Draft Of Statement On Policies Before N. Y. City Convention Agenda Commit Makes lnanlio«'fc» Report to Sessalosas Opening Saturday ft Rand School DsXX>MMKNDATK»fS C* ttit 1V future political...

...He showed that safe and sane unionism had in ths past years organized only 500 ef the 5,000 bricklayers of North Carolina where he Is stationed...
...The state ?ot In trovMa at the opening of the trial by its esterases to.send 'the five defendants to too penitentiary...
...We are Socialists, are srssf of It, and shall lusIssss SM name Socialist party assess «r | until new conditions sheets' m make a change of name ft** vtaable...
...But It should not be necessary for our Austrian comrades to be reduced to ''"¦¦"""g only upon themselves in this trial through which they are passing...
...Returns indicate that the Socialists and Communists win be the two strongest parties In the city administration...
...Among those being treated in this way are five women...
...la tha Otry s< Maw Tack ws> -hall ooatlime to ce-^eawto fey -artkauar Bwraaaes wtth naa> •wrMsaa growps which asanwt ar •vfll not nntto wtth aa as n party hot which are bstoraatod to tfc* flaWSOVsffy 0t fawrtB aVttf aal M 9fff . 'tlnWkV* 0ffW awTratJMi ILaafWsV - - a. . a a , M a - — ^m^^m ddWaajh <tTaWna*jnia pf Off "fSO, DwTfwTWi wa^hffdt T,"lCa« oBG O^Ja*f*H^^"'l lafi *Mi 'BarWaaall^ ''•a* rbat r>> not uiiiinieiutos ¦yrtr <>W ¦ V *"1**St...
...He Brought a little apprehension into the gathering by his praise of Communist organizing methods...
...and whether it is proposed to take steps to the matter...
...The committee of three la to meet all- organisers assigned to the south in the next SO days...
...7 East 13th street sessions will be held Sunday moss* ing at 10 A m. and in ths afbs> noon...
...In a recent investigation in certain mills, it was found that the average age of the steel workers was not far from thirty...
...So they work * both ways...
...In support of his recommendation for government employment exchanges, Dr...
...m Negro question, scute in the smkstn ststes because of the race jMee whipped up by the ownafflltt order to keep the ranks attsbor divided, did not receive essad attention from the confines...
...He mentioned NeiLss enrolled in the miners, carj stars and other unions...
...First the grand Jury Indicted them for in-i surrection...
...To relieve nam, especially the richer of them ,sf tsxafion, win not help business, jfkat sill help business is more IsreaasiBg power in the hands of itja imsawi...
...Three other steps necessary to improve employment »or provide relief for the unemployed, urged in the survey, are: 1) programs of public works construction to be planned by cities, states, and nation...
...Local elections in other German cities show a heavy Socialist vote while the Nationalists tost ground to Adotph Bauer's Fascist party, which is making its first contests in municipal elections this year...
...The ethers, his survey declares, are seasonal unemployment, cyclical unemployment, and, fourth, the discrimination in industry against workers over forty years of age...
...Tribunal for the Protection of the State In Pola upon tha five Slovene peasants who are supposed to base shot upon s group of voters who ware being driven to the poll between the communes of Vesmo and Plstoo on the day of the last Fascist "election" with the result that a man was klBed...
...aa was said in the diplomatic jargon at Versailles, there are men who may be believed to be determined to prevent an attack against democracy...
...Office structures have gone up in every part of tha country...
...The Hungarian criminal law at present in force recognises only duellists as political offenders, but these are always sentenced to only three or four days' imprisonment and -have no occasion to hunger strike...
...Hungarian Politicals On Hunger Strike One Death Reported, As Authorities Use StraitJacket and Forcible Feeding (Br a Not I—St Cmmnlill) BUDAPEST.—On the morning of Monday, October 21, the political prisoners in the Hungarian prisons went on hunger strike...
...Bat within this mil toajsbsft and self-understood Hurts a psaV ndts the widest IHIIsli af todtri dual opinioa and sctieev or sectarian and in in we Mn doors wide open to all ssea seat woman who aouept tts fssjesv mental principles, wfussas dtoThe Socialist party tana's** data and does not dastr* s> monopoly of progressiva ar le» bor poHtice...
...President Paul Aymon of the Tennessee federation said the business autocrats and the Communists belong si the same bed because the path of each of them leads to revolution...
...One Dodge worker expressed it, The speed-up system is so terrific that after a man is ready for the hospital he Is likely to be cast on the industrial scrap-heap to starve.' "At the Highland.Park plant of the Ford Company about threefourths of the men were found to be under 40...
...It hopes that Hoover will give his personal attention to the program announced at the White House, and will not walk away and leave a committee to discover that business men prefer to wait a year before starting new construction...
...Of oosns industries paying less than mmtt to feed and shelter their wujSsU are parasites...
...24th, at the Workmen's Circle School, Pitkin and Howard avenues, Brooklyn...
...Among the strikers are Matthias Rakosi...
...The Soctoast party appeals to all pars ana who as...
...This gojL not only to the six A. F. of L fcwT*"** shot in the Oct...
...Lucky for spry ford that men aren't mules, iks ossktn't be turned loose like rssv Bswoer's . •S" prepare fee depression of eat it President Hoover has two tmX OSS rather good, one very ¦a, neither ajasajsatet Tbe rathr goad plan is the conference wtth i ants hi groups to stimulate ao: ttrtty especially in construction tod las < proposal forth* governsast Itself to push building enterTto very bad plan is to help the paw snd the unemployed by reassag taxes on the rich...
