Women To Picket New Orlean Strike Goes cm Pendits Result of Greerr-Malti Conference in West ^^.1btata>^bf~tte A. F, ef L. eenrer to the a*ge]i*t» ersaosratog the revolt of the...

...We do not promise to reduce taxes...
...Tbs union is mesa detorauaeg *** ever tbat the members must ge bast an together—or net at aQ...
...The rest can be charged to plitics and inefficiency...
...He was silent on the vital matter of financing now lines...
...To thewaaads eg workers ha New York It ordinary abacs and to treses ef serge* they eaa get Jasrtbi tress tba Peace aad the htagtotofetoi baarta vstteeat paring tar n •aaW'WgjptB' ^itasWaTsV** • WfltitU* Wiae> OgWMMt recti...
...Even If selfish capital would take a risk the limited 6 per cent figure apartments oouki not be provided at a rent which would eliminate slums...
...The graft and Inefficiency to the Department of Markets is notorious...
...That is not impossible to get...
...hire a fixer...
...Street ess are running practically aatpty asxeat at rush hoars...
...Major Laguardia has scarcely been more explicit...
...Our pledges in this campaign can only be fulfilled by the people organised in a party which fights in city, state and nation—yes, and in an the world, for a cooperative and intelligent management of our common affairs so that the Immense machinery of modern times may bring forth lift and not death, beauty and not ugliness, freedom and not slavery...
...COBJtUrTrON AND INJUSTICE- The saeSto nana/ of Taesmaay aad the Sows sal oan neoabtne is: Give nobody anything Car nothing...
...Mayor Walker's puny and superficial plan for housing which for some years he has trotted out annually for election purposes has broken down by the admission of August Heckscher who was, perhaps, the only sincere person who ever thought much of it...
...When will Major LaGuardia get around to discussing this matter in detail...
...There Is no way out but municipal housing under an expert commission with houses rented at east...
...A comprehensive plan of public markets worked out in conjunction with the Fort Authority of New York would reduce the cost of living...
...6. EDUCATION...
...Baa a legal peetreesa aad yea pay the psScii Run an illegal speakeasy aad pea amy the police...
...In building up this party every vote for us counts...
...The boy* are esbf* mined to end forever the tow wages Saw receive and the long hours they watt They know tbat this can only to SB* by building a strong fighting tads...
...There shetud bo one sound system of city pensions, one system for to nrgeiilsa...
...It makes its peace with public utility magnates by paying outrageous prices for electric power, with contractors by letting them In on good things, with landlords by its system of assessing real estate...
...Until I receive definite advise tree Presidents Oreen and Mahon ss to os results ot their conference," Lawaon Sa> nounced...
...Officers say tbat tt tf Green-Marion agreement were place* at, for* the membership again the Toast would be much the same at several west* ago—a thousand against to 90 tor...
...Preen the reef ef this new baiMtaf yass can threw a at sate en the reef ef eM taw tenements where yea weaM net gladly keep even a dog...
...But as a beginning we propose honest and intelligent assessments with special assessments or excess condemnation to pay the cost of public improvements...
...Bat twothirds ef the nunilteo of New York have estimated tamfly Incomes amder tt.Stt a year...
...Others wiB ho isasef aear girls' high schools...
...No decent Mayor ought to sleep at night unless he is doing everything that lies in his power to put New York In the vanguard instead of In the rear of the cities of the world which fight slums...
...Yea can purchase a so-called eeoperaUve apartment for only S1Z5,see a year...
...It did not initiate these ventures, and of limited dividend compan'ea which it was meant to stimulate only two have been started...
...Norman Tnotnaa, the Bnelslht candidate tar Mayor, win participate to this unique forum...
...Hundreds ol its most desirable h<*3es and apartments are occupied but a small part of the year by families that can live In Europe, California, Florida, the mountains or sea resorts, following the season flight...
...City Uned Wits...
...We Socialists are committed to a unified subway system completely owned by the City and operated under a corporation representlng the citlsen users of the system and the workers who keep it running...
...At the Bits Tewers which is, I behove, an apartment hotel, yen can get 4 rooms and 2 baths for $lS,e*t or 7 rooms and « baths far Ste.eoe...
...Bat the Housing Board plan endorsed by Major LaOuardia has done little better...
...TSt people of Hew Orleans are still rsflffen around the cause of union laker sat the carmen's strike...
...Meanwhile tbs ctty govenuaent, te...
