so crowded that he had to stand shivering on the back platform with the other commuters...
...you made a swell speech" adulation...
...Let's have done with '"Gee...
...The course will be a study course meeting for two hours consecutively one evening a week for 20 weeks...
...The lack of this necessary social quality is indicated by the appalling apathy, the complete want of interest, toward a study of contemporary public problems...
...Many of our old fire-breathing dragons are writing advertisements for the power trusts, or addressing Rot art an coffee klatches oa how to become philosophers without benefit of God or study...
...What are they doing in this campaign...
...There is a perceptible stirring of a multitude, an omnipresent multitude, a multitude that :s finding itself historically...
...We haven't a thing to be chesty over, except that It be the gruelling self-«acrifle* of our indomitable leaders...
...Year after year we mm ratted around the floor in stitches o^er the humor at Mrhokts Hurray Butler...
...6. His subject will be "Looking at Life Through :he Eyes of the Unborn...
...Or "What a brilliant fellow, he is...
...Milwaukee Leader, TJ NUovo Mondo...
...League courses are no more nor less than a means of arriving at such larger living...
...We glory in our omnipotence...
...That'* a whole lot te be crowing about...
...Hillquit at the helm, Thomas clearing the deck, Laidler and Lee on the mainmasts . . . and a crew of Comrade* who have given greatly through these trying years...
...Sam Braadon...
...iu war i eeWmm...
...For further information, apply to the League, 247 Lexington avenue...
...In its very attractive folder we find the following Interesting statement as to the need for knowledge...
...I will not say that we have failed In our effort...
...It is such fgj** that make life in New York so "intriguing" f P* high-brow friends would say...
...But there is something asset liberalism that Butler just can't let alone...
...But the leadership does not car...
...Dent let's waste our emotional reserve over their fortune...
...With the recent fissures and flasflea that have shattered and scattered its ranks, thousands of men and women, ail rebels, all protestanU, are wandering about in a dare, Ernestly they feel that their place is with us, hut a dread Is oa them...
...Wt McAlister Coleman...
...Soma giddy folks like being called rebuts, radJasa*, Reds, and so forth, There'» a touch of berate romance for them ia being so safely sat op agatast the conventional world of which they ar* ha truth a roekboaad part...
...Economics of course, the daily grind of making enough for bread and butter was present, but not as present as emphatically and passionately as today...
...When there were any bills to be ascended by this riokety contrivance, an extra horse was put on and all three animals would puff and pant under the strain of pulling their heavy toad...
...Novels, plays, poetry are the vehicles of such expression and you can look ahead to such increased understanding through a study of them...
...We have a few men and women at the head of our party who are no poseurs or mere mountebanks...
...He's (¦aUsome of the readers of "The New Leader" may Pjtafe at such a price...
...Yours far a Socialist Commonwealth, George Laiahiiry, Walter Ayles...
...even Nicholas Butler has got into a* skMs by telling Norman Thomas that he hasn't tfct ssnse of humor necessary for any candidate...
...Horace Westwod of Boston...
...for personal res son a. give up their she re of the work...
...They are practically throwing i*/ *tlk socks for ten bucks a pair and you can get mm plain linen handkerchief for as low as $17...
...What we have gone through to keep our Integrity Intact as ciafasts, would make a saint out of Rothstein...
...These scourges we shall destroy...
...Mary"Beard tn which she will discuss these underlying concepts of social organization and growth on which this type of study must base Itself...
...we are asked, and they answer thsir own question by saying "nothing...
...Our manager is out this ¦antsg getting us a date to speak in the Grand Bailsman of the Ritz...
...The West Side was wsnaBy Republican la its politics and UMielliil the inroads of the Irish lmmiapasQta who ran the Ban...
...The causes of these and of other things that constitute our social life, our art, our morals, you will find discussed in "The Rise of American Civilisation...
...In short, the interest btg^n to recede into the back ground once more...
...The wild-mouthed, work-bating Reds and radicals are gone with the mad storms of yesteryears...
...Butler and Liberalism are about as dsst together mentally and spiritually as Pavlov and tat late Arnold Rothstein...
...an an inadvertent moment we said that the ** «f one apartment in our district was $49,000 a par...
