Int. Ladies Garment Workers Plan For Greater Union Cleveland Convention Confident of Increasing Membership to 100,000—Freed of "Left" Intrigues, Union Plans Big Strikes Against Sweatshop. (By...

...The mill shutdown was a blow to the community, which was almost wholly dependent upon the industry for its existence...
...Send reaphtaaees to Jtoeee Ihahoa at the Lji — goo ¦¦*¦!¦¦ above...
...Lawrence Hogan, broad shouldered leader of the Marion cotton mill workers, proved a star defense witness...
...The local wBi^fS 50 cents of the $1 mJOmsssfmBi which was anally agreed ufssj.5 turn over the other fifty easts* 1 the initiation fee to The-%L Leader as a subscription far"S I applicant - ¦ «ne*elaw*lsaiw The plan finally approved t>t|W come effective on January Vm»" 1 vdea aa initiation fee of %X aS | new members will pay, and aaham I membership dues of JL which pssk...
...Under the terms «&¦ * 1 national constitution of ths »- J fifty cents or each dpusr vl i tamed by the national ctf&o...
...Wilson's mistakes in ga...
...While not all of the affiliated unions have responded to the request, quite a number of the larger and some of the smaller organizations have returned notices favorable to the proposition, with but one...
...The vote represents an increase of more than 500 votes over that received in the municipal election of 1927...
...Grant that ettS ism has a quasi dictatorship safe democratic guise in ajtarJesaB that it does crual things, wa'mj have traditions of liberty tad entail, realities of freedom wtsat] don't want to scrap...
...The object of these strikes will be to introduce the labor standards of New York in these cities...
...Na-Union Ads Feature federation Yearbook WW YORK (FP)—Trade unJjWmcers wish the New York as Federation of Labor would •aa* with more care the agency sa handles Its next yearbook, • result of the character of ads ¦mi III* in the 1929 convention ¦k- They refer not so much to •Niagara powes trust sd facing • mater of Federation officials...'etwv where take* into ceoneawrattost Bat m Hungary the poetical prisoners— men Bad women—who work out their sentences' to«r«th*r with thieret, robber-murderers, and recovers of stolen property, are compelled to fight by hunger strike itaalf for those favors which the law guarantees to ordinary criminal...
...AT the present moment the International must turn its eyes not only towards Austria but also towards Poland...
...Oar concern if not with geography bat with hence...
...Goldberg is the secretary of the committee for Health Service of the New York Tuberculosis and Health Association, and is an authority on this vital subject Questions and discussion from the audience will follow and a musical program by Genevieve and Zelma Kaufman has been arranged Labor Lyceum Appeals to Friendly Organisations The Bore Park Labor Lyeeasa, 1377 42nd street, Brooklyn, a ¦standid center «r ah labor activities la that seetten, is su* engaged in the wut et piaeina tt eat a mend financial basis...
...It la the •space of our capitalist dvQiaaSavsnd its Justice that such a *na and Baldwin is not alone asf buy not he the wont—aits untiiiftifl r the seats of the mighty *Me his employees who dared SssggU for a little decency go to a* skein gang...
...By being transported to this region the prisoners have be~n withdrawn from all contact with the outer world and comnletelv handed over to the arbitrary will region...
...And our Communist a*t meet this criticism by ssjS "It's just a choice between 0% munist dictatorship sad a jH geois dictatorship suth-es gs* in America...
...Hoover sur'¦sthe scene with conplacency ashgh beneath the sconomic surhenher* are rnmbhhgs which bsTss that American ^r*itTtitm also means the solid and eases...
...Davy doesn't like the less* than if he did...
...Under a motion adopted at a previous session of the convention, these and other recommendations win be considered by an enlarged executive committee, on which will be represented many Socialist groups...
...Wilson ybfliss persuaded himself that ****now by sending them he would WP*arata or control the Allies' im|ttlallaui...
...1 when Charles Solomasr moved taehfLewia be named by tha oessBanssssefj Stein, of Kings, offsred aanasssstedj meat that the executive ceaassttaaey make the designation...
...Has any attention been paid to their warnings, which were quite clear in spite of their extremely moderate form...
...Efficiency" is th* Hosfi ver ideal regardless of that—dsn aspects involved although he, bam stops to pay he mage to "oqusdny of opportunity.'' the "initiative and individuality of our poopJo" nasi other stock phrases that bsam served politicians for decades " The President strikes an optimistic note regarding the ladan trial situation and yet from many source* it ia known her* that thjs situation I* not as rosy as he assumes...
...Aided on the speakers plaform bv John Carabine and Fred Schwarzkonf, the dosir«r week of the campaten witnes*»d 24 rreet'ws brfore thfl sh«v> "A^es and In the evening on the street corn-rs...
...5th, the Socialist Party of Bridgeport takes its place among those cities which are gradually recognizing the Socialist Party as an important part of their political life, and one which must be reckoned with in its municipal elections...
...Prices of agricultural products dealt in upon the great markets have been affected in sympathy with the stock crash" Even this optimism carries with" it certain resnrvatloen for the President admits that coal, lumber, Mather and textile Industrie* are still sick...
...fsf 1 remaining fifty cents bsusgssaaf' 1 able for a division %weshal 1 State and local offices.^TMsM 1 vention decided to ff& the Ip i cents to which it wouldbeaahVanl 1 from the Stats Omce's^»snuV#tl the branch...
...The court martial In Paneweschls was presided over by Captain Bronievitch...
...Annabdle Wilson, tiny 23year-old striker, also arrested, described in the recent insurrection trial as the "little woman who hit a little soldier with a little stick," told how Sheriff Adkins had slapped her without provocation and how Deputy Hendley had hit her with "something held in his hand," "I struck at them but do not know whether I landed," she testified...
...All of the elements necessary to insure the success of the drive are with us, and working in our favor," Lewis said "The membership has never felt more confident than it does now...
...For the rest the Prssirtsat has the following to any of agrtenK ture: t The nappy Farmers "The number of farmer bank-, ruptctaa Is very materially decreased below previoua years...
...did 2...
...the Republican natty Committee of Westehester, hpeoalble for graft which has •ned Gov...
...The natural consequence* have been a reduction in the consumption of luxuries end earn!-necessities by those who have met with losses, and a number ef persons thrown temporarily out of employment...
...There Is nothing else in this lawsuit...
...a. I. Shlpteeoff, Sseenh Weinberg...
...Ticket* for the dance, are HP hi advance, ct $1.50 at tic J* and are for sal at all village Strikers Firm in Face Of Marion Convictiona : maksun...
...Under Noonan's leadership the I. B. E. W. made its greatest gains in membership, improved wages and conditions, and in institutional strength...
...Preliminary action was taken two months ago when a motion prevailed requesting delegates to ascertain the sentiment In their respective locals on the subject and report their findings to the Council...
...Appointment of an aducallsjah director, wboae duty It shall he to...
...The aaaargeaey CeniilMie ts plane the hwtrstlen aa a (-and baaw si headed by Morris Fe««stene, secretary ef the Unite* Hebrew Trades...
...Cheered by the Krw8 fying report he rendered of Bbrfl many applications for msinbsissWw that are pouring into H> uBie, aW9 requests he ia receiving hw sffl organisation of new branches 'MB' for information conceerrmg aoeaf**> 1st activity, and confident that-a»* decisions reached by the coeve* ' tion at Its -four sessions mark M bginniag of a aew ere ta the lead Z Socialist movement delegates Ist*^ the convention hall to begin was*' • on the membership drive...
