Stanley, Louis

A "MODERNIZED" TRADE UNION Broach Tells The Story of His Fight Against Corruption in N. Y. Union By Louis Stanley AN amazing story is told in an amazing manner by H. H. Broach,...

...Yellow-Ds^ Oaarscls...
...that no other organizations or individuals other than P. J. McGulre, a trade unionist, made the first move to have a day set apart for Labor to celebrate...
...It is therefore an historical fact that Labor Day was conceived by trade unionists...
...The Futility ol Isssrs Son-Partisan Political Policy...
...Through the efforts of Judge Crain arbitration was attempted but broke down when Chairman Norman of the Building Trades Association insisted upon arbitrating, according to the terms of the New York State law covering arbitration in business disputes...
...Hence, the pointedness of the narrative...
...Many thought that If the workers could not stick together In a union...
...There Is also an engineering and research department that has already done remarkable practical work...
...the Catholics their Anchor Club...
...The first Labor Day celebration was held Tuesday, September 5, 1882...
...The union has a business manager, elected for a period of three years but removable by the organization at any time...
...U. S. Finds Long Hours In Municipal Jobs WASHINGTON — (FP) — Ethelbert Stewart, U. S. Commissioner ol Labor Statistics, has discovered that 351 cities of 2.500 population and over, located in 34 states, work their municipal laborers 10 hours a day...
...Year after year since then Labor Day parades, picnics at which speeches are made and sports enjoyed, have been the rule throughout the entire United States...
...A. O. Cameron, a member of Typographical union No...
...Helpers must go to school to re- i celve technical training, and journeymen, who are Inefficient, will have to do likewise...
...Although it has been made a legal holiday by legislative enactment or by governmental proclamation in all the States, Hawaii, Alaska, Porto Rico and the District of Columbia, there is much misinformation as to its origin...
...In his report Broach also enumerates the various kinds of electrcal work that have come under the control of the union...
...Under the circumstances, how could the garment worker rejoice on Labor Day...
...3, 130 East 16th street, New York City...
...j fse Can Labor Cope With the New Mottle and Benevolent Capitalism...
...The latter group was affiliated with the Building Trades Employers' Association with whom the Building Trades Council had relations...
...Strong and his ticket were defeated...
...Thus, when we read of the complete absence of electioneering, of the absolute exclusion of helpers from meetings even without the right to vote, of the emphasis upon technical training and none upon workers' education for organized labor's "new goals," we wonder whether the present stage of modernization of Local No...
...When Broach came to New York, he ¦Toond a local union whose officers were positively rotten...
...Ji not that we wish to stop the Iff** laughter or the Syncing feet of !"*h»who enjoy themselves on this great j*5*t oars, but it is to bring to their *¦*> bT -we can, the thought that if J2^-*esJd but give one hour of the day W* «wiy of what "Labor Day" stands JEJM what it means, they might there|**»*«»e themselves with a better spirit, j ** nattze and understand that the LeH* Movement, which brought into be**** "Labor Day" of ours, is the LsBg tMuuent we have with us, today, s...
...L A Meeting in 1935" will k> off the press early in September...
...The Turning Feint Cocoes The demoralization which the Communist Party and its minions created in our ranks also served to reduce working conditions in our industry to an appallingly low level, sweatshops began to bloom again and every form of slavery which had existed in the garment Industry forty or fifty years ago began to reappear...
...16, representing the Chicago Trades and Labor Assembly, introduced the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That the first Monday In September of each year be set apart as a laborers' national holiday, and that we recommend its observance by all wage workers, irrespective of sex, calling, or nationality...
...Today most unions, as some employer groups, function much the same as they did forty years ago...
...He may discharge these at any time without notice to the union...
...Elections take place without visible signs of electioneering at all...
...This fact is disclosed in a report of a study recently made by his bureau, dealing with hours and wages of street laborers in all cities of the United States above the 2,500 mark...
...The union completely demoralised...
...The last few years ware very tragic for the workers In our great Industry The demoralisation which the CzsxzzZ1st Party and Its minions wrought m our ranks by then- Intrigues and vlciout activities so discouraged our workers and made them feel so disappointed and pessimistic that many of even our oldest and most loyal members began to believe that It would take generations before the mass of workers would begin to realize the great mission devolving upon them, namely, the inauguration of a social order in which those who work shall be the rulers and not the ruled...