...Houses are the one item of construction that can be said to have definitely legged...
...Usually I fear such tovesjwtoas aa tending to limit rather Pat advance civil liberties But gVWutue Dufnekl tt the Novem-' B* strong evidence that Mueeo9Bl American stototos Is no toks...
...Each will use its own favorite methods...
...and on the other hand these Governments have various and very positive means of making those at Vienna or elsewhere who could be tempted to have recourse to violence listen to reason...
...Sheriff Oscar F. Adkins, tn charge of deputies who killed six strikers in the Marlon massacre, was on the stand as star witness for the state...
...Fine to Lecture Sunday Nathan Fine, director of research of the Rand School of Soda) Science, win lecture at 8.30 p. m., Sunday, Nov...
...This is reflected in a cautious dispatch from the American commercial attache at Budapest, made public by the Department of Commerce...
...Coalition with labor and progressives m a labor party at welcomed...
...More fpatcant signs are the great deSsa of building contracts and •tlayktg off of thousands of man a^tas automobile and steel infatries...
...am SJf ...» «tr-->> - nV«» f»<-«fcSS at ..•v .. ~-t . «. r» -warat , ,w wy*a ¦"'ifft -v^i—«*«tj r— -i *i***iBn•Mtt o-»r» tn t»v next aWfkW baft In the edacaaonal worfc jatoft rant be eoertbaaoonry changing...
...It is practically impossible for a man over 40 to get a job there, while men who have reached that age find difficulty in holding their jobs...
...They have legality on their side, and if their opponents, finding themselves unable to succeed otherwise—and they cannot succeed otherwise—attempted to forsake legal ground.and decided to assume the always perilous role of aggressors, they would find in front of them a resolute working class long ago prepared to defend Itself In a fight which would be a matter of life and death for it, for its organisations and for the maintenance of the rights and guarantees which it has been able to win...
...The Social-Democratic members of Parliament complained to the Minister of Justice about these conditions in July, but the memorandum in which they collected together all the abuses remained unanswered...
...The fact that the strike broke out at the asms tune in all these prisons shows that it was an organised action, which the Social-Democratic Parliamentary group predicted aa unavoidable months ago...
...The Communists are poisonous sad hostile to our movement," Crouch stated, "but they get there with their organizing...
...Tt formerly took one mem sight kourt to maka 480...
...Henderson: Tea, Sir, this aspect of the situation, and its bearing on the contingent liabilities of the British taxpayer, is being closely watched by His Majesty's Government Mr...
...Thie principle of tha family ¦tfMracejjs far more familiar to PItojosna than Americans...
...ywm ' It is a pleasure te know, fasts Admiral Hillary Jones mssxt-fi to the naval »v»n ceatfsssjjka as adviser because he csart 539 delegate...
...And there' is no toaastoyiseat insurance to miti* is* tot suffering...
...Uon committees of the patty, : Tha, recommendation* an poUM cal policy occupied bat a perttoa of the agenda committee's tteee, there being no dliilji ¦¦Haul, i|ft any important questions...
...after pondering Judge Cowper's instructions that insurrection means what it means and cannot be twisted to mean hitting a deputy over the head with a stick, decided also to ask for rioting indictments...
...I Tate was echoed by a represenKsitve of the railway employes department though he added that the shop unions would be glad to assist st mass meetings and give money...
...Fifty-three more strikers have been indicted for rioting and disorder...
...Willingly the grand jury complied...
...The five men will go up for trial on the rioting count, a misdemeanor instead of a felony...
...Price asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the threats of serious civil disturbances in Austria which have followed upon the proposals of the Austrian Government for the revision of the Constitution, and to the danger that such disturbances wiH prejucially effect the interest of the creditors and of the guarantor States, including His Majesty's Government, under the League of Nations loan for the reconstruction of Austria...
...Wall Street crash itgSf did: sot directly measure or SeeUy affect the industrial proSxttrlty of America in a rough Ski ready way such a crash is SaBy something of a barometer KBajais rainy days ahead...
...The second urges the creation of a chain of government employment agencies...
...If any new body shonld In the fntara etvs sesssIse of nnlttng tha .....bans and) progressive etttaess toto saw eft* fecttve political body aba SeesaUst party wfll meet tha att> nation in n frtondry and gsnerooa spirit and wfll be ready to' Join It as It dM la 1SK, washout insisting oa tha seeoptossse of Its name or af many aattato af Ma pottMeal fnttb and paw* gram...
...From January, 1918, to June, 1919, a period of eighteen months during and immediately after the World War, this received calls for over 12,000,000 workers...
...the union...
...The occupants of all the big prisons, at Oedenburg, Budapest, Waitxen, Ssegedin and Harts, took part in this strike...
...The committee calls upon the Minister of Justice to make aa immediate enquiry into the complaints which were brought to his notice in a memorandum of the Social-Democratic members of Parliament, and to bring the hunger ', strike of the prisoners to an end by remedying the abuses...
...No Isolated State To see that the latter are reduced to impotence, and that the debate is confined to legal territory foUowing the rules and with the guarantees contained in the Constitution of the Austrian Republic, is not to diminish the right of the latter to govern itself...
...It is possible, it is even probable, that these are Its present intentions, and in this case the matter is virtually settled...
...They beat one Socialist to death...
...Unemployment was less...
...We don't *sp*v3E| kind of admiral as ad 1 Is at...
...Aiding Solicitor Pless are six attorneys of the Marion and Clinchfield mills...
