SOCIALSIT PARTY AT WORK The national office of the socilaist party is located at 2653 washington 23rd Chicago, III mabel H. Barnes b Acting Executive Secratatr. In regarding organization...

...Morgan Farley will undertake his first assignment under his new Paramount contract as a captain who is Cooper's chum...
...William E. Bonn on "These Disunited States," Dec...
...Pioneer Youth Three one act plays and two sketches are announced by the Young People's Dramatic Group of Pioneer Youth as their premier of the season to be presented Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock, Dec...
...Bronx Dramatics The Bronx Centre Dramatic Group meets Mondays at 8:30 p. m. "L," a panorama of New York life, by Lee Atlas, Is being rehearsed...
...more attractive and interesting meetings and meeting places...
...Saturday night he ¦ spa* from the Court House steps...
...fat getting new members Jajg "At the municipal election tn Ja-TBaev Hfrt, candidate for City NISJS ir""*--1».°O0 votes withaaawSBr'eny campaign Quite a few itWtkm wfll Join the Socialist '"^fesata'smrt.* org*aizCT *° Ohio IMS save been completed for the hcts-Tsnsttti Memorial and MooneyssTksP Protest meeting on Friday, Aug...
...Saturday, August 17, 8.30 pjn...
...Local candidate will be invited to attend mThura*ay^^ pa...
...A. Weil, Benj...
...21 and 22...
...AUGUST 18.—A day's outing at Bronx Park and Zoo...
...The outing held last Sunday to Camp Eden was very successful...
...The present Assemblyman from these counties voted 100 per cent against labor measures before the Legislation of 109...
...14, at the Washington Irwing High School: 4 p. m., Debs vs...
...The Institute was opened 'with an address of welcome by Dr...
...BRONX 82-23 A. D. The next meeting of this branch will be held on Thursday evening...
...Imtrip to Europe, will be present and will mediately foUowtag the branch meeting, the...
...Among them a first perkasnce of two songs by TaneiI two songs from "Sketches of SBs" by Manning "I Tempi Ast Lontani" by Reapighi...
...KINGS 23 A. D. Meetings of our Br.:vmsvUle branch held at the Labor Lyceum every Monday evening continue in excellent attendance in spite of the warm weather...
...A lecture by Dr...
...The meeting, under the auspices of The People's Institute Forum, will be in the auditorium of The Universallst Church, Broad street, opposite the City Hall, and open without charge to the general public at 7.45...
...If generations could be shortened," he said, "the new generations could make their advanced ideas available more quickly...
...JfPL lbs local...
...The next meeting of both branches will be held Thursday, August 22... did all three Assemblymen from Onondaga County...
...N. Cohen...
...Philip Geliebter, educational director for the Workmen's Circle, maintained that- one of the difficulties with youth in America was its lack of homogeneity aad also that workers in America are not conscious of the fact that they belong to a particular class...
...Lillian Cooper, discussion leader, said that it was necessary to teach people to live together and that this applied to relations between the young and younger as well as the young and old...
...The Emanon (Sr...
...In ¦MWng the announcement of this big event, organizations that are interested are requested to make no arrangements for affairs that will conflict with this date...
...Abe Kaufman, Y. P. S. L. who led the discussion said it was all right to have peace societies in peace times but it was more essential to know who was for peace in war times...
...August 22, in the headquarters...
...Gertrude W. Klein acted as chairman...
...Speakers,- Julius Umansky, Molly Weingart...
...Katz as chairman gave an inspiring talk, and Jack Rubenstein...
...2S was given to a dramatic rehearsal of "Love of One's Neighbor," a comedy by the Russian dramatist Andreyev...
...Social democracy of our age," hs said, "has not penetrated the home...
...The following problems on "Youth and the Home" were hated by Emanuel Switkes... of the foremost labor leaders in the country passed away, be it Resolved, that the Arista Young Circle Club regrets the untimely death of so fine a labor leader and so great a fighter for world peace as Victor L. Berger...
...More than $300 is in sight and they are now making an effort to reach the goal of 500...
...It will be followed by a Maeterlinck mystery in green, "The Intruder," presenting a symbolic vision of the approach of death...
...Various matters perpaign in that district win be discussed...
...The meeting wUl start prompttainmg to the branch snd the camly at 8:30 pjn...
...candidate for Assembly tn the 23 A D. and who has just returned from a speak on his Impressions abroad...
