Adamic, Louis

Prosperous America—Dressed Up, No Place To on Happiness A Rare Quality In Nation Where Material, Wealth Has Been Exalted To The Ideal End By Look Ackanfe ATX, wbo read Mr. Artsur Brlebase's... in early middle age, busy, always on the go, up-an'-comin', ignorant of everything but their particular "line," To sit at a dinner table with s lot of these men snd their wives is to catch a close glimpse of the utter failure of their lives, of the underlying conditions of our civilization...
...This communistic society failed as its predecessor had failed...
...To read a book through is an ordeal...
...The people flocked to lectures on Socialism...
...The word scab is so hated in the Finnish colony that no worker will take a striker's job...
...They even stooped so low as to become scab agents for the employers...
...Unquestionably the Americanization Committees In cities having a Finnish colony have not looked with any too great favor on the Finnish Socialist movement In fact they have been decidedly hostile to it But as they have come to learn more concerning fist •) pish Socialists they have aaffj concede, those that are fitr aa ad, that the Socialist mmm has been a progressive movent among the Finnish Colonies The Finnish Federation I, years old...
...rather 1 have in mind the well-to-do folks...
...but the majority of prosperous Americans within my ken are as much at home in opulence aa the average cow would be in a cathedral...
...In brief, learn the quality of his leisure... quiet passion for anything one may enjoy by Hima»i» Walking in the country is a sign that one is a "nut" To enjoy s sunset or anything beautiful is a marie that one is not 100% manly...
...Travel is unsatisfying...
...absurd and swinish dstap ti would disgust a lot of ksajtojl men I happen to know...
...aad when necking and chinning with the opposite aex becomes a bore...
...he Is a truthful writer, but never indiscreet: he does sot tell lbs whole truth...
...Jest > cause...
...A cruel Governor General, named Bobrikoff, wht was later assassinated, was sent to rule Finland with an iron hand...
...The Finnish workers a quarter of a century ago, were docile to their employers...
...Leisure Is s word scarcely known In America...
...The two will clash in debate on: "Is Democracy a Failure?'' "Is the Soviet Form Applicable to the United States...
...At the general membership iniiiillin next Tuesday, one of the members of the organisation who has recently returned from the south, wffl describe textile conditions at she found them in Marlon and Oastonto...
...They were hated as strike breakers...
...It is used, yes,' but when an American says "leisure," nine chances out of ten he really means "Idleness...
...Their children, boys and girls to late teens or early twenties, ooDege students or saw Just out of school, am left to themselves...
...Nothing, but accept their fate...
...Soon there were a number of local labor societies which had no affiliation with Societies in other cities...
...These autocratic policies of the Russian government caused s noticeable increase in emigration from Finland to America during the early part of the 20th century...
...The Russian revolution caused some to lose their mental balance...
...Work and Success...
...ready for the first hsM intonM Joan who comes their way...
...If industry can be made to do so, "we may in the end overtake civilization," she added...
...There are days when they don't know what to do with themselves...
...Everyone of the many halls owned by the Finnish Socialists is equipped with some kind of facilities for producing plays...
...When one considers that the actors of these amateur dramatic clubs are workers manual workers for the most part one must give them due credit for this accomplishment Many of their productions have measured quite high...
...their days are fiat, dS of personal graces, aad they...
...bathtubs, refrigerators, motor ears, luscious alfalfa and tasty turkey meat are something, but they do not make civilization...
...Conversation is mere blah-blah full of standardised cracks and phrases... the best equipped and edited Fhmish newspaper tn America...
...But aa human beings, as tndrrtdsal men and women, have the Americans really so much to brag about...
...The eastern section of the Federation, thanks to the Raivaaja, remained intact and immediately reestablished affiliations with the Socalist party...
...The golden dam ef | Finnish Socialist movesuat j America as wall as all lift a t Finnish colony have past has gratlon is so small under tat a quota laws that the supply a 9 able to fill the ranks of thatt the older ones who die The fas people, as is natural, am swept I to the proverbial meltag pot a are lost as Finns...
