SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK TJ. Hi tinmli OCfce 1 tW ome_'Jm _ej _%L ""f T — re-alts tar _»e ?^i «__ ST* Maw"^TTy, **** JUGOSLAV FEDESATION An exceptional amount of a-Jvirj has been shown by...

...65th street -rd 20fh avenue...
...wt'l be the sneaker of the evening...
...November 54...
...a •n _ eurythmics for chamber ehatraa, eurythrnic choir, vocal ¦Set and narrator, will be proad for the f_»t t'-t • in .»---i lot spring by the American **ete of Dal croze !>-:>•:—_ »• But 59th street...
...This was the Is—est attend-ince that a S-viahst meeting has had in Staten Island in many years...
...Frank Manning Is leaving for Chicago where he will undertake the Important task of reorganizing the movement there...
...Old tunes of s Vt, TtTi and 80s have been BBfed hi unique form, to be (Hhaastad by new music writa te The Shoestring Revue by S_a» Irwin...
...This is to be held in the French room of Hotel Win ton on Friday...
...T_ meeting win be ad— eased by Franl Karat, editor of "Froleterec" and Donald J. LoC-tch...
...Admtssicn tickets are beinz scld at 25c pe' t-.cket and may be had from A. P Witte...
...a!'-o helped out ad^nessir"^ many m^'in—s...
...1405 Walton avenue...
...A snecia...
...219 Second avenue...
...The New German v presents a unique situation...
...Pa, celebrates its 30th anniversary on Nov ». Branch 114 and US of Detroit MVh ¦ win hc-d a joint meeting and a dance on Sunday...
...t. Th*< tr-r the dknos, wh>-h wil be r—-e-te-1 S-.rtake the -f-m cf a tw--a-t ~i'v*-sl u r">.* . T**" C*^l p-i O—mt- and RJ,,y B1 e-h...
...y—t a—¦rue... the BrowTsvi3e Labor Lycc-nr...
...1C5 S-rineneld avenue...
...St_:e Secretary ot Oregon, orders 3.0W "Is It a Crime to be Old" and outlines plans for an old-age pensions campaign...
...given their membership cards and introductd to the membership...
...the o_cial organ of the C. P. L A Ohio CLEVELAND A farewell banquet has been arranged for Frank J. Manning by the Socialist Party members...
...and the tool- will be "The re-j't cf the Last e'ection...
...Sever— I new members were obtained during the last week of the campaign and they wul be properly mtrodoced...
...The —t^-—r,-r—*s cf .AtH^—y r— r"^ n—•— b" '" —¦ — vp a tntt-h:r*e of Tam—tsnr* efT":Q:-ry...
...The J_gc-8!aT Federation has collected th_s far for the Cnited Socialist Drive SS47.48...
...A 'ivelv Interest is sh?—n in th^se t. eekly discussion meetf-— »r1 thee hsve been the means of adding ten new members to the r-arrv during the past six cr e:~ht —fks...
...The date win be anounced by man...
...The program of tp-Ti^T'a and dates follow: Nov 10, nard Shews Intelligent Woman's Ouide to Car-Uhsm and So___n...
...The lectures will be delivered each Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at 55$ Massachusetts avenue Questions and discussions win follow each lecture...
...In many "ands the hand of Socialism is grasping power...
...E_r*t Cctratv at veadr;:?rt-rrr...
...Eai-h country is approaching its problems in its own wav...
...Manv thousand leaflets were distributedVKW HAVEN Fifteen thourard eoTfe* of the platform (ti*y) wer» dttrtrlb-r'ed the I"st three days of the campaign...
...ihe Little Canegie RAftV PHILBIN ¦ pSjyaataii *-™t...
...November 5 there was a lecture on "The Cause of the World War" at eight oc'.ock...
...e**r1 it was de-ided to hold it i—etedi-'e'e folloxing the e^ec'on This tre^'nt wil1 be he'd in the Debs Avdi'critrtn...