...From there a visit win be made to the New York University "Bail of Fame," at University Heights...
...The Senior group held its first meeting last Sunday...
...Amikos Club (Sr...
...29 is the date to which every Junior tn ember looks forward: the day when they become acquainted with one another...
...jbIm Miller will present a proam of new and rarely perform1 songs...
...It must have awareness—a reasonable definite program as opposed to restlessness...
...State organisation...
...SEPTEMBER 15— Field Day at Pelharo Park...
...The Institute began with a very able presentation of Youth and the School by Dr...
...jlBwl He closed with a strong wag is cany on for the Socialist ^fcey Chicago socialists attended the r^wfimeral and remained over to at25 Picnic...
...Even i a ¦sail child the unusual quaes of her voice was evident, and i wealthy, but eccentric relative oasged for her musical educase...
...Only a limited number caa be accommodated- Reservations should be in as soon as possible...
...In speaking of the measure of success which the Y. C. L. in its short existence has already attained, Jack Zuckerman said this was largely due to the emphasis on activity as a means of interesting young people...
...Joshua Lieberman, of Pioneer Youth, followed with an address on 'Youth and Recreation...
...Speakers, A. P. Conan, Murray Gross, Henry Fruchter, Samuel A. E*» Witt: BROOKLYN Saturday, August 17...
...i2 Haaascn sent...
...She will be asMad by CarroU HoUister at the Gary Cooper's Next Film A Southern Story Gary Cooper's next starring vehicle for Paramount, win be an original story by Keene Thompson laid in the south during the Civil War, according to an announcement by Jesse L. Laaky...
...M. Felgeubaum and August Classsens were present and spoke on matters pertaining to work in the district...
...The Boor," an amusing story by Chekov full of contradictions, will open the performance...
...Rutland road, Corner Rockaway parkway...
...Philhps Holmes, having finished his part with William Powell and Fay Wray in "Pointed Heels," will have the role of a Southern captain...
...Youth sacrifices most in international conflict," said Harry W. Laidler, of the L. L D. 'Its stake in peace is greater than that of any group in the country hence youth should start a fundamental attack against war...
...Johns place...
...Junior BaskebaU Following Is the schedule of games In the tournament for Saturday, Dec...
...Conney Island On Saturday evening September 7, an entertainment and junchoon will be held in behalf of the national socilaist Drive and the opening of the campaign in Coney Island...
...It was decided to change the name of the branch to Mid wood...
...The child must be prepared gradually and at a very early age...
...The Carlisle (Int...
...v Thursday...
...Sholom Aleichem: 5:15 p. m...
...Tuesday, August 20, 8.30 p.m...
...Young people whether they are radicals or conservatives must have recreation and fun...
...Saturday, August 24, $.30 p.m...
...Solomon, as member of the New York Legislature, and as candidate on the Socialist ticket on numerous occasions, including the recent Municipal campaign, has shown himself a brilliant speaker, and well able to give a good account of himself and the Socialist viewpoint on war...
...August 31, 8.30 p.m...
...E. S. Sws, heal attorney who managed the UMsto Campaign In Cleveland and task J. Manning, Secretary local devests...
...8.30 pa...
...A very interesting program marked this eventful occasion...
...Speakers, Jos...
...Two Day Youth Institute Discusses Youth Problems ENTHUSIASM of youth ran high tn a two day Institute on the Problems of Youth held Saturday and Sunday, December 7-8 at the Rand School, at which more than 200 young people, representing various youth organizations discussed Youth and the School, Home, Shop, Peace and the Youth Movement Abroad and in America...
...More information later...
...In the afternoon * fat Bra...
...He emphasized the need of vigorous opposition by youth to the militarizing of the minds of the oncoming generations through military training in schools and cited as an instance the increase from one army officer in 1916 at Ohio State College to 44 officers as listed in the 1927 catalogue...
...SKoat *** *aemlber WBS taken hito TriST and a good number of the J^ffgssow leaflets were given out...
...Give yourself a fair trial at this opening...
...Afros on our ideals resulted in the organization of one Junior and one Senior club...
...The report of the City Executive Committee indicated the following: during the month of July 73 applications for membership in the party were accepted: that a new branch had been added to the Party in Harlem, namely...
...Full payment, $5.50, must be paid upon registration not later than August 15th...
...3; on Friday, Dec...