...Nations Are Watching Moreover, without any information on the matter we may be sure that from now onwards events are being followed with the closest attention in load on, Berlin, Paris and Prague, and that they have not waited in these places for matThis is no doubt the explanation of the fact that after its first bullying prop—sis the Austrian CleiicoCapital Government thought it necessary to publish an official note in which it declares that it is resolved to bring about the reform of the Constitution "in a legal manner...
...t*w» squid be a limit to the numsar of children in one family thus #kttt Besides a higher standard jyWag tends to reduce the birth life...
...The First Victim to Die "The Communist, Alexander LBwy, who had been condemned to three and a half years' hard labor, went on hanger strike a week ago...
...that is, social ;fddtbons for the proper support ,g children above the basic wage PJJJte* by tha father...
...At this meeting, he said, one man told Hoffman that he might have 1 the use of some dynamite...
...p '' .. - cial order or for acts of p o ation...
...The Legion is made up of townsmen for the most part, hostile to the inhabitants of the mill village on the outskirts of Marion . State Loses Points Efforts of the prosecution to pin acts of the Clinchfleld mill strikers on Alfred Hoffman, United Textile Workers organizer, on trial with four others for rebellion and insurrection were balked Nov...
...They should •aster of them be reduced but gftar^jacreased...
...This wonderful Austrian Social-Democratic Parry accomplished the revolution in 1918, and was able to produce fragments of Socialism in a country ruined and mutilated by the war which are a model and an example for the workers of the whole world...
...operating open-hearth furnaces...
...Hud Jen of the rtwun sad operating engineers, Mahon of the streetcar man, McNally of the federal employee...
...Birthright said, "We ¦d s militant go-ahead policy...
...This drew a rebuke from Green who stated that of course everybody was in earnest and that each intimations aa those of Griffin were hardly in place...
...In 1925, for rnatanoo, there were $00,000 factory wageearners less is New England and the Middle Atlantic States than In 1919...
...In no prison are the prisoners allowed even one hour for a walk...
...It, It win not SseMSS* to do It...
...Cheztos Vickers, scab, added to the rebaffloa testfinony by stating that Hoffman had said the sheriff would sot stay out bis term...
...2) unemployment insurance...
...S appeal was also made by the i ¦ference for speedy action by II senate on the resolution to inj rugate the southern textile ini stry which has been blocked by i sthern senators since last April m ssIofTit Green particularly re| eted having the federation terma > Bolshevik and Communist by ' 11 of the senators...
...The struggle which our Austrian comrades are carrying on to safeguard thsir rights and liberties is not only their struggle but ours...
...editor of the "Nepssava," who Is serving a sentence of five years hard labor...
...He added . St while the Negroes there comjE» two-fifths of the population 3gr constitute three-fifths of the firing fores...
...We can now go ahead," he said, "assured of the financial and organising support of the international unions and the guidance of the committee to be appointed by President Green...
...His subject win be, "The Problems of Independent Political Action...
...The judge refused, and the five unionists went to trial for insurrection alone, in the face of the judge's plain instruction to the grand jury that insurrection means a wilful rebellion against state authority, as instanced in the whisky rebellion in the early years of the republic...
...In the buOdmg trades the Hoover engineers some years ago estimated that the workers wars employed about ftS per Tent of the year...
...The problem of the reemployment of the middle aged and old aged worker is one of increasing seriousness...
...The edition Issued by the Socialist Party contains an introduction by Norman Thomas...
...But too many cruel experiences have shown the working class the value of the intentions and promises of weak governments which have been carried to power by violent factions, and which can be re: placed from one day to another by direct governments of these factions...
...The committee protests in the name of the whole working class against political prisoners being treated as if they were ordinary criminals...
...This permits them to introduce aggressive uatonlam, aa tha business unionists deride mass organising methods, if they wish...
...On October 17 Anna Kethly and Alexander Propper, members of Parliament, called upon the Minister of Justice again and demanded the abolition of these unetvillaed conditions, But as this intervention also was unsuccessful the hunger strike of the political prisoners began...
...southern organisation campaign, authorised by tha Toronto convention last month, and outlined at the one-day conference to Washington November 14, is a compromise between the desires of tha boa In ess «™t~.it», the labor crusaders...
...Henderson Warns Fascists In Austria Labor Foreign Secretary Views With Disapproval Resort to Forcible Tactics (Sr a Sott ImIw Cinmnlirt) London.—Questions oa the crista in Austria were asked in the British House of Commons Oct...
...and 3) reduction of working hours...
...Including Ludwlg 8soke...
...Less than 3,000,000 of the eligible voters exerdsec their franchise throughout the country...
...The post was considering transforming itself into a sort of auxiliary police force until the state commander informed its officers, mostly business men, that they had no rights above ordinary citizens...
...Private employment exchanges are severely criticized by Dr...
...It is long past •ass Jor us to establish uasmploy¦tet insurance, ^a Jairer government inveetigaK** *f foreign propaganda in Pbsato...
...The complaints of the—politicala" was tha same hi all the prisons: they are accommodated together with ordinary criminals and where possible were treated even' worse than these...
...i The differences between busi\ ¦ nssonism on the one hand and 11 crusading unionism of ardent I f-sacrificing pioneers on the I Mr hand was clearly In evidence I the special conference...
...The appeal was heard on October 34th...
...Thus it is necessary for the International and all the sections,of the International to line up in the Austrian conflict with all the resources at their disposal...
...Let no f *kpuntrol advocate be alarmed...
...Marx Lewis, August Claessess, 0. August Gerber...
