SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK - -¦ oftV-c •* *»e Sortnlfcrt ¦»>**rJL st 2653 Washington ¦at *g_ aL CUrence O. Senior RSnwlll" Secretary. In i ••flLStx ori»niiitJon. speak1*J* "gTiLnrU. book*....

...Louis Epstein, S. B. Daublin, Joseph N. Cohen, Dr...
...jjm> were awarded to the following: asset Veil...
...8:30 p.m , Rockaway and Rutland Road...
...In cpiie of the bid weather, most of the r;:ive comrades were present...
...Supper tickets are only 81.00 and may be obtained at 21 Essex street, Boston, or at the Forwad office...
...QUEENS Far Beekaway An unusually successful affair was held in the Far Rockaway'-Sdgemere section of the 5th A. D...
...Cltv Campaign Manager, was present...
...The' Int'.uc...
...Richmond, Va...
...A campaign committee was elected, consisting of Meyer Oilles...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Msvor...
...Johns place...
...Help is needed for mailing some 14,000 letters to the enrolled Socialist voters...
...West New York Seniors The Students' Circle of West New York is among the first to have its fall reunion... the Arlington Hall at St...
...The branch is concluding its drive for funds for the United Socialist Drive and has already achieved more than Its quota The Educational Committee has arranged a lecture forum program for the winter...
...The Joke is that Hamilton Is a Republican member of the Legislature from Alleghany Co".nty...
...entersBai the audience with her declamation, 1km¦BMCTT IN PHILADELPHIA earaJUfkjutt, (dean of American 5oohn...
...Eerough Park A ioint rr.£?:ing of the 9-16...
...10-11 and 12th A. D. branches will be heid on Wednesday...
...2. The play will be the "Fiesta" by Michael Gold and is given under the auspices of the Provincetown Playhouse Company...
...Norman Thomas, candidate' for Mayor, Charles Solomon, candidate for Comptroller, will be present The principal objective is the organization of a large campaign committee...
...10, called to discuss ways end means cf conducting an active campaign, satisfactory progress was made...
...According fkes on your eye," answered "asnlth "*n/1 tte material in your Srjlot another peep from the comSm...
...G. August Gerber...
...president, assures us an interesting program has been prepared... Elks Hotel at 7 o'clock...
...spoke on the coming campaign...
...the Hall of the Central 1 and Labor Council, the Council *5 offered free use of its halls for ***v Ohio CLEVELAND •rast B. Crosswaith was the speaker sod impressive outdoor meetsoxe than 1.500 persons listened IJintsrajt for nearly two hours... Thomas, canid'.Sat* for A!?ernan lee...
...George Chaiken...
...Algernon Lee...
...He also seri...
...Algernon Lee...
...87th street and Bay Parkway...
...2nd A. D...
...1927 Mott avenue, Far Rockaway...
...BP.O\.General Party Meeting A general part" aer'.r.g of the rf tV Bronx Branches will te held Friday...
...candidate for President of rhe Eoerd cf Aldermen Till be present...
...Pennsylvania WIsTaOEXLAND PICNIC Os Labor Day...
...1 Tue-:'.av...
...A. N. Weinberg, candidate 'cr Assembly, spoke on the work in the Cistrict...
...The annual Theatre . Party to be held in one of the Brownsville Theatres for the benefit of the campaign will be given on Friday...
...Many comrades am vkb their families snd had a very garth* time... Fraternal Hall, 13 Elm street, 8 p.m...
...The only item cf business will be the campsign in this section...
...In th' Borough Park Labor Lyceum...
...Board of Aldermen, spoke on the work of the campaign...
...The office will be in Baltimore and It will be printed in Reading...
...Clarence Senior, the new National Secretary, is also expected to speak...
...Speaker Henry Jager...
...Sept... the clubrroms, 600 West 181st street, room 10...
...The branch has also purchased tickets from the City Office for the performance of "Fiesta," at the Garrick Theatre... l**g**WCt Party publications 5 mrd to tbe National *•*• « jujb ht no local organlsaew* *!%LinJty...
...8:30 p.m...
...and job PJadtl, Jr...
...Sunday afternoon...
...Her subjects are: 1. British Labor-in Power: 2. Paris the Gay... 8:30 p.m...