...Jastrow has probably the widest following of any of the authorities in the field of psychology at the World's Columbian Exposition and a past president of the American Psychological Association...
...Speakers, Hymen Neman, David jQeorge...
...Henry Hots of Cicero and Charles E. Wheelock and William J. Wolfson of syracuse will be candidate for assembly of the three assembly districts of Onondaga County Max Schuize is to be designated for County Treasurer and william Schrieber for Commisioner of Public Welfare State Secretary Merrill, visited Cortland and SherrUl mat Sunday...
...Plsfiis are also in progress for the forum which wUl begin immediately fniinwinff ^Election Day...
...Madison and Jefferson streets, will be used for the productions...
...Schuyler 7947, or Rand School, 7 East Fifteenth street...
...Ortjve street aad Washington niece...
...Aspavt 13 has become a Red Letter jhrjea*Matory of the American Labor Pennsylvania THOMAS tS READING Rarsvaa Thomas will speak at the big arty pane m Keller's Park on Sunday, asjrst S. The announcement will be amgastlthroughout the county and will sails the thousands who win attend as Tessas made a fine impression when he sob) here last year...
...Perhaps you have some hidden talent...
...The chairman of the session, J. L. Afros, Director of the Young Circle League, said "the trouble seems to be that peace isn't dramatized enough, there are not sufficient drums and enthusiasm...
...A lively discussion led by Nathaniel Weyl, student at Columbia University followed...
...Paul R. Radosavljevich, prcfessor of Experimental Education, New York University, said: "The Youth Movement of Germany is a brilliant document of enthusiasm, discipline and especially of great hope...
...He related ¦$* meeting with Comrade Berger S-WdOfged in reminiscences of the Z...
...August 30...
...a 1.30 pa...
...New Leader subScription to the amount of $14 was taken by M. V. of Chicago New York Satate SYRACUSE The best atteneded meeting in two years was held by Local Syracus on the evening of Aug...
...The little Theatre of the Madison House...
...The session then went on to discuss the youth movement abroad...
...Upon hearing the news of the deaths of Wm Shapiro and J. Abrams, two of our former members of Brooklyn, the City Central Committee paid Its last respects to the memory of these departed comrades...
...The branch as weU as the Party of New York City and New York State sustained a great loss in the death of comrade Charles Ball...
...C P. L, A. Lecture Whether the recent stock market crash means fewer jobs for workers in the immediate future will be discussed by the Conference for Progressive Labor Action oa Tuesday, Dec...
...If they can't find these activities in our youth organizations they will go elsewhere...
...17, when George Souls of The New Republic, Dr... Moose .Hall...
...The food was excellent, the music exhilarating, soft more important there was plenty of dancing" space...
...The slate for the municipal campiagn includes Gustave A. Strebel for President of Common council george rae for camptroller and Frank Schnauble for City Treasurer...
...S*th street and Lexington avenue...
...It is trying to see how far art, politics, philosophy and science and religion could be used to develop all the needs of flaming youth whose motto is "Nihil Impossible...
...sorest 23 and 34...
...a special list of demands by unions with reference to regulation .of wages, hours, working conditions, and legislation as it affects young people...> saceived an unconventional Isjsjeg in a school devoted to the sear ideas in education...
...141 Boys are busy working on songs, entertainment and other Items which will assure an enjoyable evening at Hobo Frolic, on Saturday...
...In Europe it is only necessary to inculcate the idea that radical youth belongs to the group which creates...
...He suggested that young people should try to interest their parents in what they were doing in order to remove their opposition and also suggested an eleventh commandment "Honor thy son and thy daughter...
...He proposed a mowew rnent to relate the various organizations on the "orchestral" theory, each playing its part, all uniting in a harmonious symphony...
...New Year's Frolic At the Webster Hall Manor...
...1503 Coney Island avenue...
...Last year's affair was the most successful it ever held...
...He was also an invaluable member of the New Leader Board...
...campaign committee will hold Its session...
...Graham and Varet streets...
...W. E. Bonn, of the Rand School, who stressed the need of youth striking out for Itself—away from the older folks—ahead of them and beyond them...
...ftfith street and Bay Parkway, speaker, Henry Jager...
...Speakers, Joseph A. Weil, David George, Molly Welngart...
...Faith, Profession aad Mate...
...600 W. 180th street...