...Aa men and women they are mere shells, futile, absurd...
...Men and women who had but a meager educacation became intensely Interested in reading to learn something about the society to which they lived...
...But what could they do under their circumstances...
...Chamber music will be furnished by the WiasowWeinberg-Folgman Trio...
...The Socialist party was slow and reactionary for them...
...It built up three strong daily Socialist papers which set an example to the other Finnish newspapers which were conducted for the profit motive purely...
...Some came as adventurers, but most of them came either because of economic pressure or in search of freedom...
...It is interesting to note that when the Finnish workers first were awakened to the message of Socialism, it aroused in them an eagerness to read and study books on economics, history, philosophy, and literature...
...The big boas, who fifty years ago was the hardest working member of the organisation, now has practically nothing to do...
...but he was worried by the inability of idle people to be leisurely: for when merely idle they were miserable and got into trouble...
...Aad oar skyscrapers...
...To surround oasaelf with the popularly accepted symbols of wall-being...
...She lifa<sf the Finnish American workers is those early days was a three-cornered affair of work, eat sleep...
...I recall a story I heard a Um man*travelled in the Pliant aad •peat a few day* as guest at the horns of a wealthy Ota Mala The American, of course, bragged about his country...
...Speaking of unhappiness I am not thinking particularly of the poor people, or the fellows who almost dally stop ms in the streets and ask me for a dime...
...They have provided the Finnish workers with a high standard of entertainment Plays ranging from musical comedies to the profound dramatic works of such masters as Shakespeare and Shaw, have been produced by the Socialist dramatic clubs...
...The cooperative societies which have been founded among the Finnish colonies in the east and middle western United States show what Socialists have succeeded in accomplishing as practical men and women...
...Perhaps the best wsy to really know a parson is to find out what ho doss, not by necessity or under compulsion, but by natural inclination...
...Some of the new arrivals from Finland had been members in the Socialist movement of Finland which.had Just been founded...
...The Finnish Federation baa spent much time and energy oa education...
...Not csly did the Socialist movement bring better newspapers and periodicals, but a higher literary taste...
...These alltoo-human people, phis this great, alluring country, with the freedom that ns hi rally prevails under pioneer conditions, gave rise to forces, hscesettioa, desires and so on, which presently went entirely beyond control of human reason and became free agents of fate both in respect to the continent sad individual human lives...
...Civilization is within tha people rather than outside of tham—an ettitue toward Ufa, a philosophy, a manrtsr of Irving...
...Though the first Finns to arrive tn this country came in the year 1841, their immigration to America tn large numbers did not begin until the latter part of the 19th century...
...It wes s wretched existence...
...They have nothing In them, no enthusiasm aside from their particular bnameas (which often is not a genuine enthusiasm, but merely going through certain vary emphatic motions...
...They have fine homes, gorgeous bathrooms, splendid cars with Filipino chauffeurs, and seagoing yachts which they scarcely know how to enjoy: they just have all these things and many more, because they are wealthy and because everybody else with money has them...
...24th, 3.30 p M., at 802-810 Locust street The speakers will be Scott Nearing, formerly professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and Paul Blanchard, associate editor of the Nation...
...Improved Conditions But to merely sketch the History of the Finnish Federation without giving some idea of what it has accomplished for the Finns in its quarter of a century of existence would not do the Federation justice...
...Of course, there are people who enjoy their wealth with fine grace, and encountering them one is glad they possess it...
...The bitter internal fight over the severing of relations with the party was a/ severe blow to the section of _pfe Federation that remained true to the party...
...It stimulated their task for better and more worth-while books...
...Brisbane ' owns great stretches of sand snd sagebrush) admirably suited to the raising of alfalfa and turkeys...
...neglecting their wires, oblivious of nearly everything not bearing directly upon their business interests, ignorant of the forces moving the life of America, marching the goose stop...
...He could not remember...