...Thus BL,Covper interprets the jury's -Tjvsftdation of mercy...
...Brine into matter to the attenrl— of roar ortaaaaaetoai watttoet sotoy...
...Lome Post Dispatch Mftty take* to task certain Southam papers which insist that Sindjtr Lewis' articles on Marlon inspired by friendly consld» for Northern textile interThat Is sheer nonsense NeiLtwis nor any of the rest of sj interested in the Moor struggle sb pre jachced for the North or •Inhiot the South...
...j Julius'Gerber, who prerieeddstw iag most of the session, callel'eM August Claessens...
...Party Casts Good Vote In Bridgeport Socialists Encouraged by Results and Look Forward to Another Reading BRIDGEPORT, Conn.—Aa a result of the splendid vote registered for the socailist candidates at the municipal election on Nov...
...In the dress trades they have retained a nucleus amounting to a score of shops, but even there they are largely a negative factor...
...Only four men were called for trial...
...The state contended mat the three unionists were responsible...
...The decision to launch the drive, and to eliminate all obstacles to its success by changing the dues system so that every one interested in the Socialist program can come into the organization and work for it*, promotion, was made at the fourth and final session of the municipal convention, last Sunday at the People's House, 7 East 15th street More than 175 delegates, and as many visitors crowded into the Debs Auditorium to take part is and cheer the decision to launch the city drive, believed by many to be the greatest step taken in the history of the local Socialist organization to make the organization strength equal to the popular Socialist support...
...Emil Bromberg, of the 4th-14th A. D. branch, declared that party workers who had been Inactive for yean were present at the Williams burgh branch meeting, anxious to get an assignment...
...If Amerkem nsnsrs .generally realize what is marred they will ratty aa never Basra te the unionization of the •iih...
...It caa be imagined under what pressure the Social-Democrats are subjected if they thought It neceeaary to bring forward their pretest ia tela fqrm._ namgar Strike la Isaueh Thirty-four political prisoners have started a hunger strike in the Rumanian convict prison in Doftana...
...John Sullivan of the Federate la a full page ad for Endlcott <*B*on shoes, which boosts the "Sustrial democracy of tanners ¦ shoemakers" said to exist in • corporation's strictly antiBan shops in Bingham ton and enity...
...all planned for f*ahy, Dec...
...The riot charge grew out of disturbances when strikers threw the furniture of an imported scab out of his company house...
...Of the economic situation, President Hoover says: Our Prosperity "The country bss enjoyed a large degree of prosperity and sound progress during th* past year with steady improvement in methods ef production and distribution and consequent advancement in standards of living...
...So far as could be learned the experiment will be without precedent in this Butte Unions in Favor Of County Labor Party BUTTE, Mont.—The proposition for the formation of a labor party in Silver Bow County is claiming the attention of the Central Labor Council...
...For S£w m the Marlon strike Hog...
...of course, been unequal among &• dustrie*, and some, such a* coal, lumber, leather, and textiles...
...Freed Under Bonds CHARLOTTE...
...Apparently the balance of power will rest with the small Country Progressive party...
...Later in the day Edward P. Clarke, of the Sunnyside branch, brought in an application he had Just received, Ernestine Scnapiro...
...4 in a Washington hospital a few hours after receiving terrible burns...
...a committee resolution authorizing a general strike of 45,000 dressmakers in New York City: proposal to raise a fund of $2,000,000 for organisation purposes, and rejoicing that disastrous Communist meddling has practically disappeared, leaving the Internationa] free to add «0,000 new members to the 80,000 that have been recruited in the last year or two...
...It is exnect*i that within a few week* the East Side Socialist Club will become a reality...
...The PaBalkas asked lb friends to get P* costumes sad kidnap therapy* for a night if abandon, to "**a to...
...Sevsral.nt the accused tank part in tha...
...FowjT'aed Lewis get six month* on j£l fcjhany—the chain gang...
...In an unnecee¦ky war the bitterest of all deaths *Jj* have been the deaths of boys thought they bad joined the •any to fight for democracy and .?•* fighting for a blind imperialpa in Russia] For such wasted the only compensation It the Hp that we may learn never to fMneh homicidal foUy grip us ||P*tanfisg traveller* asem pretl*^jarreed on the strength of •"•tenant is foiry—UbT kutcf erf BT which mi see any American *K for peace in Manchuria more Iff* 1 rwnfoas that the reports *¦•»» read soaks ma more.and BP doubtful of Qm nthenate valRussian method and America which undaretsssK is happening wtO- -ahssssil mously reject that ssathafl§ cause of old ilea about smash ssa tmr bush cf the trusts...
...TheaaasaMl ment was defeated...
...But their number is decreasing...
...Leon Rosser Land's -ddress at the 8 o'clock Fellowship service at the Bronx Free Fellowshin at Azure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston road, near E"st 172-d street, on Sundsv evening...
...At the Nine O'clock 0»»en Forum, Jacob A Goldberg, Ph...
...True, he has since lacked enrage to stand by than boasts sal ha* denied be made them, but knorable witnesses have not rebated their charges...
...In Poland the question is quits different...
...He had fallen asleep in his room while smoking, ar.d had set afire papers on his chair...
...or two registering opposition to the movement...
...Friends who appreciate that Baeeaesf labor enterprise are ashes' to eeeperaSa...
...He said he had grown to the ground and if I wanted to move him I would have to saw him off..- But he moved...
...Oar Jim to learn what we can of the mat Russian experiment without sshl partisanship for or against It...
...Toe'mayor strongly condemned efforts being made to turn the $82,000,000 nitrate plant adjoining the Muscle Shoals dam over to the fertilizer interests at a rental of $1 a year...
...The situation has become critical as the little manufacturing village ironically faces the fate which overwhelmed many New England farm hamlets during the Industrial revolution of the last century...
...Hundreds to Enlist District drive managers will not be expected to do the work of canvassing prospects by themselves, but they will form the connecting link between the city office and the branch workers...
...Accordingly the pretext of the Minister of Justice Tibor Szitvay that be could not deal with the wishes of the prisoners so long as the strike continued, has fallen to the ground, and it wCl now be shown whether the demands of the unfortunate victims of Hungarian reaction, which are supported by the Social-Democratic represencaUvea in Pejliaenen...
...State hopes of proving that dynamiting was discussed at a secret midnight meeting, held with armed guards posted as sentries and passwords demanded, blew up as Hogan revealed the meeting was held in the open air and was devoted to routine strike business...
...There will be work for every party member In this campaign—work that everyone knows will count We shall make this In fact, as It is in name, the Victory Membership Drive...
...and reported that the Sunnys...
...He beat his republican opponent in a desultory election, the result of which is the return of all office seekers now holding office...
...branch, reported to Lewis...
...The long upwasd trend of fundamental progress, however, gave rise to ov«roptlxniam as to profits, which translated itself mto a wave of uncontrolled speculation in securities, resulting in the diversion of capital from business to> the stock market and the inevitable crash...
...Of this money, $600,000, Mr...
...The New Tork Cress strike is expected to come at the end of this month...