...County Solicitor J. W. Pleas Jr...
...the world have gained tttt speet of large masses of tfczsh-' Ing people by their ssSeess see" courageous advocacy of wetM 1 peaces their defense of the as- I derdog and their lliisgssai Ssr political democracy, dvfl Mhssttes and social Justice...
...Louis Waldman, AK gernon Lee, Charles SolocMS...
...Laidler is the systematic collection of unemployment statistics by government agencies...
...Suggests Five Methods of Belief While holding that "industrial society must be fundamentally reconstructed before the challenge of unemployment is fully met," the survey declares that "the situation can and should be immediately relieved by a number of forwardlooking legislative measures...
...One man replaces 42 in...
...In spite of forcible feeding undertaken under medical supervision he has died tat the prison hospital from general weakness of body and heart...
...Sentence has been paassd by the Specie...
...A. Henderson: Both political parties to Austria are discussing the constitutional problem in the manner provided for by the narliamentarv Institutions of the*' country and In a spirit oomrcnla' to tbrw" tosMMotions, snd His V* v** {v*ve* "t"ffnt — ~-rs'--' - - <.r . - - * .• < — — "f th» oo*'n*rv...
...For many months the building trades department of the American Federation of Labor has watched the decline of activity in house-building, and has worried over the prospect for the winter...
...The authorities for the infliction of punishment are now attempting to break the hunger strike by force...
...This tax reduction...
...was unsuccessful in getting before the Jury a copy of the injunction issued seslnet Hoffmra oroblbitmg ptohetlftg...
...2 gsttss st Marion but also to I S May Wiggins, the unionist 3s at Gastonia by a mill own1 a4V assassin who mingled in an 3CBnnnunist mob...
...The prison diet is unpalatable, and the authorities do not allow relatives or organisations to bring the prisoners a parcel at least once a week...
...Although Kis clearly explained in his speech in defence that the pamphlet exclusively advocated the introduction of a Hungarian democratic Republic this booklet was declared by the Prosecutor's court as "Bolshevistic...
...Labor Confers With Hooveron Employment Unions Ready to Cooperate on Schemes to Ward Off Depression WASHINGTON— (FP) —Organised labor wfll very eagerly cooperate In any practical scheme which President Hoover may bring forward, in the preliminary conference he has announced, to stimulate an emergency Job-making program of construction of public works and large utility plants...
...Nor has this decrease in tha number of workers been attended by a decrease in product...
...This is particularly true of our industries engaged in mass production...
...O. Max Gardner, had given them five minutes in which to disperse...
...Vickers told shout a ''secret meeting" held in the open air where the password was "Stick...
...have been sentenced to one week' confinement in darkness...
...On the other hand the plan adopted calls for raising funds by A. F. of L. appeal in behalf of the United Textile Workers who are to have the sole spending of the contributions as they find beat...
...Other members ware McMahon of the textile workers...
...The first of the measures proposed by Dr...
...Hoffman was bantering with the strikers at tha time, it developed, but the state nevertheless continued seriously to advance this evidence as proof that he was leading a rebellion against North Car-' olina, under the 1861 statute...
...Under the Horthy laws these offences are not political but ordinary offences...
...Statistics show that for September the savings and current account deposit and the stock exchange and wholesale price Indexes decreased, while . . insolvencies . . increased...
...h - ?t.* ' ? ar e-.d----th...
...It was then that Hoffman Jokingly mads the remark about stealing...
...Damn the troops, to hell with the troops, bring on your soldiers", the strikers yelled, according to Sheriff Adkins Defense counsel objected that Hoffman could not be bald responsible for the cries of the crowd...
...Pless took another bad one on the jaw when evidence given by Sheriff Adkins that strikers had \ "attacked" Pres...
...The sgjtekss of wealth and poverty aTSbj country make it about time w togfai thtektog snd acting— glk subject...
...The for workers announced an assessment of 35 cents per member per month in the interest of the general campaign...
...Therefore, say the experts in the industry, the White House plan must be directed to stimulating the expenditure of public money on pubttc works which will be ahead of current needs...
...Strait Jacket to Strikers The M'c'stry of Jus"ce d~c?ared - i comm'-r -?:on t!i - th~re are no pel'*'.'-: p—-o------ •>¦• r ¦ T" ----rv, for p.H *v...
...Then Pless asked Cowper to consolidate the two charges to make conviction easier...
...Attempts are being made to feed the prisoners forcibly, and when they resist they are put in straight-Jackets and forcibly fed...
...From Adkirs* testimonv It is atmnrent thst the «tet» \t...
...Part of the state's case thus actually rests on i the union threat to vote the sheriff out at the next election...
...Jessie Wallace HSf**' han...
...Other speakers declared that the Communists were not making auich headway and still others said they were gaining ground...
...Vradimtr Gotten was condemned- to death by being shot tn the back The other four accused persons Victor Vbacrhiax Dusan Ladavar, Louis Ledavax and Vltalo Gortan were each sentenced to thirty years* penal servitude...
...The state's entire case was badly riddled, clearing the way for a defense motion for throwing out the charge altogether...
...Roes related that the union leader told tha Oinchfleld mill workers that the Marion mill was rips fid down and that the union whs preparing to feed the locked Out Clinchfleld workers shortly...
...Socialism in the Europe of today is no longer a simple force of opinion...
...Confinement is Darkness The Communist prisoners in Budapest are continuing their hunger strike, though the number of those on strike, according to the newspapers, is (tim missing, The prison authorities of the Buda pest district prison have inflict* sharp disciplinary punishment up an the strikers...
