Oneal, James

THE CASE FOR A LABQKlHl^lfcOE HER tabor's Losing Fight for Freedom from Judicial Tyr&nny Comparative Living Standards—How ^(^o^W^ nBbLWUmS THE taking %p of mtvernmentm) power by the Britkh...

...In England they willingly and enthusiastically assess themselves for their party for which they fight as dearly as they do for their trade unions...
...In this article, the writer makes no attempt to state the full ease for a labor party...
...AH history was a history of class wars, tba outcom* of th* condition* of production and commerce, la modern society it is a class war between the capitalistic owners of flat ******* of production and the psajawata without capital, the wag* workers...
...In hie speech to the citizens of Puebla, which was summarized in an Associated Press dispatch of May 6 from Mexico City and received a few lines in most of the larger American newspapers, the Mexican Executive said: "Now that this crisis (referring to the practical end of the religious revolt) has passed, there remains much for us to do...
...No apology need be made on that score...
...This class struggle at accordingly the antagonism, transferred to men, which is in the oondtUoB* of production today, that is, fai the private character of th* method of appropriation and th* social character of the method Of production...
...The trade unions in both countries faced the nroblem of political action...
...There was not even a reference to the 1936 resolution in the report to the 1928 convention...
...Arguments against aj point out that men of tan be able to utilise task < genius to the utmost stag contrarOy, genjnast weeltl vail, since they do net sk money (like banker...
...Howevtr in SDite of his position, be asserts that government exists to secure the common need...
...Or are the Socialist unions swinging into line for toe New York democracy behind Jimntie Walker, Franklin Roosevelt—and Rasknb...
...Do Socialists disagree with CFLA on this point...
...In studying the modern trusts...
...What a "crank" was this to break away from hide-bound prejudices, from age old beliefs and superstitions, to brook the Ire oi the most powerful force in ail Egypt...
...he urged the people to worship truth In their hearts...
...His "yellow dog" union, lavishly financed by the rayon hashes during the recent strike, has collapsed and many of his former members are Joining the real union...
...The only way to discover the truth, according to Bacon, was through experiment and by focusing the attention upen common things...
...Industry has done more than anything else to suppress religion—it has made capitalists forget about God in their quest for wealth...
...The funds contributed by the trade unions to support this policy show trB' there is no inspiring support of it...
...MarsigUo, queer councillor of Padua, advocated the secularization of church property, and last, but likely the most radical of all bis ideas, was the higher education of women...
...Besides, since our guesses vary with our perceptions, there is as much difference between us and ourselves at times as there is between us and other folks...
...He allowed artists to portray him In some natural pose, to shown the rhythm of bis walk, or to picture him at ease with his wife and daughters...
...At a certain stage in their development, the material productive force* of society com* tato opposition with the printing conditions of production and we have as epoch of social revolution...
...He returned to Salem in 1663... the workers and peasants, to asable them to live like people...
...collective labor, working in common, supplies the needs of our sac...
...Green has conceded the success of the British policy In saving the unions from court persecution and here is what he says regarding results of the non-partisan policy here: "By 1914 we had helped effect such changes in Congress .hat there were incorporated in the Clayton anti-trust law labor provisions intended to correct the two major grievances from which we had suffered...
...Tl Za a socialistic state, fat live a quieter, mom aaaH and, therefore wUl has* a sure time to cultivate that aad learn to appreciate ¦ stat* of socialism the SafJ to be free—not in tat a anarchists dreamed butt every economic Miiiupahaa action and choice of * Since such freedom is « sibl* for aU by mesas of I ation, socialism can, at *l called "organizing Hbsnfll ont win find that what da* as socialism from tht as organizations outwardly 1 Its liberalism, its Jauiuefl stitution...
...They want to send their children to school...
...A labor chatauqua early in September is part of his intensive educational program...
...How similar to "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want", is this prayer of Akhnaton, the "crank'' from out of the mists of the past...
...Why, then, do the workers, who are by far the majority of the voters, continually elect their enemies to control the government...
...For this I desire the iiilhlisB tion of the whole country...
...It would be false to say that trade,unions have not done important work to raising wages and living standards but it is also true that wages and living standards were higher here than in Europe before trade unions were organised...
...In a short time there will not be any who have not joined the great crusade...
...This "crank," who asserted that the best any of us can do Is to hazard an opinion, advocated complete toleration and Unbounded freedom of thought...
...From these taboos too Akhnaton rebelled...
...Jama* H. Maura, Socialist candidate for Vise President to the 1928 election...
...It was not capital, but skill and knowledge that the worker required...
...Society Divided The Socialists believe that the present system of property holding divides society into two great classes...
...Whan the proletarian has to buy, with the remnant of bis wages, he again has to pay for the profit gained on the investment of capital by the wealthy man—owner of the retail store...
...The advanced workingmen in our country resent the economic dependence of their class and the privileged position of the employing classes as a social injustice...
...Kerr Bardie's Example As we have said before, however the main job of CPLA is constructive and educational...
...savs Secv... every aS are those men wb* at* wiser, more gifted aatffj others...
...the first part of the ninebeenth oantary, invention of varietal time savins...
...One menace is court rterlstoni declaring unions subject to the penalties of the anti-trust law and the other of injunctions that restrict trade union activity and disbursement of trade union funds...
...Woe to anyone who differed from them or sought to break their prestige...
...There may be a good argument against independent party action, but Mr...
...He was originally called by the name of Amenhotep IV, but, upon his break with the priesthood of Amen, changed his name to Akhnaton...
...No longer could they independently manufacture articles with their own simple tools and compete with the modern machines...
...He reveals himself more honestly and successfully than most persons whoa* autobiograDbies we read...
...but the production itself has become a social process...
...With his wife and daughters...
...had spent something like $11,000,000 en making this known and trying to defeat this concern, and then went on to say that he thought he was in honor bound to keep nis appointment over Collier's radio hour, and hoped, of course, to be able to say romething on behalf of trade unionism on that occasion...
...Will any progressive deny that one of the chief needs of our American labor movement today is precisely that the right of a minority to be heard, the need ef discission and criticism should be recognised...
...municipal ownership of all municipal utilities...
...The present system of Individual ownership is continually growing larger to supply the ever Increasing population...
...This power* ful deity with Mut aad Khsusu formed the trinity of Thebes...
...Cranks" are always of the minority, and the majority from time Immemorial has frowned upon the few, and has self-rigbteously labeled them "cranks...
...The two great authorities, Aristotle and the church, were still dominant...
...He was forced to abandon Thebes and to select near the modern city of Cairo, and build a new capital...
...shows that President Portes Gil used rather strong language in denouncing the ravages of predatory capital and in urging Mexican workers to stand together against their oppressors...
...Thou art the only one, Aton...
...Mass production, divfcdoa of labor, and specialization of functions largely superseded Individual effort, general efficiency, aad acquired skill In industry...
...How all the "black lists" must amuse him...
...CeaUasc* •» Cranks Along the Road From Long Ago Thinkers Who Defied Taboos And Blazed Trails, Rendering Measureless Service to Humanity By Helen Ross TpHERE are, as Charles Lamb X said of books, "cranks" that are "cranks" and "cranks" that art not "cranks...
...Complete soul liberty, toleration...
...Rlcardo bad flj granted the inatitflto* *j property, but Mar* rata** erty into exploitaioa «J earners protected or tbtf the State, which * w*av created th* right* ˆ fsaf Ricardo's theory *ft H earners to th* pasta* *t modlty or machine, MB w bor ths capitalist d*Jv*lj fit* aad interest, Halea* the capitalist's profit*** tog fore* of todustsVjl high wages as th* •** profits, and to*r*for*!*W stagnation of bu*ta*s**Bfll msnt Marx Invert*1 jj mad* high profits th* *a*J wag**, and low waga flj of stagnation and andjgj b*cau*t laborf* flj purchase back from tbeafj the product* which tsaflfl efficiency of industry *flfl to create...
...W. G. Kumrner, former German consul to Portugal has been imported as temporary president, and is trying diplomacy instead of Mothwurfs' Prussian military tactics...
