Mussolini's domination over thous in america most be ended »OES */a>a Taielat; rvajtese af lasty «»p»y a* eatralerritewtel stadw* ha the Uohed State* a* some af the Great PowemsV ha China ? V...

...To begin now to conduct a campaign, for tee election of a mayor, to 1933 present*, indeed, a remote proposition...
...jffT*,M •ach of th* point* asafRyWJ for a detsited aasVastlf *a snd pteaamg for attsem I have jswaaaiJJbTJ catalogue tees* a*te||fB*_u on ^Socialist *^3J?7a sad activities as *JmJzzM for the gsctsrsl a*an thought which si "*5jf*t| the minds of th* ssateaT* "a Soeteltet Party,, Canadian Political Labor Groups Vote for Continuous Cooperation WINNIPEG, Can.—Continuous co-operation on the political field between the labor political movements of the four western provinces of Canada was assursd lest week...
...The paranoiac at Rome, who recently boasted that his gang "plunge* the lead of its muskets into the backs'' of his opponents is still active...
...Hw etesaf t challenge and an insult...
...Here was the occasion for the "rift" to assume that wide gulf which rh< press .had reported but nothing happened...
...and the responsibility to do something real in New York City...
...Of-course .this, attitude will not continue forever, hut Its wide prevalence should at least reitraiB teQt of "American idealism" axhkh is too c^shfeuotfii'V«s absence in theory mi practice...
...Toe parses, of capitalism have their women sections ^despite 4he fact that *these- parties fought wc«Mrt-tefoa»^r'Awhae;the Socialist party supported it'since jis organization...
...Such group organizations need not be geographical in their limitations, but will be rather on the basis of trade, professional, social, cultural or other group lines...
...J seiisnre ef Itaxtan Amirlfii rfrlaroas vteithsar Italj j to hstdtsst Italy as hostages for pwnkhmrwt if their i^atrve* aa th*7 coesnal 1 Fasetem...
...When this number of Harpers appeared on the newsstands knowledge of the Duf field article was probably cabled to the scoundrel who rule* Italy with an iron hand...
...Its purpose Is "to unify ths activities of th* affiliated parties, to arrange common action, aad to bring about the entire unification of te* labor aad Socialist movement throughout Western Canada...
...The Fascist bands on American soil remained quiet for a time bat they soon resumed their terrorist activities...
...In the issue of The New Leader of February 1$ we presented some evidence of the extraterritorial power of Mussolini in this country...
...If the press' cares to know what a real lag issue is in the Socialist Party, one that constitutes a genuine "rift," we recommend a reading of the cOT'Tenrion' proceedings of trie party since its organization m 1901...
...If they refuse they are punjhteed...
...operating through a labor secretariat 2. Professional, Social, Cultural, or Other Group* ' These shall be those group* ornized on the lines of aay mutual j urost that the members thereof ! itay entertain...
...This applies to peace time, not to war time...
...editors and "'^^Wc<y)f ^nerican...
...We-should begin, in a 'discussion, of what Is to be done by the Socialist Party with the fact that 175,000 New Yorkers did support our ticket This vote is far from what the vote should have been had the Socialist Party been organized to take full advantage of the opportunities and circumstance* that were operating in our favor this year...
...NOTEs ON SOCIALIST PARTY ORGANIZATIon Manager of Municipal Campaign Presents Views Based on Intimate Party Experiences By G. August Gerber THERE is much speculation as to the type and character of th* 175,000 votes received by Norman Thomas in this recent Municipal campaign...
...Th* electorate Is primarily interested in those problems with which it is acquainted aad which it can **« and appreciate...
...B The United State* Senate share* with the President the treat* sS power...
...1. Associate Members The affiliated membership should I consist of sll the enrolled Socialists in the City of New York, and such other men and women who indicate their intention to become affiliated members by filling out the necessary application cards and complying with required forms...
...The average voter doe* not think of an election until within * fortnight or, at best a month, before election day...
...They were fed "news'" that was known to be doctored "and they "accepted it like babes being fed malted niilk...
...Societies and Civic organizations...
...J : ."TP This extension of MuasoUnPs power to the United States fsk^ come a national acandmU There are plenty of Italisu>Ameriesxnwasfl tell a tragic story of this Fascist insolence to a Senate htvajten committee...
...No doubt they prefer to keep oas royal house than to adopt the American plan of maintaining hundreds...