...It was better fifty or .eighty years ago when everybody, more or less, had to work...
...Now and then I go slumming among the rich — their homes, country and beach clubs—and observe their pathetic lives...
...Brisbane's effsnions as "Brisbuak...
...Russian Illusions The slight loss caused by the L W. W. split was soon recoveved and the organization proceeded with its work...
...One need not penanS batniUve perception ts see 3 uBdsrnaath they are wretches...
...The labor press of the Finns in America surpasses the conservative press In every respect The Raivaaja...
...As a result of the split about 2,000 western members left the Federation which remained affiliated with the Socialist party...
...As Garrett Garrett said in his article on "Business" in Civilisation in the United States: "The gigantasque was enthroned as national fetich...
...The aass bars slaved through their best years aualavlag other man, bufldtag up America, or rather as soma might say, ruining tt...
...Outwardly we are a great, prosperous country...
...He writes: "It is no exaggeration to say that when the dramatic activities were at their best, during one year in the labor halls alone approximately 3,000 performances were given...
...Nowadays there are millions of Americans wbo in order to live do not have to move a finger, except perhaps to clip the bond coupons ones every quarter...
...Mary Kfflyer...
...And the unpleasant and unwholesome effect that this preoccupation with business, salesmanship, with the idea of getting on has on their faces...
...Among the Finnish colonies alone there are more than 150 co-operative societies whose property valuation and business turn-over is figured in the millions of dollars...
...orsaaiaw for Local 18 of the L L. O. W. U. am be the meeker at the Young People's Open rot-urn which according to a numaosrar^Mdsniiouiifenientptetqrtng dress makers at then* machines and the awankr sowns thee mass...
...Their wives are cheated women...
...Among the western workers there arose a section which favored the L W. W. form of unionism as against the A F. of L. and who did not believe in political action...
...The Finnish Socialists In The United States Movement Has Been Cultural Lever Lifting Communities To Marked Accomplishment—The New Generation By SAVELE SYRALA ¦w-vURING the month of October I 3 the Finnish Socialist Federation celebrated its 26th anniversary as an affiliated part of the Socialist party of the United States...
...going to church sad acquiring lodge sad dub memberships because that seemed to bo the thing to do . . . and working, working, working...
...but if you'd pis me down sad nand an answer, I'd nay the trouble is in the vastness sad wesltiTof the country and the prsdSSUSant innate qualities of aass sad women who came here to mass tha new nation...
...Then we have the successful fellows who are still in "harness," the so-called "Big Men," or who aspire to that title with everything that is in (hem...
...Several courses to train workers for party leadership have been conducted...
...And now they are mentally deteriorated, physically deformed, unhappy, spiritually exhausted...
...3 wonder there is a '-dtvoreo *j| No wonder some of our seat fi men remain unmarried...
...And what did you do in Chicago...
...To my notion, the prhailpol virtue In this business of hsssss Irving is happiness: but are WS a happy people...
...The establishment of an "ideal society" by some Finnish people on a small island on the Pacific Coast near Vancouver, B. C, about 1900 aroused much interest among the Finns...
...It could not be otherwise...
...The ¦oris lists would answer, the Capitalist System...
...At the time of the Cleveland convention there were about 2,000 members in the various societies but by 1912, the highest point of the Finnish labor movement as a unified movement the membership of the 220 locals reached over 12,000...
...W m^^^^^ w w—^— « ¦poneared by the Senior and Graduate groups and of Pioneer Youth...
...By 1904 there were about SO independent labor societies among the Finnish colonies...
...He knows that it means social ostracism to be a strike-breaker...
...Included in the activities of the Socialist halls are athletic clubs, choruses, bands, orchestras, which have given the worker something to occupy himself during, his leisure hours and has helped to make his life interesting snd enjoyable...
...Artsur Brlebase's cehmm know that the Tftstsd States hi s meat wonderful sissiilij Hare we not so-and-so assay bathtubs, motor ears, electrical refrigerators T Are not the streets of oar fair cities fined wtth piMSsnt...