...excluding all ~3L ssrvtoa* of those departrrograms now authorized Larry it to still larger figures Ear* yearn...
...Even the bourgeois Liberal Party speakers declared la the Lower House that the death sentence for minors aad children will he Introduced with this provision...
...Hoffmann Is Convicted at Marion Trial three Other Strikers Sentenced to the Chain Gang—Mill Owners' Attorneys Prosecute MARION...
...Nationalists 18, the Country party 9, the Country Progressives 5, and Independents 3. Vandervelde Pledges International to Fight For Polish Democracy Socialist International And Affiliated Parties Will Resist Coup d'Etat, Leader Writes By Emile Vandervelde BRUSSELS...
...P. Noonan, president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers since 1919, and vicepresident of the American Federation of Labor, died Dec...
...Johnson said Sheriff ' Adklns, elected by the mill people, became the mills' "lackey boy" as soon as he went Into office and at the first opportunity aided the mills during the strike...
...One will readily recognize the importance of this vote when realizing that last year but 372 votes were cast for Thomas as candidate for the presidency...
...the min owners began to dose their iron handNo local proper tyholders except those already on strikers* bonds could be found with sufficient courage to go surety for the prisoners...
...While the industrial w«S are made much of, their SsH have apparently been redness...
...They are preparing themselves for the worst...
...Others came to ask how they could cooperate...
...Ninety-nine per cent of the cloakmakers are back in the union and have divorced themselves completely from the "Left" nightmare...
...The strike plans, according to President Schlesinger, affect several garment centres in this country and Canada and will involve more than 80,090 workers in a general struggle for the abolition of the sweatshop and the strengthening of union standards...
...3H The balance of the session todbjl up the question of youth nllslllaii',1 The Young People's Socialist eaj><j ganlaatlon proposed a series arid commendations, one ol-.tbess es**t> riding that a fuil-tinae seondssM of Ufa Y. P. S. L. be •essasaaaJH part of tha expense to be ****illB the Socialist party aad the risjaJa...
...who has done so much to create a free and independent Poland, take the decision, will he take the risk of going to extremes of submitting to the pressure of his dangerous entourage, and... BromnH Streets aren't more Uttered s traffic more blocked because *SM Hon...
...Sw— dnstrtalixation sadist sst of foreign goods, maty bt g > aiflcent expertment...
...By their action they will be building up the sentiment that win enable the drive to proceed with full steam ahead as soon as the machinery Is gotten Into shape...
...0, ninaaiinn that expendituree l las amiili an war machine are sater than "those of the most ply auHtarraed nations of the Br sul bring home to many G*» saw far we have travelled Las road that led some nations i eaTStar less than fifteen years |aa When one remembers the ¦nan promises made by the pjm stat...
...oa ra*o Propaganda Mill of Power Trust Scored Socialist Mayor of Milwaukee Announces Public Ownership Forces Ask Aid of Unions to Combat Utilities MILWAUKEE, Wis—"If the theory of public ownership were wrong, and public ownership of power and other utilities were found to be a failure, the power Interests and utility men would not spend millions trying to defeat any public ownership move...
...The A. F. of L is on trial mm its conrjege, intelligence and cmadty...
...der by the Y. P.' & L. These eaa>I left to the executive com ml tie...
...Before concluding, the cosvsa-' tion decided to tend a meisagj «/'*' fraternal greeting to the canvas-* tion of the International L*fllst,:> Garment Workers, in feMog alj ; Cleveland, and another to ft* Jamln Felgenbaum...
...A. Hall Johnston, chief defense counsel, In summing for the union, " Is named wrong...
...They took this step in order to protest in this manner against the barbaric treatment which they are receiving, but also because they were completely passed over in the carrying out of tha laat amnesty...
...In case of war tha Penal Law throws the whole country under aearttal law, which means a serious worsening of conditions even compared with tha exceptional laws of the monarchy...
...A letter was sent to all branch organizers to elect district drive managers, and where branches cover two or more districts, there Is to be a manager for each district, not only for the drive but for the work that is to follow...
...aj |ts represeatatives...
...if*" «" «»th and $1,000 E the local men...
...Many members were beginning to feel Impatient — they were ready to start, but they were afraid that the organisation was not ready to go along...
...against organized labor...
...As a last resort, the voters have decided to try to raise enough money to buy the mill and run it by pumlc subscription...
...At • the great international meetings which took place last July In the chief towns of Poland," such representative men as Crispien Loebe, President of the German Reichstag, Cramp, Industrial Secretary of the British National Union of Railwaymen...
...Roosevelt to appoint •pedal investigation...
...They will be classified by counties and Assembly Districts, and cards containing the names and addresses of prospects In each district wfll be furnished to the district drive managers...
...Our friends who see "an indispensable guarantee in Parliament and the constitutional liberties, without having the least fallen ill of Parliamentary cretinism, have to deal with a Minority Government which arose from a first coup d'etat, and in which the effective power is in the hands of a "national hero" who formerly belonged to the Left, who is moreover the "bete noire" of a group of the extreme 'Right, but who is coming more and more Into the power of a military camarilla whiefa ia called- in Warsaw' the "OOUmela' Party...
...The first meeting of that committee will be held on December 11...
...Fa went and fought for no ••hcnvahie reason...
...Seven have been sentenced by the court martial in Kovno, and thirteen In Paneweschls...
...A lowering of the amount would not materially affect the income of either the city or branch organizations, while the influx of new members it would make possible would, by increased support and activities, not only make up deficiency but also make possible the development of many other sources of revenue resulting from an increased membership...
...The 25 Turkish Socialists who were recently condemned in Smyrna to long terms of imprisonment for alleged preparations for a coup d'etat have been transported from the Slwerek prison farther to the East and spilt up among the prisons of Urfan, El Asia and Diarbekir...
...He appealed to the delegates to forget the ways of the retail store method which he said were responsible for the nullification of a similar plan adopted at the last national convention of the Socialist Party, and visualize the gains that would be effected by building a powerful political party...
...It 1* true that all tgs members •f U« «ew Govarameot which has Ju*t been formed in Pr*»ee have not given eejual proof up to the present af tfceir sineere *tta«b, meat t« democracy and their aversion to dictatorship...
...That la not .so...
...av« fog...
...offenders, which has not existed in Hungary unci 1»14...
...wig be fu...
...Many were not sure just what would be the first step...
...Let, ys...
...Branch has already set to work, three of the women members of that branch- having begun a canram Immediately for new members...
...I will tell you why...
...Speaking of liberty, ttjfkssn iefaction to know sJstf a^oag] Seminary and Oihrmlaa suhsaq and Miss Charlotte Tuttie tm some help from Mil Tattis*|a> Unguisbed father and the rat Liberties Union have vlndicatsjH right ot the dressmakers wM out leaflets Aa an org...
...Lewis, who was a member of the subcommittee of the Agenda Committee charged with the duty of making a report on the drive, laid before the convention the various proposals for a modification of the dues system He urged the adoption of the $1 annual membership dues plan as the meat practicable, and also the making of an initiation fee, which he suggested be $1 per member...
...should ba r«|tored...
...In the British Parliament the other day...
...Two Die In Hungary The political prisoners in the Hungarian prisons have struggled with death in a twelve days' hungerstrike in their heroic fight against the Horthy prison system...