...Socialist Panty Protests As scon as the news of the hunger strike became kn >wn the Committee for the Protection of the Politically Persecuted set up by the Hungarian Social-Democratic Party held a meeting at which the foUowing resolution was passed: "The Committee unanimously declares that the political prisoners in the Hungarian prisons are subjected to a method of treatment which is in opposition to the spirit of humanity and is unworthy of the social arrangements of a cultured state...
...The statement is recomiiisBsst ¦ for adoption by Morris Hinask, Norman Thomas, James Oneal, Js« lius Gerber...
...caused was tergeXE to marginal trading which X ¦a leyeatertly argued should be ¦"2ek4 even: under capitalism for Sgeod of the little gamblers gejpsetves and of the country at , fjjtli Street doesn't maka Ska, It takes it out of the profit speculation an a rising marBrent of very high rates of lnladsC aad dividend* when stocks Z^sseperous companies go far 2pk™JBtoe» way the big hoys Bk at...
...Their literature is everywhere in the textse centers of the south...
...The Social-Democratic prisoners also are refusing to take food...
...In Europe as it has emerged from the World War there is from this moment no isolated State...
...Sol Levitss, Frse* Crosswaith...
...The five day week should, be introduced into industry as rapidly as possible and free vocational education should be extended, so that workers from industries in which the demand for labor ts decreasing may be rapidly fitted for other lines of effort...
...The composition of the prosecution counsel tears throughout the thin veil of the state vs...
...Ins counterblast to business wsmiliin then came from Ed Crouch, the onelegged organizer ef the tobacco workers...
...It is now engaged in a sharp conflict threatening to turn to civil war, with a Government formed from all the forces of clerical or bourgeois reaction which clearly stares its intention to destroy the Democratic Constitution under colour of revising it...
...Pss> ident Hoover Is pertseBs bS| Delegates should be crvfisias, aft officers with a professions] MlEi in a big navy...
...The American Legion post has offered him its services in maintaining law and order in Marion...
...The international organisers are asked to confer With President Green of the federation and with a oommittaa of three to be appointed by him so thai coprdloar Uon of effort will be eaeatieeeaV Another result hoped for hvthat state and local efforts hi the south, may bt booked up with such international organisers aa are willing to help fax work outside their own crafts on behalf of the textile workers...
...teN«wTVih ftssa *»14 to 1*39 per box tnrfustry decreased kg per cant, while the output par wags earner increased 121 per cent...
...President Mchfahon outlined a plan for spending 520,000 a month in North and-South Carolina...
...The iron workers started the financial baU rolling with a (1.000 contribution, announced by President Morris, for the textile workers...
...Which is good not eatetZH cause the last thing Rs*y sssss is s higher birth rate bat ahn e« cause it shows that even ItsAssji put some limits to Mussstsst...
...What Is to be expected from the promises of the Minister may be seen from the foUowing announcement from Budapest...
...There win he no general coordinated and spectacular carrying of tha gospel of unionism into tha lnduatrtinaad south...
...We'll go and do our ¦Bk> We cant afford to pussyI To this the business ^wirmfin ¦pBsd through President William I McSorley of the building trades fcni latent that no waving of pigs or playing of bands was ¦Bated "What we have done in iss past and will do in the future ¦ safe, sane, quiet, practical, busiIsMShke procedure...
...This win do no harm...
...The textile mtUs of North Kg Sssth Carolina which have mm ahpost killing their workers K .twelve hour day and night Sals are now reported to be preImag almost to kill them with SMSiphTj'T"' In South Carolina employers are planning a four ay weak—at the employees' expise, of course...
...For tham this expost of the much heralded "new" affsHsm did nothing...
...Slate Case tn Marion Is Vague Witnesses Allege Hoffman Tried to Feed Strikers —¦ Election Threat Also Recalled MARION, N. C—(FP)—More of the state's curious line of evidence to prove that Alfred Houston and four others are guilty of TSbafflon and insurrection came to aght Nor...
...is in order it is that isPStoktion of Fascist activities in M* Patted States for which Or...
...William Green, who presided, spoke of the "tragedy on the grsat human stage set at Marion and other places in the south that has touched all our hearts...
...t ¦¦»>>« n asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the declaration made by the Austrian Hetmwahr on 80th of October threatening to use force In order to secure certain changes to the Austrian .Constitution, His Majesty's Government proposes to maka any representations to the Austrian Government-for the protection of British interests and the maintenance of peace in Central Europe...
...We'll have a union sheriff here", ha told the strikers...
...It is gratifying after the tss> tion to observe that Miss PBjBN of the State Labor DepsrtsMBx ft* ficiaUy confirms my stattssMT' during the campaign that is rlaV' New York thousands of girk af the telephone company, etslr stores, etc., earn from $11 te 9M a week while the cost of food sat shelter alone for girls who de ssf~ iive at home averages $14.9* ps/' the most economical...
...It is a struggle which no longer recognizes any frontiers between Socialist democracy on the march towards power and reactionary Fascism ready to do everything In order to bar the way...
...The Reds are spectacular and they are beginning to Bigs up the textile workers...
...In the meantime if the latter were is distress they were Instructed to apply to union headquarters...
...Other unions, are expected to be similarly generous...
...19 In their trial before Judge V. O. Cowper...
...I give some questions and answers below: Mr...