...spacious residences...
...To compare the living conditions of the Finnish workers 25 years ago with those of today, one will soon realize the improvement in the life of the workers...
...In the communist split about half of the membership remained with the party while the other half became communists...
...Up From the Depths Drunkenness became so rampant in the Finnish colonies that it gave rise to a strong temperance movement But the enthusiastic young workers soon came to realize that the problem of accomplishing moderation in the use of alcoholic drinks or their abolition, would not alone solve the problem of human happiness...
...The spirit of Chicago was born...
...They are incapable of the mood of leisure: first they haven't anything In them to conjure up the mood...
...Since the split in the Federation, there has been the harmony necessary for work...
...Whitman was a j magnificent idler...
...Their intimate life was without beauty...
...Hare was Una wonderful virgin continent, and bare came these people from aO over Europe, restleas, adventurous, eager, good and bad, their beings wrapped in mazes of racial traditions, endowed with certain powers, subjected to certain weaknesses, possessed by driving passions for things, for personal grandeur, for power...
...There was a keen interest in such books as "Merrie England," "Looking Backward," and the Lectures of Robert Ingersol...
...Not long ago a leading magazine published an article on "The Menace of Leisure—What to Do with the Six teen-Hour Day," when, as a matter of fact in the text the writer was in favor of leisure...
...They began to attack the Socialist Party...
...he asked quietly...
...Pioneer Youth Activities An open forum discussion on the efforts of upper Fifth avenue dressmakers to organise will be held on Friday evening*, November 23, and a meeting for the New York membership Tuesday evening, November 26th are features among the activities el Pioneer Youth during the oonuns week...
...Where The Trouble Lies But, than, what is wrong...
...It made him realise that Ignorance is not only a crime, but stands in the way of the betterment of his class...
...It is not an uncommon experience to visit the home of a Finnish worker in some small village or town and find a small library of works by such authors as Upton Sinclair, August Strinberg, Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Karl Kautsky, Bernard Shaw, Anatole France, Edward Bellamy, etc...
...I repeat the Federation has been a powerful influence for the betterment of Finnish1 workers both economically, socially, and intellectually...
...The Chtnsman listened to him serenely...
...Kelley received tribute* from numerous speakers, who praised her work in raising working conditions through exposing and obtaining action aganst employers in industries where exploitation la worst Blanchard and Nearing To Debate In Philadelphia The third season of the Labor Institute Forum will open Sunday, Nov...
...Flans TTader the Czar The Russian government under Emperor Nicholas IT to 1897 began an attack on Finnish liberties...
...Lars go smite amoral Speed...
...Finnish young men were conscripted into the Russian Army...
...The Finnish Socialist movement has been responsible for this change...
...Their only assets were their sturdy aad strong bodies that could endare much that others could not TJnsklQed sad unable to speak the hktgnsh language they were ruthlessly exploited by the employers...
...A whole article could be written on this interesting little theatre movement alone...
...mind and generally a veefi The wives of them astnest a dismal plight mm IsTlja who happen to be fairly tntS wear beautiful dothaa-" Ml their necks are strings of E they have aeoounu at" fij meats, their perfumes areS costliest . .. and yet thsrdto sit limply, smiling---heiS going through the motions mA for the occasion by the Mam e rally adhered to by ear "H people...
...Bigness and be-damnedness . . ." And now America hi "the greatest country on earth...
...Is sot the STsrage shop-girl nowadays in better circumstances than ware the queens of Europe a century ago...
...The characteristic American.manner of living la anything but civilised...
...The Finnish Socialist movement in America has had s strong influence in the economic, cultural, snd spiritual uplift of the Finnish workers of America from the low depths of then- life a quarter of a century ago...
...Is not the Mojave Desert (where Mr...
...Now .they are well into their middle age, pathetic Babbitts...
...To got on—to get on...
...Knowledge is power, became his motto...
...They are hard-mouthad...