...V*t created...
...The cotton mills are after Hoffmann...
...Thus « Bfcs Jndge BamhiU, while ieSher-the shameless prejudice VfSatsr Thayer in Maanachu2sBSs*d"what true Justice regjgr Meanwhile to heighten the Eg irony of Justice in North 85bs which is not so very &HBt firom justice in other jjMlVin states—while for the St dsnrders at Marion and the Sag of the police chief at GasZh, retantleae punishment has Eg en the workers, the murJZa at strikers still walk at Lg, on knr baiL fjtfl worse, *n employer like %pMe of Marion continue* in EsaBjasBMBi of profit, power and gajal prestige...
...and the formation of committees in the branches that have met since the convention'* decision...
...Let us therefore count upon tha well-understood interest of tha bourgeoisie to avoid these compllcaUoas...
...Will Marshal Pilsudski...
...If this feature of the plan works out as expected there will be between 300 and 500 party workers engaged in pushing forward to the goal, Lewis declared While the organization Is proceeding In the branches, lists of prospects are being gathered...
...scarcely more than rnaissajlflf ions in relation to the oosssbsbk dictatorship, avast ~Milieu M brought up la the epsrtt ot«» tarism which docs not aasa character because the - sal J avowedly noble...
...The prison authorities is the Hungary prison have succeeded In ending the hunger strike by means of forcible feeding...
...In Austria the Social-Democrats are faced by a clerical and bourgeois coalition which has endorsed the reactionary schemes of Fascism, which cannot attain its ends in a legal manner, and which because of its weakness or apathy, Incurs the suspicion of wishing to hand over at a critical moment to the fomenters of civil war, namely the armed bands of the Heimwehr...
...The convention is also expected to approve plans for cloak strikes in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago and other cities...
...make proper arrangements tot fl£J educational work in branches...
...While individuals and branches were moving as fast aa conditions permitted to close ranks for the great drive, Lewis was devising plans for getting the machinery everywhere in motion...
...If I missed I am sorry, as they deserved it...
...Brooklyn, appeared and asked that he be the first to enroll as a member under the new 4>lsn...
...71-Hour Week for Kid* NEWARK, N. J.—(FP)—Over the protests of social workers the city commission has passed a child labor acting permitting boys from ¦"* *o . 15 . t" start work on the streets at 5:30 a. m. "Let the boys get to work early, and encourage industry," said the mayor...
...According to an estimate made at the session, taken from figures compiled by the statistician, it is shown that the proposition is favored by a large majority when the membership of the unions reporting is considered Under the circumstances it was deemed advisable to recognize the demand for further action, and a committee of ten was accordingly appointed to devise ways and means for the carrying out of the program of placing a labor ticket in the field at future municipal, county and state elections and to report their findings at subsequent meetings...
...Tuesday's morning mall, the flnt that could have been received, brought additional applications and promises of hearty support...
...There waa not n stogie Individual * —g former employees of the Marion Mfg...
...30, the basis for the charge against the four unionists, until after troops had arrived, Hogan testified His momentary loss of temper, which be frankly admitted, came when bayonets barred his access to Judge N." A. Townsend, Gov...
...may the International eeuat above all upon itself, upon the...
...oBowing that is a Morris Plan t ad for a company noted for ¦oftknate interest rates and the htehed treatment' of its work»; the American Book Co., which ^accused by th* International yegl n* Union of lnstouatk anti-union propaganda in hooi texts...
...Johns Place...
...We were not at ¦¦r with Soviet Russia, there was J* kfsl power to send troops mare, arJB lean to let them fight...
...It established its own life insurance company, erected a fine office building In the capital, enlarged the scope of Its press and educational work, and for some years took a leading part in the struggle for public ownership of the power Industry on this continent...
...that the defeat | thr Central Empires would LsnV'he scaling down of war L*j*ntiou* we may appreciate at rlsmcance of the presidential ' I* Family Troubles Ikan ia no "real conflict bets** le East and the West or mltan and the South," says the fi**ilK In a sense this is true nt thntatement carries with it ht aspcation that there is no eessetbetween western farmer ttters and eastern capitalist oaata which isn't true...
...In addition to the committee that will operate through county and district offices, special committees to work among trade unionists, Workmen's Circle members...
...N. C.—(FP>—Alfred Hoffman, southern organiser for the Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers, was found guilty of rioting and sentenced to SO days in Jail and $1,000 fine while three Marion cotton mill workers were sentenced to six months on the road gang...
...If that is done we might as well turn over the entire government at Washington, the poet office department, everything connected with the revenue producing- sides of the government to the corporations,''he stated How Opinion* Differ "Lobbyists of the power aad fertilizer interests are claiming that the nitrate plant is obsolete, but as far as delegates and engineers attending the convention could see it is in perfect condition It is certain that the buildings and machinery are well cared for...
...Lewis to Manage Drive Marx Lewis, director of the recent $50,000 United Socialist Drive, and executive secretary of the New York City Socialist organization, waa chosen tr> mobilize Socialist forces for the drive, and to create the machinery by which it will reach Jpto every part of the city and into the home of every Socialist party sympathizer...
...Amid a shower of final arguments from the mill-paid attorneys, the trial was given to the Jury...
...The decision to launch the drive constituted one.of several major agreements of the session, and all of them calculated to bring the organization to a higher state of efficiency in preparing for coming battles...
...That ¦tsfasm has continued since la finding of the republic and it as find expression even in the tnmM'M party aa he well knows, lb IB the impression that the isarin people constitute a hapJT tally Mr...
...The thirteen "prisaJM who reached Finland were taken to Revanremi by the authori<C—taaaa...
...N. C. (FP)—Joseph Harrison,,-sentesced to 17 to 20 years' imprisonment aa a result of the Aderboit shooting, has been freed from Mecklenburg Coupty- Jail under $6,000 bonds, pending bis appeal...
...Delegates left with the conviction that the uphill fight being waged must be continued and efforts to promote public ownership must be doubled in the succeeding years, he declared To Ask Labor AM It waa agreed at the meeting to ask further support from labor organisations and all such organizations will be asked to give additional financial support for publicity and advertising campaigns to promote public ownership of utilities...
...Less than 25 votes separated t*» highest received by McLevy from the lowest candidate on the ticket...
...Of nsr things in my life am I proudglfcih of the article of pretest on ¦ttarwntlcn in Russia which I JPMnBed in the World Tomorrow * which Burleson and Co...
...The population of the village at that- time was 1500...
...Tha death taattete* is introduced In tha Penal Code for espionage and high treason, and the judge must not take the age of the aerened lata eohaHs ration...
...Sjasssii -striving- for social at iritual progress, our comaaviritage as Americans" and •«a While his messsgei waa beat sd that -spiritual progress" an-wring its rather brutal setsax the textile struggles of the ¦¦Cm the decay of the bitumiBBBJIiiliig village*, and the fight et fin*CB to obtain a living which hisy for many denied (Mae whole Mr...
...Appeals for hesa have been sent to tadrrianato aad taker errantoaUoas tbronshosi the city...
...In both countries the threats of a coup d'etat are the same, however different are the situations...
...It esssfl workers deer ta Uvhtg stsat and the peasants dssaagS Forced collection of grain e/j aurtfiy low prices, forced ssg ration of farms attessaj wholesale executions of MjH and the denial to some MJ even of the right to *iiil|iBhiX not make the farmers of thsssl •eager to adopt the Russiaam| od...