...abolition of an Indirect taxes...
...Akhnaton loved bis wife and was net ashamed of the fact that he had only daughters...
...This completes my group of "cranks...
...and despite the flop of Rhea's "yellow dog" union the Elizabethton arm of the rayon trust is reaching directly toward company unionism...
...He insisted that the sun was not Aton, but merely the symbol of the god...
...Admits Act Is Inadequate But...
...The means of production are the property of individual capitalists who appropriate to themselves the results of production...
...moment when all humanity is sett l in how to find a better balance that sag bring the necessary help to tht asav Ble...
...aad labor saving saarlihiTT brought about what is known aa the ''Industrial Revolution...
...No one is satisfied with what he has today...
...That discussion Is vital and Is a fundamental consideration to comparing the results achieved by the trade unions in both countries...
...He was aa advocate of popular sovereignty and dared to state that war should never end untu the world was democratic...
...As I warned you before, my list of "cranks" is peculiarly my own, based entirely upon personal appeal, chosen by my own particular crochet...
...Bom* people object to a state of soelaham saying that it would endanger the liberty and freedom of th* individual—make slaves of the people...
...CPLA believes that, as the preamble to the A F. of L. constitution puts it, "a struggle is going on in all the nations of the civilized world between the oppressors and the oppressed of all countries, a struggle between the capitalist and the laborer which grows in intensity from year to year," and that the sway of the open shopper and the company unionist in the basic industries in this country cannot be broken unless the owlets, sxe taught this truth, as A F. of L. officials have failed to do In recent years...
...the abolition of the standing armies...
...and by consolidating th* management and supervision of th* work, and perfecting the specialization and division of labor, they have vastly increased th* productivity of th* latter...
...He says that the Clayton law was "intended" to do for the unions what the British Labor Party accomplished for the unions, that is, save them from destructive court decisions...
...Should the majors workingmen wake Bp a control of tht govs**** would surely have a ttl cracy together with past...
...Green that they were won in the period of the early labor partesT^ac ~ - s-yss-*" -*»;•* 4SB*jwaswjneasj fBsH-j" aim «*> isa*»saw»J ¦ si p _4aBu tsj mat ft»*|f>-4...
...The workers of ail the world will be betrayed to this era of super-capitalism snd militarism if the labor movement in the most powerful capitalistic country of aS to inadequate to its task...
...But in some way or other time has kept the memory of these green...
...If, however, progressives and Socialists are to meet the need, and not to be guilty of a colossal betrayal of thelr fellows, they must use at this Juncture something of the spirit and policy that animated that great pioneer of independent political action in Great Britain, Keir Handle, of whom his biographer said that "be never made any attempt to soften the asperities of political controversy...
...The socialistsbab ultimately wealth sboala a* uted from each aateafJB ability, to each taettflai need...
...He should be better acquainted with labor history...
...Or question the need of preaching this gospel to the workers of America...
...His premise is sound but the evidence he submits, as well as his reasoning, may be questioned...
...It is a list of men different, yet akin...
...Does any Socialist trade unionist question the correctness of the CPLA s position in this matter...
...United States marshals, etc...
...Green stresses the higher living standards of workers to this country which in general is true, but he assumes that it is wholly due to the policies of the trade unions...
...What unpardonable eccentricity in ! an oriental monarch...
...In modern Industrial systems, the capitalists often do everything possible to develop In the minds of the working-men a class consciousness...
...Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that CPLA is wrong and the A. F. of L. officialdom is tight as to the specific points at issue...
...At this time, since eavsh man could provide for hlmeetf by means of his own skin, them was no need of socialising the toot or collectively operating the Industries...
...In the year 1618 he was sent to Paris, but after two years of Parisian study and "extra-curricular activity, he volunteered in the war against the Netherlands...
...He was admitted "to orders" in the Established Church, but then there came a period of change to bis ideas...
...Upon "cranks" in religion, society has placed tht label, heretic...
...Tou then admit that it did not get what was "Intended," and then dismiss the comparison with the jaunty statement that it Is "outside this discussion...
...Again th* facts are very meagre...
...We are glad that many skilled workers enjoy the standards they have won but we cannot forget the millions who drag out a miserable existence of insecurity...
...But no Socialist trade unionist can deny the validity of the criticisms that CPLA has been making without denying his own right to the title of Socialist...
...Capitalism subverts all science to the worship octal calf...
...Samuel Gompers certainly believed that Socialists were dead wrong and waged persistent battle against them, but did he evei question the right of an opposition to exist in the A. F. of L? Did not Socialists and Socialist sympathizers constitute a vociferous and effective opposition in the A. F. of L. conventions snd to the conventions of affiliated unions for years...
...Extract* from Marslgllo's book are extant...
...Do they rest upon reason or prejudice ? Have we accepted them because they were reasonable or bave we accepted them first and talked ourselves into reasons why we should keep them...
...First their instincts, later their convictions, develop in them the ideal of a collective organization of society to which the instruments of production, toatoad of being owned by a few men and used for the purposes of making profit, shall be cojjective property, owned by society as a whole, and operated for th* purpose of securing an equitable distribution...
...Man looks upon man with contempt, zeal, jealous;.*, and hatred...
...Or the Socialist Party...
...If among the workers themselves, ought f disappear...
...They want their wives to keep bouse for them...
...he believed to Aton only...
...The workingmen, the largest class of the population, are anything but free... subordinates ttw a to the practical, tht urn profitable, and strips k> poetry and aoble <T*T*"|rt1*j art and science art apt dead...
...On one aad the same page the American Federationist for July congratulates the British Labor Party and the Socialist government of Great Britain' and condemns the CPLA as Just another Socialist proposition...
...And yet sometime* his spirit must feel a thrill of pride, for men are at last considering the outlawry of war (at least they are willing to talk about It...
...Their Investment seeking capital dominates and suppresses their individual volition...
...tat government to tak* over an their property...
...Increased production means lowering of prices... the United States, is a vice president of the CFLA James Oneal, editor of the New Leader, is one of the Executive Beard mernben of the organisation...
...So organisation of the Labor Party was practical and it accomplished important results for the workers...
...In a society such as the) eariy settler portrayed, there were no classes—all men were apjnaj earti lighting to wrest a aanskrtance from nature...
...that was for slaves...
...There is a story to the effect that so great was hi* tolerance, that for years he and his wife ate their meals at different times, for he believed that grace should be said before eating, while his wife thought that thanks should be returned after eating...
...He had worked among the Indians and had questioned the right of the king to grant charter rights to land that belonged to them by right of possession...
...By James Oneal WpLLUM GREEN...
...Then the Mulhall scandal burst in 1913...
...They are the slaves of their wealth rather than its masters...
...Green has not supplied it and the perils which face the trade unions of this country would indicate that the old policy has not made the trade unions any more secure before the courts than they were thirty years ago...
...He declared that no magistrate had a right to punish a breach of the Sabbath, for church and state should be separated...
...Into • a\*»J between the e rn.uaJ tag ,<1 all wage-earners, war **• ship of the wbolt pen*!] dustry...
...Slowly the scholastic method was changing, but authority, rather than reason, was stUl the criterion for truth...
...What it really aims for is public ownership of the socialized Industries such as gas and electric companies, transportation companies, and aU other big trusts, and Insure private possessions for private enjoyment for the masses...
...Capitalism has long outlived its usefulness...
...On the contrary, slavery In industry now exists for all workmen except some professional and business leaders, aad, of course, capitalist...
...In colloquial language a "crank" is a queer fellow, an eccentric character, on* who pursues a hobby...
...each tried to move the wail of fixed prejudices with the lever of original ideas and each for the time failed...
...What else is the Executive Council for...
...Is there any doubt as to the timeliness of agitation along these lines...
...What courage...
...He tried to express more than his language could...
...Under the capitalistic rule...
...Egypt under his sonin-law, Tut-Ank-Amen, returned to the old order...
...Do you know what I should do with the works of Aristotle, burn them... 1911 the Supreme Court awarded damages against the hatters and twe years later the American Federation of Labor paid the damages amounting to $il4,9U.Xt in order to save the homes of many hatters...