...SSjsb was donated by Anton Zorink i nsTTgtnfle...
...Invitations have been sent to members and their friends and to over a hundred sons and daughters of members of the Workmen's Circle...
...Henry Gross will appear in behalf of the City Organization Committee...
...Hvmrn Nemser... the West New York Labor Lyceum...
...and Alexander Kuhnel...
...The meet will be held Sunday...
...High Jump...
...8:30 p.m., 115 street and Lenox avenue...
...It was a basket of assorted rat A Swiss Calendar watch was preread to Adam Vol) of Pennsylvania...
...Connecticut NEW HAVEN New Haven Socialists are enthusiastic about the coming get-together meeting to start off the city campaign...
...The business v/:l...
...The big attraction, is Daniel W. Hoan...
...Oscar Simpson, Jr... 'he Cou:-ty club-raoms...
...Saturday Sept...
...a«>,*7kM(k«i are nrfed to place lpa»2rS...
...8:30 p.m...
...The committee of the Students' Circle to visit us seemed confident that theirs will be one of the first Young Circle Clubs to become a branch of the Workmen's Circle...
...With these objects in view, Cumberland was' selected as the place of the next meeting of the committee tn November...
...For Seniors (boysi—60-yard dash...
...Two hundred, and twenty-five dollars was cafltxlhutea bg the audience towards the United Socialist- Drive, The first meeting of the nearly organized branch will be held on Friday, Sept...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, will be present...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Msvar...
...Henry Jager...
...candidate for Borough President, and Organizer Claessens spoke...
...The 18th hopes to be able to do Its share...
...Bohemian and German Branches will be held Friday...
...TJtica avenue and St...
...candidate f?- Frerident of the Boerd ef AMerrran...
...The New Bedford Labor Party has also voted to affiliate with the Conference for Progressive Labor Action...
...While the attendance was rather poor, nevrihe'ess...
...Transportation is being arranged"— games and contests are planned...
...The Executive Cammittee of the b'e.nch will act as the campaign committee...
...candidate- for President...
...13, in the Smith Bldg...
...S- B. Daublin, Joseph N. Cohen, Dr...
...Poi'sh Campaign A meeting cf the Polish Socialist Alliance will be heid Friday...
...NEW BEDFORD New Bedford Socialists despite unfavorable industrial conditions, have raised 21 for the national drive, and are planning to raise more...
...Meyer Rublnson is acting as Campaign Manager for the 23rd A D. Members of tbe Socialist Party 16th A. D . Branch, Workmen's Circle and its school and the enrolled Socialist voter* will be invited to a joint campaign meeting on Thursday...
...This comrrittes will actively cooperate rvith the city campaign manager...
...State Organiser William A. Toole was Instructed to visit Cumberland and arrange for a big propaganda meeting...
...Directions—Lexington avenue subway to 125th street...
...Exfnslve preparations have been mad" by the for dancing...
...4» The New Germany, 6, Prague the Progressive...
...17th street and Tyler place...
...A Campaign Committee was elected, consisting of Comradej of all the three tranches...
...Saturday, j Sept...
...21 The big event of the season, the reunion of members and friends of the League, will be held at the new Bronx Center on Saturday...
...Running Broad Jump...
...7:38 ja sharp...
...New York City COMING EVENTS Fridsy...
...Selubfky a-d Baurr...
...Pelham Bav Park...
...The meeting will be held Monday...
...Marks place...
...It was also suggested that the organiser stop off at Hagerstown for a day or two...
...The bona* Party ha* arranged a banquet for k. Kknm at the Labor Institute...
...1st and 2nd A. D., and the 4th A. D. Branches was fairly Well attended, in spite of the bad weather...
...All volunteers should report at the City Office...
...All Socialists and sympathizers contemplating seeing this play are urged to keep this date in mind and ticket* can be obtained either through the branches or at the City Office, 7 East 15th street...
...440-yard relay: four—each 100 yards...
...8:30 p.m...
...Primary Day... cf "War, What For,'' will arrive in time to be one of the speakers...
...w/*rkmen's Circle Branches...
...High Jump: Broad Jump-Running...
...Speakers to be announced...
...Jack Welednlger...
...Restaurant... the Rice Stadium...