...Opportunities must be provided," he said, "for exercising his growing capacities for initiative, self direction and participation in social enterprises...
...Comrade Claessens then announced the death of Victor L. Berger...
...Junior Dramatic Club Mr...
...Secretary a* ts* Cleveland Fed...
...a, I* am...
...Laurence Cohen, of the Harvard Socialist Society, said it wasn't only necessary to fight against compulsory military training but even against voluntary military education which is being made one of the most attractive courses in colleges...
...letter of sym' TSunesota V * nTJrNNCAPOLI* „ m aown turned up at the local -^SawABgust • and expressed the r^LTths-party win be rebuilt In mEL ** eammtttee was chosen to !*L"ealSD0 party fund and a temjTlJi stafel executive committee was JSf to tots charge of party matters Acetate convention meets...
...This is an opportunity for comrades to combine a glorious New Year's Eve with a service to the School, since all proceeds are to go to the Rand School...
...New Year's Eve Dinner Dance by Rand School The Women's Committee of the Rand School is again arranging for a New Year's Eve DinnerDance to be held at Webster Manor, at 119 East 11th street...
...345 W. 74th street...
...Rossi, dramatic director, hopes to have this play ready for production in a month...
...of Labor...
...1,000 warn sBwT^ vtew Of the fact that an ¦eBW iflsjnrw, nrir-i Is expected, doors stTepS at 1:30...
...Room 10...
...youth sections in trade unions and instruction on the foundations of unions and a labor party...
...Every agency in capitalist society cooperates to develop in youth respect for tradition and keeps them in ignorance of current social processes," he said, "with the result that they are cogs and unable of creative or independent thought or action...
...This affair will be held at the headquarters 2202 mermaid avenue...
...SO p.m...
...lag FINANCIAL DRIVE .sMSars of the committee in charge ¦ m Mg card party, dance and picnic wkf sffl be held at KeUer's Park on jasarPay for the benefit of the nattc-al jysme for $50,800, are accepting dosssssr tar the cause...
...14 at 6 p. m., our talents will be given another tryout at the Washington Irving H. S., Irving Place and 17 Street...
...An added feature will be questions from the audience...
...Lillian Held, chairman, 317 West 87th street...
...Simon Berlin...
...4) Boys will debate The FUlals (Int...
...The discussion will be held during the monthly meeting of the New York Branch of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, at the Labor Temple, Second avenue and Fourteenth street...
...8.30 run...
...In view of the feet that today Victor L. Berger...
...Ticket* one buck...
...Since school curricula and methods reflect.the national ideals, it is necessary to afford supplementary educational activities for minority ideals by harnessing the enthusiasm and idealism of youth for a better social order...
...Harry W. Laidler of the League for Industrial Democracy and Alfred Bernheim of the Labor Bureau, Inc., will speak on the subject of "Labor and the Depression...
...Ths last day for filing designation petitions is Tuesday, Aug...
...Comrade Morris Rosenbaum...
...Samuel Rosenthal of the Y. C. L. said that we cannot wait until the need arises for sex instruction for then it is too late...
...apetfcen include A O. McDowell, who ws sawad from the University of Pitts¦rrk far setivttlee on behalf of Mooney ai silltaev Max S. Hayes...
...6, the Flatbush Y. C. C. was installed as Branch 1001 of the Workmen's Circle...
...Comrade Wm...
...Matters pertaining to the campaign win be the principal order of business...
...Corner 106th street and Madison ave...
...She refused i abandon her studies aad seaaag a position, managed to pay a lessons under leading Philaajsia and New York teachers, s> most recent being Leonard ¦9b, of New York...
...ComF^JSigSout the state are Invited laelery left for Milwaukee *JL tTattcnd the funeral of Vic•SfSaVmpethy were sent to Mrs...
...Aria Da Capo," by Edna St...
...Algonquin 3094...
...Meet 3 p. m. on the Mosholu parkway station of the Jerome avenue subway...
...Rockaway vs...
...rules for the guidance of living...
...Laura Deretchin, Jack Rubinstein and Nat...
...three Mage and lovely songs by Ho¦gter, from "Chansons des Sisat," and other numbers by Mtta, Mozart...
...Socialist, labor and other progressive organisations will cooperate in the reception given to this opponent of the Horthy dictatorship in Hungary...
...Central Branch The next meeting of this branch wUl be held on Tuesday evening...