...Refreshments and dancing wul take place...
...revJews of important books and other sodal and cultural events of sasdtta i liTHlllisi _pt_ediatebT fOOowbag an boar, leetare aad a short recess, same fifteen internes or more are davcSed to a literal y program, and mOowtasj that, general rnsriMsiiai ef the toptc of the eventes...
...John Carrab'ne adch—ssed a very large and enthusiastic street meeting Saturday evenine...
...7 ITss* 15th -*rce...
...19 ~_n street... for C,o,ir:c''*^!a...
...During the past six months he has been executive secretary of the Cleveland Socialist Party and has managed a very lively municipal fa in pell— Prominent speakers will address the banquet, and it is expected that many out-of-town Socialists win be present... state headmiarters...
...t-e and l"r*h i...
...AH branches of the federation ir ~!_tem Ohio held a conference Oct -7 at TTIsme A stmi>\r conferer>~ for northern Ohio will be held tn Cleveland on Dec 22...
...c_ndida*e for counci'm-n...
...of lefer^ left rttt...
...pot'.'mc the —lumbers of the cast tht—figh their paces...
...A Debs memorial mee'ing was held November 5. ft 45 Coulson avenue...
...will be he?d on Monday eyenji...
...slogan "Socialism in our time...
...s her went e...
...etc te the above o——» of lecturee deecri-ed...
...and p.n the rest of the fixings that go with thtr .nlejii extrav»-a—r^s...
...It s exne-rted that Comrade Feigenbaum wH...
...j The new Deb- branch organised at i Chatham...«* wee...
...b"t t'--" sre e—ii-lat'—— tha "Tedre-s of T~~tr...
...In addition he write*: 1 also note in some of your commur?cations that there teSBM to be an effort to divide the east and ren iwto two seprrate district...
...Howard Y. —i...
...We here in Pcrtlmd are exposed to any snch move as we believe it would cause two factiora to spring up and the results would be disastlOU— Utah Comrade Kennedy, the State Secretary, criers adiltional Katicnal flues stamps and reports that the Ctab comrades are eotee to see tn it that all of the counties of Utah take advantage of the state old-a-e penston law which gives the counties pei jite—km ¦*« nay pensioics...
...November 10...
...9—8:*!0 p-m.—August Claessen...
...Ways j and Mean- mu« be devised at this meeting to operate the state bciret and fir: n!»-s adopted by the last state cc-.vention...
...7_L 15th street or directly with Tfaltii i Redman, 1820 Lortng place, Bronx, I. ^^^^IfM—k Temple George gi CBsafarlorlrw- Concert My Coedoctoriess Symphony k_M|m which opened its see|gBstTrr-"T October 26th...
...These sessions open promptfattane—So/ttejw-fc.'--Ttwy ~^t—nl -~inii ¦[ -• , eeaeomic and a In j line topica...
...c"___ng s<"er>~ effects, Borgeoas co«t_m...
...N. Y. •"srr-es—retr»h C!rele...
...It will krep or...
...New York State The sta'e e^e-utive ccr-imi-ee will ->»: "t the Pcr'e's IT'—e...
...There -_ be a chorus of beauties, tt a enrtcm-ed...
...M. Feigenhairm w^i be the speakers at the o-wning if the Fort_b...
...Yipsels and Progressives of Cleveland...
...M EL Kinfte, -The Lost Atlanta...
...ESTHER FRIEDMAN'S LECTCBES 1. British Labor Comes to Pcwer— Its appl'taticn to an .American Labor Parr...
...P^-1 Per-— cf t**e Teac-:e for I~d"rtr_J Demorracr...
...RTCHJTOND The camps im m*»e**ng held on Ssturda- evening before election in the Public School in Stacleton was &-.*e_ded by about 1.50 reople... 8:30 o m...
...105 Springfield avenue...
...A great number of new at—Baa have been obtained during the last weeks of the campaign and an effort w_ be made to obtain many more members for the old as well as for new branches Work aleo will begin on making the Braax ban a financial and moral success...