...And when mm pettcy provoked the second man respiting in massacre of *a> esthete he bragged how much ester marksmen were the deputy eayjfa than soldiers in the World «pr...
...which has remained upon to the present on the fringe of our International, have decided in the face of the common peril to combine against the sabre party... ¦JtlUI Out of the sixty cohvlcta efts succeeded vs getting away a&* thlrtoea^av* reaped the Fiaajah frodtter, Tha other fOrry-aevaa hav* probably djed from hunger ^afd ea)d daring their wanderings g^haeauL- weeks through anagsfwa districts...
...In the evening' meetings of Williams burgh and Brownsville branches, the former held at 167 Tompkins avenue, and the latter at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 flackman- street, proved to be exception ally well-attended...
...This trial is a conflict between the cotton mills and organized labor...
...rnments ta which Se^at,©*»aeracy *Jr**dy...
...a wall aa fox public forums, wai *¦' voted...
...G. August GVber, who managed Thomas' campaign for the Mayoralty, advocated n classification of members' into Affiliated and Active Members, the former to pay f 1 per year, and the latter, who would he entitled to aO the privilege* of membership, to t>ay $6 per year...
...Squeezing his 300 pounds Into the-witness chair, he calmly answered the rather flustered Wallace Winborne, Clinchfield mill attorney...
...The property is valued at $30,000...
...The ||La«i the •mrtent can do in _mtrf this**tc industry ia to ^^aat th* tendenciee hare I i ssiaewh/ checked, not that £ do not« opetnte sgatest ^'^"tamoat striking pas^esaege is that which !" to •dional defense** and 2 revel the staggering burjOetruj carried by the J^aricsn sseea The following Jjj^jjjg significant: H^/lf...
...No branch Wg^tB able to make any other n>sssh#Ml ship charge, althoagh they~ws>%£ 1 able to obtain sustaining fsss&ragSi the conduct of their acttvtttw...
...Why not help ths ftnts* instead of hindering It aad endfp terlng all relattasurby saaklBg *m Indiana fight by violeooa .Sfjj aon-cooporation...
...Hogan a Good Witness Hints of mysterious crimes and plots not brought out in prosecution evidence constitute the state's strategy in seeking adroitly to influence Jurors in the trial...
...With the confidence they feel, their readiness to work, and the opportunity they are now afforded of concentrating on a single objective, we have all that we require to enter the campaign with every prospect of victory...
...In addition to tie" vanaa**1 subcommittees of the city...
...confidence is returning to afxiesjture aad that a feeling, of ophnse ism pervades that industry " It is evident from this stats1^, j^pQ^'pt^npted American -gra an ¦> operative...
...As the three towns am Is reach of the Kurd area of unrest they have been under t state of siege for many years and are governed by means of emergency measures together with the surrounding countryside...
...hunger strike against tha prison regime in Hungary...
...1m» decline in tend value* now seems to be arrested and rate of movement from the farm to the car has boon roduoad...
...This mctltatiea ¦ ww set ¦eatahdng be* some *M eerrfatiea* mearred as are ¦iMjreaabag...
...BRONX FREE FELLOWSHIP "The Bronx Free Fellowship: Are We Radical...
...Henderson uttered some significant words which had an enormous and—^-we have every reason to hope—an effective echo in Austria and elsewhere But the duty of erecting a parapet against the Governments attacked by the vertigo of dictatorship must not devolve upon working class England alone, nor upon the valiant Ceecho-Slovak Republic which remains the most solid bulwark of democracy In Central Europe...
...8. This will be the second in a series of two addresses on the character of our o-ganlzation...
...Hoffmann, on the stand, proved to be something less than the menace he had been painted by mill attorneys...
...Where there are districts In which there are no Socialist branches...
...Noonan of Electrical Workers Dies of Burns WASHINGTON...
...The convicted men Join with the thousands of other strike leaders who in the past fifty years in "free America" have passed through prison doors...
...As a whole It looks swbstsntml but interpreted In terms of the individual aad family iacoane it la small...
...In plain language I dsbitB value or the ultimata sheet*jl ruthlessly dictatorial state csaggj ism without liberty even If tsajl cere aim of that state otsasH is the good of the whole wedge class...
...Although he answered all satisfactorily In the negative, the picture of lawlessness and disorde which the state was unable to present in direct evidence was brought to the Jurors indirectly...| That definite requirement «M corns hard to the British whofij more than a century have tbesJH of India as a dependent comurjag be governed by a superior peaJB The practical arrangements out this psychological uuBusW would at best be hard to raasslj an India not yet well united jtfj ready there are signs that servatlve and Liberal polttlstM in England win make eeaanatg cause at home to defend sTa^JaSS* rights and her "moral duty* J overlordship against concetstSsa by the Labor -Govern man t. In this situation thai fine aflH ish friend of the Indian F. Andrews pleads for AnsoriaSS moral support-of the greet easarr ment of working oat la tmrngfashion India's problem of Mmgovernment...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas ELmCS mm "Jurtice" In North w^Csrnftn* has spoken...
...n. a (Vp^iimMdiately following the conviction of Alfred Hoffmann and three other Marion strike leaders on charges of rtoting, and Judge Owner's imposition of Jan sentences on all...
...Most of the accused are members of the Social-Democratic student organization, and some of them belong to the party of the Socialist Revolutionaries...
...Socialists Suffer From Perseeution in Turkey ZURICH.—A young man of leaa than 18 years of sge, suspected of p nee we sing Socialist pamphlets, was condemned In Constantinople to four years hard labor for attempting to overthrow the Constitution...
...This represents the second highest vote which this city has yet registered, being surpassed only by the vote of 1911...
...Hansen grant it ha not Inpd wa.tingi -pm St...
...He explained that Senator Norris has introduced a bin to enable the United States to operate the plant but another senator has introduced an amendment T-*-t**f that It be turned over to the fertiliser interests at a Sl-a-year rental on the condition that it be operated to produce nitrate for fertilizer from the 'sir in compeHt'on with foreign plans so that the government can have it as a reserve in ease of war...
...His proposal was defeated, its opponanto contending that th* creation of dense* of membership was contrary to the spirit of the Socialist organization...
...The organization of the machinery of the drive will take about ten- days, Lewis declared In the meantime the branches will begin on those prospects they have in view...
...who could qualify, owing to their abject poverty...
...Arrangements will be mads for meetings, dinners, and other activities by which many of the prospects can be assembled at centrally located places to reduce to a minimum Tie amount of canvassing that will have to be done...
...The case on this docket," said Atty...
...Captain Lyda, in charge of the troops, had testified previously that following the aires' of a woman striker "I put my gun in Hogan'b stomach and told him to move back...
...While tht mg aian government baa exentjS greater restraint than sane ¦> tions might in Manchuria It SMasi now to be settling its qsarrdS the old lines of military StaSB which is imperialism...
...they could to send me to L^* what tragedy the Russian nhniimqon was...
...Arrangements are being made to have canvassers report the views of those who for any reason decline to join...
...N. Chaaiau X. Snorter, A. Miller and Barry WaaMkr...
...From this point of view It Is an important faet that the Socialists of the Polish Socialist Party and those of the Jewish "Bund...