...Especially powerful were the priests of Amen-Ra, Many were the privileges of tht priests of Amen...
...This "crank" advocated th* toalienable freedom of conscience, "soul freedom," responsiblUty to God alcne...
...and that for the purpose of "securing these rights governments are instituted among men...
...actousa*** of a community of interest becomes clearer and clearer to them...
...Society seems to be in a tumult with nothing being done by those in control of the government to change things and right matters...
...N Roger Williams war unusually tolerant...
...Without total enemies of capital, we are against tat capital that demands unjust gates at (to cost of the health and the lire* of Br workers of thy country and the <ttssWe desire a better fate for these sedan' and that Bat tew who held great accumulations of resources and power S* rid of what they Illegally posse* 1m the benefit of the majority that Btjgj the backbone of humanity...
...Quite the contrary, Mr...
...One of these classes, the wage-earning, the proletariat, ia obliged to pay to the other, the capitalist, a sort of tax in order to be able to live at all and exercise its faculties to any degree...
...There are still those who dread thirteen...
...We know that Mr...
...They may acquiesce, but they drift without any evidence of that intense interest which trade union members show in countries where they support their own parties...
...Socialism would effect an increased output thereby reducing the price...
...The socialization of production necessarily socializes the men who do the work...
...The erratic MarsigUo also asserted that governments exist to insure peace...
...A worker should know, today, that he produces many timet, the value of what bis wages are...
...The answer...
...Thou hast directed the mountains...
...This modern philosopher decided to sweep all of bis preconceived ideas out of his mind and start anew...
...Much has been mads of the isitottail given to certain unions to recant yearn bytht AF.of U XiStarea^hy ABBBp bf given where credit is due...
...90 you must unite, that you must seek Bj concord in your ranks, that you WW select leaders who are well eualBts guides aad who win lead you aS ahBJ the road to welfare, along tht rest* rectitude, along the 'road of BP ** Because this, comrade prattnti iM** only way in which you will sucoiai B winning the human hargttnsss to you are Justly and legitimately mUt* The American reader of JimMS...
...Injunctions, restraining the workers from protest in time of strike, are but one of the numerous atrocities which can be attributed to th* capitalistic control of the government, "To the exploited wage slave who was tea away bis life in the dreary grind of the factory, toiling without measure or limit for the vary means to hold body and soul together, the impressions he receives from the existing order of society are certainly far from agreeable...
...How Free Schools Were Won Mr...
...CJreen has thus prefaced his discussion with a few fundamentals...
...Do Socialist or progressive unionists think that incidents such as this should he glomert ever to silence...
...The reader should note that Mr...
...state employment of the unemployed...
...Since the signing of that agreement Mitten has attacked the elevator constructors and the teamsters and chauffeurs' unions in Philadelphia, and been officially denounced for this action by the Philadelphia Central Labor Unicn...
...BOOKBINDERS' UNION GAINS WASHINGTON—(FP) — Seventy-five per cent of the 950 men in Chicago color print houses, members of the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders and of the Printing Pressmen's International Union, who went out on strike recently have won their demands snd hsve returned under union agreements...
...that —ana, a production of commodiUse far use made by many worker* on a basis of systematic division and organization of labor...
...Roger Williams The last to this whimsical Ust of a half-dozen "cranks" is Roger Williams...
...The parities...
...The basic Industrie* are stiQ largely wiwrgaalssd The resolution of the 1M4 Detroit convention of the A. F. of L. to organize the automobile Industry has nqj been carried out...
...The toots used tn agriculture and the aaachadoal arts were few, simple and inexpensive...
...Nevertheless, tt sll)"",l| be Bonoaded generally that the sBsWft Chief Executive tt stocecsty etosrsBj of improving the conditions of thtwa4M| era and poorahti below the Bis griBB] and that there is also the segaBBj there at real mvtriuttonary toker aW* Socialists And The Progressive Labor Conference A Program of Constructive Action and Criticism Which Socialists Should Give Warm Support By A. J. Muste APROVISIONAL organization for the Conference for Progressive Labor Action was set up In New York city on May 3S-3S st a conference of labor men and women who had responded to a statement on the present state of the labor movement entitled, Challenge to Progrestivea, which was published in Labor Age last winter...
...Meanwhils Pres...
...These latter would belle the idea that our young people are fast and furiously devilish, and suggest that at least some of them are as domestic and demure as their grandmothers...
...As the responsible heed of the A. F. of L. his views are of more thin ordinary interest sad we may be sure that his article was carefully preps red sod that it represents fats matured opinion on an issue that is Of great importance...
...And If the outcome is to be that these, unions abandon their distinctive principles and policies snd work hand in glove with the National Civic Federation crowd, just how much have these unions gained...
...The Colliers' Address CPLA denounced as another evidence of the betrayal of labor the socalied MUten-Mahon agreement under which the head of an International union of the A. P. of L. agreed for an indefinite period not to interfere with a company union situation on the street railways of Philadelphia and Buffalo...
...Collective ownership of big companies forming trusts tends more and more to bring society to the point where socialists want it, except that these trusts, monopolizing industry, are owned by capitalists instead of by society...
...Considerable space has been devoted tn this statement to a criticism of certain A. F. ef L. policies and to the general question ef the right of criticism and discussion in the labor movement...
...True democracy ¦ litical self-government, though our govtrnmaat all to be democratic ia abas cannot be as long as It trolled by capitalists *ht but a small fraction *f flN tion...
...Roger Bacon bad faith enough in man's ability and the possibilities of applied science that ha predicted modern miracles...
...that men would perfect flying machines that vehicles would be propelled by their own power rather than by horses...
...Then again, the difference between the capitalist aad labor classes ia conspicuously shown by the lattor's suppression to politics...
...Willson has- been unctions but evasive about rehiring the 60 salon workers still jobless, but has finally promised to take back all "as soon as possible" regardless of court charges against them for picketing...
...Socialists see, in the increasing mergers and big trust companies of today, the gradual transition of th* capitalistic system to the socialistic state...
...Enriching Owners Class struggle Is constantly going on, each class desiring the upper hand...
...Also, everything which makes more efficient and rapid the means of transportation and communication brings the workers more closely together and makes for a greater homogeneity of their Instincts and their purposes...
...therefore the policy of trusts is to limit production, thus keeping the prices up...
...He tried to break down the Intricate ceremonial of Amen-Ra...
...Along with this increase of social production comes as a rule, an increasing organization of the workers...
...Green does not tell what this victory was...
...The snoretary of the party tor New York State has ¦sad a. P. locals and members to S*ssa«art> CFLA The Executive Board of the Jewish Socialist Verband has taken similar action...
...may be left to our readers...
...Green realises that the United States is the only modern country in the world where the trade unions do not suppert a party of their own...
...the luxurious cars, homes, and food they have, nor do they ten about the millions of unemployed workers, nor the average salary of the laborer that keeps him in a state of bare subsistence...
...From sculptured reliefs we know that he was a delicate-looking young mas...
...The workmen have en made miserable by being force ' to slave long hours and handle isit machines and their Individual labor has no bearing upon the modern system of socialized production...
...There is no sssM but that this has also retarded the carry* lng Into effect of our laws, becaust Beat struggles between peasants and pseaanh, between workers and workets, eeteejB workers and peasants, between tndWa...
...and labor Is quite different from'thtBK delist view...
...By Carl Seskind During to* tarty colonial days to oar coon try, every man was considered to be bis own boss.1 Ken ware Independent of each other insofar as food, clothing aad shelter was concerned...
...The capitalist sells the product (manufactured by the whole of the workers employed by him) to the market at a price which, as a rule and as a condition of the continuance of his undertaking, yields a surplus above the amount which the manufacturing costs...
...The Republican and Democratic parties are both controlled by and for the capitalists...
...The curse of the modern overcrowded, unhealthy city was brought about by the industrial revolution...