...Arc we than to trust to chanc* that the cause of Socialism gain momentum...
...That was by proxy...
...We are a pretty clean bunch right now as far as ideals and sincerity go...
...It make* them "diftVrent . . ." What they caa- ' not attain through genuine fores of rataUect aad the harsh tedium of organisation work, they so easily earn through ad empty posture...
...His father was a lawyer, a Republican interested in the development of the district, who devoted too much of his time to civic affairs ever to make much money...
...C. A cursory survey of the American scene would elicit the conclusion that American Youth lacks the social-mindedness which is so characteristic ot the young people in European countries...
...But then I suppose there is no particular use at this stage of the story to weep over what has been...
...The second hour is Intended for discussion, reading, the development of questions that have been raised and will be in charge of the same instructor throughout the course...
...jhM 1* really alarming...
...W T. Alfred ^sJtor^Artmrr shepherd" C^S...
...0«r own personal campaign for Alderman in the Maseath or "Silk Stocking District" has now reached Bratage where we have acquired a campaign manager ¦'ll parson of Joe Viola...
...Contributions by members of the Y. P. 8. L. on subjects suggested in last week's article are always welcome and should be sent to Abe Kallsh, 21 Essex street, Boston, Mass...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES AMONG OUR BETTERS ilase slderiy commuter who opened his copy of Te» 3 i^rsht-Ti¦bane*' hut Madoey morning on his way r- geai Westchester nearly dropped dead from apomrbao he saw Norman Thomas serenely smiling Jfci, from the front page, sr fas way in to New Tor* he wanted to know that country was coming to, with pictures of got stank blank Socialists on the front page of a a-ait, God-fearing paper...
...THE CHATTER BOX WHENEVER socaehody caSs me a raaJP^ t jawf shudder...
...we are not empty idlers cruising about for silly glories...
...By a New Yorker TIE story begins with the birth of John Caldwell on the upper West Side of New York City, forty years ago...
...Our whole work as a aoctoi revolutionary force in America has bean eiillegal* retarded, and at intervals ahnoet nullified, because ta allowing this Utter of mental exhibitionist* ta Join oar ranks as workers and leaders, we leaned tea baawUy upon their apparent bolstering, aad SO flopped ...**> dicRously...
...The Young People's Socialist League...
...Perhaps, the Socialist movement ef America would still be a vital, throbbing thing If it never had had eae contact with material success...
...They have inserts of point * and axe mostly worn by brides...
...Of course, no effort is being made to arouse them, or to get them out of their present position...
...a leaurelv era Taken by and large* the life of New York some thirty years ago was for its middle class, inhabitants a leisurely, quietly pleasant affair...
...Most women set aside one afternoon a week when they were at home to their friends...
...We must become obsessed with number* . . . men and women in arithmetical sums...
...The second will be...
...Rea he wants to knock them off their seats, he gets est a speech about the spirit of Liberalism...
...For tv" tirre is Homing when the women will rouse themselves and demand a place In the partyl When that time comes, we hon« that conceit, contentment, ar.d self-suftVien-y which drugs some of our leaders at present, will give wav to an undent* riding of the problem btfore them, or make room for others who are coneernsd only with the building of an intelligent aad strong political party...
...We would also very much appreciate any literature, such as pssapalets and propaganda which you can send us...
...We've managed to successfully alienate meet of the pubheity-crazed ladies who revelled ta self-hinted sobriquets like "Red Rosa," aad Just ached to be pulled into the hoosegow at every demonstration...
...Now we are m the midst of a serious revision and re-orientation of the content of education...
...Education Is acquired...
...On Saturdays he and some friends would start off on their bicycles for glorious adventures on the wooded Palisades the other side of the Hudson...
...Here is a real problem, a vital problem that spells either the life or alow death of Bodal Democracy to this land.' Without them we remain a group of leaders with no body of Jimmy Higginses to carry oa ia the laborious tasks of the struggle...
...na probably the last One Hundred Pit Coat American community which New York was...
...But you don't *** to Jse a- bride to wear one...
...Where Are The Women...
...The course is divided into four phases: Economic and industrial, educational, cultural, and the change in social and moral outlook...