...The price per eoveT is $1.25, within the reach of all...
...Marion Severn...
...7 East 15th street, all day Friday, and Saturday...
...A complete program of speaking, and events will appear next week...
...Comrade Friedman recently returned from an extensive tour of Europe...
...With but six Party members in this section, Henry Gross, acting in behalf of the United Socialist Drive and the City Organisation Committee, succeeded in getting together some 70 or more people at a luncheon held at the Sunrise Restaurant...
...Th* National Air Exhibition - - isusiou the evening of this meet™ aaras of airplanes maneouvered St* 5md, In spite of the formidable SsSttor the crowd stayed with him Tjfr, S and many came to the platd shake his band and leave their jor our mailing list...
...East Harlem A join: rr.e^t.r.g of the East Harlem Branches was held last week...
...Organizer Claessens...
...Relr:je Mass Meetings...
...taemtioni must be in by Thursday...
...It :s also hoped that George R. Kirkpatrlck...
...Hamilton was called upon to address the meeting which he did in a modest and pleasing manner, asserting that the Labor Movement of the nation would not mount to its heights until it had something of the spirit of Socialism...
...If the finance of the State office permits the State Executive Committee HI3 meet at Feop'.es' House this Saturday evening... 8:30 p.m...
...8:30 p.m...
...City Ratification meeting at Town Hall, i Wcdnesdav evening...
...Speaker Ethelred Brown and others...
...Change to Pelham local...
...The place was crowded to capaelty...
...New Jersev | ESSEX COUNTY PICNIC i The big outstanding event just ahead [for Socialist Farty members and their i friends in Essex County, is the Annual I Picnic of Local Essex County...
...The following events Ere scheduled: For Juniors iboysi—60-yard dash: 100-yard dash...
...The arrangements committee has promised us many surprises...
...will meet on Monday evening, Sept...
...entirtvnrnent and amusements for the crowd...
...tart addresses were made by Comas* Lefjermsn and Adams of Pittsask The principal speaker was Frank anmkh, national organizer...
...The upstate members of the committee were very much Interested in the explanation of State Secretary Nelstadt of the National Drive for 850,000 and of his report of the big banquet being arranged In Baltimore for the purpose of raising Maryland's quota of 81.000...
...local Westmoreland xk M annual picnic...
...28, at 8:SQ p.m...
...a weekly 'bundle et a* www* ^ xhe reaalts for the ST*** J£Ti»ea roanr foW by sellSouthern District ' --»»}» new* bulletin publiahed »*S,"-> party of Virginia has '*»^_ tt^iinonthly bulletin for the sOjjfT Dhtrlct...
...In the City Office, 7 Bast 15th street, Room 081...
...Fifth stree...
...Her eloquence and enthusiasm usually obtain return dates for her wherever *he has spoken...
...8:30 p.m...
...was present...
...aiiM Avenue B. Speakers A. N. Weinberg, Molly Welngart, Ben Goodman...
...the r-xc reversl weeks...
...Max Delson... the Club-rooms...
...The meeting will be addressed by Jasper McLevy . and State Organizer Cederholm ol Bridgeport...
...Nicholas avenue...
...Algernon Lee...
...100yard dash: 220-yard dash: 440-yard run: £80 Relay—each 220...
...It is to be held on Mondsr...
...Book Shop...
...This is somewhat alleviated however by the fact that he has been for a long while a subscriber to the New Leader...
...Her impressions of Europe are worth listening to...
...Tickets are 50 cents including plunge, and can be bought at Party Headquarters...
...rsttntly returned from Europe.' at Badly consented to address Soclalo, sjsmitusers snd friend...
...Charles Solomon and August Clae*sens spoke on ihe work tcfjfire our branches...
...3, Rome Today...
...Mooney and Billing...
...If designated candidates are not voted for at th...
...A Campaign Committee was organized, funds were raised, snd plans were made for carrying on an active camnaien...
...8amuel H. Fried- i man of the 5—8 A. D. Branch: Harry Shaci-.ncr...
...1167 Eoston road...
...Its editor, Ira Hamilton, who is also president of the Maryland State Federation of Labor, attended the meeting of the committee to report the proceedings for his paper...
...Prices of seats range from 75 cents to 33.00...
