Power Plants Make Money For Cities Survey of California Projects Show Municipal Ownership and Operation Great Success, F. L. Ft jjPbird, newly elected aeeretary of * Set Committee en CMS...

...His onhj claim to the office was his standing as a Tammany man...
...I have seen him tested in many a fight for our American ideals of civic and political life...
...Such an investigation would help the cause of popular government by giving the people information that under our laws and procedure they can scarcely acquire In proper form in any other way...
...Power Plants Make Money For Cities Survey of California Projects Show Municipal Ownership and Operation Great Success, F. L. Ft jjPbird, newly elected aeeretary of * Set Committee en CMS and Oiint ***** wtth beadquaiArs it W Fifth avesase.lssir.TorB: CRy has just completed » swst* •* municipal Bffctand power plants in California...
...Tis%,'stMstss*«d»^^ ¦** YvJjc City ss sfsth m _s»ejiaj*|issiasy.- It can, be stopped, j&jg uttsj&y pfaiowsi, tor Instance, in iftsjjilie skstr Social...
...He pointed out that in single strikes there have been arrests of 1,350 pickets, of 200 pickets, and of 1.130 pickets...
...He should be repudiated by the voters of this city in the name of public decency...
...It Is foolish to think they cat change even if they would...
...Bud said his survey shew* it to be entirety possible for mnntetpoUties owning their own distribution systems to purchase electrical energy and distribute It, at a profit, at rates tower than those charged by the private companies...
...Thomas alleged, had shown favoritism on the bench to interests which lie served as a lawyer...
...LaGuardia is well-intentioned, honest, of fine public spirit, but with such associates as he is now playing with he Is hopeless ss a candidate for Mayor...
...The Socialist Palp offers four men for the council who Msb* been trained in the school of hard asO* and service to their working-olasi 83* ganisations...
...The municipal distributing plants, by way of comparison, pay the private companies from 9 to 15 mills per kwh...
...kt rule...
...I shall have more to say about labor and the courti la tomorrow's question...
...The whole policy of our say * manager seems to be the giving awsf of*" this land to the railroads...
...If our Municipal Light Plant asjk^ h being sabotaged by the prsseat saasJjV* Istrstlon Is to be saved, prompt soS*» must be taken...
...of energy -sold...
...He Is one of the ablest, most highly trained and most truly publicspirited citisens who has ever been presented to the voters of New York City as a candidate for Mayor...
...I have been a citisen of New York for twenty-two years and I have never seen such a condition of political demoralisation as exists at the present moment...
...has been the movement toward both the production and distribution of power by utility districts formed under California state laws which permit the public Incorporation of such areas by local vote for the development of water and power...
...atntiwVellen arid Henry Kullman...
...This optntao has been pUaagthaned hp Four appointment of flxars and poUtkians to the toe«ft*xatee\ hssteh...
...Schwab Hired Him, Shearer Tells Probers the lie—ifcrtmirals Intrigaed Against Geneva Parley, ft I* testified i ("¦¦llaaii fraat Thomas Deands Rothstein Probe...
...after deduction of interest and depreciation, amounted to 25.8 per cent on the present value of the systems...
...I support him on his own high spirits of ability and character as a man eminently qualified for the highest and most responsible position In this cityl life, and ss a leader who In this crisis in the city's affairs can give us the independent movement that the city so sorely needs...
...Socialist of Cleve...
...Assails Tammany •i nil saii situation which ll3W Manna of people know to trirt toanp at them without dartag to open their snouthe snout «. » s* a UimlBin under' whs* Mho* -oMane' era fearfully tempted to nay tb* poBss «sr flxers tor protection to tsme at strike to their ordmsry peaceful rights...
...Bird cited the case of the Pasadena municipal system...
...Competent es-^ i tineers have fought this betrayal of as*.* i he trust, pointing out that the ctty boss * j this land In trust for the state and thap ! the city should retain the land for Qa development of a deep-water port sssi!t How long shall the workers of Cle*flasJw pay tribute to the railroads in the neesT of a false and hollow prosperity...
...The net earnings for the fiscal year 1037-23...
...The Socialist candidate, asking the ninth of his daffy questions of Mayor Walker, said: "Mayor Wa&er: What wffl yea do to raise the character of the magistrates' courts by year powers of sppetattnentT*' "T icrteofc aobortv from the experience as...
...Thomas, in three public addresses, cited charges of violence during the L R. T. Cafeteria and paper box strikes...