...They affirm their- determination that If the worst comes to the worst they will use all the means at the disposal of aa energetic working class whan it la driven to defend itself against the brutality of a coup d'etat...
...Under the leadership of Jasper McLevy, candidate for mayor, meetings were held in the various districts of the city...
...whose relations with the MacDonald Government were known to everyone, found the words necessary to make the present rulers of Poland understand that a coup d'etat policy against the Parliamentary institutions was not only an internal affair but a question concerning the whole of Europe...
...Village Decides To Operate Own Mill HUNTINGTON, Mass.—To save their village from threatened extinction, the voters of Huntington, Mass-, are planning to go Into the actual business of textile manufacturing* At a recent meeting by the Board of Selectmen, they went on record In favor of purchasing the Dunn Woolen Mill and operating it aa a community enterprise...
...N. J., has its "Daybreak D***m Dance...
...CHICAGO—(FP)—Despite the united opposition of the entire labor movement and liberal elements, Judge Denis E. Sullivan, labor - halting, injunction - issuing judge, is guaranteed six more years of boss-serving activity on the bench...
...Hoover speaks of SB...
...So far the Labor party has won SO seats, the...
...The organisation of SocialPsMSOrratir lawyers has addressed a momrfof protest to fjsjl ii¦ j the Minister of Justice, ia which a' protest is raised against tan treatment of political prisonate, and it is pointed out that It would ha illegal to treat even ordinary criminals in -this way...
...D. will speak on "Irdurtrial Health Problems...
...Tha ptersediaasi4a Budapest regarding tha appeals made in the grant communist trial began on flka Mth...
...1 facing a full page photo of Ik...
...It is called the state against Alfred Hoffmann, Lawrence Hogan, Wes Fowler and Del Lewis...
...13.' The fiance la to P»sn at th* Welter Manor, 119 I*** Uth street, few York...
...About a year ago the mill, which la owned by William B. Dunn of Providence and Nayatt, was closed down...
...Progress has...
...This, according to Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, is the consensus of opinion of all who attended the Public Ownership league meeting at Muscle Shoals, Ala...
...Then, further on: "The establishment of a democratic Poland is the first condition for the establishment of a democratic Germany...
...There is no possibility of appeal against the sentences of the court martial...
...crystal he would have us hfa...
...New York City Socialists have launched a drive to enroll 10,000 new members in the Socialist organization...
...Another h'«"hly en<^oura»rlr»«' feature of the vote received Is that it was practically a straiirht socialist vote...
...Among the "great powers" there is one—is there any need to name it?—which has particularly close relations with the Polish Government, and which precisely because of these relations is better able than any other to make the voice of reason heard In Warsaw...
...These are • some ndfo would even say that the pnsian tia...
...Another witness testified that she bad been "dragged into an auto like you would a hog," when arrested...
...The state, centering its fight on Hoffmann at an "outsider*' most likely to arouse the prejudice of the farmer jury, objected strenuously to Hogan's testimony that the union in Marion had been organized months before Hoffman came...
...Special literature to be used In circularizing those that cannot be reached through a canvass, is being prepared...
...Aasaetated with bin* are Jades Jaeek Psshen...
...tsa»I1 vidod they are not w»puhwr*r *J] The craestiot: as to whether Lseej «• 1 should be designated by the ea> ] vention, to direct the drive ar by si the executive committee, oTwsha 11 he ia the secretary, waa 'rehSh...
...But if a democratic Poland is a pledge of peace for the whole of Europe, offering the prospect of seeing difficult and Irritating international problems solved by democratic methods—who does not see on the contrary that its fascisation under the forms of a military dictatorship would not only be a disaster for Poland herself but a serious threat of troubles and conflicts beyond her frontiers" Hails Ctecho-Slovakia Like the Austrian crisis, the Polish crisis is consequently of the most immediate interest not only to Social-Democracy but to all those who have the care and responsibility of maintaining and consolidating peace in Europe, and especially in the European region where peace is in a precarious situation...£l lag behind...
...The announcement published in the metropolitan press on Monday that the drive was to be inaugurated brought a flood of new applications on Tuesday, dozens of telephone messages from Socialist party workers throughout the city who declare that they are just "rarin' to g...
...But in the abseace of sympathy, we may count upon their interest...
...Nf»*"*v one hf^red thousand le«,*e*,«i were d'^trilrit'Hi to«re+her Wth hundreds of posters...
...The other accused, young workers and students, were sentenced to from six to fifteen years, and a young poet named MontvUa to ten years penal servitude...
...This was defeated The passage of the HiUquit plan for II annual —|>5B'a ' 1 brought up a question aa ^3 division...
...Noonan was a member of Gov...
...Hoffman Frank on Stand Neither Hogan nor Hoffmann waa at the scene of the* alleged Noting on Aug...
...firm courage of those of its members who are at the point of battle, upon the aupport which the public opinion which rules the world can give them 2 Politicals Die In Jails Of Hungary Hunger Strike EndsLithuanian Courts Martial Jail 20-Jail Break in Russia (By a K«w LmSct Corrcspvaaeat) ZURICH.—The Committee of Enquiry of the Socialist International into the Conditions of Political Prisoners has received the following: "The proceedings of the court martial In Kovno and Paneweschls against 37 Socialists, some of whom are only 16 to 18 years of age, have been completed The court martial, which Is composed of three officers and two privates, conducted the proceedings by excluding all publicity, without allowing legal assistance for the accused, and without hearing witnesses...
...The restoration of the unemployment insurance fund in New York, which was abolished in 1927 following the disastrous strike conducted by the Communists, then In control of the New York organisation, was referred to by Presdent Benjamin Schlesinger in his opening address as the next big step «e be taken in the New York market...
...For the first time in many years we are gathered at a convention ready to proclaim to the world of labor that our great organization, after an unhappy period of disruption and humiliation, has emerged strong and militant again, having been saved from destruction by the loyalty, the tireless devotion and the self-sacrifice of its members, to take its place once more in the front ranks of the labor unions of America:" Discussing the strength of the Communists in the cloak and dress trades, the report says: "In the cloak trade, both numerically and with regard to influence, they are a zero...
...Pinchot's giant-rxiwer commission, and was a delegate to the world power conference In London In 1924...
...SaMSlsBvttattmt !¦ aesDt tlsV> ^90tfUJtt^F Uhls^WUr Party Drive For Members Shaping Up Press Announcements Bring In Stream of Applications — Drive Forces Organizing TkffACHINERY for the Victory Membership Drive to enroll 10,000 new members in the Socialist party is rapidly being worked into shape...
...While awaiting ball, the prisoners were visited by score* of strikers who renewed their expressions of faith m these lenders and of loyalty to the union...
...On the A. F. of L. executive council he was counted as a liberal...
...ContlnenI Ckn Co., foe of the Machinists* pan and a group of firms in and lost Binghamton, described by • State Labor Department as • state's lowest wage and most Pearly anti-union Industrial cent. •¦ STELTION SCHOOL TO HOLD PANCE IJh Bteltoa Modern School of P...
...esjaflr"* tlve committee, another, on JOTfe*, agenda among Negroes...
...Several of the accused were illtreated before the trial...