...a normal' aspect of party life...
...y • ¦ ¦ - • . • The implication of the headline is that Thomas had threatened to boh, a statement that is not justified by anything that has happened since the election...
...fft* wsat to get rid of the militarist, not simply because hs hurts and kills, but because he is an intolerable thick-voiced blockhead who stands hectoring aad htusteziag in our way to achievement— H-'G- wen...
...Most of this: sum comes out of the pockets of -the masses...
...In New York the sahthfterteT of Tammany makes either cowards or-sycophants Of many who dare not assert their independence...
...couT!*\ P*V<* indirectly through mcreased ca^6g^^5r goods and services...
...It will gMteM people who some day BjMH to make up the admaueuBffl the government of the axysfil York, an Insight aad u*«JteH the affairs and i*spo**teMM city government It Wtt l*m formation necessary Jte'laBH tinned aggressive acttoa, 1 bring to us men, wuiiiei 'mm conizations now unhaowaMM It win give us a opastRnfl continue, within the 'ajB£ year*, to be to th* pstee M tecttog the public w*tt*teg|j The pubic will iHiu*Jjiy| under such a piss ef djMW factors working *ut si '4 program of activity ta mmrf] better New York Ctty M>WBxi This City Affairs Conss«ti serve as a rallying potet M help greatly to get th* te necessary to sustain teJBV constructive progam *J j delist Party...
...An the general activities should be tied together by the city office...
...C. Literature A pamphleteering and leaflet campaign, dealing with immediate possible improvements in New York City and the demands of the Socialist Party toward that end... Bolt His Party...
...eealecthag a Faaeiat baehelor tax from Italians bVaasfVS conscripting Italisn-Amtrirsni far military training when vaaaW and use of the' A*B**iean Faaeja' terrorist- group* ** a paaaa^B in thi* country...
...In a consideration of what to do in preparing a policy for immediate and future activity of the Socialist Party, it seems to me, that the foUowing points should engage our earnest attention: I. FORMAT Of ORGANIZATION A. District Organizations . Because of legal, requirements, the unit of party organisation Should be...
...His article convincingly proves that Mussolini is exercising extraterritorial power in the United States...
...Active members shall have all the rights, duties and responsibilities, subject to the same limitations and requirements, as1 are now set for membership in the j Socialist Party... Washington take some notice of iff If these actions do not caa the exercise of extraterritorial power in this country then whfltl Mast we <walt for a further developntent of thi* medieval iaghte¥l some action is taken T Mast we wait till the Faseso band* which see* sentences actually set themserve* up as Italian court* aad te the Fascist legal code...
...If mm, swe* tvaalf eadatav hy what rteht dwes HaseolmJ extend Us jeurtesHcHeai te» this cosadryf v These are snifHises which members of the United States Senate ahanH answer...
...Delegates from te* unions and th* Independent labor parties of British Columbia, Alberts, Saskatchewan, aad Manitoba met and formed te* Western Leber Political Confsrsacs...
...D. Publicity Bureau A permanent publicity organization should be maintained to make available to the general metropolitan press the viewpoints, resolutions, speeches and positions of the Socialist Party on matters pertaining to the city government...
...Voters in general have their literature censored by illiterate police officials in ernes like Boston...
...Though ultimate* may dictate the immediate steps necessary toward teen* attainment K is the Immediate step that makes the personal, direct and nieyteg appeal to the voter...
...They too shall pay to I the Socialist Party a per annum | pet capita fee of $1.00...
...Italian business men mast support the Roman dictator or be driven "oat of business...
...v-rc j» To this point { sajaaa|i there be established a 0Ry|| Committee (a "commttts* M tone*"), the functus...
...down and the repair men Ire called to look the this...
...We'hopa-tnit Women Socialists in all cities Where tlj^e jtre, enough to organize will follow the example of the women in Milwaukee, Reading and New York...
...R^Vrte^alfejp^ae^fwpounfl of business enterprise and^jtmieTrtts^rteiinal either contracts or forces"hi*;way^yff in "enterprise and assesses a coenitmc^jttripute Jfpflp the business...
...that in this process, recurrent election days are but the markers of chapters in th* work of cresting, in te* mind of te* electorate, aa appreciation of a finer civic consciousness and a demand for a mors adequate social viewpoint tn governmental administration...