...Wisconsin *BX STATE PICNIC ^jtNg Socialist picnic on Sunday ****>» Memorial gathering in honor ^••jwL...
...Last sea¦ she gave two successful New !¦% recitals, followed by a count ia Philadelphia, which was •nay successful...
...Jastrow to Lecture _i_ The speaker at the Forum of the Brooklyn Jewish Center, 667691 Eastern parkway, on Monday evening, December 16th, at 8:15 o'clock, will be the eminent American psychologist, Prof...
...Hush Money" and "Yashmak...
...N. Y. Boat leaves 2 p. m. sharp from West 42nd street...
...Karolyi Reception Jan...
...Admission by invitation only The committee in charge is, Mildred Kabakow, Sam Sperling, Rose Wolfe and Sam Cohen...
...SATURDAY, AUGUST 31—Houses to live in...
...They were in the main members of the L. I. D., Young Circle League, Y. P. S. L, Fellowship of Reconciliation, T. U. and the schools...
...Details of the reception will be announced later...
...Goodman, BRONX Thursday, August 23, 8.30 p.m...
...If there is no local organization in your vicinit, you ,may become ^MTC OFFICE g-^Lt» ef sympathy *¦» seat to figBTaf Victor L Berger by too * rXJeW, Mamie Cederholm, in $»*l* j, gjji.lalbii Party of Connecs**l aatlDOEPOBT _J, - Liiiport will hold tta annual !ffiJ^on' Sunday...
...He was followed by J. L. Afros who spoke on the American Youth Movement...
...Evening Dress Indispensable," a delightful comedy, will be enacted at a concert of the Workmen's Circle School on Dec...
...At the end of two years he bm to persuade her to give up sr ansic and devote herself to sskegarten work which now abased his attention...
...He felt however that there were thousands of young people either Interested in social problems or in whom an interest could be awakened by enlarged social experiences and social and Intellectual contacts of satisfying and unifying nature...
...August 21, in the office of Dr...
...Music, dancing and a brief talk by Mr...
...Speakers, Samuel H. Friedman, Henry Rosner...
...MMweed Branca A meeting of the membership of the Kings Highway branch and the Flatbush Jewish Branch was held last Friday evening In the Workmen's Circle Center...
...Notify us what your contribution to the program will be...
...Comrade Jacob Axelrad...
...and by Uw local *9^s?fzsd Schwartakopf...
...20, at the Bronx Centre, on "Resolved That We Pity Our Grandchildren...
...AUGUST 17.—Theater party to see the 1929 Pulitzer Prize Play, "Street Scene," at the Playhouse, West 48th street...
...It must give opportuniYoung Circle News Flatbush Seniors On Friday evening...
...It will be open to the general public... the headquarters...
...Morris Novik, chairman of the Saturday afternoon session, stressed the need for understanding between the various groups...
...Greenberg said in part that her profession was that of "parent < educator...
...Speakers, Henry Jager...
...he win address a picnic of * Christian Colored Men in Keller's "stand tn the evening win address an *av air meeting in the northeastern sm« of the city...
...The most lively session of all, however, took place Sunday afternoon...
...must have games and athletics and dances and they go where they can get it all...
...Sidonie Greenberg...
...Athletic events...
...Joseph Jastrow, Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin and at present lecturer at the New School for Social Research, New York City...
...and the local has decided to Sri 9tm eaoeths' subscription to The Ike Lesser wfll be given each new par*TMBaapieto...
...Simon Wolfe...
...Mary Brian, who played opposite Cooper in "The Virginian," and who hails from the South, will appear with him again in the role of a daughter of the Confederacy... Oils starting the continued imajatmmt of Mooney and Billings and Be Oestnula victims win be condemned...
...Speakers, Jos...
...So far our Brownsville comrades have oversubscribed their quota for the National Drive...
...Coming Events SATURDAY...
...Claremom Parkway and Washington, avenue...
...Longwood and Prospect avenues...
...Inregarding organization , speakers organizers leaflets books, supplies and Socialsit Party Publication Should be addressed to the national office...
...Futtcrman Seceer Team The Junior Section is organizing a Soccer team...
...Event of the Season Dec...
...Temporary officers were elected It will meet every Sunday at 7:30 p. m. The Juniors will meet Saturday at 7 p. m. Flatbush Club News The last regular meeting held at 3*20 Church Avenue, Friday, Nov...