...Two of the seven defendants are still in Jail, Clarence Miller of Philadelphia, and George Carter of Passaic, N. J. Hoover Message Cheerful With Some Provisos We Enjoy "Prosperity" Although Businflai Slumped—Farm Bankruptcies But "Opttas ism" PreraOs—No Economic AntaaonsiiiM Expense of War Machine Coatinues to Incrcaaa WASHINGTON^ D. ^SSbsU practical man watching the changing scene of capitalism Wits an anxious eye is evident m th* message of President Hoover...
...By a IWw L—*«r Cwmmliii) {CLEVELAND, Ohio—High spots in the convention of the International Ladies' Garment Workera meeting- he retire the recommendation of the executive board outlining a campaign to Increase the membership to 100.000...
...Since the time when Karl Mars wrote his letters on "the Polish question at the Frankfort Assembly," the Socialists of all countries have never forgotten these two prophetic declarations: "There are necessary peoples...
...Another proposal, urged by Lolls ' Waldman, provided that there be an initiation fee of $1, but that the amount to be paid as due* be left to the decision of each branch...
...When the votes were counted in the recent election it was found that 1984 voters had expressed their preference with the socialist party...
...Individuals known to be In sympathy wtth the Socialist party will be called upon to assist In the work of organization...
...ent members, as wen as new sjjS I bers, will pay...
...H-.s action waaj| abuse of power which gives USM place in the roll—not the setjf roll—of magistrates I am ceaaJK ing- - ill There is a chance for a pMWm ful and constructive solvitsoe sf SM problem of India...
...But without legleetiog ether means of settiea...
...The Selectmen bestirred themselves to attract some other manufacturer to take over the idle plant, but were unsuccessful Meanwhile unemployment began to pinch, and the population began steadily dwindling away...
...The spirit has never been bettar," Harry Kritxer, active party worker in the 6th A. D. Kings, which has just joined forces with the~4th-14tfa AD...
...This asgemsst of stuMl to help is a ana sign of the mm But tha jBJs*Btples the nmguSKi and tsa- BSsata depart stent ¦ now adapted m the case sfi| dressmakers the famous fas Hi runnel ri flouted when new four Communists to five sajfl jail (besides a lecture from mm simply for passing out the S* flamboyant Commits)*t lsafteuH front of the Bliss Co...
...The court martial in Kovno, which waa held in the Kovno convict prison, was presided over by the infamous workers' murderer Colonel Brazulevitch...
...and the Clinchfield Mfg...
...At the request of Lewi* each branch elected drive managers for their respective territories, to work to conjunction with the city director in the members for the work... in the far harder case Sf mm without war what she dad «sf«»l ado after the American...
...Seventy-four indictment] were returned for riot...
...Lackey Boy of Mill Owners 'The word went out to 'get Hoffmann' and 'get Hogan.' That is the reason for this trial...
...P.) — J as...
...Plight from Bnsaiaa Camp According to a report from He latagfors About sixty Russian convicts from tha Solowetzk Russian cdeeaaTtraUen...
...Jubilant over the absence of internal strife "that had marked the union since the Communist adventure," the report of the General Executive Board says: "For the first time in many years we meet in an atmosphere freed of rancor and discord, with ranks united and our horizon cleared of treacherous obstacles which threatened the very existence of our union...
...Schlesinger said, belongs to manufacturers who had deposited money with the union as a guarantee of observance of agreements and which was dissipated by the Communists...
...Plans are already under way to crystal!re this large vote into a more effective movement to carry on future campaign...
...which is known as the place of terror...
...optimism is a defense aaeehaalsm f or .th* fears that really disturb the occupant of the Whits House...
...Schlesinger —cat— that this, step may .follow the conference of all factors in the garment Industry called by Governor Roosevelt for Dec 12, when means of stabilising the industry will be discussed In this connection President Schlesinger pointed out today that the international is morally obligated to meet debts of $1,250,000 Incurred by the * Communists during their control of the New York Ooakmakers' organization and the disastrous strike of 1926...
...Before beginning the hunger strike tha prisoners addreased a memorandum to the prison authorities, la which they set out their demands—which characterize the inhuman prison regime...
...Be ran a very j Wf SI "in concern in one of the SpatndB villages, least sanitary agsfc lowest wage scales and most ntasua hoars even in the Sooth...
...The state charged in its closing plea that the union had come to Marlon to "freeze and starve the people and stop all transportation...
...While the re_Cehaa paid to our soldiers Jiattor* !¦ Justly at a higher L tsas that of any other coun}n the world, and while the L ef subsistence is higher, yet L tetal ef our expenditures is in pes ef those of the most highly ajansBd nations of the world...
...The debate on re vising the dues system to insure the success of the drive and to bring support which in the past has been perfunctory occupied the major portion of the session...
...This distinction exists' in neatly all European States, and the fact that political "offender*" who act from disinterested motives require special treatment...
...In the Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund, and libera) groups will be formed The most influential leaders in each group are now being asked to serve on these committees...
...Th* whole document is in contrast with th* Coolings message* wKh thmr schoolboy maxims and droH erV forts to Interpret the republic of great capitalism in terms Of "idealism" Hoover la the man'M experience in getting the utnstst out of labor without sweating tt too much...
...O"~«tio"s are welcome...
...William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor...
...Our Polish comrades who retained some optimism last summer are now showing serious apprehension...
...Trey desire: Aa increase .of the daily mm of eat Lei allocated for their feeding, cleansing of the prison cells which are swarming with vermin, abandonment of the H cells which mean certain death, abandonment of corporal punishment, medical help in case of sickness, free 'communication with their families, and heating of the cells daring the winter months...
...War Mariana am% + well be deeply eonmam\ iwerer, at the growing prom a total expendi***~S«iH*»*'»i defense purpoaea J"ipjbf $367,000,000, it natur* \J wKh the greet war, but **»j.again to $612,000,000 in again it began to rise ^hjriag the current fiscal 3*t esxtenditnres will reach T, rfm.000.OOQ...
...Labor Wins 30 Seats In Australian State MELBOURNE, Australia—The Nationalist parry failed to obtain a majority, in the Victoria State elections...
...Branch Drive Managers During the day a steady stream of visitors increased the number of new applications, indicating that the convention's decision had come at * psychological moment, and that it had struck a responsive chord...
...In a declaration read by the - Social-Democratic deputy Parkas, it was staled, that: "Tha moral aaat ahystcag tartar which makes seas In ill —I in et salutary ajaneUoas impassible eearywhere, prevents the SocialDemocratic Party from publicly making dear their point of view on the questions of militarism and wax...
...These court martial* have now condemned to death ten members of the Ausra student organization who were accused of plotting against the Minister for the Interior, and, have commuted the death sentences into penal servitude for life...
...They were acquitted of charges of resisting an officer and filed appearance bonds for release on appeal on the riot charge...
...the compiling syncopaof Andrade'i Renaissance pat...
...World War...
...vnv^ *jB| founders of the SeeiilisV PR9 who was unable to ser^reaeB#sjM account of illness...
...Where are the other 70...
...One of the decisions related to the rebuilding of the Young People's Socialist League, along the lines recommended by the leaders of that organization, was considered, and the executive committee Instructed to consider these recommendations at its next meeting...
...There will be no less than 50,000 names of Socialist party sympathizers compiled within the next ten days for the use of canvassers...