...About two years ago someone wrote an excellent book about Walt Whitman called "The Magnificent Idler"— a good title, for Walt was no ordinary idler...
...Were one to know nothing bat what he telU us, one would be ^""""'"g The 8tar trmm?-* Ben tier" from morning tm night, and one's dreams would be filled with patriotic pageants, battleships is full spread...
...The cabarets sad am two road-houses that we viat later in the night were senses...
...The woman are In no better plight Their husbands have given them comfortable homes, motors, diamonds, pearls, luxury and idleness, but little of anything else...
...rrmntng their various Tnntnrss...
...It has taught the lessons of self-respect and unity to the workers...
...srhsvnsstL msi if' ^^""s third- or flfth-ra*a,JtaA) selves into w©rk*wtth«h| develop s hopelessly omS...
...Brisbane and other such seers and posts rave shout the American "civilisation" whan as a matter of fact it is but the merest skeleton around which a civilization some day is apt to develop...
...they eoms and go aa they please, dash about in their roadsters, smile cynically at the alders, compare notes on bootleggers...
...them had left Finland, they lost sight of American conditions...
...Nowadays perhave difficulties to Idling aaagabV oaatly...
...Sags flylag m the breeze, and four-minute America, of course, is s great place: huge, of varied aspects, rich In natural resources, beautiful in spots...
...AH Finnish Oft* ties are facing evening tide | The Finnish Socialist movant win still live for years to *¦ but Its great day's work k da Slowly it too, is being sue*** to the Americanization prenl It has hope in its Amerksa H children...
...A strong feeling of unity grew up among them and a convention was arranged for October, 1904, at Cleveland...
...Today one sees comfortable homes in the place of the wretched hovels in which the Finnish workers lived in the past...
...The convention went on record favoring the affiliation of the societies with the Socialist party of the United States As a unified Socialist movement affiliated with the Socialist Party of the United States the Finnish movement went ahead in long strides...
...To the American Socialists who have vary scant knowledge of the Fhmish Socialist movement in America it may be of interest to learn soma thing of the history and the achievements of a section of their owa party which has now attained its 29th milestone...
...On these co-operative societies, which are offsprings of the Finnish Socialist movement one whole article could be written...
...The hopelessness of the situation drove many young men and women from their native land to seek their fortune in America...
...It became the dominant thought tha keynote of American life, a blind obsession...
...Kelley Honored At Consumers League 3 0th Anniversary "American industry has never paid its social costs," said Mrs...
...Some idea of the extent of the little theatre movement is given in the book "Essays on the Finnish American Labor Movement" by F. J. Syrjala, editor of the Rainaaje...
...The Socialist movement was scarcely an infant when it felt the need for a press to spread knowledge to the workers...
...J What price prosperity...
...Simply must be doing something or going somewhere...
...In 1912 the Finnish labor movement met its first internal difficulties...
...The Socialist publishing houses and bookstores brought to the Finns the works of world famous authors on a variety of different subjects...
...Finnish Cooperations The Finnish Socialists have not been mere theoreticians but have tackled the practical end...
...The American looked at him surprised...
...M hems...
...So much for the Idle rich, whose number in America is increasing by leaps snd bounds...
...Pork became the great national religion, a fierce passion, a mania...
...Our railroads were unsurpassable...
...In their enthusiasm over the overthrow of the Tsarist government which had been so cruel to their native land, and because of which many of...
...Added to the inclemency of the climate there was a tyrranical Bosnian ruling class which exacted outrageously high taxes from the poor farmers...
...interesting themselves In local and national politics without ever having the time or inclination to acquire anything but the moat superficial Idea of the situation...
...The 200 Finnish Socialist hails, ranging from small ones to fine modern, club houses, have been important social centers for the Finnish workers who are unable to understand English and, therefore, are excluded from the life of, the community...
...Ohio, to knit the societies closer together...
...For these performances a little more than 500,000 tickets were sold...
...The Drama Movement A very interesting little theatre movement has grown up among the Finnish Socialist halls...