...Draft Of Statement On Policies Before N. Y. City Convention Agenda Commit Makes lnanlio«'fc» Report to Sessalosas Opening Saturday ft Rand School DsXX>MMKNDATK»fS C* ttit 1V future political poller «f lift Socialist party in New To* Cstey which tw to t* submitted to Am city-wide convention this latm day and Sunday, have bees eesspleted by the agenda committee appointed at Joist meeting of Uto City Executive and Socialist An...
...Wilson pointedly said that what is wanted is not the bit or miss puttering of the past but organised cooperation on a large integrated scale...
...Fascists Post Story Of Five Executions PARIS...
...j Fama of New York has •mas...
...The Increase •••IS-s* seed to help wipe out t*T*rty and conserve the richest ;J**t<sT Society, itschUdrea...
...Some corruption bad been revealed in the municipal administration of which the Communists took full advantage in a demagogic campaign...
...He asked Solicitor J. Will Pleas Jr...
...Thus the favo of receiving visits from their rela Uvea, writing letters and usinj books and writing materials ha been withdrawn...
...Not Illegal to Feed Men Judge Cowper ruled that there is nothing unlawful about a union feeding its people, much as one might condemn the suggestion about larceny...
...co-operation with nonpartisan or independent groups-for particular campaigns or purposes, without eompromlKl-" tha party platform or prin-i-ies...
...The length of the working day should be constantly decreased with the increase in the productivity of labor...
...Laidler is s director...
...Every three or four years of late workers have had to tighten their belts, and, whether under the Republican or Democratic administrations, go on short rations until the worst of the times were over...
...The shoe industry is in a similar situation, where sales is some months run ss much as 250 per cent higher than the average, and in others as low aa 87 per cent below...
...I During the last 120 years, tha survey states, there have been some fifteen cycles of depression and prosperity, "coming with a remarkable degree of regularity...
...is approved...
...Zoltan Weinberger, Zoltan Ssanto, Stephen Vagi and about 40 Communists...
...InIWat taxes fan disproportionately b sai of small or moderate The men at work an this y Mfflng tariff whether they pronee to be log rolling for indus:t"si or for farmers usually forget jbst fact fkat to go back to income and aasritance taxes...
...whether His Majesty's Government < has considered the present situation in Austria from this standpoint...
...Kis was declared guilty of provocation against the possessing classes, insulting the Hungarian nation and provocation against the institution of Monarchy, and was condemned to one ye...
...No change occurred during October in the industrial situation in Hungary," runs his cablegram, but commercial conditions are growing worse...
...A number of such agencies investigated, he says, were found to be "in collusion with the employer or foreman, who agreed to discharge the new worker within a short period on condition that the employment fee would be divided...
...It also permits the southern state federation officials, many of whom are plainly restive under tha "safe and sane" policies, to act with more enthusiasm in concert with the textile workers...
...The convention will convent ft* Saturday a* 3 p. m., at the Rssl School...
...President Burke of the paper mill workers had already collected (10,000 in cash and pledges from unions at the Toronto convention...
...It may certainly be admitted that ninety per cent of the chances in *his conflict are on the side of the Socialists...
...The court decided to have a copy of the sentence with as axact description of the execution posted up in an the communes of Italy...
...They sake house to house conv asses...
...Dobmaky of the ladles garment workers and" Wharton of the machinists...
...An Ala: bs delegate sdded that some 1 groes could be organized right I b£ The committee report made I reference to the question...
...A brick-making machine in Chicago makes 40,000 bricks tn an hour...
...On a new approach being made by Emmerich GytSrky and Alexander Prosper, the Social-Democratic members of Parliament, to the Minister of Justice the latter declared that he had already been informed of the hunger strike of the political prisoners, and undertook to take the necessary steps Immediately...
...asm* berahlp, dues, form of orgsnls*Lion, organisation machinery and other matters...
...The principal difficulties are due to a lack of foreign funds, internal political troubles, and the reparation question...
...The insurrection and rebellion charges were drawn up by Atty...
...They have begun well already...
...With the trials of union organisers and members already under TTfT* Marion for the alleged C ejmwat attempting to overthrow (gf^tate government of North t; fMJLea, the conference also etslkd a demand on ths North ^aplaa authorities to bring to . jjfjk those responsible for the JiSf life hi different towns and . *3m throughout the state...
...Machines Displace Millions From Jobs, Survey Indicates Socialist Party Publishes Pamphlet by Harry W. Lakller Tracing Causes of Unemployment and Outlining Measures Necessary For Relief— Private Employment Agenceis Scored As Unscrupulous IMPROVED machinery in four major Industries — farming, manufacturing, railroading and mining—has ehmmated about 2,500,000 employees in the last eight years, it la said In a survey of unemployment made by Dr...
...Bat since tee Sim tons* sassy la at tans time taw only basasrtsnt political body la aw Vassal State* oeSnttety and SilllH ly committed to taw ceases eft labor and aerial pi a grasp, M holds that It wflJ bast serve tha canoe by beading mp Ms swa organization Ibmugbewl eh* country...
...referred nearly 6,500,000 to positions and reported placements for nearly 5,000,000...
...the expense of the little j3l«b thei stress sad both win ~j I" Bspsase of those whose labor JE band *nd...
...Industrial Dead-Line Advances The unemployment problem...
...Yandervelde Calls For World Pressure Against Fascism in Austria Head of Socialist International Urges Affiliated Parties to Make Their Governments Warn Reaction That Threatens Republic—Says No Nation Can Be Isolated Rule To Itself By Emfle Yandervelde President of the Socialist and Labor International "gp VENTS in Austria have reached a point where they are causing and must cause the most serious anxiety to all the sections of the International...