...Educational Director Paul Fuller' is schooling a class of organizers, and holding enthusiastic meetings nightly in the neighboring mountain hamlets ta which most of the workers live...
...Roger Bacon was born in 1214...
...Or that it does not need to be asserted in these days...
...Xat us give the fullest weight to the services rendered in connection with strike mediation and similar matters by prominent political personages...
...A comparison on this score with the British trade unions also reveals a marked contrast...
...Green naturally gives It some consideration as he is still comparing methods and policies in the two nations...
...The facts of his life are meagre, but we know be was a councillor for Emperor Lewis of Bavaria, that he was excommunicated by the Pope in 1827...
...Portes Gil On Label wjiXAMINATION of the full text of a sr» couple of speeches delir/ered by EmUio Partes Gil, President of the Republic of Mexico, on May « and 5 in Puebla, an Important Industrial town, and Chelulu, a city of some 10,000 inhabitants a few miles from Puebla...
...Descartes came to the conclusion that the beginning of thought is doubt...
...Today, however, capitalistic leaders have the workers bullied to such a degree that only the fearless ones dare to show the world that socialism...
...And he paid the price of the pacifist by losing Syria...
...It ha* served Its purpose like feudalism...
...But we're particular about the yellow dogs we take in...
...The purchasing power of the consumer remaining unchanged...
...And be tt noted that the benefit win accrue ehlefly to the Republican party, which as has bean abundantly demonstrated in recent years, has nothing to fear from the PtmocrtUc party...
...And what a price to pay...
...There should not be a single Socialist or progressive who does not Jain up, pitch to and help...
...On the other hand is the raw material and equipment necessary to their work—factories, machines, land, and capital—owned by the capS talis ts...
...Green leaves the impression that the higher standards here are general for all workers which is not true...
...Men often depict themselves as they would have posterity think them, not as they really were...
...They have been loyal and are now loyal to the A F. of L. This in spite of ths fact that the A. F. of L. has constantly fought aU distinctively Socialist nropceaai these many years...
...her kings are simply "historical characters", not flesh and blood...
...This support from .Socialists was to be expected from the nature of the party and its pronouncements...
...Montaigne My next "crank...
...He was born about 1270 and died to 1328...
...he was audacious enough to declare...
...Will any candid person contend in face of the facto that the nop partisan policy has been "practical under speciSc conditions''* Is tt not f fast that British westerns ware ante saaascsa by similar court decisions but no longer face this danger...
...The vetepoe aa esseetfvs saeaneo er saaestax ear lajtlti il steads...
...The tools of the workers were placed into the bands of a few, who were the masters...
...duction will remodel the entire social and political structure of society and change all men in thoughts and ideas...
...I ask fig the collaboration of an the n i ¦Hi w the nattonand I ask them at lwe g the present...
...We'll have recognition within a year," the unionists say...
...The apprentice was not dependent upon bis employer, but could set out for hsniself as soon as he had mastered the art necessary for bis partJenlar task...
...Akhnaton died...
...C. P. L. A is calling upon all vigorous elements in the labor swi uni nt to ndertake it...
...Even the wealthy, powerful capitalists are anything but free...
...but they too must throw some shuttle or guide some wheel...
...The trades disputes act legalised peaceful union picketing and other legitimate union activities...
...Such daring certainly entitles him to aa unchallenged place in my gallery of "cranks," Marsiglio of Padua The third to my galaxy of erratic souls, MarsigUo of Padua, is not so far removed from the second in time...
...Therefore, the working class, being in the control of the capitalists are imposed upon and forced to pay rents, taxes, etc...
...Ha argued that the state is supreme, that Christ and His Apostles were ever subject to its jurisdiction...
...No wonder that theocratic Plymouth sought to return this undesirable citizen to England...
...President Green nevertheless declares labor's present political methods satisfactory...
...Margaret Bowen...
...Socialism is also interested in individual property...
...Capitalism is utterly inhuman...
...Bacon dared to assert that this brilliant Greek, "the philosopher", as the schoolmen had called him, bad based bis conclusions upon speculation and opinion that he had made a shrewd guess...
...The article is rather an effort to treat some of the more salient points raised by President Green...
...Bacon lived about as long after Christ as Akhnaton did before...
...He recalls that British workers organised their party when their unions were imperilled by adverse court decisions and observes that this policy was justified by results...
...TB» taskor Ptooeerlag toraaehjt Bhtg movement amid the tremendous obstacles which the new capitalism presents rests upon the progressive elements among the American workers...
...There was a second trinity, that of upper Egypt, consisting of Is is, Herat and Osiris...
...Th* capitalist mat* cheats th* inventor, tht a art dealer exploits the *tM inventor dim to the pooflsj author and artist live ia I but tht inventor condnau lag, the scientist coatbnaj tog;, and th* artist ooafla attog...
...Long experience has taught them the folly of wasting appeals and funds upon the parties and politicians of the employing class...
...The Socialist Hope Socialism, to the idealist, seems to be the hope, sent down from heaven to help man In reorganizing society to benefit the- majority of the people...
...Roger Bacon, to spite of bis challenge to authority, was not wholly modern (it is quite possible none of us are...
...But what at^m there any moral gfem*3 anting the cripple, taalam tunat* itipdaaa?i(>f reducing their T altatj Sj clothing...
...Many vices and the power of money make man forget about heaven in enjoying his stay on earth...
...faj for honor, fame, and neap...
...During election campaigns the average worker allows the capitalistic press to influence him into voting capitalistic...
...Mark Banna) of prominent A. P. of L. officials with notorious company unionists and open shoppers, and points out there are no instances on record of the conversion ef a National Civic Federation employer to trade on ton Ism but many instances of National Civic Federation opposition to labor measures such as qM age psrattons Do progressives disagree at ttti* paiat with CPLA...
...they have to risk life, limb, or health— their own, their wives', their children's—for others selfishness or whims...
...Will any Socialist traie unionist assert that this is not true...
...Although by far the largest portion of the population is the working class, yet the government is entirely controlled by a mere handful of capitalists, what Justice can the workers get other than that which will benefit the capitalists...
...His arsrument is as good against trade unionism as it is against a labor part* and it is also just as had for It as it is faulty in ignoring Important facts...
...Though the United States, along with nearly an other important nations, has signed the Kellogg multi-lateral peace pact renouncing war as an instrument of national policy, A. P. of L. officials continue to make what can only be interpreted as militaristic gestures...
...Bach owned, or could own, a tract of land, a house, and tools enough to cultivate the land for food and raw material necessary for clothing...
...but he is erratic because he is weighed in the balance Of our own Individual standards and found different...
...We must do here the toad of thing that has been accomplished by such agencies as the Independent Labor Party and the National Council of Labor Colleges in Great Britain...
...He dared to make a complete break with Aristotle, and he advocated the importance of experiment in seeking the truth...
...The A F. of L. continues Us non-partisan political policy in the face of Injunctions and yellow-dog contracts, and the use of militia...
...I . S. Labor Beep—British We may close this survey of Mr...
...CPLA has called for a thorough study of the problem of organizing workers under ths conditions created by tht new capitalism, and at the same time for aggressive efforts where opportunity offers to bring workers into industrial unions...
...But Roger Williams escaped into the wilderness and was sheltered by Indians...
...Some C. P. L. A. Planks CPLA has asserted that workers have to be organized under the new capitalism as wtll as under the older, cruder and weaker capitalism of pre-war days...
...The revolutionary Covers* ment wants no division, nor deaf it wsg to start a class war...
...Since it is not producing for profit, the effect of an increased output on the price of the commodity will not enter into its calculations, and since the purchasing power of the population will be Increased (larger wages) in proportion to the growth of productivity, there will be no danger of an industrial crisis...
...To arouse discussion, to awaken the movement out of an attitude of lethargy and defeatism was precisely one of the things the founders of CPLA desired most to bring about...
...Green then goes on to make the astonishing statement that its Inadequacy "is suite outside of this discussion of political tactics I" And how "effective" is a method that produces inadequate results...
...We have given consideration to fundamental facto and pattotes When an analysis of them and Mr...
