Savagery of Coal Police Told at Trial Mellon Cops Face Court of Murder of I ll. Barkoski syattt, u>d Frank Slaplka*, \!^V ***T Mellon's private army l^~m^mrf1- Coal Co.'s Imperial * *V —j,...

...Hochman declared: "Whilst the exact number of colored women employed in the dress industry is net known, it Is estimated that out of the 53,000 c-lored women engaged in industry, about 4,000 work in the dress Fight Part of General Drive Which May Bring Big Strike Dee...
...True enough, there are some new industries in the making absorbing quite a few worktrs...
...The meeting was held at St...
...Green's letter appears In the current issue of The NATION...
...n^inj miner s widow and Ave ?L sat red-eyed and weeping ai '^aMsSBWeslth called on 76-year-old "jgl^B, Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...In order to stabilize employment there must be coordination between business and Industry...
...There Is a salesman Haw psspsnus looking...
...busjltimr and the entire body tatas sjsf rtlsjn tT^'^^j Hi taat i—pany has unofficially gajal taw of the cleverest lawyers in Mas Fcaasytrania to defend its Hg| MBS...
...The NEW LEADER has frequently called attention in a critical manner to stories circulated by the 1. L. N. 8., which has hitherto been considered a semiofficial spokesman of the A. F. of L. Matthew Woll, vice-president of the A. P. of L., Is president of the L L. N. 8. and Chester M Wright is its editor In chief...
...At frequent Intervals, he sends in new sabs and renewals...
...The NATION, as did The NEW LEADER, denounce such utterances as false and points out that they might have the effect of inciting lynch law against such Communists as are now in the South...
...Old Party Registration Drops Off in Reading (By m New L*»der C©rreir.»nA>nt> READING, Pa.—The registration totals from Berks County outside of Reading shows that 7,430 men and women have broken their old-party affiliations and registered "non-partisan" this year...
...Ib** Watts, and Slapikas are on trial JfMt But So terrible was the coldMsg brutality of the Barkoski murder ¦at k M afl the workers of Pennsyl¦aa-M sjost of the liberals—up in j** system was threatened...
...We are confident that the fine records set by comrades Aakerman and Lewis will inspire other "Minute Men" of THE NEW LEADER...
...A list of 47 sabs was a recent contribution of his...
...Barkoski was •¦M-be should have been able to HM...
...This is the report made by Charles F. Hohmann...
...union was defeated by the ***Mi of this organisation which ***pi *s sessions here...
...and a buslOst seal miner tried hard to get on 4f*PrK *';8s answered every question saaasay...
...The Electrical Workers have a special committee in the field to interest every organization possible and to dispose of tickets for the entertainment...
...Therefore, I am unable to furnish yon with a copy of the editorial to which yon refer...
...The concensus is that strikeless settlements wfil be arrived at with the remaining members of this group...
...They are on the air frequently over 8tation WSB, usually on Sunday evenings between 9 and 9.30...
...a housewife...
...Witberspoon Dodge, DD., will speak on "Human Values in Life," and a drama will be presented, written by a local playright, and will be under the supervision of an Atlanta director...
...New Machinery Worries The Bakers' Union (By a New Leader Correspondent) ST...
...Barkoski syattt, u>d Frank Slaplka*, \!^V ***T Mellon's private army l^~m^mrf1- Coal Co.'s Imperial * *V —j, erect in the criminal white 'heU' «ma5*1 fought an ^r^gft** flght to keep miners worken off the Jury that *Eg, whether they are guilty of s«rder for wantonly killing jgfai B*rkosll Last February...
...31 shops of Mew Tort A recent investigation proved that most of these women earn between as and $13 par week and that the employers discriminate against them In many ways...
...Continues Its Victories In Philadelphia With the signing up of Makransky, Charles Baker, Plncus Bros, and Graff Co., the Amalgamated has practically cleaned-up the Philadelphia open-shop market...
...trades unions into one laaiilim, a program endorsed by **al Qssbec convention of the Intl...
...International Begins Drive to Unionize Negro Dress Workers...
...The speakers included Julius Hochman, vice president of the International Union...