...J. Wallace Winborne of the Clinchfield mill, struck by the union...
...laidler quotes the findings of other economists who declare all industries touched, more or lees, by see¦onal employment, and continues: "A recent investigation of eight representative plants In the men's clothing Industry showed that over a period of three years the equipment was utilised on the average but 69 per cent of the possible .working time...
...Only one thing can be asked of them, and that is that they continue to extend their efforts...
...In the governments which constitute "powers with general interests...
...Harry W. Laidler, vice president of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and issued by the Socialist Party and the League for Industrial Democracy, of which Dr...
...The democratic Governments of Western Europe can do a great deal to prevent things from becoming worse...
...Hungary in Bad Way V. S. Agent Reports WASHINGTON...
...3Va9» the...
...In order that the delegates may itudy the proposed statement of political policy, the committee srade its draft public Thursday, The recommended statement tollows: TouncAi policy or Tata SOCIALIST PARTY" Iha Socialist party has n esav slsawal pauttenl punless is* city, state and national, aeat tar iateraattonal relatione, las aesaabers are suited an tha eeate «f their common acceptance af assk program...
...Sheriff Adkins, among whose deputies the union claims are men with criminal records, has received a new accretion of strength...
...tivs ranks eCJhe party...
...Eugen Kis, member of the Hungarian SocialDemocratic municipal group, condemned to three years' hard labor and loss of his position as a lawyer for publishing a leaflet in which the demands of the Social-Democratic Left were coUected, appealed against this infamous sentence...
...on the contrary it secures that this law is not violated and cannot be violated by anyone...
...President Tom afcafahon of tha United Textile Workers is well pleased with the results of the conference...
...He who claims far ssev self and Fascism credit far in thing in Italy may be stSSl troubled to explain why thsVaV should not be blamed for the *Mfct increase in the death rate *SsW the figures also show...
...Most of the utility corporations have also been building extensions of their plants...
...They take the view that in the sense of the prison regulations a hunger strike counts as a disciplinary offence and can be proceeded against accordingly...
...Let them tft tor themes...
...If tat man they call on is not a nurker they hit him for a donation to the relief fund...
...ettemntirff to nwve r"h<?'Mon fbrwh a *»-•'<»)» of a~** in *mmiwv<» of rtrJ-e*'-"'* a* "Vn-V f-~~< J-rtv V t- *"~ ¦«¦* 90...
...If they were still tn front of the mill gates then, Townsend told Hoffman he would summon the troops, held nearby...
...The deficit of the government budget for the first quarter of the current fiscal year was 34,100,000...
...G. H. Rosa, a CSinchneld merchant, on the stand for the state, isresftad that Hoffman had told the strikers that the union would feed tham, but if it had to, would steal to see that their children got food...
...Austria's Sovereignty Austria is certainly "a nation which freely governs itself" in the fulness of its sovereignty, and for the last ten years it has been in Socialist circles that the most vigorous protests have always been raised against measures of control and fl«»««H»i intervention which tended to limit it...
...These programs should be elastic so as to permit more extensive work during periods of industrial depression...
...If 1,000,000 to 8,000,000 wot hare are deprived of employment laths "luxury" trades and In various lbaes of business by the stock market collapse, only a fraction af them, win be reemployed on a mars project of public works Socialists Drop in Berlin Local Polls Berlin.—The Berlin municipal election last Sunday brought some Communist gams at the expense of the Socialists but these gatna are considered temporary and due to local conditions...
...The capitalist strength is divided between sixteen pagties...
...In the Charlotte trial of the Gastonians, Solicitor Carpenter was aided by attorneys for the Loray mill...
...Griffin told the conference if they are not going into the campaign heart and soul they had better stay out altogether, particularly as "nothing serious has ever been done In the southeastern section by our labor movement in the oast...
...Lsidler finds, is greatly complicated by the tendency in industry to discard the middle aged worker on the ground that he cannot be speeded up in the sams way as can workers in the twenties and thirties...
...A committee headed by Matthew Won, appointed by Green, then set to work outlWng a or-Hcr for the southern campaign...
...But because most of these public Jobs will be subject to criticism by the heavy taxpayers, on the ground of extravaganos, tha total number of Jobs as' created wfll sot be very great...
...On cross examination it was discovered that Vickers had been Jailed but acquitted on a charge of nonsupport of his family...
...Alabama and Tennessee with 75 to 100 organisers at $35 a week and expenses, an under the direct control of the A. F. of L. committee that would be appointed to control the operations...
...Charles Hutohins of Burnsville and Tom Moss of Forest City...
...The age at which children should be permittad to enter industry should be raised from 14 to 16...
...pat same tax on Italian becbgte snd Mussolini's other meaagsl and' exhortations to Italians tf increase the^htrtir ratajSsVssaa Sre delighted to say, fsnasj^l Show a decline in lUly*si3 rate...
...Laldler'a survey says: "Seven men now do the work which formerly required sixty to perform in casting pig iron...
...AU are welcome...
...The United Textile workers, in cooperation with the American Civil Liberties Union, is represented by five attorneys, A. Hall Johnston and Judge Thomas A. Jones of AsheviUe, D. F. Giles of Marion...
...By ths way, saw did the investigation of "bsf asftftl Shearer stop before ws fasasf ssf what naval officer gave Mi |s> ret lobbyist for the ship MssBi inside information sad What fsV < mlrals wanted the Geneva 0s£* ference to fan...