...The Question of Loyalties Tht question is net, as some try to make out .one of loyalty or disloyalty to the A F. of L. Socialists snd progressives have supported, often at tremendous sacrifice, every organisation effort of the A F. of L, and their unions have paid hundreds of thrsimrati of dollars per capita into its treasury...
...The Courts Hog-Tie Labor ' Tet Mr...
...TJath* 2 men will not a*B**Z2 ever it ia faaxfl w is needed at m*mm tides, the numamll will be diminished, flu ism the sole tan «f 9 is to make as nmehan the welfare aadaaaSr er is of seeondaryimne* der socialism, at**** carried on for tht ha producers tbemattvesaai lag th* cam, -Tiijffl don* to make the m* pleasant aad attttSS Wealth tfeajjl Th* most —tnrnrttaa of socialism is that tan attitude towards taaafl of wealth...
...In the early days both Amen and Ra were tribal gods, but upon the conquest of one tribe by another the two gods became the dual deity, Amen-Ra...
...If the Communist menace perhaps (surely by this time a negligible factor In the situation) and the help that may have been extended by the A F. of L. to Socialist unions, is used as an excuse.for foisting a dictatorship of officials on the American labor movement, creating a situation in which no dissenting voice is permitted to make Itself heard, have we not purchased s short least on life by signing our own death warrant...
...A little further investigation of the period when these victories were achieved would reveal to Mr...
...But why quite so much ado about help given by the Executive Council to some of its affiliated bodies...
...Certainly, the Socialists of other days never thought that such a role implied disloyalty...
...It is no wonder, to be sure, that Aristotle had overlooked common things and the experimental method, for experiment requires a laboratory and manual labor...
...the duwulopnis it of labor cooperative enterprises, independent political action by lobar and allied forces, and the development of an antl-mllltaristlc and antiiatpsrialistie spirit in the American labor Even more, C. P. L. A. aims to carry on estooastonal work among the millions of nneagantotd workers in this country who ase the dupes of the propaganda of the tamer trust, the money interests and aulitortftt, and who have an absolutely ¦tltlrlls slam point of view...
...Surely the chUd of today will be exposed to stimuli as varied as nature herself can offer, for haven't our junior high schools from thirteen to fifty "activities" and clubs, ranging from banking and debating, dramatic groups, to pig, egg, poultry, tatting and crochet clubs...
...Here is a "crank" of "cranks" for be advocated tht Independence of church and stat...
...The annual reports regarding financial receipts and expenses show a marked indifference to the policy, tt does not inspire...
...Montaigne asserted that we really know nothing, we merely hazard guesses...
...And that is also a contrast of immense significance...
...Green's article by considering another fact in relation to the alleged effectiveness of non-partisan political action in this country... the political and economic world they have been condemned to the ranks of the radicals, "the reds", "the bolsheviks...
...Bacon lived in one Of the most interesting centuries of the Christian era...
...Aristotle Roger Bacon became interested In Arabic learning and science...
...i Addressing the people at OsaMt President Portes Gil said, among aBg things: "The division existing between (fl peasant nuclei and the worker group*, f among the peasants themselves...
...uais belonging to the same class, atot weakened, aad will continue to wtahw,,, if we continue along this reed, toe to* tensive revolutionary work carried eg B the revolutionary governments from 1B» to date...
...but »Bj to all the proletarians, to the nssaawb of the republic to that they may tbJBt about this reason and may do evtrytbtgf to their power to avoid divisions *•* may cause the shedding of blcodsadlito, sowing of hatred between different asp* of the country...
...And yet Amenhotep or Akhnaton, as be then called himself, dared to break with the priests of Amen...
...In isi» came the sweeping injunction by Attorney General Palmer against the United Mfaae Workers and In 1111 the Supreme Court handed down the derision in the Duplex Printing Company ease and largely wrecked what was "intended" by the Clayton Act One year later easae the decision in the eatas* seABitod Vsstl aVltn eaaear the Sara-owed tows and iBjietlpg and Our High Urin* Standard* Is all titis -sa^» fato rtltnpgstos Of political tactics," Mr...
...It appears that the craft Jurisdiction difficulty could not be overcome...
...of American labor'* tactics, i In the New York Times of recent date...
...He would put back into his mind only those beUefs that be could perceive with absolute clearness or reason...
...great was their political and social influence...
...And were not these the golden days at the Socialist movement of the United States...
...Among workers who are already organised it aims to carry on education and agitation so as to ¦simulate aggressive and militant efforts to estohBab industrial unions in the basic industries, a nation-wide campaign for social insurance against the risks of ufiesarstoysBeat, sickness and old age...
...Opinions, even Aristotle's, are fallible, therefore, the philosopher may be wrong...
...that effective organization must be based on an appeal to the workers to recognize the union, and not on an appeal to employers to permit workers to be organized, as the A. F. of L. attempted to do in the automobile industry...
...The great class of small retail merchants has long feared Socialism as a system that would take their small business from them...
...But from this misty distant past Akhnaton emerges an individual, "the first Individual in history...
...The worker's only insurance of a decent subsistence, for giving his children a decent home and proper education, lies In socialism...
...He is comp tflail is show why he believes In a political policy that runs counter to the experience of the workers in all other countries of a modern industrial character...
...However, we do not have to await Mr...
...Following the Industrial Revolution, Industrial society split into two divisions—the workers and the bosses or capitalists...
...The transition from individualistic industry to cooperative pro... is difficult to translate, for MarsigUo himself lacked terms to convey bis new ideas...
...Comrade Norman Themes, is on the Executive Committee Of the CFLA and is one of its founders...
...And do not mediums, astrologers, and fortune tellers yet reap a harvest...
...She returned "to orthodoxy, to Amen and the priests of Amen-Ra, But Akhnaton, the "crank", in spite of tht efforts of aa outraged hierarchy to consign him to eternal oblivion, amtrges in bold reUef...
...Those who fling these terms of condemnation at Jim Maurer or Jim Oreal or Norman Thomas or Kenry Llnville or A. J. Kennedy or N. Spector are cither themselves insincere or they are fools...
...His mother died from consumption a few days after his birth, so young Rene was brought up and educated by the Jesuits...
...Military life gave him food and time for thought...
...Even the late Samuel Gompers declared before the investigation committee that in this country "we are behind England 10 years: we are behind Germany 20 years" in "the protection of the life, health and limb of the workers...
...Between the first "crank" of my choice and the second, Roger Bacon, there is a great gap in time...
...He lives, an Illustration of the slow growth of Ideas, a challenge to thought...
...Fortes Gil's speeches should bear to tap, the freedom with which phrasal mm revolutionary sound art used to Bern** America by political leaders whsat «#> caption of the warfare between oapJtsBJB...
...In a way this is to the good...
...Modern Industry, with its speedy machinery, tends more and mere to mould th* working class Into a homogeneous mam of wage slaves...
...How long, furthermore, will the A. F. of L. endure, if its conventions continue at dull and lifeless as conventions in recent years have been...
...The chief thing we need In America today is a labor movement In all Us branches—trade union, political, cooperative, educational—able to cope with and tc offer an effective opposition to the new capitalism, the tremendous aggTegetiCyis of wealth which more and more dominate Industry, politics and every Instrumentality of education and propaganda...
...There is no more vital matter before our unions today than seeing to it that such freedom actually prevails again...
...Aad what a romantic dreamer to that day of absolute monarchs and war lords...
...Mothwurf, Vice-pres...
...King Akbnaton For the first "crank" in my category I have chosen to go far back into the dim past and have selected Akhnaton, ruler of Egypt from about 1375 to B. C. 1359...
...American Labor began to use non-partisan political action more vigorously in 1906 and now we can make a comparison of the results achieved in both countries...
...His philosophy may be best characterized in his own words "X do rot understand...
...Green aientlirai tins collapse but Ignores the fact that most of the trade unions were also prostrated and some of them disappeared...
...There is poverty in the slums of every large city, in mining, steel and textile centers as distressing as will be found in Europe...
...Green could not do any better because the facts are against him...