...This side of the problem is discussed ss follows: Machinery and Unemployment "New machines are constantly throwing hundreds out of work, for whom no room can be made in other industries because they are Just as overcrowded with machines...
...F. A. Tomas, first tenor: E. F. Tomlson, second tenor...
...11, beginning at 8 p.m...
...Ch arches U OJve Aid The Harlem churches and Negro fraternal organisations are behind the union campaign, Mr...
...Repudiates The I. L. N. S. A. F. of L. Not Responsible for Woll - Wright News Service, President Says PRESIDENT WILLIAM GREEN of the American Federation of Labor, In a letter to The NATION, liberal weekly, has repudiated the International Labor News Service as a spokesman for the A. F. of L. Mr...
...Another editorial printed in the I. L. N. S. came to the attention of The NATION...
...This editorial said, among other things: "In Gastonis some Communists are to be tried for murder...
...WILLIAM GREEN, Pres., A. F. of L. The NATION editorial concludes: "We are glad to hear that (President Green's statement), and we hope that some one in official power In the Federation will inform the hundreds of labor editors throughout the country who take Matthew Woll's service that it is in no sense a Federation service" Atlanta Unions And Socialists Fight for Mooney <Bt s New Ltaoer I ormpondrnt) ATLANTA, Ga— All political, trade union and fraternal organizations of workingmen and women in Atlanta are cooperating in a program to raise funds to aid in the release of Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings...
...If Americans— or Russians—tried to do in Russia what these Reds tried to do—or threatened to do—In America there would not be any trials...
...First there » •» Md man, a miner who worked *t Mktis Pittsburgh Coal Co...
...Green of Wh'9...
...When ja^l ftfled to answer a summons *"Jpj arse the light for treatment, * £fr testified...
...The cooperating organizations are the Atlanta Federation of Trades, Local 84 of the Electrical Workers, Women Auxiliary of Locals 84 and 613,, Branch 207 of the Workmen's Circle, the Jewish Socialist Federation, the Jewish Workers' national Alliance, Women's Club Branch 207, Women's Club National Alliance, and the local branch of the Socialist Party...
...A speaker will also present a brief review of famous labor cases in the labor struggle in this country...
...Zsai stated that he had seen Lyster again and again with a. ^rr bather strap, and Jjhat the coal' a« k*na# only temporarily when he 2i Sat the miner was in no condlU ^ i***"* saeh a beating...
...LOUIS, Mo.—The bakery workers of the nation are facing one of the gravest problems in the history of the union because of the tendency of machinery to cast workers on the scrap heap...
...ASMsteien Indirectly suggesting the o! » 1»bor Party in th»t It ?*Mn "erery honorable member of BfiJW to sever his or her afflllation ^*aoJJtical parties of the exploiting ^¦a are constantly encroaching SPMbuUts of the working people" fc^*l>*ries of president C. P. Howard Spj j«.Ui/ Woodruff Randolph were S*"* *wa $5000 to $7500 per *nPM «1' * *" Pegging far the vpcMr¦R¦ • • *• keep their safferlag Em^1* tMr famlahed bodies A I^MaftleiCh * c*n#iti*n u I Jj*2"*e»«B«4...
...At the same time the Socialist registration jumped from 1,009 to 1,060, while the Democrats showed a loss of party followers of 653., The Republican registration among the rural voters Jumped from 21,299 to 23,983, a gain of 1,684...
...20 Typo Delegates Urge a Labor Party...
...Hochman said...
...are flocking to union headquarters faster than the settlement machinery an take cws of ttassn...
...He pointed out that the entire section is aroused by the exploitation of Negro women workers who earn $8 and $13 a week In the dress trade, in contrast to the $36 to $44 wage scale prevailing in white...
...This quartet Is well known In Atlanta and vicinity...
...Four of the manufacturers who have so far settled are among the seven who obtained an injunction against the organization...
...J. P. Waite, basso, and E. L. Hayes, extra...
...The big affair on which interest is concentrated in an entertainment in Taft Hall, City Auditorium, Friday, Oct...