...They will take advantage of the tpienriVi Increase of the Socialist vote in Bronx County...
...Mufson is making a trip thru the Northeastern States durinr November...
...1 50 per copy and 15 tents for pc»rtage...
...MAVHAV AN 4»h A.r...
...An effort wil be ma-'» to nerrthen cur Staten t-lsrd brrn-h a-d p^sslb'v crganize -ew b— nrhes cn the irlar.d...
...Branch 1 of Chlcayt baa recently taken in twelve nev members and has embarked upon a winter's program of lectures and pisyi paesss—ed by the youth croups...
...The work has been *a in Paris and Geneva, Swi_*• tie title Implies, it is a ser1 sf "Bnt memories," or cbildat htpreasiocs...
...PTfce Lore Parade" j j|Te-m Parade," the talking ' InjgigtQa^ mnaical romance, ay-_f*r_abanal affair...
...Sunday evenintr...
...A German , Mai It The east includes an ' ¦li a Wei-ili 111 ii n. a Czecho pis—, e~ daughter of Spam la Caasdisn...
...Frark C. Perkins, earfidate f-r ?-faycT ard Ker-n-h' J. Eshn...
...or the onoortunist approach of the L_bour Party...
...Moxart—Piano Mats hi V Minor, Soloist John HKasa— "Serenade...
...Newro"k, ccntin'je-, to attr?.c* rocd aud'erres ever- S".:r.?av erenint...
...The thi-d pn-iv?rsrrr of his tirthday ard his pasring occured dvr'ng the'-r.^-ith rf Oc*ober...
...Plans for the winter activities were talked <-ver The Conference for Progressive tabor Action will hold a meeting at Fr-temrl Ball...
...Stanton is directing...
...Ohio, with 13 charter members and branches are to the process ol oreanlsati-n at West Park and Connee at...
...Nov 13 Ft the East SociaUst Center 204-East Broadway...
...b---i lee-'-r...
...w;i be held in the memcry of our rate be"oved leader "r.d rsr'sna' rh*'t-»,r...
...15 at 7 p m_ The hotel is located at Prospect avenue and East 8th street...
...t at vr-rimen's Circle Lyce...
...who served in Atiattta prism wt*h TVh^ for ct—>-s^*iott to the war... the Savcv Mansion... SHOWS Behear^h nave be—t started for the Boci—li-t wir'T shcw...
...Fliz-heth C. Po*h...
...and a nnrrher cf prominent S-v^-'-V-rts wt'l sneak...
...N J An effort is b^ine made to er.l'st wtfe-sfreal ceo"e"at'cn for *rade u-ion* in F~sex Cou~tv and —'nrhrr.ens Circle branches for this meeting...
...44 Linden avenue...
...mectin—s under the p.usrj'-es cf Let...
...3. Vienna's Crime'—Social Welfare.—Shut-bund and Heimwehr meet...
...Wisconsin ____ MTLWAtTKEE Tna.B'-riiiee Le_d?r has brought _ut a aalame of the late Victor L Duiu's speeches and edttcrials entitled "Voice end Pen of Victor L. Buaer...
...Th* orchestra also announces Id tt e_ seU subscriptions for ¦ iiaitnhf fire concerts of mm aad has made a reduction be per cent from the regular Mi mjtx price...
...An editcral in cne of the local tboots st-ted that tf Jes~r McLevy, the px-talist cr-nd'^'*" had run -Tie of the o'd p=t— tichets he cev'd "ave bee", elated >f2-cr of the c:ty without dc"bt The Socialist slayers used th's state—en* In all of the*t rtee*i-£s to pood effect...,^_i Its seeo-«l c-vmtm% te he held et Carnegie m\m\ Horember 90th, the toimtmj program: T--'—1--r Concerto lilO Major...
...In Great Britain, which shall ;t be—the IL.P... na-r.e 'f •cr-e f.c'ititus rerson purport—nc *o lee at the r-—e aJ-*r~-s The 'abed ntune r»*err:b,~d hi' own with a coup...