...A "MODERNIZED" TRADE UNION Broach Tells The Story of His Fight Against Corruption in N. Y. Union By Louis Stanley AN amazing story is told in an amazing manner by H. H. Broach, International Vice-President of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in a booklet entitled "Union Progress in New York," published by New York Local No...
...Labor Day this year finds the garment workers heartened and happy and eager tor fresh battles and triumphs...
...On one of the inside covers he has placed this quotatiton from Morris Llewellyn Cooke, former President of the Taylor Society: "Organized labor needs new goals...
...Copies may be obtained by addressing' Electrical Workers' Union...
...The PshUcations Planned c partial Bet of the subjects to be asset in these various publications will acksts what a comprehensive library of | ¦ash...
...He also suggested that picnics should be held at which there would be epoch-making by trade unionists and sympathizers...
...They would do almost anything for 910...
...hSiMuili throughout the country who at interested in the development of Propaarie Liborism in the United States assls send in their dollar, and enroll at aw st the office, 104 Fifth avenue, New Is*, m that the officers may know on warn they can count for cooperation •am they set about organizing local Bona and the series of Regional Propastve Conferences which will be held a wrioos parts of the country...
...Neckwear Union Orders A Strike 'Continued frrat rage 1) the Union's demand for a renewal of the agreement, and shall have power to fix the time for the calling of such strike...
...The Council, however, remained loyal to the electricians and the Building Trades Employers' Association threatened a lock-out...
...Politics first . , . Each faction had a clab —social, political, religions or fraternal...
...Labor Day"—to gain it, ¦at and women have sacrificed their "Labor Day"—which stands as * awiuinent to Labor, each recurring fffc of things accomplished, things •net j J"*** of us who can look back upon 2*f Day" 40 years ago, and hear the ; ""nt of heavy foot-falls as they marchlessen the streets Of our Metropolises, ••Si as through the streets and lanes ; * car towns and villages—it is, indeed, I SJ l» note that this "Labor Day," tens ! Wjsssanda of working men snd work! i women—nay, millions, forget—if...
...The local removed the foremen and helpers of fifteen contractors...
...At the convention of the American Federation of Labor, which was held in Chicago, October 9, 1884, Mr...
...General Secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, arose in Clarendon Hall on Thirteenth street in New York City, at a meeting of the Central Labor Union, and moved that a day be set aside "as a festive day during which a parade through the streets of the city would permit public tribute to American industry...
...Advanced courses for the more ambitious will be conducted...
...Of wry special Interest is a booklet ssidl win tell the story of how the CP.Li came into being and its place a <bs development of the American Ishr novement, and which will give the aoBBCBts such as committee reports sjgabns which active workers will want fehw* handy...
...That's the story of man...
...Unions," says Broach,"—like all manmade Institutions—"ch2nge slowly, painfully and with criminal slowness, largely because such changes are 'new' to labor unions...
...The next day the World editorially said, under the heading "The Great Demonstration": "Yesterday's labor demonstration was a great success...
...wife one group of c. P. L. A. members) thus busy at preparing propaganda sd tdocational material, others will be key enrolling individual members,sesring the application of working-class page, organizing c. P. L. A. locals, disBaasn groups, educational classes, etc...
...But all this has happily changed this year...
...Helpers ran wild...
...It was a job that required courage and ingenuity to go ahead despite the raids of the officers' "friendly police" and "numerous injunctions...
...know at all—what "Labor Day" ' *Jr aieans—and what it stands for...
...Therefore, I hope in the future that there will be no further misinformation regarding the origin of Labor Day...
...It was not political in its character...
...The Association left the Building Trades Employers' Association, while Strong and others remained to fight the local by means of encouraging dual unions and tempting the officials of the Building Trades Council to betray the electrical workers by granting other building craftsmen the five-day week and a ten per cent wage increase to become effective August 24, although the regular agreement did not expire until the end of the year...
...8till the circumstances were not so novel that they could not be duplicated, except perhaps in degree, among many unions throughout the country...
...Service came last...
...The World of Wednesday, September 6, in referring to the parade said: "The great Labor demonstration and picnic yesterday under the auspices of the Central Labor Union, composed of the various trade and labor organisations of New York City and neighborhood, was vary sticosssfuL Mr...