...Of themselves as men they have given them little, for the competitive spirit in which they were caught claimed most of what they had in them First they were producers of wealth, anl then men...
...The old Finns are af tog every effort to have that II and daughters, Americas, M citizens, continue their week Ml American Labor and fleas' movement and preserve Ike M the parks, newspapers, sad I operatives that they have ha They are now working ttl I their energy towards this una is to be hoped that they wffl,1 their dream materialise...
...their power of enjoyment gone...
...They go to Europe and return to tell you there is only one God's country In the world and that In Prague one day they counted Si* Fords...
...second, the environment in which they live is so filled with noise, excitement and activity that it would require a most powerful will-to-leisure to overcome the overcharged atmosphere antagonistic to repose...
...If, Instead of the "May flow at" voyagers, the first settlers had been a band of Balkan gypsies, and if the bulk of later immigration had been from Hindustan, interior China and Polynesia, conditions, human necessities and desires would hare been entirely different The latter wes not the ease, and all at once it became imperative or profitable to build great cities...
...religious books, trashy love stories, and cheap sex bookss...
...Mwrlnf pkrturee of the New Tort Sipm Uiisntal camp, which there was not time to show at the October meeting, wffl be run promptly at 1:30 o'clock, when the meeting a scheduled to begin...
...A machination against the party was sponsored by the Finnish translator secretary Henry Askeli...
...To bast the next fallow...
...To build up the business...
...But today the Finnish workers demand their rights and do not docilely accept everything the employer wishes...
...The social life is our "hats...
...The two western Finnish socialist dalles Toverl and Tyomes, joned the forces aganst the Socialist party...
...It is true that the Finnish Church had been established here early, but its moral and spiritual worth was of a questionable nature...
...The Raiva&ja alone, the eastern daily, stood back of the party and fought the communist After a long-drawn out fight at conventions and by referendum, the Finnish Federation terminated its affiliation with the Socialist Party at its Waukegan, HI, convention in Feb., 192L The entire western and mid-western sections of the Federation with their two dailies withdrew from the party and later joined the communists...
...In addition to its newspapers and books, it baa always had at least one lecturer on the road and at times more than one...
...But they have to be doing something...
...The publishing houses and book stores conducted by the conservatives had three classes of books to offer for sale...
...They have a wide superficial knowledge of a practical sort but fundamentally they are profoundly ignorant In fact obtuse...
...Tha power of the Diet was restricted...
...It is well worth while to pay a tWt to this Socialist newspaper plant at Fitchburg, Mass...
...Florence Kelley, secretary of the Consumers League since its formation, at the league's 30th anniversary luncheon...
...Because of her northerly geographic position her crops are always jeopardized by cold weather...
...Mere idleness is inactivity accompanied, as a rule, so far as it concerns the idler, by boredom, or at least no high feeling: fruitless, unprofitable, suggestive of indolence, fu, tile, disgusting...
...The present stage of, our socalled civilization is not conducive to happiness...
...They chase after this thing, then after that They lead a beetle, unsatisfying existence...
...The Revolution was Just around the corner, according to their way of looking at things...
...Business organisation has evolved to a point where large firms are run by $125 and $200 clerks who require but little supervision...
...It dawned on them that it was the economic system which upheld the exploitation of the poor by the rich that stood in the way of a better life for them and their, fsmiles...
...Men are completely engrossed in their wares and themselves...
...Among the rich, the biggest problem is that of killing time...
...railroads and highways had to be laid out tunnels bored, traction Unas strung out ships constructed, coal mined and distributed, oil wells drilled, ore extracted from the earth and smelted, waterfalls harnessed, motors perfected, canals dug, harbors dredged, breakwaters built deserts reclaimed, and so on, work, work, work...
...Votive offerings were mass, velocity, quantity...
...Both of these meeUnzs wfll be held st the Labor Temple, whew Pioneer Youth is now conducting s number of its central club aectvttas...
...How could much be expected from that source, for its clergy, with a few exceptions, was composed of scoundrels who had chosen theology as a means of an easy life...