...Mayor Walker is a disgrace to any city...
...How can public-spirited citisens do anything else than rally to Mr...
...Not only have all operating, maintenance, interest and depreciation charges been met from earnings, but bonded Indebtedness is being rapidly reduced and extensions being cared for from surplus...
...Thomas asked: "Mayor Walker: What will yea do to end the lawlessness of the supposed agents of Justice In dealing with labor, especially In time of strskeT" Thomas Denounces Bushel and Weil Mayor Walker was accused of appointing "fixers" and politicians to the magistrates'_ court bench in two addresser Friday, by Thomas...
...Any Mayes* et New Tort property backed by his own party and a da* cent public opinion which could be aroused by his direct power, his control aver the police and bis appointments to magistrates courts can end In short order the bribing of police, the hiring of gangsters and the use of fixers in tune of strike...
...The outstanding success of the Lee Angeles municipal tight and power systems," says Mr...
...His occupancy of the mayoralty office in New York, the greatest city not only of America but of the world, would be a joke if it were not such a tragedy...
...These Institutions," Mr...
...Police Lawless, Thomas Charges Continuing his attack on the administration of the police department and the lower courts, Thomas, Saturday, assailed the police department for lawlessness and brutality, which, he alleged, Is practiced against trade unionists In every strike...
...The old parties are controlled sssr and soul by the big business interests ¦ j Cleveland...
...Let me put it definitely as my eleventh question: "Gentlemen: Will you proceed under the public nuisance law and other relevant state laws against the system of speakeasies tolerated for a price, often in alliance with other and worse institutions out of which Rothstein and other figures of the underworld have made money and acquired power and with power of so-called 'respectable' connections...
...The charge for interest and depreciation, consequently, is abnormally low, ranging from 2 to 6 mills per kwh...
...OM Parties Attacked l|1 'We urge the Cleveland vo^er* te lt£C low the example of Milwaukee...
...Rates as low as two cents per kwh...
...In to Cities "The operation of municipal plants at a profit, to augment the general municipal revenues," Mr...
...he went on to say...
...Holmes promised "a campaign on Norman Thomas' behalf which will carry the challenge of this Independent political movement to every citizen, and give Norman Thomas the largest vote that an Independent candidate has ever received In New York City...
...If the public nuisance law is to be flouted by the police department in the case of speakeasies or only used ss a background for raids to shake down the proprietors for bigger protection money, as has been the case under Whalen, how can we expect the same police to enforce the same law against dope joints, gambling places and call houses which are directly or indirectly allied, very often, with speakeasies...
...Tb* people must learn to do for thetsswSsf'* what the machine has been doing hr them—for a price...
...On the other hand, we have the Republican Party, hardly less disreputable than the Democratic Party in this city, and at present in a pitiable, almost laughable, state of disorganisation...
...Mew York, when Z ear that there la an alStost universal beUof tftsjt maglslnliB" toasts to atrneral knew tar mere about pssktsos fjaf pafl the*stbovt ttsttss...
...Joseph Martinet, whT"Sf' 'counted out' by a dishonest hosts rf* YJectlons In a previous election...
...The Norman Thomas Non-Partisan Committee has already received the support of dedans of distinguished men representative of all political parties...
...It lnolvee the reputation of Justice...
...Financially the projects have been very successful...
...I cannot but think that your contrary opinion arises from your failure to appreciate the seriousness of the situation and the'difference between the Rothstein case and the charges which you find usual in the heat jf the campaign...
...The Rothmere Realty Company, owned by the late Arnold Rothstein, was largely engaged in renting rooms and apartments "for speakeasies, gambling houses, dope joints and can houses," Thomas, charged Monday...
...As indicative of the ability of municipal plants to produce as well as distribute electricity economically, Mr...
...It promotes almost universal cynicism among our people...
...The opportunity to support such a man for this great office I regard as a matter of public duty...
...Speaking at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, and at the Coney Island Socialist Club, Brooklyn, Thomas singled out for particular attack Magistrate Hyman Bushel and Magistrate Weil...
...If a policy of service at cost were introduced, the results would be an even more striking demonstration than at present of th< ability of cities to solve for themselvet the problem of the unnecessarily high cost of domestic electric lighting...
...The sorry condition of Justice and the even more sorry cynicism about the possibility of justice which prevails in Mew York City Is largely due to his appointments...
...Largs numbers of these pickets, when brought to court, were found guiltless and discharged...