...Sick and death benefits are paid to members...
...K. of L. Did Not Take Part A close reading of the New York Herald, World, Times and Sun during the agitation for the Labor Day celebrations in 1882 and the years following, shows that not a Knight of Labor was in line and neither the organization of the "Knights of Labor" nor any of its members were mentioned in any way in any of them although the General Assembly of the Knights of Labor had met in New York September 5, 1882, the date the first Labor Day demonstration was held...
...The New York World on the same day also referred to Labor's demonstration and said among other things: "The monster demonstration and parade of the trades and labor organizations yesterday was an immense success...
...In the end the culprits were expelled from the union and the work of reorganisation begun...
...The old officers had made identical agreements, "we believe, treacherously," says Broach, with the Board of Trade and the Association...
...Also he disclaims being a "red-baiter...
...The situation of the inside electrical fixture workers has been immensely Improved since their local, No...
...They attended »11 meetings and voted on all journeyman's questions...
...Broach is a pragmatist...
...The union has a modWill Progressive Trade Unionism Follow Setting Up of a Progressive Business Administration...
...Hence the garment worker has double cause for rejoicing this Labor Day...
...ern business office run by accountants, bookkeepers and clerks who are hired for ability, not political connections...
...The work of the union has been placed upon a business basis...
...Indeed, the attempt of a few persons to Invite Ben Butler to review the procession was indignantly denounced and repudiated as liable to political misconstruction...
...Old Age Pensions: Is Labor Qstthg A Pair Share of Prosperity...
...Men worked below the wage scale...
...hbsr literature Is being prepared 00 Bsdade: Effective Strike Strategy: 1 ajgfKf Methods in Organizing Cammsgss and Strikes...
...Both onion and non-union men worked in the same shops and on the same Jobs...
...The Jews had their Jewish Welfare Club...
...Life Was Endangered Broach spends little space recounting the thrilling tale of how the old set of officials was uprooted from the union...
...Unemployment and BsyaweBaect of workers by Machinery gjtgfsssVOp: Injunctions...
...Post, who was a great friend of Labor...
...Ap¦anrJsteiy the South was selected as the sgbn which merited first attention...
...The Sunday previous the Central Labor Union held a meeting to complete all arrangements, at which John Graham presided...
...Progressive Laor Plans for the Fall By A. J. Muste rtatwr" Conference for m *mrirr Labor Action |(—gyft the summer committees of QeBterence for Progressive Labor lM hsse been working energetically ear the fall and winter work...
...Every year many newspapers throughout the country, and some of them labor publications, credit the origin of Labor Day to the Knights of Labor or some individuals who were members of that order...
...A new contract was signed with the union granting the five-day week and a ten per cent wage increase to become effective February 1 of this year...
...The program of celebrating Labor Day has been based on the suggestions made by Mr...
...Today events which seemed important two or three years ago look less significant In the light of what has happened...
...3. A Modernized Union Probably the experience of the New York Electrical Workers' Union in modernizing their organization will be of greatest interest to organized workers...
...Men bonght their way into the organisation as they would boy tickets to a show—and what a show it was...
...His explanation is that "progress—changes and improvement—have always meant heavy cost, hardship and suffering...
...3 has been reported in these columns frcm the very beginning of the fight...
...The newspapers of those days tell a story that cannot be denied...
...It so happened that twelve months later the elections in the Association occurred two days after the expiration of the agreement with the union...
...convention of the International...
...Labor Day"—gained ]**Sga sacrificing and suffering—is a ¦"•ay representative of the workers * •¦sriea...
...The parade was participated in by the trades unions of this city, Brooklyn, Jersey City and other adjacent cities...
...It is my purpose to give facts that once and for all will end the controversy...
...today there are eight thousand...
...BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of these resolutions shall be forwarded to the American Federation of Labor, United Hebrew Trades, and be issued to the Press...
...The Idea is Born May 8, 1882, Peter J. McGulre...
...Meetings are brief and orderly...
...The aged members under certain conditions are exempt from all taxation and easy jobs are provided for them...
...Meetings ran wild, lasting until one and two in the morning...
...It was some time, however, before the Building Trades Council unseated the representatives of the expelled officers...
...3 have appreciated, not to say approved of, the changes that have taken place...