...It was at this staje that we urged the oarty office to do something to get that Interest back again...
...Eduard Lindeman, Lewis Mumford and others...
...if the flower of Bociaham t* to bloom we must plant it* aasd and nurture it carefully, tenderly...
...But I think Butler's best line is his Liberal gag...
...The first will be on Industrial Unions and Mr...
...Art likewise has its roots in the social and Ufa of the time, so that music, literature and graphic art reflect, and to their turn, alter the other interests of limn—In generations...
...With Comrade Hillquit setting the pace in sett-denial and yeoman service, with Norman Thome* eTIIiiL through a heart-breaking task Bke this municipal campaign, after our aad showing in the Presidential election, we can do naught else than work like the men we are to swell the numbers ta our raake...
...Let me supplement the answer by saying that nothing is done, and nothing will be dose, until the party leadership decide* to have a woman in the headquarters whose business it shall be to organize the women and secure their interest and the* cooneration...
...Then the study of "English is the means which you must use to reach it...
...They've been performing a sort of mumbled lip service oat ef indistinct memory . . . but they don't belong...
...the Socialist Prime Minister of Great Britain...
...These aloae are the stuff on which a lasting movement for humanity'* sake -can build . . . Just ee soon as we have learned how to gather them up eat of their battered state, yes, out of their unconscious distrust, and set them working our way...
...Just the price of admission and a book...
...At the 9 o'clock Dpen Forum, Robert C. Dexter, former professor of sociology at Skidmore College and secretary of the Department of Social Relations of the American Unitarian Association, will speak on "The Rising Tide of Peace...
...seas* of u* ar* ex-service men who art determined never again to take part fen tb* slaughter of our kewrheri, Our bajtsf la total ttaarminiast...
...And so on, in whatever direction you want to look ahead to greater understanding, wider knowledge, the courses of the Women's Trade Union League offer you an opportunity...
...John Goes to School The nrs$ •cho°1 the bay attended was at Seventy-second street sad West End avenue...
...some of the courses of interest and will register at once...
...And the well-dressed man can * a shirt he needn't be ashamed of for $50...
...Oosorsdes: We, the undersigned Socialist members of the newly elected British Parliament, who, at the same time are active supporters of the War Restaurs' mternatioaal and it* British Section, the No More War movement, extend our wannest greetings to Socialist Youth from many land...
...Each phase will have five evenings...
...CHICAGO The first meeCng at the new headquarters of the Y. P. 8. L. was held Friday, S' 7, at 3312 Douglass boulevard...
...One of the plaster casts ajjl adorns the front windows of that noted Fifth ^jajse mausoleum, has been moved to the extent of eStiSg some of the other casts about their choice for taster, The Admiral, who is president of the chub, has jeauwed-up, all stripped for action and laid down a Jsiiliswiilr upon the offending member, telling him that sjt good men and true are coming to the defence of ¦M.widret major La Guardia and for heaven's sake, 1st te jo blurting out his feelings in such an ungenIhsiinlr manner...
...And unless something Is done quickly to enlist tb* worker* into our ranks, we will just wear oorselvee out with the attempt to perform Impossible feats of physical endurance...
...on The Materialistic Conception of the World...
...ftstwesn them, they carried Utah and Vermont, the tij two states in the Union which really appreciate tee goad jokes on one ticket...
...I feel certain that seme of the readers of this department will fin...
...Enrolled women voters to be reached with our platform and program: meetings to be arranged: literature to be distributed...
...The shift from the locally independent frontier village to the great city of today which controls our morals through controlling our every avenue of the necessaries of life...
...I use the word leisurely so frequently because in contrast with the nervous staccato of the New York 1929 it stands out A gracious, spacious leisurely time it seems now.' * Just the same under and apart from this rather smug, self-contained, contented fife mighty forces were moving, forces that were to thrust suddenly upwards into the amazed attention of these rather provincial people, coming Into their placid lives with dynamic effect How these forces, which were to have such influence on the life of John Caldwell, were forming even when, he was a lad bicycling with his friends on balmy Autumn afternoons we shall see when I write again next week...