...i . ——— ¦"the Southern mill workers Mr* any mneritance of love of aWpy from their ancestors, the sssatsin men who fought in the ¦jsjiitliiii, they will not forever essfX docilely the fata of Gashnf and Marion...
...The state, as to the case of Hogan, put a line of questioning to him concerning the alleged dynamiting, plots and violence...
...Why did the mills go to all the expense of trying only these four men...
...Two of them, Alexander Levy and the metal worker, Alexander Staron, have died in the Walzen prison as a result of hunger and ill-treatment Two other prisoners, the former people's commissar Matthias Raked and Zolten Weinberger, arc now aff»r the end of the strike in a condition which gives rise to anx'ety...
...France and Germany) would create a new difficulty...
...If awmjg fSW...
...forswearing himself, turning back upon his own past, translate into action the incoherence of his threats against the Polish Constitution and Parliament ? Few Trust PilsudsldTo teU the truth, there are still some among those who know him who refuse to think so...
...Philip GeBbter...
...Morris Hill quit, pleading for a modernized dues paying method pointed out that the revenue from dues under the existing arrangement covered leas than 10 per cent of the cost of maintaining the organization...
...a Baltimore Ferum, a year or «•« ego, he challenged Paul BUookssrs eta*amenta on mill rilIjaan, trr*1**"* him to debate in *nthn and then welched When ej* strife* broke oat he fought it nan...
...Gardner's representative, to whom he wanted to protest injuries inflicted on a girl striker...
...Not all ¦ inflows of agriculture, of uemjoe, bsesa farad equally, aad seen* arena bar* suffered from drsnght...
...The latest returns show that neither th* government coalition of the Nationalists and the Country party nor the Labor opposition has a clear majority...
...Ih* tKareiac *» Jury Tha International did not wait for the ill-omened incidents which made the - opening of the Diet morally impossible before taking action...
...To these necessary peoples the Polish people unquestionably belongs...
...One of the chief, demands wu thai the distineuan between political and j>rdia«ry...
...New Unitary Penal Cede The now Hungarian Military Penal Cade, which has already aroused a painful sensation throughout the world by the introduction of logging, also provides ether innovations which no other Penal Code in the world caa show...
...At the moment when the mischief-makers in Vienna and Warsaw are stirring themselves, making a great fuss, issuing ttuvaUv announcing their Intention of forsaking legal ground, the following words of Marx on the Polish question again become of the meat striking immediate interest: "At this time of general confusion and complication where every reassuring report which causes the exchange to rise by oneeighth per cent is destroyed by six alarming reports . . . where enormous sums of money must be expended on the support of the unemployed proletariat In order to avoid a general, final desperate struggle—is it to be supposed that the bourgeoisie of the three civilized nations (he mentions England...
...Former Judge Jacob Fanken, Algernon Lee, and other prominent Socialists supported Hlllquit's plan...
...Much of the evidence ruled out by Judge V. G. Cowper when presented by the state was inserted into the record, through clever cross examination of defense witnesses, despite continued protests by the defense and the Judge's Instructions to the jury that such insinuations were not to be considered as evidence...
...Moreover no one has any right to doubt that It has not already dene this, ar that it ia not disposed ta it...
...When be turns to the farmers he estimates an mcrease to the Income of the tillers of the soil and yet thai Increase is a naaanst dhe...
...fa.--' p ¦ f\Th» ratnrn of the bodies of fjssslcen sssdjers slain in Russia Jfasnt Archangel calls attention i» *aa er the blackest and stupiptt Of Pres...
...The committee met immediately following the adjournment of the Council, perfected permanent organization and briefly outlined plans for future consideration...
...The proceedings are being conducted in secret aad wiB probably last for several —aha... orttt&M to address a final message te"mfj convention...
...1)% sponsible farm leaders have as* eured me that a hugs miasm* at...
...ceirgt ypaa the HUluenee and, prestige of tfee gay...
...When be won a aassjmg victory he violated even ti terms- Later he boasted how |a naied the workers...
...He waa followed an hour later by Fritz Daniels and Robert E. Fitch, of the recently organized Morningside Heights branch, who brought 19 new applications for membership...
...A Turkish intellectual who criticised the policy of the Government on religion has been condemned to two years' imprisonment...
...iBnd force...
...If that CsbBM is taken without bloodshed it wfl be a tight to lift the 1aataissf| which the nations have gtssaSaj Very courageously the Viceroy IB India, backed by the Labor fsHJ eminent, has stated that the aagj in India is Dominion setf-fPMrM ment and that the Simon rafegj will be submitted u> Rased MK Conference representing the Mf) ish, the native princes, aad Of people of British India Thirty W the most prominent Indians ssspS ed by Gandhi have agreed wfl certain conditions, the most §M portant of which and the JH most likely to be a stusssjtm block being that the CuuflllM must not end in talk but in »M| gram of Dominion rule...
...That this achievement of the Bridgeport socialists is no hollow victory is indicated by the splendid campaign waged...
...The Social-Democrats have refused to take part in the discussions on this law...
...In this way, objections that it might be possible to meet by personal correspondence and special literature can be taken care of, and the prospects finally enlisted County drive directors will be selected before the drive finally gets under way... of the fact that the political prisoners who were sentenced by the courts martial of Mausenburg and Galata aa the basis of the same provision* of tha Military Penal Code, have bean act at liberty...
...James H. Maurer, of the National Executive of the Socialist Party, and Joseph Weinberg, President of the Workmen's Circle...
...Have we ever spared the assmetosmtta of Webster Thay1T Or the California of the Moonrj-BUhngs ease—a state where Tonag has Just passed the BAtan hia plain doty to pnrdon pa both and where youngsters ¦m keen Jetted for tying a Rusks* lag near their camp...
...There is no need to say that all the sections of the L. S. I. are with them in this dangerous situation...
...Ia this great trial M persons ware accused by the public prosecutor of an attempt to overthrow the political aag social order...
...In the long ras Utf land must yield to the fetes St'W united India that is sldwtg UpM itself...
...Among the speakers to address the convention this weak are Morris Hilkralt, chairman of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party and attorney for the union...
...Of October...
...Thus ends one act in the struggle of southern workers for emancipation from the rule of the new slave masters of the South...
...South Africa after the Bbsf w» for Ireland—partially—altar mm innumerable revolts, ^mstS^T umph it would ha not eieaeaBi but for world peace sad j"*^nessl What a challenge B*m bora leadership Membership Drive Next In N.Y.City Socialist City Convention Changes Dues System and Arranges Drive for 10,000 New Party Members By Marx Lewis IMPRESSED by the many evldences recently received that the local Socialist organization is destined to become the rallying ground for all advocates of independent political action...
...will be t^.e topic of Rev...
...This is the case of the Marian Mfg...
...In tee memorandum it was nointed out that if their ^requests were refused they would go oa hunger strike and were determined to continue this strike even if it led to death...
...Marx Lewis, named director of the drive by the Socialist municipal convention, announces as The New Leader goes to press...
...It was a •fantastic nofan which only compromised our and probably in the end j**"t'hsnad Lenin's hand...
...Early Monday morning Philip Laikin, of 340 St...
...They are Lawrence Hogan, We* Fowler and Dell Davis, outstanding leaders of the strikes against the Marian Mfg...

Vol. 9 • December 1929 • No. 18

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