...But, with very few exceptions, these new industries are being operated on a low-wage basis, requiring at the best unskilled machine operators, and they aid little in solving the unemployment problem, which keeps on growing and growing because, on account of the machine operation, less and less work of human beings is required to feed, clothe, educate and amuse the people., "A greater amount of responsibility must be placed upon these industries where the labor-displacing mechanical 'improvements' are operating and where a large displacement of labor Is taking place... far as doing magnificent work for THE NEW LEADER is concerned...
...As for the small bouses, of which there are many in Philadelphia— small, that is, for Philadelphia, a Bhiladelphia small shop often numbering 306 people—the...
...JP**B*Bnaon also refused to concur '¦satatton censuring Pres...
...broken nose, broken ribs, iM...
...Vjj^j jgj dying on the floor...
...J. L. Cook, baritone...
...We are out to organise all the workers in the Industry and we will not neglect Harlem...
...The registration figures have saddened the professional politicians, who see the handwriting on the wall which foretells their ultimate defeat A.C.W...
...The delHP Wave anxious to get home and *?%M sf the committee was adopted ^M»a«rfc)us fight...
...Convention Votes No •OTUI—(FP) — Amalgamation of •MBMsf...
...The managing editor of The NATION wrote to President Green requesting copies of these editorials...
...International Secretary of the Bakery and Confectionery Workers, to the national convention of the union meeting in this city...
...A. Philip Randolph, organizer for the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and FVoria A Pinkney, special organiser for colored workers in the, garment Industry...
...We shall call meetings, distribute literature and do everything to Teach the colored workers...
...Luke's Han, 13S Bast isoth street...
...station of the notoriously un?5[Mrt mags Tine...
...Dunkm shops...
...It is to be hoped that the Gastonia Communists win be tried for murder, not for Communism.'* The NATION comments on this in the following manner: "Whatever pious qualifications may be tacked to It, such a statement in the present inflamed condition of Southern opinion is a direct incitement to 'some quiet shooting.' Granted that the Communists have grossly exaggerated the sins of the American Federation, such veiled appeals to Fascist tactics are inexcusable...
...A resolution PM ttls subject introduced by Max Hi *f Cleveland and signed by 30 S aMjates was not reported out of JJJJ*" antfl the last day of the conJMV saw then unfavorably...
...Mas Pinkney at Work "Our present minimum scales for the five-day forty-hour week for the crafts In which colored women are engaged range from $26.00 to $44 a week...
...The program Includes the following attractions: The Electrical Workers' Quartet of Locals 84 and 613, M. B. Stroud, Manager...
...Jary Is Sifted f£ Mastoid, autopsy physician, told •» BartalrJ twelve lacerations ^ajk*ad up to one and a half Inches „ aagtb...
...Above all...
...While at the present time we are carrying on our campaign from the Joint Board headquarters, 130 East 25th street, we expect to open a special office in Harlem...
...union, will probably be forthcoming within a few days...
...The drama portrays the character of the justice too often found in the United States, its main theme being a contrast between the Sinclair and the Mooney cases...
...PM» today they face the chair...
...Watts and Slapikas served * ¦¦¦well, but they slipped a little...
...If the Reds can carry their plans to a logical conclusion they wfil kill off the majority of the white men In a world revolution and appropriate the white women to breed a monxrel race...
...beams* of cote and back of union affiliation, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union held a mass meeting Tlinisilay night as the first step In its sMohMMb campaign...
...a awe *• skilled, workers...
...physl* IS w» autopsy doctor to testify * ^ condition of Barkoskl's horJy«agW body...
...There's no vacation time for Aakerman...
...Then Ms) the slate legal machinery, proseMi M kfflers—and dominated by And lastly there are the two MMl defense lawyers, paid by Mel*Ms away another coal and iron aas beaten a worker to death...
...LysUr/kicked him ^•jk M be lay helpless, but the vic—ss».la» weak to respond even when !^ tsMed hi* already broken nose...
...Barkoski died...
...This was the story purporting to be a description of a Communist youth dance in Chicago, In the course of which it was stated that: "The officials declared purpose of the Commanlslts is to wipe white man's civilisation from the earth...
...C B. Pritchard...
...The unprecedented growth In the ranks of non-partisan voters can be accepted as unmistakable evidence of general dissatisfaction with the rule of oldparty politicians and a gathering determination to vote for a new policy in county government...