...Seven New Locals For Fire Fighters' Union WASHINGTON— (TP) —Seven new locals have been chartered within the past six weeks by the International Association of Fire Fighters, whose total membership has increased 10 per cent in the present year...
...And that day has been celebrated as Labor Day ever since...
...as the American Federation of The Turning Point for the I. L. G. W. By Benjamin Schlesinger President, IntmrnmHtmti Ladies' Garment Workers' Union rrvHE members of the International X Ladles' Oarment Workers' Unioa welcome this years Labor Day with a much lighter heart and in a far more cheerful spirit than the Labor Day...
...It was an astounding situation that Broach found in February, 1926, when as the representative of the International and with the backing of the National Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Construction Industry, he entered upon his work...
...Assassttonal factual and impresslonMfc BBvey of "The South in the Sumac of 1939" by Tom Tippett, extents...
...THE ORIGIN OF LABOR DAY By William Green THE forty-eighth anniversary of Labor Day will be celebrated the first Monday in September, 1929...
...The New York Times also mentioned the labor parade editorially...
...3 three and a half years ago...
...In perspective—and the report by Broach makes this clear—we see that three major problems have demanded solution: (1) the purification of the local: (2) the unionization of the industry, and (3) the modernization of the union...
...Broach in his concluding paragraph admits that mistakes have been made, humanly so...
...There is a big difference," says Broach, "between a radical and a destructive fool...
...In the near future » conference of those interested in proPsahe labor-educational activity in New Is* City will be convened...
...On January 1, 1928, Local No...
...Jonas and Henry Emrich, all trade unionists except Mr...
...Officers and politicians feared and catered to them...
...261, has been merged with Local No...
...The help- j ers are in charge of a man especially fit for the work...
...They practically controlled...
...It is based upon Broach's recent report to the Miami...
...If they could not maintain order in their own industry, how would they be able to stick together and maintain order in a city, state, country and the whole world...
...The speeches in union halls are pretty much the same...
...He appoints an assistant business manager, assistant business agents and office assistants...
...To avoid this Broach agreed to furnish union men to the contractors from whom they had been removed...
...The struggle for the reform of Local No...
...The motion was adopted and a committee appointed to prepare for Labor's first Labor Day celebration...
...Thus, responsibility is fixed...
...the Masons their Square Club...
...In this auto age, they still use their horses and buggies, and many hang on...
...Lot sa the program is the provision educational material of which wsSTeaive movement is sorely in * jjjpg of this material will he in Z~Lrm at popular leaflets which can be 2Lks*s» hi large quantities among ?mssf workers, particularly the un*gJ^OBllcations will be brief but t^ajh studies of important problems -.•ttat the labor movement with gasBsss of progressive solutions, for id (he more active and intelligent gMassi who sxe leaders in groups of *oJrs1y, in cooperation with labor col¦ Bupsisr outlines and study courses gtasbg worked out which will be simple aawh so that groups of workers any^j eu get together and have gulijjoiot only in the study of general in- ! I^ssaland labor problems but in studygj gs eondlticns in their own cities1 ttrT and the methods by which asy' esB organise on the trade union, •sgssl or cooperative fields in order to ansae these conditions...
...The Y4 Celebration In 1884 the New York Central Labor Union decided to hold the Labor Day celebration on the first Monday in September, which was September 1. It also communicated with central bodies of other cities to urge them to celebrate the first Monday in September as "a universal holiday for workingmen...
...He himself mentions the charges of "despotism" that have been made against him...
...The New York Herald in its account of the parade declared it was an "imposing demonstration of the Central Labor Union...
...3 refused to have anything further to do with the Electrical Board of Trade and that put an end to Eidlltz...
...3 of the I. B. E. W. It Is, to quote the sub-title, the "Story of the Modernization of Union Structure and Business Methods in the Electrical Field...
...The old officers were under the control of the labor-hating Charles L. Eidlltz, head of the Electrical Board of Trade, and the antiquated James R. Strong, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Electrical Contractors' Association...
...It is a great day for Labor and also a great day for the whole American people...
...McGulre in that memorable meeting of the Central Labor Union in New York, May 18, 1882—first a parade then picnics and speech-making...
...When it is .recalled that England is the classic country of capitalism, that not so many decades ago it was considered a serious crime in England for workers to belong to a trade union, and that once in the nineteenth century men were deported from that country for any attempt to form a union, the triumph of the British Labor Party at the recent Parliamentary elections in England is all the more startling and significant and full of promise for the workers of all lands...