...In fighting and drinking they found escape from their monotonous life...
...the more philosophical people, Human Nature: and from their respective viewpoints, perhaps they are both right Personally, I can't fix the blame for our national nahapptnaes as readfly as that...
...Join one of the several high - class homosexual groups in Hollywood or Pasadena, if they happen to live in Southern California: for sexual perversion hi the fashionable, smart thing among the youthful sons and daughters of our "successful'' rich...
...Bernard Shaw said on the occasion of his 70th birthday, "Socialism made a man of me...
...They ware given the dirtiest aad hardest Jobs with long hours and small pay...
...The Federation made good progress until the Russian revolution again brought internal dissension...
...sot consciously to profit thereby or to kill time, but spontaneously, freely, happily, lovingly...
...Leisure to magnificent liTisnnss agmsahls Bring in one's inmost suUinilssiws' reading one's favorite book, or conversing lightly, pleasantly upon a favorite subject with a good companion, or walking sk-wty 0e an unfrequented country road dream • lag aad thinking, breathing tha fresh sir, or watching a sunset or the shimmer of light upon* waterdoing anything that tends at ones to stimulation and a sense of repose—in fine, living...
...Oa arriving in America they sought the Socialist clubs which were springing up and gave them assistance aad aid...
...In the Intellectual life of the workers the Socialist movement has formed a miraculous task...
...pat together...
...They came to industrial Amr**— unskilled in any trades...
...N. O, particularly as they relate to the fives and welfare of children in the mill rfflsgee...
...Its course has gone on smoothly in contrast to the section that joined the communist whose activities have been one Internal fight after another...
...They toaa Americanised...
...The Finnish workers can with equal pride say, "Socialism made self respecting men and women of us...
...I have, with that view in mind, taken oceastna to write a brief account of the Fhmish Federation which deserves credit for the valuable work that tt baa accomplished in carrying the message of Socialism to the Fhmish workers of America...
...Often the minister was a good friend of the saloon keeper, the curse of the Finnish workers...
...Interested young people of ether youth organisations an Invited to the meat tog which wffl begin at 7:90 o'clock...
...But the interest that it aroused helped to focus the attention of the Finns to the capitalist system of the society and to ask themselves whether our present economic order was just The awakened interest in socialism brought on a new era in the Finnish colonies...
...No adequate unbiased account eaa be written of the Finns in America that does not Include some mention of the Furnish Socialist movement...
...Haven't we everything fat great abundance (except submarines and srplasss, to protect oar opulence and well-being) ? ? radical once referred to Mr...
...dee" is no life at -" Itmiiiflj natural, now too imti slant m altogether unrestrained, ohm Last New Year's Eve a Mead L disguised as newspapers made a tour of several of fig fsshionabls social gatherings and around Los Angelas, The' spec table" oaf as and seJbea were full of men end wanes gorgeous raiment moving er i ting in an atmosphere of ha boredom snd unspontsasem ; citement They wen there • cause someone else was Usee, merely because—well...
...Aaasrsca had more bathtubs than all the rest of the work...
...Most Americans are so more capable of real leisure—of living— than an owl la of flying like a swallow...
...But soon after the split the emergency committee of the Federation had reorganized the movement snd proceeded along with the work of carrying the message of Socialism to the Finnish workers...
...L for one, haven't noticed it...
...Most of the Finnish people who came to America ware from the country...
...perata Time bangs haasng tham...
...For instance, there was the Twentieth Century limited between New York sad Chicago, Fasti Only two months before the American sad made a trip oa it Yeeeir, aesas train J Ho had boarded it is New York sad the same day he was la Chicago...
...aVtocational and administrative report*' will be made by the officers of the orsanlsstam end...
...Finland is a poor agricultural country situated far in the north...
...and now they go into charity and indulge in philanthropic orgasms...
...Its beneficial influence has been felt throughout the Finnish colonies...
...To build up the country...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 16

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