...We would finance this plan by assessing at least one-third of the coat of new subways against neighboring property ' to which under the present plan the City mskes a present of Increased values of from 300% to 1,000...
...We are proposing a scheme sueh as Is working successfully in other cities for gradually assessing a heavier burden on land as contrasted with Improvements...
...totems ttoaf executive board member, who was sad here to take charge ef the local aHuattva Mr...
...A city which eah afford "darling apartments" a bargain at $244*0 yearly, can wipe out stums and faster garden community developments in the newer parts of the city In place of the hideously ugly fire trap packing box construction in the newer parts of the city...
...against the background of the greatest wealth the world has ever seen, which nevertheless leaves bitter and unnecessary poverty to take its toll of human well being...
...I have outlined this plan in some detail in previous speeches and shall go into it more fully during the campaign...
...As long as the scale of charges isn't too high New York will live under a grip of apathy and fear—unless, that Is...
...The savings of the difference between 8% and the 4h% which a public authority like the Port Authority pays for money would go far to making municipal housing feasible...
...I will take no drastic acuta aad the strike will go on...
...There are tee ideas held by differsnt groups of citisens which are the rurae of true progress One is that New York is so rich that after all waste loesnt matter much and collective scion to Improve conditions is relatively jnlmportaat...
...Lawaon gave out a copy of a *g*> gram received from Pres...
...In speeches during the past week I have pointed out Mayor Walker's utter lack of a transit program...
...Tbs tag wffl be placed on the walttog hat, seatably forever...
...4. MARKETS AND THE COST OF living...
...Such an obviously fair method would probably be unconstitutional In the United States...
...But discussions of assessments, taxation and budget, parks, playgrounds and schools, housing, transit and markets, improvements in the rnachinery of government, the elimination of graft, the protection of the rights of the workers, even the reform of the Pohce Department and the courts, have no meaning except as they are seen against the back-ground of six million human beings with their hopes and fears and everyday human needs...
...union leaders argue that if Haw e> leans Public Service be granted tbs pn> liege of operating open shop, ttkat Sj less than five years each and every usaat In the city win be confronted *y Sjg same problem and New Orleans wB by come the banner open shop center ef g* United Statos...
...a MesSae sarStav...
...RepeSilliaii sad Tasini Mistrial Halts Legal Drive on Marlon Union ISagsTePaB, ss...
...eseaavsd murw^^m^SLJi^o^ma^^m trial wltsfuJmuttle ta the recent tn^ZV A-snietal term Of assert Nov 11 will start aB ever asjata on the task ef trying to dapHcsts the Oeatonia trial farther *p to the OaroBaa MSA...
...New prices She these might be all right if we were all prosperous...
...Its shops...
...We promise honest assessments and the use of taxes for the public's, not the politicians' good...
...Even the more modest plan we Socialists have outlined might require enabling legislation at Albany...
...Our principle is that New York City is rich enough to pay for what it needs but not rich enough to waste a dollar...
...Rackets—Charges Common Justice Must Be Paid for—Arraigns Walker's Failure to Pro-ride Housing and a Transit Program By Norman Thomas Socialist Candidate far Mayor of Nam York City TT is necessary in this campaign tint we should discusAoberly sad ¦S- practically the huge and complex affairs of the great City of New York...
...g employment by Public Service...
...Edward F. Obtrfce will interpret the speeches at this battle for the silent vote...
...You can get what an enthusiastic realtor described as a "darling apartment"—14 rooms and six baths for $24.54* a year...
...East Side Hosiery And Underwear Clerks Begin Organising The hosiery and uiutoisssi clerks est are being miserably exploited by fibs jabbers of Beater, Allen EavtogtoS sal Orchard streets, held a preliminary orpraV sstton mooting in the Forward seSStot last Tuesday night...
...springing to pressure by a cossmSea representing the open shop baste** b» tereeta, has pledged stern aufts essasw at laws curbing Jitneys, which are pstoB* toed by the public to preference to «to scab trolleys...
...but «M is inaaai out of ijoo strkers win be sins...
...Seme of ear meet prosperon ladaatries She the telephone company, the chain stereo and the department stores are semi-parasitic, that is, they do net pay enoogh to enable the large nember ef girts whom they employ to lire honestly, and decently enless they live at heme...
...xtotisa of JlfkHtog activities...
...In this connection some figures of rents may be interesting...
...Get a permit frees the Badbttng burma or eonit where ease and, eSrectfy or indirectly, pay for tt...
...New York City lacks the proper machinery of scientific assessment and practices favoritism which, as I have pointed out, means that property in the heart of the financial district is assessed at from a quarter to a third of its value as stated by Joseph F. Day In a recent article...