...A nee branch has been eta—bad In Newburg...
...Financial secretary is Mrs...
...The Economic Basis for Christian Brotherhood...
...On Tuesday evening...
...The first section of the program te as follows: Nov...
...Nathan ICiBer...
...a mertorial me-'in...
...Pennsylvania FtTTSBtneOH -« The Socialist Party of Allegheny County opens an Educational forum in the International Socialist Lyceum...
...The secretary Is J^"ius Edehrtem, 15^9 Monroe rTee...
...E'ections for de'e^a'es to the Cor.venticn of the Jewish Socialist Yerhand and other impor*ant mattes will be taken up Every member is urged to attend this meeMng... rocm 402 People's Eouse...
...will begir...
...Gun bora Londal and corresponding secretary M_s Tjm»- Ealond...
...The order of business will include reports of the campaign committee and" the campaign manager...
...become the permanent lecturer -f the fcrum and that each Friday eeen'ttg he win ciscuss some important hap-ening in the current events cf the wcek...
...h^d jus*, ccme o"** of t 'he ho-p:t3' af'er a s?r'e"s opet-tion, : —<--,'-1"i-,e"1 •>-•.» tt--**1...
...The ?e*cr^ qf !H'«nce wfTi take pla— Ktv...
...atajllimii i Score to Be Played _S Premiers Souvenirs...
...Max Schoen...
...On elec".iv—Ttage of the splendid lr-rt»ase In t'on dse eirb.*~n new members were obtained by th's brani-h...
...The book contains 775 pages, price... the county headquarters...
...The \mSf if by |n American...
...Michigan The citv which Ford made famous reports the organization of a new local which will meet at 1206« Whithorn avenue...
...The EaTsy aa Hungarian...
...a meeting win be held m the office of Dr...
...the prirripal —e?m—= <=t th» wtrd,— meetir.s cf th-OBv-Irlo Soe'n'ist eartoai-n in Flmwcod M'iS'e H-!1...
...its second -eason on Sunday even in t Nov...
...North Side...
...The Shoestring Ma is bow in rehearsal and I asks its bow about the third at is November at the Lyric B—tn, Boboken...
...Re¦jc-rts cf the c—mpaign manager will b? rendered, as wen as that of the -ampaif...
...8, Prof...
...each descriptive of tiapreseians in the life of an ¦sga chad A moving pageant •fldren an the stage, a quarBsmtn's voices and an ia•eaBtal background furnished It nail orchestra illustrate the _asa recalled by a narrator J|H» yet visible to the audi - Unaaiug to Paul Boeplle, dl**sr of the institute and rep¦atstrre of M. Dalcroxe in this **T...
...5Sth street and frHh avenue...
...The price a $1-25 per plate...
...7*f**- ae«thl-S bm France _ in Parte...
...acatring Review on Foot OaittaDher Moriey and Cle—i _od_aorton announce t>,»t their a aaaleal show...
...New Jersev STATE COMMITTEE The New Jersey S'-ate committee meets Sunday...
...11 in the cluhrooms... 2:30 nm...
...ESSEX rOlNTT Local Essex County :s making arraniremer.ts for a Debs Memcr_l meeting Saturday...
...of the members win be we'i ir-ime-dlately follcwing their first 're-rm lec*-rre...
...Pbvris win be crcposed for intensive activity to take the vote and enthusiasm...
...167 Tompkins aventse...
...The ss an by an Englishman...
...Lecture Calendar Fridae N?v...
...the composer of m istalty ten this program, is a aacsrtmaster of the orcbesi eat * member of the interprei_M committee...
...Hi tinmli OCfce 1 tW ome_'Jm _ej _%L ""f T — re-alts tar _»e ?^i «__ ST* Maw"^TTy, **** JUGOSLAV FEDESATION An exceptional amount of a-Jvirj has been shown by Jngo—Slav branches durtec the past month...