...Later he left England for America where he was pastor of churches in Boston, Salem, and Plymouth...
...We fed a jastiaed pride in the record...
...Th* stats, with its larger powers and resources, will be able to increase th* advantages of trustified production very considerably...
...Where once God held high court in the hearts of men there is now only a cold space...
...He is the first monotheist...
...Th* currant meaning of words did not adequately confljty his ideas...
...It was the same problem which the British workers faced...
...Rhea seeks to follow them and to capture the union from the inside...
...The one thing he feared for the LLP...
...These dlvisloas eatf cause loss of time by demanding tht attention of the authorities to aarrtol problems of no great imports net «BT thus incapacitating them for tbs adat tion of difficulties of another s***m Just far this, I wish to reseat to F* and I shall not tire in so doing...
...To prepare these workers for organization on the trade union, political and cooperative field, a vast effort of education and agitation is required...
...Webster defines "crank" as "out of gear", "a turn of the mind", a "crochet...
...But what of the modern people who wiU not walk under a ladder, or start anything on Friday...
...corporations, aad other com Mara, we see that the capitalists bay* worked out aa industrial organisation similar to th* sooUilstte ideal and bare shown th* adTantatre* of production oa a larg* scale...
...This proved a far more difficult task than be had anticipated, but it was a most enlightening experience for he had to test bis every belief and give a reason for tht faith that was in him...
...Akhnaton is the first of the human founders of religion...
...What of it then...
...The poor worker is told that he is prosperous over and over again so many times that he soon believes it himself...
...They must work when they are sick...
...another point...
...Germany and England had then and have now their own working class parties...
...Rebelliqn became general...
...The psychology used by the educated capitalists to influence the workers into electing Republican or Democratic men includes such statements as the "full dinner pail", the number of workers owning cars, and the "high-wages" earned...
...Montaigne's work is genuine* self-analysis...
...Or in the long run, the A F. of L. itself...
...This former agent of the manufacturers revealed that many "friends of labor" in Congress were on the payroll of the manufacturers and that under the non-partisan political policy quite a number of labor men and one "union card" Congressman were receiving money from the same source...
...Here again is aa idea out of gear with the times...
...They are higher in New Zealand and Australia than they are in Europe and the workers of these two countries support their own political parties...
...During the thirteenth century there was beginning to be a breaking up of the scholastic system, yet Aristotle still dominated thought...
...How familiar to him the epithet of "red" and "bolshevik...
...Socialist Support Expected Though C. P. L A. is by no means exclusively a movement of Socialists, the Socialist party candidate for President Fto the national election of laU and for mayor of New York Cltq in the current municipal election...
...But they are kindred spirits...
...w v&Ugj tory, vent to ptoeas frito* of im...
...The lumber regions of the Northwest, large sections Af the agricultural West, and literally millions of workers in the South vegetate en low incomes or no Incomes at all, and yet Mr...
...And a? virtue of this I want everyone to isftot and to think that the coloration at all is necessary if we wish this aeupeg, instead of retting upon a foundation at iniquitlous ineouality, as it *|d .tgj*s olden days, to rise upon a nee foundation of social equality aad BJtfrsBJl fraternity...
...Green, we are not Interested in what the law "Intended...
...By the simple process of oomraamg the greater number of plants to a given industry under oa* bead, discarding th* less efficient- of them aad strengthening the more Important the trust* have largely eliminated th* element of wast* to production...
...arbitration wins s victory now and then: church and state have separated In one country after another...
...that a union which exists on the sufferance of the employer rat.ier than on the power, solidarity and enlightened enthusiasm of the workers is based on sand...
...The fear of thee is in the midst of their secret chambers, as it is in th* hearts of the people...
...A Ward of CsBttoa "I want to direct my words not g*& to you who are listening to me...
...There is a challenge eternal to Descartes' words, "1 think, therefore I am...
...Or believe that a veil of silence should be drawn about National Civic Federation activities in these days...
...t) the revolution Is the program at sst manity, and therefore I call upea rvan> body to live to the present, to Up...
...With his opening statement that conditions are not the same in all countries, that s policy or method in one country may not be good for another, and that a labor movement "must be practical under specific conditions in order to be effective," we can agree...
...There are always men ready to replace a man should be die or be killed...
...He is very vague...
...As a final drive, usually the day before election, the capitalists are known to have threatened the workers with the penalty of losing their jobs if a certain candidate lost...
...My classification, it must be admitted, la as whimsical a* that In the essays of Elia, but in this treatise .anyone wiU be classified as a crank, if bis Ideas are a little less naive than those of the majority of folk...
...Them are they who refused to conform to the wiU of the majority...
...greater autonomy for the municipalities and limitation of the powers and functions of the central government...
...He was born in Wales in 1599 and is said to have been educated at Oxford...
...It Is not the consciousness of man that determines their mode of existence, but on the contrary, thair social existence that determines (the nature of) their conseJousneas...
...he clung to certain mediaeval beliefs and superstitions and bad faith in alchemy...
...Here are the facte: "Labor's Bill of Grievances" against the two parties adopted in 1908 was due to the growing men are of court decisions which became grave three years before with the suit for damages brought against the anbury hatters and the IncDreasing servility of Congress to the employing class...
...state provisions for all orphans and invalids...
...The worker sells to the capitalist his power to work for a de.lnite time, under definite conditions and for a definite price —wages...
...C. Rhea, self-appointed president of the Bemberg-Glansstoff company union, the "Loyal Workers," has petitioned for membership in Local 1630 of the U.T.W...
...The Executive Council pays a ceremonial visit to West Point to review the cadets...
...This is what some of the present leaders of the A. F. of L. item to think, for they meet every attempt to spread Socialist and progressive ldess with cries of disloyalty and threats of ftyfirr"1"1**"'"'' Will Socialists and progressives than obediently accept the mandate and betray Gene Debs and many another comrade of the heroic past...
...The industrial revolution brought about a change in the social life of the country since the method of production of the material things of Ufa generally settles the social, political, and spiritual process of life...
...Bere is "si admission that the Clayton act was not "sdagmts- to tss) purpose of relieving the trade unions from the two evils that menace their very existence...
...Much better that there should bt argument back and forth, even though some of it is hasty or based on misinformation than that this movement should be ignored ! The challenge presented by CPLA must, however, be met, and the way in which it is met will be a test for all Socialists and particularly for progressive and Socialist trade unionists...
...Bacon, the Franciscan, was* forced to burn his works and to retract, but history has kept his memory green, aad we marvel at the courage he possessed to defy authority and age old superstition...
...The primary purpose of C. P. L. A. is sdlsmtfon for action...
...The CPLA criticism cannot he djawtjayad as tntiaesrt eg disloyal or disruptive or hostile...
...They are not beggars at the doors of Parliament...
...The difference between these men and the members of the A. F. of Li Executive Council is certainly not that the former are lees loyal to the A F. of L. and Its ideals than the latter...
...A moment ago we suggested, for the sake of argument, that even if CPLA were mistaken on specific points of criticism, it was still important that the right of criticism should be recognized and vindicated...
...23 the stronger and "am** ¦ er material reward s*mj *7 or Is it rather a aurttat barbaric "first right" affJ ages...
...ship of public utility oeatjS the rest of th* tnastflj mauds of Socialism Karl Marx, to my » the greatest socialist as* the greatest mindiof sflU the founder of itiiitera • What he did was to tab*1 ories of Rlcardo, the JMI materialistic capiBUJasjy a| form them from » ptfltk* gle between British bun* capitalists over ts taraTl of the land...
...He rejoices over the extension of manhood suffrage and the share whkh trade unions have in founding free public education...
...Rummer has accompanied a "good will" contribution of S500 to the Chamber of Commerce with a veiled warning that "unless labor conditions are kept stable" the Bemberg-Glanzstoff companies will not complete their $52,500,000 construction program...
...Big • Tyographical Union protested...
...We quote his own words which follow the passage quoted above: That the Clayton act has not seen fownd adequate is rrdfe oataid* this discission of political tactics...