...Inefficiency ind incompetency even as we expect bad veather...
...Brothers Marks and Carmen at SS American Pedaration of Labor toM Sts* how they must proceed if they ware restf earnest to desiring to shorten toe oast* »•» day aad raise wages...
...I put housing In the very forefront of pur Socialist proposals which I shall briefly list...
...City Uned With "Rackets" 1. GRAFT...
...E. A. Vefllen of the shs> ing carmen's local...
...Women To Picket New Orlean Strike Goes cm Pendits Result of Greerr-Malti Conference in West ^^.1btata>^bf~tte A. F, ef L. eenrer to the a*ge]i*t» ersaosratog the revolt of the MewSsgjS strikers against the Oreaa-Makea ess shop settlement ef their strike, Bfc jgs is proceeding vigorously with the ftjaaa...
...It dees, Indeed, reejobe the elimination ef esttsMe toilets bat tt dees net provide the ordinary decency ef one toilet per family, tt dose net eliminate dark bedroorni or greatly reduce fire haaards...
...Downtown in one new apartment you can get a great bargain Sao a meath fee ene email ream on a dark eeesrt...
...We propose to have an honest Budget and cut out the evil ot special appropriations...
...The greatest thing the Otty of New York can do far millions of workers, organised and unorganised is simple justice...
...Bring legal proof...
...The same investigation shews average coat ef reams and meals for working girls not nvtag at home at S14.CS a week...
...The Cttw *"t*"s8 own workers the Ctty has a peeafiar duty...
...We propose to cut out the evil of unnecessary and duplicating offices—the Sheriff's office payroll in New York County alone runs somewhere around $190,000 and I'll give a prise to anyone who can tell what use It is except to deserving politicians...
...The excuse tar this sort Of isw was that if more were to be repaired the people could net afford to lire at alL Would Wipe Out Slums Now the city administration of New York cannot raise wages in the New York Telephone Company or the A. and P. Stores, tt eaa see to it that in a city of sueh tremendous social need not a dollar is wasted, not a dollar is stolen It can see to It that there is a steady increase in social income through parks, playgrounds, libraries, hospitals, health service, etc It can abolish slums...
...Stockholders ef the A. T. aad T. are hi clover with the stock ever S*M and going up, bat Ms subsidiary, the New York Telephone Company, according to the report of the investigator before me, pays S15.se for operators...
...These wages rise very slowly...
...I think, for metanoe...
...tf yea ge to eeert...
...It has, indeed, helped such magnificent cooperative ventures as the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' houses which chow what Intelligence can do...
...The other is that It is in lass taw expect much from the City, hat we must expect graft...
...New York Is the home ox the bnainMS headquarters of most of that growing number whose income is in excess of a million dollars a year...
...That if the rede to New York as almost every ether American city...
...I favor a permanent city planning commission and a long range budget for municipal Improvements...
...What the favored landowner does not pay the rest of us have to make up...
...Ini:rupees of pap for the underpaid city employees of an rtasass, which increases should be private* far by reorganisation of the Ctty g iiauaisul and (he eHmlrssttaa ef political sinecures...
...This budget should be elastic enough to allow for emergencies and In particular it should allow for expansion of building activities in dun times as a partial remedy for unemployment...
...S pa, tor the deaf and their friends at the Deaf Mutes' Union League Kan, 144 Wsst lSfelh street, has aroused much interest among the deaf and their friends and relatives...
...The method by which poor war-torn Vienna Is eliminating slums and providing beautiful buildings for the workers is by s fix on errsnrlve hesnss and by a.luxury tax...
...That tt mere dttScilt The stories I have been toil by word ef month and letters, seimllmia anonymous letters, by responsible lawyers and less well-known etttoena, always said "You mnant use my name...
...Indeed there are very respectable citlaens who deep down in their rearta rejoice In the inefficiency of the 31ty because It Is their excuse lor opposng all plans to use the City to get rid of slums and kindred evils...
...Wsssaa wearing red tags marked TJtvtos* m wifi bo stationed at all intsraacehnr at trie stain streets...
...Shoo* a* union eventually accept the ftTaani S*7j hen sgreement, or be forced te K to das international offiasrs...
...Thomas to Discuss Issues With Old Party Men Before Deaf Mutes Sunday Announcement of the political symposium to be held Sunday, Sept...
...What the City does or leaves undone affects the health of our children, their education, perhaps even their chance to grow up clean and straight...