...This Is a gain of 6,290 independent voters (553 per cent) since the registration of a year ago...
...of u for mating % radio talk fcv Jf...
...We are not hi any way responsible for any matter published therein...
...Let as hear from an of them...
...Hchmann declared that within the last two decades machinery has entered the American baking industry in ever faster strides until today the plants of the most powerful corporations present miracles of machinery and mechanical methods of production...
...The campaign among the Negroes, who are almost exclusively employed In the garment sone extending from 31st street to 39th street between Broadway and Eighth avenue, is part of the union drive against the sweatshop, inaugurated by President Benjamin Schleslnger and Acting President David Dubinsky, and which is expected to culminate in a general strike of 45,000 dressmakers December 31...
...Official confirmation of the reports that the other important houses are negotiating settlements with the...
...The NATION editorial quotas an article from the I L. N. S. on which The NEW Leader commented some weeks ago...
...Power, like a desoiattng pestilence, policies whate'er It touches...
...Attendance was large and enthusiastic...
...bey did to him...
...There Is every prospect of this program going over big and that something substantial will be contributed to help the two famous labor prisoners in California...
...But **n* wrong...
...We are not surprised that the Investigation discloses that these women are paid from $8 to $13 a week...
...of Ka'amaaoo, every week...
...The exploitation of the colored people in the sweatshop even exceeds that of other workers...
...many other stood as much before...
...Some Are Paid $8 to $12 a Week Hochman, Randolph, Miss Pinkney Address Enthusiastic Harlem Meeting rVADTJfQ Harlem Id a> special drtra to organxaa colored workers In thai drees industry, Sflaplottod* tt Is char gad...
...There would Just be some quiet shooting...
...Then it Mr rarderers—also employes of saasss) span shop Mellon firm...
...We have engaged a special organiser, Miss Floria A. Pinkney, a worker in our trade, a member of our union, a graduate of Brookwood Labor College who has had organization experience with the Women's Trade Union League...
...probably won't get It Mel** dare let them off scot-free, 1 * ¦» «ffl hardly let them go to the lit wmM ¦natter the morale ¦"•otter thugs...
...Outlining the union campaign among the colored workers, Mr...
...President Green then wrote the following reply: "Managing Editor, The Nation, Sir: "The International Labor News Service is not published by the American Federation of Labor...
...Easily forcing the defense to ¦riMmailiiij xchallenge to get rid t sat iml be went out slowly, ob'* II afcsai FerfonaaBce Hi Whole trial is, without the presss» sf a single Mellon In the courtass, as an-Mellon affair...
...m called to the police barin the morning of Feb...
...The International Ladles' Garment Workers* Union has never made a distinction as to race or color In accepting members and has always maintained that wage scales and hoars and other union conditions must be equally enforced...
...taa !¦—i ii in industrial plants...
...repreataw, M defendants with Edward O. {Safe, fjoer&ny reputed to be the reguarsMaWT tar the Republican political sbMsHb Western Pennsylvania—being sM fti wssnever the machine gets Into 1M day's time, a panel of 75 jasjsBba jurors, and all of their 30 jssaptary challenges were used up by Is Ml* attorneys In keeping all ska* sat wnskffleri laborers on* the |V Si flbaSy assembled it seems a ¦9 ssstsge ]ary...
...aad eogM U be aboiDebs...
...teeeai happened...
...He ^ a* Miner barely conscious, with T^hn covered with blood...
...A Few New Leader Minute Men A bundle of 30 copies of THE NEW LEADER go to H. T. Aakerman...
...It will be presented by local talent...
...and abed!rare, bane qf all genius, vsrtsje, fmedass, truth, makes slaves of men, and of the ham in...
...the workers must receive more consideration while this labor displacement is taking place, so that Jabor-saving devices can be welcomed as a blessing to mankind instead of being looked upon as a dreaded curse which carries with it needless suffering and want...
...Alfred Baker Lewis of Boston, always finds time from his labors as ehamnion of civil liberties and the Socialist Party, to swell the subscription list of THE NEW LEADER...

Vol. 9 • September 1929 • No. 8

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