...One of the big features is the new swimming pool, free to all...
...Bhiplacofl and Clesser.s have been invited ard an enjoyable evening is promised...
...Saturday... 8:30 p.m...
...8, Vienna...
...candidate far Borough President...
...19, at 8:30 p.m...
...Obstacle Race: Individual Candle Race...
...VOLUNTEERS WANTED About 60 comrades are wanted for work at the City Office, this Friday and Saturday...
...11th cvenue and - 42nd street Norman Thcrras...
...California LOS ANGELES PICNIC Committees are hard at work mapping out the details for the Los Angeles County Socialist Picnic to be held a: the Workmen's Circle Camp Grounds...
...Camoaign Manager G. August Gerber will be pretent...
...Plates per person...
...James Oneal... Montgomery Park, 123 Montgomery avenue, Irvingtcn...
...The affair prornises to be a grand success...
...Itslian Downtown, and the Russian Branches was well attended, j The meeting was held in the Studio...
...SSgmund Haiman...
...David Menln...
...piorth Carolina «. earth Carolina Socialists are go«I esny op from their Convention " iaoiilan the state...
...J**" important was the selection >«B eoacr snd a board of managers for the Maryland Leader, a Socialist weekly, the publication of which was authorized by the last State convention...
...Ratification Dinner In the Litt'e Orirr.ta...
...Henry Rosner...
...Many tajrtdai said that his speech was the 1st they have ever heard on Socialism, era-it Qanes of Blairville... accommodate the Yipsel* who had arranged for some affair of their own on the 21st...
...68th street and Bay parkway...
...Norman Thomas, -candidate for Mayor...
...ESTHER FRIEDMAN LECTURES Esther Friedman, one of our most effective women lecturer* and ln»tructor at the Rand School, will be available for lectures before Socialist Party, Workmen's Circle branch forums, and organisations conducting education work throughout the winter...
...Upner West Side At the meeting cf Sept... to the campaign: the organization cf our forces ;h-3inhci't the csunty fsr effective work drrin...
...Simon Wolfe...
...Speaker Henry Jager...
...candidate for Mayor, will be present ard the bus.ness will pertain exclusively' to the ccrtduct cf the campaign in this see'lon...
...Rockaway and Rutland Road...
...Washirsrt^ Heights A meeting o! the will be held Thursdav evening, SeDt...
...New York State PRIMARIES State Secretary Merrill, who returned from a short vacation in New Hampshire, has renewed his weekly circular letters to the members urging support cl ths United Socialist Drive...
...speakers: Simon Wolfe, Louis Epstein...
...23rd A. D. Branch Branch meetings are being held as usual on Monday evenings at the Brow nvilie Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street...
...1tbbmm and Individuals who have 0 — ftr th/* bulletin should send it Annabel R. Ricks...
...MANHATTAN Downtown The joint meeting held by the Downtown...
...Young Circle League Field Day Entries for the Young Circle League athletic meet have been made from all parts of the city... the Brownsville Labor Lyeeum...
...Grove street and Washington place...
...Snjkrtt were made by State Secretary and State Organizer William ilk... the home of Comrade Haiman, 333 Wes: End avenue...
...16, 3:30 p.m...
...An amusing incident was that Mr...
...220-yard dash...
...20 West 15th street...
...Prizes will be awarded to winning clubs...
...Work is progressing on the new dance pavilion in hopes that It will be completed by the day of the picnic...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Tuesday, Sept...
...For Girls—40-yard dash: 220-yard He'.ay: Four—eech 55 yards...
...William A. Toole of Baltimore was selected as editor and tbe board of managers is to consist of the Baltimore members of the Committee, which are Netotadt, Toole, Oilman, Taylor and Bernstein...
...Sarmi;l C'-r...
...Both reports were optimistic...
...Both speakers stressing the XM-at paying more attention to organ*5»nd party building outside of "¦we...
...Louis Waldman: Samuel A. EeWitt £nd Orffanl7»- f"'»«wrt WIH3ama burgh A very well aliened meeting of the fc-jr brarehes in the Willlemsburgh district v.-ss held lest Thursday evening...
...The first meeting of the committee will be held Monday...
...241 East 84th street Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, will be present...