...This booklet to which gcalseer Coleman contributes a chapter ¦ tX.P...
...This announcement was made by Fred Beer, president of the union, on his- return to Washington headquarters from an organizing trip through Pennsylvania, Ohio and Oklahoma...
...Labar Day has become such a part of our lives that future generations should not be misled as to its origin...
...A legal department and a claims department (for workmen's compensation cases) have been very useful...
...Labor is all but unconscious of what science is doing to it...
...What happened in New York City cannot be measured by any of the conventional measuring rods...
...Wei' may he say, as the orthodox Jew docs on any joyous occasion...
...Britain's Inspiring Advance Still another reason for rejoicing this Labor Day our workers will find in the recent great victory of their fellow workers in Great Britain, whereby labor Is now at the helm of the world's greatest empire...
...like the boy who steals a ride, expecting to be dumped or kicked off any minute...
...Helpers are kept out and only meet bi-monthly now for educational purposes...
...gst Caa Labor Organize Effectively on te Mtieal Field...
...THOSE of us who have grown tray in the Labor Movement, what * eatful appeal has the mention of ***** Day...
...ay special attention will be given in ftt szjainsmg campaign this winter to aayeang workers, for C. P. L. A. is assnt to be a movement of labor youth, •sawer groups are formed they will be at to work supporting whatever efforts * organization on the political or eco**ie field may be in progress in their What Labor Day Means By Thomas F. McMahon bternational President, United tattle Workers of America...
...The World said that speeches were made by Louis F. Post, Edward King, Alex...
...ol the last few years...
...The second .Labor Day was celebrated Wednesday, September 5, 1883...
...ahector of Brookwood Labor College ad hsse W. Slaughter, a southerner staging to the Hosiery Workers Union, BH she appear in September...
...However, the union renewed its agreement with the Electrical Contractors' Association for one year...
...The historic strike of the New York cloakmakers last July, resulting in so signal and speedy a victory for the work* ers, has Instilled new life arid courage and hope into the garment workers.Thrilled by their recent success, conscious of their regained strength and unity, and fortified by a just cause...
...He intimates that not all the members of Local No...
...John How the National Labor Holiday Came to be Celebrated in the United States Swinton, Louis F. Post, C. A. Beecher of Newark, P. J. McGulre and others were speakers...
...The New York Herald In its description of the 1884 Labor Day Parade called it "a great outpouring from the Central Labor Union...
...Union shops, having an agreement with the local, were found employing two crews—a onion and a nonunion crew all with the knowledge and consent ef the officers...
...The methods employed by Broach were, however, extraordinary, and in this day of complacency In the labor movement are a jolt t > those who have reached the stage of passivity...
...There is a great opportunity for the New York Electrical Workers, now that conditions are becoming stabilized, to set the same example in pursuing the aims of progressive labor education that they have already set in establishing a progressive business administration...
...Worn tote work has reached a more ad"aad stage members will receive reads concerning it...
...Local educational work by C. P. L. A. sasasntattves has already begun...
...He said that there were other holidays representing the religious, civil and military spirit but none the industrial...
...3, marvelous as it is from an administrative point of view, will be followed by the stage of education for the larger aims of labor...
...The New York Sun of September 5 also referred to the demonstration to be held that day under the auspices of the Central Labor Union, while the New York Herald for Wednesday, September 6, told of tabor's "dress parade" the previous day...
...Helpers were brought in at the rate of almost four to every one journeyman admitted...
...Journeymen were forced to loaf while helpers worked...
...The procedure he followed may call forth the praise of some, the condemnation of others and the balanced evaluation of still others but It cannot be passed over with indifference...
...He may feel sure that he is moving towards these "new goals," but the intensity of the fight of the last few years, the grinding necessities of the immediate struggle may have blurred the long view point...
...Shecheyeno— Praised be the Lord that I have lived to witness this day...
...There were five thousand members in Local No...
...A Parade Is Planned On the morning of September 5 the New York World printed the following: "It is believed that from 20,000 to 30,000 men will take part in the parade that is to take place today under the auspices of the Central Labor Union, and the different trades unions of Brooklyn, Jersey City and Newark, will send representatives...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 4

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