...They Hv* in history's pages, fllustrations of th* slow growth of Ideas, the fixity of human prejudice, a ringing challenge to thought...
...Will any progressive or Socialist unionist contend that criticism must be stifled, all discussion silenced, under threat of excommunication...
...When Syria, a part of his kingdom, was in revolt and his advisors begged him to quell the rabels, he refused to fight, giving a*"hls reason that a war was an Insult to Aton...
...a progressive tax on property, Income and inheritance...
...Each of these trinltit had Its own highly organized priesthoods...
...each was in advance of his age...
...Political suppression, bad working conditions, and low wage all tend to make the laborer realize that his battle to life must be against th* capitalist system if be wants to batter his conditions, Modern industry baa advanced to th* stag* when th* workers should understand that they are toiling to make th* capitalists rich with surplus profit that rightfully belongs to them...
...And what an interesting process to drag one's thoughts and opinions into the light of day and honestly Inquire how they came to be...
...Imagine bow popular such aa idea would be In the church or to th* court of Louis XTV, king "by the grace of God," of France...
...It is just Egypt...
...Nevertheless, there is still some discussion among Socialists, trade unionists and others about the alms, methods and prospects of CP LA...
...One cannot help but wonder if somewhere in th* spirit world the soul of MarsigUo has often sighed over the slowness of people to adopt new ideas...
...ty&>i.*m»i ^,,'|****jrvo stoau* »-%»toi eiist: ^¦f*«s*s ¦on ¦ umm U - i.^f, «isas ¦aP\ t. Aa»d fBK-»'¦'" .r*f*y..-jf -<«t:*,.i amv>sf*nf '*Cf9f **-" y*wA*" mn iss^«f-*i...
...CFLA denounces as a betrayal of labor the alliance in the National Civic Federation (founded by that well-known friend of labor and the fornmon aoofoo...
...He too must chuckle in spirit when he watches the wave of curriculum revision that is sweeping the world of educatiton...
...We want to know what the law ACCOMPLISHED, for remember that you are comparing achievements of non-partisan political action with achievements of independent party action...
...He even dared to give bis wife a share in his power...
...he writes freely, without shame, of his good qualities and his faults...
...One year later the Federal Child Labor Law was declared unconstitutional...
...This period saw the simple tool of the old-time mechanic evolve tato the complicated maehtna, propelled by steam (later by stall!ill Itj) aad doing the work of aamdrads) of mas...
...August 4, eCats reasons why American workers skills: saw, organise their voting power Independently of the old parties...
...Tht boy is eighteen ytm *id *nd a student *i Gum Callage, and the article reveals natch knowledge of sown etonantic aspects of too history of capitalism...
...To complete the story of this "crank" of "cranks" he was a conscientious objector to war...
...The measures most generally advocated are: the initiative, referendum, proportional representation in legislative bodies, and the right of recall of representatives in legislative bodies...
...What a blow conversion to his philosophy would strike to dogma and authority...
...Though the general tenor of the article does not argue as strongly against creaion of an America* Labor Party as haze other labor leaders in the past...
...To posterity he is vastly more Interesting than any of his successors...
...Thus, with th* steady growth of this process th* workers' con...
...If the indirect result Is that the determination ef progressive unionists to build their own political party is weakened, what a stupendous price has been paid for ''services rendered...
...On the one hand we have a multitude of people possessing nothing, and able to live only by their work...
...It does not move the mass of members whole-heartedly...
...he was educated at Oxford and went to Paris for further study...
...On the ether band Mr...
...They do not, however, tell about themselves—how many millions of dollars they possess that rightfully belong to the workers...
...President Green accept* the chairmanship of a committee to collect emergency funds for the Citizens Military Training...
...Glanzstoff Company Union on Rocks ELIZABETHTON, Tenn.—(PP)—S...
...His bones have been found (but not buried la The Valley of the Kings, for he was a heretic) and we know that he died a young man...
...For practically the first time In more than a thousand years the dominant authority of Aristotle was questioned...
...they must send them to the factory...
...Green's reply for readers of his article are astonished to find that in this matter of worth-while results his comparison completely breaks down...
...This growing class consciousness of the workers, together with an awakening sense of their powers, promises a reorganization of societyThen again, capitalism fails to car* for the workers even to a way that the master cared for his slaves...
...Th* majority deemed them erratic, Nt*n*tics, but time has kept their memories grecn...
...CPLA pointed out that ultimately the policy of conciliating big employers at .ail costs, the policy of cultivating a middle-class respectable attitude at every point, which has been the policy of A. F. of L. officialdom in recent years, leads to such incidents as this, to an utter loss of genuine labor consciousness, so that it seems more important not to hurt the feelings ef a scab employer than not to offend a great International union...
...As they all art husahlt lag they ought to get together and trtnmi a united front to capitalism If thejaf are fighting against th« misery tsspsssf by their oppressors, if they art vietiaav there Is no reason for their fsjMtof among themselves...
...President Green replied that he had not known that the concern In question was anti-union, although the I.T.U...
...Their work and their pleasures, their dress and their dwellings, their mode of life and their habitf are forced on them by their economic condition...
...To most of us the years so far in the past are vague, hazy, no one stands .out in bold relief...
...Nearly two hundred trade unionists holding membership tn thirty-fire different International Unions were in attendance at this Conference...
...He even suggested international arbitration...
...Green talks about radios, telephones and automobiles like a professional salesman of "prosperity...
...What a blow was here to the prescribed ritual of art and religion...
...Transforahig Capitalism The measures that are expected to effect the transformation of the capitalistic system to a state of socialism constitute the "transitionsi" demands of socialism... this time was the possible sacrifice of independence for the sake of some immediate gain or illusory concession, and he seemed deliberately to maintain a situation in which compromise would be impossible.'' There Is far less danger In the present situation in the United States that Socialists and progressives will not be sufficiently flexible when necessary than that they will sacrifice independence and power for the sake of some immediate tain or illusory concession...
...Bacon vs...
...Let there be no mistake about the momentous crisis which we confront...
...Neither the reactionaries nor the Communists can meet the oared...
...The wrong impression that socialism alms to take away the private property of the individual, Is another trick of the capitalists by which they hope to defeat socialistic progress...
...Rejecting Taboos "There is no poverty for him who has set thee in his heart...
...President Green was Invited to apeak over Collier's radio hour, Collier's being published by a well-known scab printing concern... reduction of the hours of labor and increase in wages...
...It happens to be the point about which there is doubt snd misunderstanding at the moment...
...The mountains hearken to thee as the people...
...There Is evidence that the campaign to organise the textile industry in tht South Is not being pushed with full vigor...
...This is the surplus, unearned income of the capitalist - rightfully belonging to the worker...
...New members are Joining the union daily In spite of what all workers call a poor settlement...
...state or national ownership of an mints, means of transportation and communication, and of an industries controlled by monopolies, trusts, and combines, and the gradual assumption by the municipality or state of all other industries as soon as they reach a stage where they become susceptible of socialization...
...The marvel is that he did so well...
...Th* workers have felt th* burdens and the oppressions of their lot...
...they hav* also fait th* weakness of their position...
...m Today, to our business world, the work of the individual does not count...
...the sun god (beloved by the makers of crossword puzzles...
...I hesitate and examine...
...Is for the workers and society as a whole...
...Naturally, since It is all Just a matter of our perceptions and opinions, why become heated over what the other fellow thinks...
...Camp in the 34 Army Corps Area, although there are textile strikers In the South for whom the A F. of L. is unable to provide relief...
...He might have added abolition of imprisonment for debt, compulsory militia drill and other important reforms...
...they must work ten to fourteen...
...Without experiment, the best Aristotle could achieve was an opinion, a speculation, a shrewd guess...
...In spite of the fact that their works were banned, that no Boswell glorified their deeds for posterity, their ideas have come down to us, a challenge to thought...
...Or think that they should keep still when such things hancen...
...The workers, working under the same conditions, side by side, and finding themselves victims of the same capitalistic tyranny, tend to form unions among themselves, thus becoming socialised...
...Green himself cannot decide for the trade unions and we would not ask him to, but we believe that he can inform himself of facts and history...