...All locals and aa...
...a campaign committee was e!e:ted: funds were obtained and pledges were made for carrying on a good campaign in this section...
...and the three branches of the 22nd A D...
...Max Kleinberg...
...2. Thea'.rc Benefit at the Garrick Theatre...
...1. All Brooklyn comrades are urged to cooperate...
...An organization •Vyjftl be held by the Wlnston-Sa¦"TaLrtrffl Countvi Local on Sunday...
...Roland Stubbs cf th- 4-14 A. D. Branch: Kenry Morris...
...Lower West Side The joint rr-eetlng held by the S-5-10th A. D...
...A prize was awarded i OosKSdt Leiberman but he didn't ac¦sf, tt...
...18th, 8:30 p.m., 180 street and St...
...A few turned out to en$ Ok sports...
...96 Ave- l nue C. The principal order of business i was the campaign...
...The campaign luncheon was postponed to Saturday evening, Sept...
...18th A. D...
...Gridie Ourowits of ihe 13-'-'1 A. D. Branch: Yaevner...
...She is a careful observer and an able student...
...A camoai-n committee was elected with I lDstructiors to carry on a vigorous and j effective campaign consisting cf Harry...
...Terms, dates, etc., can be obtained at the City Office of the Socialist Party, 7 East 15th street...
...I. We'nb'rg...
...THEATRE PARTY A number of branches, including the 6-8-13th A. D. New York, 18th, A. D. Kings, 33 A D. Branch 3. Kings and Bronx County, have obtained the Garrick Theatre for a benefit performance on Wednesday evening... the Williamsbur Jewish Branch...
...out a letter calling upon party members ta do their duty at the primary next j Tuesday...
...Harry Kritzcr was chrirman and Comrades C'9er?ers and Samuel Kantor were present In behalf cf th» City Organization...
...CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE i A mro!inrr of the Municipal Campaigr Committee will be held Monday, Sept...
...810 ken street, Sunday September 38...
...The Trade Unionists of Alleghany County, of which Cumberland is the county seat, have recently put out a weekly paper, the "Alleghany Trade Unionist...
...20, at 8:30 p.m...
...6-8-l»th A. D. A well attended meetirg was held Monday evening, in the club-rooms...
...League Reunion Sept...
...Havemeyer and So 4:h street...
...Additional reservations can s Beared at the Labor Institute office r sndslkt Party, both at 810 Locust fern Maryland 1 meeting of the state committee of ¦ ssehhtt Party of Marvland was held i Sunday, Sept...
...Editor, at ^ plot IsSoad street...
...Mayor of Milwaukee, who is scheduled to deliver an address at 7 P. M. sharp...
...YorkvUle A joint meeting of the Yorkville Branches, namely, the 14-15-16 A. D., Hungarian...
...primary all the wor:-> of getting out designation petitions ia wasted...
...Brownsville-East New York A joint meeting of the membership of the meeting of the six branches in the Brownsville-East New York territory, namely: 33rd A. D...
...8. in Hegerstown in irpejtsn' Hail...
...BROOKLYN Saturday...
...A Ratification meeting will be held in the Brownsville Labor Lyceum Friday evening Sept...
...Ways and means were discussed and plans for an active campaign...
...yoa may become U jjgfL *« tbe National Office...
...8:30 p.m...
...Clayton Chase...
...Events will commence at 11 a. m. sharp...
...Principal business pertains to the carrying on of an active and effective campaign In Yorkville...
...Seymour Goodman, Fred Hodgson... the Savoy Mansion, 63rd street and 30th avenue...
...CrossS, made short work of a few Corrunu"^-.frh-n who attempted to break up aaarunf One oj these rowdies wantJenxiw m » ^ud voice: "Is this a VL sjesuist meeting...
...Following his talk there was a general discussion...
...Much emphasis was placed on the need of better organisation in Cumberland and Hagerstown...
...430 Douglas Bldg...
...18* A. D. Branch The members ere row concentrating on tr.-o activities...
...The cf bareness will periain to the campaign...
...Massachusetts BOSTON The Socialists of Greater Boston have arranged a banquet for the new national secretary, Clarence Senior, to be held Monday, Sept...

Vol. 9 • September 1929 • No. 6

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