...Rochester avenue corner St... secretary, accepted the charter and pledged support of the ideals of the Workmen's Circle...
...25, 3 p. m., for Rouse members and their guests...
...Speakers, J. L. Afros, Simon Wolfe, S. Benjamin Daublin, Friday, August 23, 8.30 p.m...
...Go out and make such a labor movement...
...two short sketches by Pereivale Wilde, will be presented as black-outs between plays...
...New York City CITY CENTRAL COMMITTEE A well attended meeting was held on Wednesday, August 7. Comrade Joseph Weill was chairman, Bessie Adler, Vice Chairman and Jacob Bernstein, 'Secretary pro tern...
...We want to make this a day of complete enjoyment...
...A big a Bttag arranged, a membership mi a as...
...She emphasized the fact that old ideas with regard to repressive sex measures were absolutely obsolete and stressed the need of education for sex development and relationships and human relations...
...Wednesday, August 21, 8.30 pjn...
...Simon Wolfe...
...How to reach these young people was the most important problem...
...Between 1908 snd 1916 comrade Ball was one of the most active members in the Socialist Party in Buffalo as well as in the councils of our...
...Charles Solomon in Newark Charles Solomon win speak Sunday night, Dec 15, in Newark...
...6-8-12 A. D. At the meeting of this branch held last Monday evening, it was decided that at the next meeting to be held Monday...
...two New Clubs in boro park About 100 boys and girls came to the Thanksgiving party at the Bore Park Labor Lyceum on Thursday, Nov...
...Friday, August 23...
...The session closed with a message from Norman Thomas and an address by Algernon Lee, president of the Rand School, who felt there had been considerable clarification of ideas with worth while results...
...14, at 2075 Clinton Avenue Oronx Centre...
...Comrade Julius Umansky, candidate for Assembly in the 4th District will speak on the Issues of the campaign and the wnrk tn the district...
...A visit to the Amalgamated Cooperative Houses at 3999 Dickenson avenue...
...Upper West Side The next meeting of this branch will be held on Wednesday evening...
...119 E. 11 St., Saturday...
...All boys who wish to join please communicate with Mr...
...Bhaidan Square), spessms, Sfhelred Brown, Rebecca Turner and others...
...The main speaker was B. Lilienbloom, who traced the development of the Workmen's Circle and the Young Circle movement...
...Persons in authority In their respective fields spoke on various topics, but it was youth itself which led the discussions...
...BOSSWATXH IN READING lbs* Crcsrwaith of New York City rfflgeek in Reading Friday and Saturas...
...Rockaway parkway corner Rutland road...
...Comrade A. N. Weinberg submitted a financial report on income and expenses of the recent picnic...
...The cast includes Merrfam Farber...
...Arista vs...
...Havemeyer and S. 4th streets...
...He cited particularly the Proletarian Youth Movement of Hamburg, which is trying to inform Youth all about real forms and...
...The principle order of business will be a discussion of ways and means for the campaign on the East Side...
...August 22...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-1S A. D. A meeting of this branch win be held on Tuesday, August 20, in the Peoples House, 7 East 15th street, at 8.30 p.m...
...lav Porter Miller Recital fey Porter Miller, young coloajsje soprano, will give her third far York recital on Tuesday ssBjBf, December 17th at Town frii ' Miss Miller was born in MJajalpnla of Russian parents...
...Tickets at 50 cents may be secured from members of the group or at the office of Pioneer Youth, 45 Astor Place...
...Afros before Dec...
...L sjasasen held a very successful ^T-—-awf at Putnam and Dlxwell atwtfc-^'aa^Mtay which was ad****fw jahn Carrabine of Springfield...
...23, at 3:30 p. m. Xmas Day Dance The House Council will sponsor an afternoon Dance and Social in the Game Room t Bronx Centre) on Wednesday, Dec...
...John Orant ts to bo- designated for Member of Assembly in Cortland County, and Chaa...
...For full information communicate with Mrs...
...Jules Umansky, organizer of the Y. P. S. L, said that it must have fundamental validity in the from of a social objective and not be based on an artificial foundation like a fraternity...
...were fundamentally at the basis of all discussions...
...1167 Boston road, at 8:30 p. m. The principal order of business is the discussion of ways and means of a campaign in the Bronx...