...It Is a campaign issue to the heart of more fundamental questions of policy and principle...
...With an efficient steam plant having ample capacity for the entire needs of the city the system is able to generate and purchase energy at a total production cost of less than 5 mills per kwh...
...Mast, si setting up Labor and Socialist gwersf merits...
...for energy purchased at wholesale rates...
...Bushel was re appointed magistrate...
...Before the campaign Is over, we expect to have a support which win paralyse he politicians...
...Under Mayor Walker's leadership, if such frivolity as his can be called leadership, the government of the city during the last four years has steadily deteriorated in efficiency and character...
...If the» pay...
...In these cities, dean, hinnaaiT and efficient government Is Being inhsWi' in by the representatives of the werkhp* ' class and the foundation of a powerfsfv National Labor Party is being devekasf ~ "It Is futile to expect the graft, eaartion, and favoritism such as that wHsl has been uncovered in the city govern-v ment and that which has not beta exposed, to be stopped by the machine 8*1iticlans of the Repubucan-Deiooeratjr*' Part...
...The opposition party snst be based upon the mass of those ess work for a living...
...By bis power to appoint magistrates, the Mayor has a responsibility for curing this sort of thing, a power which I should regard ss of the utmost Importance for the service of the people...
...and are in a position to institute farther redactions...
...The one way which offers a possible escape from this hurtful situation is an official investigation and only the governor can order an investigation of the case in its various aspects...
...Bird, "Is wen-known...
...Thomas replied: "Under the circumstances it seems to me that the very least you can do is to make a formal demand for as definite charges as can be presented indicating your own willingness to order an investigattion if these more formal statements warrant it...
...At a meeting In the Community Church, 34tb street and Park avenue, Wednesday afternoon, at which plans of the Norman Thomas Non-Partisan Committee were discussed...
...3»jL|** : ihocking graft and corruption and ssV* servience to big business, the soehssfj Party of Cleveland offers four honest sat2* able candidates for the City Couasfl...
...Holmes announced his acceptance .of the position of chairman of the non-partisan committee...
...He said, "The entire group of distributing plants are self-maintaining and have not only provided for adequate depreciation but have reduced indebtedness to S point where the total outstanding bonded Indebtedness is only 15 per cent of the present value of the plants...
...The success of these municipal enterprises Mr...
...Magistrate Bushel, Mr...
...Only a stress opposition party can bring honesty hO the city council...
...OastfaSR ous public criticism must be made...
...Several municipal plants in California, he pointed out, have dropped their base rates far residential Ughting below Ave cents per kwh...
...Bird said that the cost of distribution, usually regarded as the largest item in determining the cost of electrical energy for residential consumers, has been reduced to a minimum by these plants...
...ThijSW Socialist office has issued the fouowkb's itatement to the Cleveland nosiseaesL "At a time when our city | III q MasSl*1" is urgently to need of a militant ^ jj^f telligent opposition to...
...Electrical service at low rates has been made available to every farm in the districts without any construction charges being placed against the owner...
...Thomas' charges came in the course of number ten of the daily questions he has been asking of Mayor Walker...
...In such a situation all citisens who have regard for the reputation of New York, to say nothing of high standards of efficient government, should welcome the opportunity of washing their bands of both the old political machines and giving their whole support to such sin independent political movement as that represented by Norman Thomas today...
...for cooking, besting and refrigeration are being generally adopted, and adequate street illumination is encouraged by low municipal rates ranging from 1 cent to 3 cents per kwh Money Turned...
...Shortly thereafter the strike was practically lost and Hyman Bushel was reappointed a magistrate...
...I have known Norman Thomas for years...
...Whatever one thinks of prohibltiton, one must admit that the easy tolerance or approval of speakeasies by the police and by the public opens wide the door tc Just such transactions as those in which Rothstein was so expert...
...Thomas and save their self-respect...
...On his own record he stands discredited and disgraced...
...S? candidates are: John G. Wtnstt, t»5ft councilman...
...of comae, they are at the jnercy of the politicians and tew toss., jff .Usaw...
...Norman Thomas is a Socialist, but he is far more than a Socialist...
...The case has gone far beyond the usual order of campaign charges...
...There Is only one «sr of securing from the city council tat •«*-•» lie service to which every citisen h *W ' titled—elect men who can criticise wES- '¦ out hurting the campaign funds, alto' unhindered machine will rule until «*>> have cut to the roots of political uuaisj' tion...