...of one wenknown pottttoal leader, alleged to be a millionaire who, according to oontaaon gossip, got hk start on the ladder which leads to sue esse bp illaiaeet poisoning of hie rival's horses ma certain business This noble feudal lord at barely literate and condescends to spend a few gataejsbs a day In a highly past peMttnal ofitoe where tmderpeid clerks do all the work...
...Hssrtisai of the ear men's asdsstss,' be formed into a permanent ptssssbg body, the strikers themselves bskej sab Med by a federal injunction...
...Demands Honest Assessments 8. TAXES AND BUDGET...
...Leaflets wfl ¦ given sway announcing the next tfesetto* Do not tail to earns...
...The purpose of the Oretn-Mahen aaaV Terence, it Is believed, probably wffl a to take up the vague return-h) e*» clause In the tentative sgreement afibesL the strikers by the New Orleans F^ant Service, ahd have it fully usdarsttot what that clause means...
...I ass gad to say tbat the ardor of the mm sat their sympathisers is not cooled...
...We Socialists believe that an land values are created by society and belong to society, that no system of city planning can ever be carried out so long as the landowner blocks the way with his demand for the unearned increment...
...r All these things, and mora, could be done in the City of New York and we should not have a millennium...
...Its office buildings and certain ol Its favored residential sections show every sign of unbounded luxury...
...An honest and competent City administration can take the educational system out of partisan and ecclesiastical polities and nuke tt function to turn out thinking altiaras instead of docile Robots or human tele i uses Assails Polios and Courts 6. THE CITY AND TBS WORKEXS...
...Not one is watted...
...Compares Rentals and Incomes Let us look for s moment st the shocking contrast between New York's wealth and poverty...
...Edwin Pajusa and Vice Free...
...Transit, Markets and Schools 3. TRANSIT...
...Municipal Housing Urged 1. HOUSING...
...It is a criminal burden on the people of New York that the Budget has risen 100% in ten years, while salaries and social services have increased less than 50...
...Bat these ere bargains...
...that we can break that grip by a wave of enthusiasm for the kind ef city we might bufld...
...To this we pledge ourselves...
...Wipe Out Slums, Re-Capture Transit Lines, Thomas Slogans in New York Campalgn Socialist Candidate for Mayor Find...
...ns were made for future aMfttoJt -—3:- boy* must form tbs baser/ Stt underwear clerks* union...
...When shall we awake to the fact that plenty, peace and freedom are within our grasp tf we will learn to think together, plan together and set together for the common good...
...The underlying reason for Tammany's power is its control of the raising and spending of money...
...If pea deal warn tenable pay the racketaes a aad their politician friends...
...To build s City Beautiful we must have city planning for parks and playgrounds as well as homes...
...Lawaon's statement was basal after a meeting with Pres...
...On a whole page in advertlsezsewts appealing to people of mere moderate means, the lowest price that is coated b S7M far two rooms, aad even fear - se stag an apartment the average price ejected on this page Is in exeess of 11,see...
...No wnndoi a boat a third Of oar people are still forced to live In old law tenements to which the new dwelling basse law gives new lease ef life...
...The revolts ef s New York investigation shortly to be published shew beginning wages for girls averaging IIS to SIS a week In meet lines...
...Orson, tcgeSt* with a formal statement In which ha to sorted he wQl continue hie inrsstkcUba, but that the strike arm con tin us untfl at receives definite advices from Oram sat Mahon as to the result of then- ass> Terence...
...Awaits Oreest-Makavj Ciafiirsasi Mo action wffl be taken by the toed union until after the conference b> tween Mahon and Oreen, tt was aa> noun cad by J. B. Lawaon...
...So is its lack of a comprehensive plan...
...sad tadawoW^to1, ilttiiUaa alto their posse aad gangster aJatea...
...In the Interest of rooting out nurseries of crime end d'seass, and In the interest of elemental human rights, in the interest of civic decency and beauty, we shall not rest in our fight to do for the people of New York at least what Vienna has done for her citisens...
...We shall not rest until we recover for society the land values which society creates...
...The forty-year deadline becomes mere and mere ef a retentleea terror to the workers...
...These things cannot be done by magic as the result of one election...
...Men and women of New York, citisens of the world's mightiest city in its moat powerful nation, ours is a heritage of ever increasing power, ours are the physical resources to enable us and our children to five In comfort and in beauty...
...How long will Mayor Walker dare to remain silent...

Vol. 9 • September 1929 • No. 8

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