...that party speakers were used frequently at the numerous meetings of the I. L. O. W. . strike, The Executive Committee also reported the endorsement of candidates for public office in all five countries, such nominations have been made at County Conventions and branch or district meetings...
...a study by the unions of problems peculiar to youth in the shop...
...SOCIALSIT PARTY AT WORK The national office of the socilaist party is located at 2653 washington 23rd Chicago, III mabel H. Barnes b Acting Executive Secratatr...
...Comrade Bernstein made a motion that the delegates rise in memnrv of Comrade Berger and that a telegram of condolence be sent to comrade Meta S. Berger, that comrade Marx Lewis be selected in behalf of Local New York as a representative to Milwaukee to attend Comrade Berger's funeral...
...Sumner avenue and Hart street...
...Rossi, dramatic director, states there are still openings for the promising...
...S p. m., Arcs vs...
...Vincent Mlllay, one of the finest harlequinade ever written, win conclude the three plays In which fifteen characters participate...
...Among his suggestions were: the use of young organizers to organize young workers...
...S. B. Daublin, A. Epstein, Max Krublit...
...must dttrset laisDa I mile courageous young • people May count Strike eat far ggptatyaa tf ns> eessary to peeveatt mtlsjsidatiosa "We have the agencies," he said, listing seven organizations, "bat their physical weakness Indicates that srsnwtlHng is wrong with thaw tactics...
...Strawinsky, Grova and Goosens...
...candidate for Justice of Municipal Court, 8th District, Kings County, volunteers to act as secretary and Comrade J. Shur, member of the Brighton Beach branch, has volunteered to act as organizer every effort will be made within the next two weeks to reorganise both branches in this district and obtain more members...
...Comrade Lewis was recognised by the chairman and he rendered an eloquent tribute to Comrade V. L. Berger reviewing his life and his 45 years of activity in the labor movement...
...Young Circle News VICTOR L. BERGER The following resolution was adopted August 7 by the Arista Junior Young Circle Club of 579 Dumont avenue, Brooklyn...
...The occasion will be a symposium on, "To What Extent, If Any, Has the Cause of Peace Been Aided by the Recent Visit to America of Ramsay MacDonald" The companion speakers will be Congressman Franklin W. Fort, Secretary to the National Republican Committee, and Rabbi Julius Silberfeld of B'nai Abraham...
...Comrade Ball was a member of the 3-5-10 A. D. branch, in recent years...
...Benjamin Daublin, Dr...
...4.15 p. m...
...H. Rich will again run for the Assembly in Madison County...
...Since this can't be done he suggested that there might be revision of the constitution of the United States to change the voting age...
...At the evening session the discussions on the home and sex were led by Emanuel Switkes, Y. P. S. L. and Dr...
...State Secratary Merrill spoke on the necessary of whole hearted spoke on the necessity of wholedrive no win progress, and on other matters of immidiate omportance candidates for County and City office were endorsed...
...Alexander Fichandler, who examined the problems of youth from the points of view of youth as a conscious agent attempting to improve the social order...
...Jacob Fiacre and Milton Wallln spoke, the latter presenting the Track and Field Day Banner won by the club...
...the Porto Rican Branch...
...Berger who was buried the **¦ Warren, former editor of The JJgJl to Reason, was one of the chief •"SOL Be has not been heard for JjmstSocialist gatherings and he de•JSSjan inspiring address...
...August 26, aU candidates for public office in the district be Invited to attend the meeting and the membership be informed...
...7th A public reception will be given in Carnegie Hall, January 7th, to Msehael Karolyi of Hungary by the Rand School of Social Science...
...Meet 10 a. m. on 180th street station of L R. T. Bring lunch SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 25.—Second week-end trip to Workmen's Circle Camp at Pawling...
...The attendance was ^ Mat of last year...
...He hots ef the Qastonla cases wfll also hews...
...The Institute was held under the auspices of the Y. P. S. L, the Y. C. L. and the Rand BchooL "What Is youth doing—where is It going...
...Rossi, dramatic coach, has selected "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" by Anatole France...
...Many comrades volunteered their machines and a goodly number cf the Brownsville members spent an enjoyable day and at the same time enabled the branch to realize $100...
...Fred Sander was the unanimous choice for Mayor...
...A. J. Muste, Brookwood Labor College, speaking on Youth and the Shop, said: "To Youth, I say, don't wait for a new kind of labor movement...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 2

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