...Two large districts, each including an incorporated city, several small towns and a large acreage of agricultural territory have been generating and distributing electrical energy, as an adjunct to their water development for irrigation purposes, since 1923...
...The candidacy of Norman Thomas for the mayoralty of New York, presents a matchless opportunity to the public-spirited citizens of New York, regardless of party, to organise a great Independent movement for decent government In this city...
...As chairman of this committee, I ppromise a campaign on Norman Thomas' behalf which win carry the challenge of this Independent political movement to every citisen, and give to Norman Thomas the largest vote that an Independent candidate has ever received in New York City...
...He states that the success of these iijslieisi "points the way to reducing the cost of electricity to the small residential consumers nt the East...
...Thomas declared, "could not do business without police protection...
...This question applies equally to Major LaGuardia and Mayor Walker...
...Walker Disgrace to City, Holmes Says A vigorous attack on Mayor Walker ss "a disgrace to the city," was made yesterday by Rev...
...Bird stated, "Is th« policy of the group of California citiei owning their distribution systems...
...Holmes declared the Republican Party "In a pitable, almost laughable, state of disorganization," and announced himself in favor of Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for Mayor...
...When Lehman wrote refusing to accede in the request for an Investigation...
...Earnest and high-minded Republicans are rightly as ashamed as they are discouraged at the present predicament of their party...
...My questions with regard to the Rothstein case and Oils case, are meant to put up to the mayor sguarsly...
...The alliance between big IjubIrsbT " and politics must be broken...
...Two plants have succeeded In lowering their .total distribution costsincluding distribution, commercial, general and miscellaneous costs—for their predominantly residential service below 3'a mills per kwh., and In no Instance does this cost exceed 1 cent...
...Itasttqfe* Kenosha, Wis.: New Bedford...
...Bird attributes to the ability of the various cities to secure expert management comparatively free from political lntererence, to sound financial policy and to economical administration...
...htschtrate WeU sentenced the _ striker to six months...
...I can testify to his extraordinary knowledge of municipal affairs...
...but the accomplishments of the smaller municipal systems, especially those engaged ta the purchase and distribution of power, have received much less attention than they deserve...
...John Haynes Holmes of the Community Church...
...This municipal sMewf...
...Thomas, Sunday, wrote Acting Governor Lehman urging him to order an investigation of the Rothstein case before which F. H. LaGuardia and Richard E. Enright, mayoralty nominees, should be asked to reveal whatever information they may have on the matter...
...Thomas offered to supply any commissioner appointed with leads regarding Arnold Rothsteln's relations with the pollen...
...A further constructive step in the solution of-the problem of power control in the Interest of the public, not only for urban but for rural populations...
...prise baa saved the people of C3e*esjsf * many thousands of dollars and shsstoigftv guarded against those in ear ehy patiM eminent whose viewpoint b opposes^ the principle of public ownership...
...elo not pay' either th^police...
...Name 4 Candidates WiDert, Martinek, Y^3' and Kullman ISntof Wj^m For Tho City CUrYsttATO,^C«lo0—Thi*3fl|L_if i party Sled fo«r carshdsjasi tor al' Ctty Council election of Nov s...
...It has been sUeisjtbetied by -concrete bappentnga ' "Thus, Magistrate Hyman Bushel, while Vaafsjajb^'iaejsed out «sry 'severe senSSbssss to aMhsts to thj strike of the CajSJfaJa sjg#3)s*, bsdM Magistrate Well aae* off U» strike ha resigned Us JudgeS^ sW was ptuajptfr retained as attorTssf tpr tip thsJOefia owners' assoclsttm, Is ssWb la sppeaxed aintinst the mmMi s#riher before Magistrate Weil...
...Himself incompetent, utterly careless of the serious duties and obligations of his office, he is surrounded by political associates and influences which are the most disreputable of our time...
...Several plants are entirety free from debt, and since 1920 all of the plants have been able to finance their entire program of extensions and improvements from earnings without the need for the issuance of bonds...
...Distribution Cost at Minimum Mr...
...ssf#af»< stars, or both m Jails as* 1. oWi wfth tits pickets...
...If the present administration tue*ek|r*" in carrying out its plan with riTiissst*" to our Lake Front It will result ta ating minions of dollars worth of wslsr4**front land...
...They did business during the day of Rothstein a power vppenly and noisily and conditions haven't changed greatly since his death...

Vol. 9 • October 1929 • No. 9

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