...state Uumrance of workingmen in case of accidents and sickness...
...It is ail a conglomeration of names, Ptolemy, Cleopatra, Salome, the Israelites, sphinxes, pyramids, and grotesque statues...
...In many countries it may be said: "Laborers want to work eight hours a day...
...Furthermore, ths A ¥. of L. has repeatedly denounced dictatorships whenever they might appear, hat insisted that the labor movement is a democratic organization and that freedom of discussion must prevail...
...Honesty and autobiography are by no means synonymous...
...Capitol aad Leber "We are fighting against unjust privileges, against oppressive and SS> nopolistic capitalism...
...President William Green of the American Federation of Labor stated his position with regard to independent labor political action...
...Two house organs, a monthly and a weekly, exude pious words shout "service in industry" and "employe representation...
...Do Socialist or progressive labor men think that the attack on the Mitten-Marion agreement was unjust or unnecessary...
...and higher education is open to women...
...How do we know of Akhnaton and what do we know...
...whenever it is found that the same production can be obtained with less labor (by the Invention of unemployed...
...British Labor organized its own party and American Labor did not...
...As production becomes more social, greater disharmony comes between the mode of ownership, which is individual and confined to a small part of the population, and the economic position of the workers...
...You set out to prove that the policy of staying within the parties of the possessing classes gets results...
...Many have already rallied to its banners for that purpose...
...He points out that American trade unions years ago "came to face the problem of being practically outlawed after the provisions of the Sherman anti-trust law were interpreted as applying to trade unions and injunctions were Issued to prohibit trade union activity, even to the disbursing of union funds...
...Akhnaton believed that Aton was the source of all life, the directing plan of the universe...
...they cover a wide range of time and place, but they represent the common fate of men ahead of their times to be misunderstood and persecuted...
...The question at issue is what loyalty to the A F. of L. involves...
...The'old-time work-shop of the former mechanic bow had grown Into a huge factory, under whose roof thousands of men were massed together for jafxt labor...
...Over 700 of the 4,000 workers are now paying dues, and many others are kept from paying only by heavy debts incurred during the strike...
...The Clayton Act Cited A similar situation has confronted American trade unions for years and Mr...
...they must atop work at another's will...
...Before socialism Is peal must build up a nattoa S crata...
...Does tt mean that Socialists aad progressives must not perform the role of an honest, vigorous, constructive opposition in the A. F. of L...
...Do Socialists agree with CPLA that Baskob Democracy and Mellon Republicanism are one and the same thing, aad that we must have a party of the producers in this country...
...Montaigne (1532) is one of the most extraordinary men in the history of thought...
...Of course one must not lorn sight of the fact that MarsigUo was an emperor's counclUor... every strike of A. P. of L. unions, and In face on the other hand of the glorious achievement of the British Labor Party...
...The Right to Criticize The chief bone of contention seems to be that CPLA is frankly, outspokenly and insistently critical of certain of the policlee of the present A. F. of L. officialdom...
...An employe representation scheme has been started with the nominees handpicked by the company...
...A sufficiently powerful and well-rounded labor movement we certainly do not have today...
...Montaigne is quite modern in that ht would apply to education the unlimited variety of nature...
...Rene Descartes was born in 1596 and died in 1650...
...Does it mean that Socialists and progressives must not advocate their own principles...
...The lasaasjgaaal "market'' replaced the epsjctflo "customer...
...Aristotle was an Athenian gentleman and no Greek gentleman would soil his hands In manual labor...
...Production *a***aa* social in character, method*, aad object Thus, the transition of men from the independent stage to the "slavery" stage took place...
...Although the Clayton act has not proven "adequate" Mr...
...Quite like the later statement of Jefferson tha' "men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights...
...Amen, the god of Thebes was the most powerful, then came Ra...
...Six years is a shert time in which to secure action so any important subject...
...Today, with the growth of chain stores, this class has also come to the realization that capitalism is oppressing them—that socialism is their only salvation...
...Th* socialist regime will change the system of the trusts from operating for the benefit of a few to the benefit of the public...
...No images were to be made of Aton...
...Instead of producing in him a spirit of satisfaction and contentment it produces a spirit of bitterness against the existing system, founded on private property— which to him means ownership by the few—and which robe him of the ability to utilize the products of his own labor...
...old age pensions for workingmen...
...Zs then a* sanction for rewardaaj <atj physic* strength ersxaaj s to rehouse ofhanuaiaaaaj human* parents abaSt that manner betwamfhj and weak, their fettaaahl fortunate children...
...The people have to ask for work and then do not get It They have to take less than a fair share* of the product...
...Oeestoaad ea stoat to ?b*^*SOCIALISM'S VIEW OF CAPITALISM Evolution of Industry Which Destroyed Workers' Independence And Makes Socialism Necessary THE following article was writ ten by * son of Morris Seskind, long *cti*e in tht Chicago Socialist movement...
...Green is of the opinion that labor parties in the United States have never been a success...
...They were not aU brilliant but they were sincere...
...THE CASE FOR A LABQKlHl^lfcOE HER tabor's Losing Fight for Freedom from Judicial Tyr&nny Comparative Living Standards—How ^(^o^W^ nBbLWUmS THE taking %p of mtvernmentm) power by the Britkh Labor Party ttii tht springing up of local labor parties here and there in the United States, has brought to the fore once again the discussion...
...tThe early n>l**t'*blsj| modern society, in *«"fc2 of ths population aaw.aj th* condition af a**w*flj B suited waf^-Stova% »flfj forced into a wild, all-absorbing race for material wealth, was caused by capitalism...
...President of the American Federation of Labor, in the Hew York Times of Sunday...
...Naturally, he turns to England for contrast and comparison and he is fab* In stating the facts...
...This minister of Salem was not without faults, but he waa far ahead of his .time, for to no country of tht world was there complete separation of church and state, least of all in New England and in the southern colonies...
...Oreen's own admission show that be is in error ens need give little attention to Other and lesser matters which he discusses...
...He was well endowed with that aggressiveness which is an essential part of the equipment of any man who seeks to make headway on the political battlefield, and he sought always to accentuate rather than to modify the essential antagonisms between the old order and the new...
...Descartes But enough of Montaigne, now to bis kindred spirit, Descartes...
...they must work for life to keep life in...
...They suppose that aom* day the capitalists wDl so monopolize industry that it win be necessary for...
...Union workers refused to vote in this fake industrial democracy, and have forced Personnel Director E. T. Willson to deal directly with the union grievance committee...
...Tbe answer Ues in the fact that the workers are uneducated, most of them anyway...
...Working in a messy laboratory could not possibly become popular until slaves were free and labor had dignity...
...Perhaps an extreme solution, yet effective In preserving domestic harmony and the identity of two strong-wiUed individuals...
...With only 12% of our gainfully employed pnfwilatinrt organised tn trade unions, and with no labor political party to speak of, no one sxersty win venture to say that we pan afferd to be oomptecent...
...Msrthaus and several lesser boshes of Bemberg-Glanzstoff have been relieved of their jobs as a concession to the workers...
...the variety of courses, academic, vocational, fine and practical arts, and added to all of these a host of "extra curricular" activities...
...No other agency is addressing Itself to this educational task...
...The workers, realizing that they were dependent upon machines for earning a living, and that these machines were owned by the capitalists, knew that they were in a separate class ^f rom their bosses...
...However, we shall not entirely ignore them...
...But with th* growth of the sense of community interest Vith their tocreasing exercise of collective action to trade disputes aad legislative matters, they com* ill the time to a fuller sense of their powers...
...To understand the heresy of Akhnaton it will be necessary to summarize quite briefly the religion of Egypt...
...Socialist eonaaaflman in the city of Reading, for years President of the Pennsylvania Bate Federation of Labor, and "the grand eM man" of progressive toborism...
...Separation of church and state, to advocate these beliefs would define any man's right to a place with the "cranks along th* road from long ago to now...
...Intricate and elaborate were the restrictions placed upon the artists and sculptors of Egypt...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 2

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