...IXL PUBLICITY AND PROPAGANDA MEDIA A. Party Pre** The interests of the New Leader as a party organ shall become, inso-far as its local distribution and circularization is concerned, a direct concern and department of the promotion activities of the Socialist Party...
...County organizations in the nature of Joint Councils of Assembly District Organization* should be created in each of the borough* of New York City...
...Here toe Mack hand of Fascism beers heavily upon American dtisens of Italian origin...
...They discuss and debate and their discussions in the past few weeks constitute...
...Under ordinary processes, for ne to agitate for an organisation, efficient sad capable, to meet tee exigencies of a campaign in 1933 would meat with but little response ssd active support from ths general voter at thi* time...
...In the case of assembly districts which cover s large geographical area and where the aldermanic districts or congressional districts cut across assembly district Hues, the Socialist Party should be so constituted that the assembly district organization will be subdivided otto, district sectional groupings...
...For thirty years judges have been czars in strikes and the injunction still flourishes...
...VL CONTINUOUS CAMPAIGNING The Socialist Party prides itself on the fact that pontics) campaigning, within the purview of ths Socialist Party, is an *ducstiooal process...
...In effect, what is now the offi-' cial legal registered Socialist mem- : bership shall be incorporated into 1 the' party organization as the Affil- j iated membership of the party...
...The 'capitalist witfT^w-scrupIes .*jriU form an...
...icfeaKsrnV' /it aajaaaaajemicc^pohticaf sermons ot Calvin CboJ^^jidiB^lnus.__,Oar nj% osssa <xsa^:.te g^-^^^af aayJw bit found nnjrwhgte TfiaWii's^fiiaiafr'm rendered vahabie service sotaen.apssjntr/ ein^lie»Bysjarlx« on Fifth Avenue Last f^^^^f0^^ J&SS^f^ of the Wc«nenV Secrice for 'frukful work in the cosniaf asqnthA '" In ofi-countries where there is an influential Labor t>r Socialist oarty the women carry on effec^^iia^a^mf*m%Uumk drgamzatiens...
...Italian papers are penalised...
...aad n*w, higher rstatkan of productnte aevsr appear before the material eondiUons hav* ntatered-^Karl Marx...
...entitled to full protection against this lesfj brutal force that reaehes into the heart of American ronunaalaas' to act is to make us an aecompliee in the rule of the meet hS* and brutal despotism in thi* modern period of history...
...As HiUquit said, what differences existed related to "a minor question of methods of approach,' but we ate in complete agreement on all essential party policies...
...Racketeering Politics GHICAGO las a notable* record for racketeer7ing' but a. special writer ra the New York World claims that oaf Tamrnany'New York has passed the record:of Chicago...
...Must we wait till members of these Fs*% pear in uniform as police ha American-Italian commaattica, S under Fascist chiefs said maintaining Fascist prisons for ItaliansAaH who cannot accept the dictatorship of the brute who rules aa nail of the Tiber...
...The open discussion began at the Rand School forum last Saturday where Morris Hillqutt spoke...
...As much cannot be said of the workers in the medeTn'period/ Iri spite of all hp-service paid to democracy, especially by some trade union leaders, we accept more insolence than workers of Germany" or England, would accept...
...It was inevitable that with the support Of a surprising number of independent .voters in the recent election there would be some differences -of opinion regarding the character of this vote and the problem of attaching as many of these voters as possible to the party in support of its aims...
...r 'Poverty a shrewish beauty—most admired ^ by thee* who do not live with her:—Grace Arundel.An misols banker who stole $100,000 and a chicken tstef -who purloined 17 pullets have been taken to th* same penitentiary,, th* banker to serve from one to ten' years and the chicken thief from on* year to...
...Ths conference dteensssd unemployment Insurance, pensions, public ds»stupiu«ait of natural resource*, child welter...
...Duf field used the evidence we submitted test February and much more...
...To my mind, although important none ql these factors are coat roil ing...
...That tinder Tamhany Hall the *tt^oe»flourishedneecf wrjirhssno/me...
...RESEARCH BUREAU The definite limitations of a general agitation and appeal must be | obvious to an who are engaged In the realities of political campaigning...
...Dues of active j members shall be at the rate of | $6.00 a year...
...Here these people are forced to take an oath af sBegtenee to Mussolini...
...Workers dye their hair, when the first, touch of gray appears in order to-hold their jobs...
...B. Radio Station WKVD Immediate steps should be taken toward the financing and mechanical improvement of WEVD, the Debs Memorial Radio Station...