...The statistics of the building industry show that Hoover Is wrong in his assertion that public works and big construction jobs of all kinds have lagged while tie stock market was booming...
...r's imprisonment, to lose his political rights and to lose his position as a lawyer for a period of five years...
...Solicitor J. W. Pleas Jr...
...Kis has again made an appeal to the highest court against this sentence...
...Prosperity Is measasf in the sale of bread and fetaes, not jewels If we can afPst tox reduction it should be of ilwsdt to the working messes...
...In point of fact, public works have been going forward at full speed...
...The morning session ended'with hot shots from President Wilson of North Carolina and Secretary Griffin of Alabama...
...A. Philip Randolph of the Spmg ear porters told the consEbs that the southern Negro was X for organization...
...M The Socialist parties si sskt...
...I leathern state federation heads, Stably Birthright of Tennessee i t Griffin of *i«>i«m» warned II federation conference that no 1 R hearted organizing gestures jj aid help...
...Laidler says: "The Federal government went into the business of finding work for the unemployed on a large scale during the war, organizing the United States Employment Service...
...Each of the loo national and International unions la the federation Is asked to assign one or more organisera to Increase Its own membership in the region...
...He related how Hoffman early on August 10 had told a crowd of pickets that Nat Towneend, personal representative of Gov...
...The government has nothing to do with the construction of dwellings...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas ^^aagnltude of tha Wall street crash aad tha extent of ^ ansartrir't...
...We can bj ssstaw, or otherwise check some | at fty ravages of the recent gam Uia sajnia...
...j But who win dare to/pretend that this sovereignty gives those who exercise it under conditions fixed by their Constitutional mandate the right to create a'dictatorship by the Ulegality of an act of violence ? It is not only a right, it is a duty for the governments which do not consider European solidarity as an idle word to act and to act preventively in order to avoid what would be a perhaps irremediable catastrophe for Austria, and for the rest of Europe a new cause of troubles and dangerous complications...
...whether be really thought such- evidence sustained 1^ stoto.<**rge pf j^belliaii...
...two men do the work which formerly required 128 to perform to loading pigiroa...
...A. V'wn of...
...Socialist Leader Loses Appeal in Hungary BUDAPEST.—Dr...
...But their action will be all the more effective if the Socialist parties are able to influence public opinion by speeches and through the press...
...The importance of building the Socialist party is stressed In the report...
...He prcr-ct narll&men'ary ne«rotiationa, if followed by any attempt to deal with tha problem by other means, would naturally cause His Majesty's Government grave concern aa constituting a serious menace to totsassAtional stability...
...FP) — Horthy*s White Terrorist regime in Hungary, which has cost the lives of tens of thousands of workers, has brought the country to a bad economic situation...
...scheme In which so are an asked to rejoice will lasts almost wholly the four per •sat of our families receiving more una gS^XX) annually...
...brain creates the BbfafJaW Wt cannot end stock Sal***** until we get- Socialism saesd af capitalism...
...4th by Charles Rod en Buxton, M Phillips Price and O. Lathan and answered by Arthur Henderson, Secretary of Stats for Foreign Affaire...
...While the output in agriculture has gone down slightly, that in manufacture and in mining has increased about 20 per cent, and the number of freight-ton-miles on the railroads, about tour per cent...
...All krstt taxes, such as the tariff, pat the ultimate payer far mors ¦ns the government receives...
...m won't ask any lousy mayors or aachers for permission to hold ;lr meetings...
...In order to make life still more unbearable for the prisoners reading matter and correspondence are forbidden...
...Bat no such ressos eeesse sV' exist st this time...
...All Unions To Send Men Into South Whole A. F. of L. Will Collect Fond for United Textile Workers Organjafag Drive WAflmNOTON—(FP)— The American Federation of LaMr...
...registered over 7,000,000...
...We want no ¦perttailsr campaigning...
...1) Jy spejal insurance, and (2) by a .f gjsUy safe-guarded system of P**r allowances...
...collect his g on bachelors from young ItalSkw in America...
...it wfll stimulate land values sad thereby have a tendency to help private employers to feel safe tn expanding their own enterprises...
...R. W. Baldwin of the Marion mill July 17 was ruled out by Judge Cowper...
...In Brealau the Communists carried on a campaign of violence...
...In addition the...
...E torn manages to...
...He declared that the evidence was interesting if true but had nothing to do with rebelling against the state...
...wtth M for"to»*n ie'|!n'aamast of this task bv eatertae: tha an...
...As a «asuit of the agenda prepared by the committee, the convention wttl have before it for discussion and action questions affecting...
...From now on it is indispensable for the International to consider means of supporting them otherwise then by verbal declarations and platonic c—preesions of sympathy and solidarity...
...Displacement by Machines Referring to technological unemployment resulting from improved machinery, Dr...
...It has been estimated there has bean a decrease of about 2,500,000 during the hut eight years in the number of persons employed tn the four major todustriee—farming, manufacturing, railroading and mining...
...the defendants and makes it apparent that the issue is really, the mills vs...
...sucrgestlors for a c'Mnre of name at this t!m« are found unconvincing—there are the «~'"tct ending recommendations of tha special committee...
...He wanted Jurisdictional questions waived and a general educational and organizing drive, instituted...
...Laidler's survey stressed improved machinery aa one of the four factors contributing to a permanent unemployment problem...
...Judge V. G. Cowper sustained the defense...
...4k*Oetroit at the vary time awy Ford was spending hunest af thasssaade of dollars on laaeon celebration be laid off, h reported, SO.QOO workers in i pteata...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 16

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