...Perhaps least understood, for an their potency, an the social roots and social sonse^aewoes of our moral outlook—the folk way* aad ethics that have shifted :heir emphasis so far away from the search for religious freedom which actuated the earliest "protestants" that made heir way to this country over to such protests as those which involved Sacco and Vaoaetti in our own day...
...CIRCLE ONE, BRONX Beginning Sunday...
...have also been corrected by one in a position to tpsv...
...But just now we must perform the drudgery of organization...
...We intend to inform the members at the Junior League that they have nothing to lose ¦t their dog-collars...
...This story says, *JJJ» ranged from $18.71 made by a girl working '¦thus basis to $8.80 made by a girl on piece rates...
...We have nothing much to apologize for er explain to-day...
...We brought the question up at various meetings, .only to find ourselves alone and our arguments met with silence...
...and the New Leader...
...He ¦daps to it as a murderer to the scene of bis crime aid oanasdermg what he did to Liberalism at Colum¦IIduring the War this is a pretty good simile...
...Thar* is mwMblu* akSa tb taaatt s* this off-handiah way of putting you into tb* assay* aad item of a catalog...
...It is planned to hive articles appear weekly in all the Socialist papers in the country, such a* the Forward...
...an organizer ot the Industrial Union League, will speak at 4 p. m. Other organizations to be discussed later in the year will be the Communists...
...White wishing you every success in your aasasavors toward* the establishment of a Socialist Ooaisoonwealth of Rations, we urgently ask for your help m ear work for the world wide organisation of war resistance...
...But Ylpseh in cities where there are Socialist paper* ' dally or weekly...
...Jg&g^ggP The West Side iajasj ,f*lU:j > Pur some years after Urt^sB»UJ»f Japja* the West Bid* bad jssfde, ** *¦» character of a small tow* e^skft.ekej outskirts of a growhjg eg£ 7 A •*«* block away from his' bony*,** fsfcwawja...
...She upper West Side of those days...
...Of late they have been Jazzed around ia the Communist movement...
...Very wefi...
...Why does it take us six months to find s new job after a lay-off...
...The ceremonies took place at the City Hall of New York...
...jjg, most unhappy state of affairs when a diabetic -0 ajayer has to have his digestion further upset by jcethtg of the goings-on of low folks like ourselves, w* eVpiy sympathise but what are we to do if the -alecs insist on gobbling up everything Norman says ? * gl tost, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats 'mm completely happy in this campaign...
...John remembers harnessing two protesting kittens to a cloth covered brick which served as a door-stop and when the kittens balked, hurrying up wttn ar third ktrhaa^saprrsrs-iatlng the part of the ¦filltil !¦ i awd ataap a sb-toog fgjand^•aaahnwi...
...Why do we have jazs music— >tvf hu-th control...
...fp •, It was broad and lined «jaW|jpM;sspf beautiful houses, some of flaspa attacb**V and down It on Sunday afternoons, ant could often see the fast trotting-noxaes with the drivers in their smart sulkies coming back from a spin in Central Park...
...I say, distrust, because after these years of repeaded disilhisionment, they are a bit scary with their old aaorglai and enthusiasms...
...The Bronx Free Fellowship Dr...
...In this story there is something vital and hopeful for the future of our city...
...Similar meetings will be held regularly on Fridays...
...We have ta* really smart shops...
...All jw* boys sad girls know how the candidates for both dd partita are post the greatest wits...
...S. A. 4a Witt...
...They made life miserable for those under them and a system of toadying similar to that ka swan* at ah*> ,w*a»t public schools of shaajsaaf gi'aahMBj chveiaped A great skat wf taa> aws spade afeowt standing »S> sarAetdar Bps a soldier and visiting peaaaa* wsaa apjaal that then- children's proved by ltd* itati hi strutting about...
...We're well-nigh purged of an Impurity...
...His mother too, took a keen interest in the community and belonged to a number of women's clubs such a* the Daughters of the American Revolution, the American Scenic and Historic Association and other organisations of a patriotic and civic nature...
...weueted better pegMrtmswyMp"* ground* far poor people fjKffiP...
...Organization Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...

Vol. 9 • October 1929 • No. 9

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