...The medium of : or tact with the Socialist Party | will be their general support of I my or all of the Socialist program ; and aims...
...There is much theorizing as to how much of this is in reality a Socialist vote...
...Yet it must be confessed that the Socialist Party ha* not conducted a continuous educational campaign, and has bean able to carry on its political activity, significantly and effectively, for bat short periods prior to each election day...
...If the Communist latfrstettefisl had done onehalf af what the bldedy dietatorshs> oˆ atmnoHnt law dene in this eenaitry there' waasVI be some burnsnf stsaesswsste from the State Department whlpphig the Bolshevik fhost Bat it appears that the criminal who marched to power ha Italy over the prostrate bodies af men tortured and hilled...
...They take nothing for granted...
...a^s^HEhT revolutionary traditions- were still " influential in American life the working cfesr o^f^'repealed widespread resenuuent of arvstC»^ric,pretense and arrogant abuse of power...
...It* fact, the poIHicalciiminalalh'aEee js*also eirried over into the'business-crh^jsjal a^iancd*ar|d thV cc^njbtnanon is aa aateigatisntenwhich has, come to/be known as acketetnag...
...MEMBERSHIP I believe that the membership of the Socialist Party should contain the foUowing types: A. By geographical, distribution...
...Thomas agreed, yet the New York -World appeared on Monday with the heacUrrte, "Thomas Refuses...
...Um S. Senate Investigation : Needed To Root Out The tZ...
...In the first of a series of a***ok*» he -estimates the annual income • from the *oijs1nessM*iti;'New York at something between 200 'and 3Mj millions of dollars...
...On November 3 the Italian Embassy at Washington released a statement declaring that the Fascist Government "announced some time ago that no questions of citizenship would be raised to travellers who, being born abroad by Italian parents would arrive in Italy with passports isssued by the authorities of their native land...
...We hope that thevpress wfUiake flottce...
...Such programs to be In addition and auxiliary to the radio broadcasting program carried on from and over Station WEVD...
...2) A program of regular weekly broadcasts, on one or more of the recognized and commercially operated radio stations in the New York area, should be contracted for and maintained...
...Socialists are men and women of deep convictions, sot 'sheep herded by professional keepers...
...More than that, it is a menace ta at ta and security of every Italian-American who is entitled to walk aaaajH in our streets, who is entitled to all the civil rights a^iarsnteedVhy fundamental law...
...K. Board of Lectureship (1) A Board of Lectureship should be crested...
...That editorial was read into the Congressional Record...
...mecHsih far" the growth mm euch a parasite...
...On Sunday a meeting of Socialists and independent voters gathered in the Engineering Auditorium at which both Socialists spoke...
...New Jersey is suing ths City of New York b*c*us* Of tee pollution ef water along th* Jersey us est Pstespr this is an overflow of Tammany SaQ...
...Blackshirt Emissaries It i* am etfort on tajjB easwye* teat'te aaaarlB fhMh ate «aT"»«te$.g WmIuI mm% Am eftevrafcamsMB^ " aar**mm™ma*M*mf--- teaw aaasBs^^BBnvHIl BiHIssBsn law to Italian canaa*ana1 ierceJ aannaeau of nan hianhaat af walathaa n trot ef Italian JesiraaM thrangh beweett and aarrart to fa .here to jeen the Fa*chili to avoid pnntelrment af ialelliasJaMj...
...However, if we should organize our work in such s way that while we are building for a campaign to 1M3, BBnu*f|M cussing and taking cat* *B**m of immediate coaosre a>||l economy and governsusatag istratktn, then we oSB^fM solve this problem sad sMJ the natural disabUtties is subject...
...This statement is an unwitting admission that Mussolini had been following a oolicv the reverse of that which he now promises to follow...
...In Reading the women of the party have rendered yeoman sen-ice and they share'in the victories won by the party in that city...
...Affiliated members shall co-operate with the Socialist Party in pretty much the same way that they are now called upon as enrolled voters...
...This 175,000 votes presents to us a marvelous opportunity...
...rf| shaU be to closely srsatatll activities of the *tecte| «M dais...
...The Fascist Dictatorship is exercising some of the aaaK this country that go with extraterritorial right...
...There'they will iind some fundamental "rifts" and jet it was.rare that any group bolted because of some wide differences...
...The CpsnaBH this Committee wiH r«n*"tejP search department frcei J(H emic flavor aad draasaastl trritte* te Immedtste •aaBJj *J reports of this CoaualanlB*" ties wiU make teBBsdBjMM able th* results of teMatal partments work ssd iBB* wffl sustain our ajiMH and teeter* ptasmssaaB ,jy Of course, I appreetsteW^ program a* outlined • »*j piste to every dcteiT, I Ite heasive, n*verth«tess, tell with which It is pTaate linpr— many af te* pea bars wtte a fear tatetejte ootltesd is beysaO astl abttity of the psrtet*g" sad accomplish X*t « meatsUy n*c***ary ba**f for the success of *BT f^tej the win to behev* aad m* to hop*—and wet...
...1. Trade Union Groups Trade Union Groups shall be composed of individual members of trade union organizations affiliated through chapter, district or group organization: paying to the Socialist Party an annual per capita fee of $1.00...
...l>t :/AA^W|al'* 'Hsaaaasaalm...
...organisation can be built up ac*<*dteg to these ssg**-*;- ., jt should be so built up...
...who maintain* hi* power by exile of dissenters, savaee prison sentences, destruction of the press, vandalism hy his criminal bands, and suppression of aU independent thought and action, extends his terror to the United State...
...there must be immediately set in motion the mechanics necessary to hold behind the Socialist Party, and Its candidates in the future, aU, or, at least a great part of these 175,000 votes...
...Certain areas of the United States where Italians live have become colonies of Italian Fascism... much a personal vote for Norman Thomas...
...American "freemen" accepted conscription like cattle during the war...
...In fact, Mus**tsa{sj the Italian communities in this country hk "colonies...
...They ere united" mar...
...Kh thd/s^ausi return ef Christmas th* "prosf»!Btty•, brigade wffl agate giv* alma with on* band ¦at sbidsti slfii nil nissi" • :.aa'ite.-ws»dessert teat there tea "division" tn -»tel Jstensdtet party Sssy aow Watch how every dtvisam -mt as* orfaateation move* forward for a oomCaesgteg- *nr party nam* weald not make us aay •Wweter te fa* parties af caprtaBsm or they to as...
...The speakers representing the Socialist Party, and men and women friendly thereto, should be kept continually before the public at meetings arranged directly by the Socialist Party, by friendly and affiliated groups, before Forums...
...Affiliated members'shaU pay a fee of $1.00 a year in accordance with legislation passed at the National Convention of 1928...
...WM This is a case for a thorough investigation by the United StawfjE ate...
...what, is now the unofficial membership of the Socialist Party shall be known as the Active membership—with the relative rights and duties of each preserved as at present B. Affiliated Membership...
...if bankers, and capitalists were compelled to strike aad picket th* injunction would disappear as a "menace toAmerican institutions...
...i 'iS'1"^^' ^ t^J*nneation of (-apnslist affirisa and^ttsiism ia-yencral by ideas ratsrjftg fSZ£t^ pobtsrians...
...It should do its duty and answer the omestion whether MmSm and his bands are to run amuck and terrorism citiaens on AmarmmWM the party rif IF THERE*ere any doubts that the Socialist Party had come back in New York City the recent press accounts of a "rift", in the party should dispel them...
...They have established an uters^rjanaF -press' service and more' and more women arfc titending congresses of the Labor and Socialist "imernational as delegates...
...Mussolini's Mack shirt thugs attack Italian labor papers and terrorise Italian membees of trade unions who favor democracy against Fascist despotism...
...y *J*| The chairmanships of saaH committees should be snsnjW those men and womte'vam sympathetic to and **ppnm| the general \1 en-point a Mm delist Party...
...Bathers' sdncstlon, aad te* ways of tocresstec labor represssf*tkn la psfilament The history of former atawnpts to organte* a canadten labor patty was reviewed end It was pointed eat teat they had failed because of tee rigid central control, combined with too great distance* setnesa settee petete...
...As nearly a* possible there should be in every assembly district s • person in charge of New Leader promotion...
...M A NUTSHELL President Hoover* national conference means teat-tee ateobaatete of the capitaUst system of production ts again, breakin...
...wJ3»' 9f...
...We must now organise to take a full and adequate advantage of our present favorable situation...
...Wev note teat ta Milwaukee the women have their cfrgsanxatiein andAey^remteresting women of the working class id tee'necessity of support of the MjTwaukee Leader and making their purc^aasea oelp tjas daily...
...should be immedately planned...
...rvajtese af lasty «»p»y a* eatralerritewtel stadw* ha the Uohed State* a* some af the Great PowemsV ha China ? V sea, anaaa was the ateaty which ICrssrte thas baatsai s^rereigntv over ¦ lass If "area* ratified...
...Why be a chicken thief when you can be a dishonest banker...
...Hall ¦gww *«Wde aJkrtile...
...e n!.iJgitt at grgWxauv*' within the limits of our capacity, we can gradually build up to the | point that at the earnest possible moment the entire city win be so organized...
...Labor at Washington says that people wonder why thay *tin have a king in England...
...Among those who participated in the discussion was Norman Thomas who raised a minor question relating to the general problem and which the reporters apparently, did not understand...
...The org*ssBB$l such s committee will -brag H many new groups and atedsn It will rally basted t» M Party those civic bodte *¦ seek and are interested h PM improvement...
...j»nP Hoar long msmst this fcraaef Trofaace continue before ssWassfls... the greatest possible degree, along the lines of Assembly District Organization...
...we must build up the party strength to co-ordinate and integrate this general popular support...
...The objection that at the present tea* we do not have the necessary man power to completely and adequately cover the city to ae ccrdance with thi* plan is not * valid objection...
...and how much a protest vote against the candidates or policies of the Democratic and Republican parties...
...No" social order ever dftappeared b*fer* all tee prbductSvi forces for white tesre is rocs* la it have been d*v*lop*d...
...The trust id Socialiam for the few at the expense of te*, many.' What, we want is Socialism for an at the aspens* ef none.—Charles H. VaiL... workers in union with radical farmers that brought Jackson to the presidency in- 1828...
...Toward this end the necessity for an organized corps of investigators caa readily be appreciated...
...distribution of literature, etc... it* sub-comndtterurfl meat the departments of mm government...
...Thi* committee ShteM allel...
...For thi* purpose, R is necessary to be te possession ef te* facts and information upon which to bsevth* immediate demands for civic improvement by th* Socialist Party...
...Just ss fast ss th...
...A study of the distribution of tee vote in Queens in this 1928 election shows that the heaviest increase hi vote* for the Socialist Party was received in those areas of WEVD's greatest reception audtbUity...
...One of the most pathetic aspects of President Green's answer to the critical Scripps-Howard edifcfial was his admission of the long continuance of plundering of union treasuries by employers- through the courts, the jailiqgs and" fines strflered by union members...
...2. Active Member* Active members shall be those who nil out the required forms of party affiliation and undertake the active responsibility of carrying on i the organizational activities of the Socialist Party...
...The purpose and the basis of election district organization should be to cultivate a personal and intimate acquaintanceship with th* registered voters...
...answers the charge that we are sectarian sod .deetrinnaire...
...It .^as'this Attitude of...
...Where possible, the work of the assembly district should be subdivided into election district precincts...
...The press stories the next-day reported a "ritt" in the party, the net impression being that some'fundamental differences had developed... and they hold intertaUtena...
...Associate members of the Socialist Party shall be membership through affiliated group organization...
...I '.asaaViisbrp card te the Socialist parte' inditetas'taat you are wniiag to work for it la addition te v**ter*mitridssl...
...In the November number of Harpers Magazine Marcus Duffield conaiders this national scandal in an article on "Mussolini's American Empire...
...Other business niert^jpjp|fc pjabaaj^s of such an alliance to avesd bcj^pg^&B^^A^rither case it is an aHiu4Jt^rpQHttajihs and crirninals is an old story in rrnHferpal.^c^Ss and racketeermr-is an evolution of "this dqaStxdiy...
...Subscription getting, distribution and mailing, etc., shall be arranged for and directed by the party office through the district organizations on such arrangements aa win protect and promote the interests of the New Leader, the party organisation, and the subscription soUcitor...
...alliance' with the r*cke«*f to rafti ^competitor...
...and the necessary printed materials provided...
...Mm- Tabotvis, the common burden of our race, so the «stert of some to shift their share of th* burden on to- the- shoulders of others is th* great durable curse of th* race.—Abraham Lincoln...
...They are...
...This is-^i*/irh)e fruit of American cgpitalisax 5o far as 'sjs>know it has not appeared, ip any otter -cotdiBr}x...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 16

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