...7 E"* '-'th street...
...Sodaltet Party...
...A mating cf the members will be held on Monday evening...
...K-_9a_]-Bt B>ii____ia D_es...
...Plans for future activities win be discuf«ed and acted upon...
...Branch 10 of Forest City...
...For reservations write to Talbert White...
...ISib A. D. A meetin...
...EONX A £C__9T_J Tlr*TH^TftT»htp flNBttOC Of Bronx Wnrla Hits wffl be called aaaae time next week...
...the entire work Ulus!_j the fundamental principles ¦rythmics and so-called "plas1 aovement...
...Madison, Connert^cnt BREOG-PORT Twenty-nine street snd shop meeting were held last weeh cf the camnaig-»_ the meetin—s were eddre»sed by the l~al carrf<d»t...
...Bel'evtl'e N. J . ard at hear1c—r-ers...
...Or?-ani-er Claessens succeeded in mre tin- a Isrge number cf interested persons who*e n°—-— and adJre—es he cb'a'-ed bss al«o obtained a number cf epell-ations for merabership -rd h-s Err-r.~d wi'h these ccm— f"»- p —-1'-— ^—-—n-'^^-p'v fnl'-ydng e'ecr1...
...10, "Cuempkryment and the Colored Worker...
...old t_r:er in th...
...19 EP-n street the night before election...
...John C?rr-bine of STrinrfleld...
...2 The New Germany—A Spiritual Rejuvenat'on...
...16th A. D...
...IQO Be'mont rvenue...
...E —en» Virtcr Debs...
...CITY CZNTPAL COW^TTTTEE The first meeting °f the C* 'r~" C-mr-'fe- fnUovdn" the election wi'l be h°ld Wednesday evenin?, November 1...
...November 2. A well atterded mectinr of the local was held at the headquarters in Fraternal Hall...
...5. Paris^—The Gay.—Ejrope's Sole Victor...
...Stripped naked, beaten utterly, burdened with colossal war debts, yet she rises out of the war madness the only real conquev—una the beautiful!—edisra booi «a» Mod and Bract—at have mmm B»sB_re__r^]S_^_m__S8V** ats/f" end jCSs-f^SuM 1r*^i fii 7~s mm the sM of Wan aCreet...
...105 SprireCeld avenue...
...New York Gtv DET1S MTTICniAI...
...Election dav is ever...
...These two branche recently held a successful focal foi the OTTsnrrstVm Fund: $83.00 ha> been le c!»ed by the he-*dqu_r*ers ci the fe_er_tk_ from this event tinfar...
...November 11...
...until the thcusand dcli_r mark ha< been passed...
...hanthor is Ernest Vajda, the : Imtrnt Guy Bolton, the lyricist t ¦Mad Grey, the star is Mania Chevalier, the director is aa Lahitsch...
...The Sunday evening Forum, conducted by August Claessens...
...Bis purpose is to crrar.ize brartcfaea and increase the circulation <-t Labor Age...
...while the branches and lodges of western Pennsylvania win cenvene st Cacor^burg Pa_ Sunday... of the executive secretary* of •-be C. P. L. A Mr...
...Oct 20...
...meeting iv-L'l be heM Wedresda...
...Absjuet If tadtattoo bi the siaoerb^aefci-S her tediSr...
...Massachusetts BOSTON The Socialist Party organization has aramged for a series of forum lectures for the winter...
...34, pm...
...The meeting will be addressed bv Israel Mufson...
...General discussion will f?llew, concerning matters of ir-iraediate interest to •he p:u«;ess and f_t_re activity of our W_liamsb—rg branches... territory where the parte had r.o onrsmistier, fcr manv vet-, shows that rets- memVrs ere ready *o join the party tf the effort is only made lo organ—* them...
...Old A-e Pensions and the Colored Worker...
...527 Holbrook avenue...
...3C5 Prospect, Fourth Bldg-, or phone Mam 9239...
...17 B~h- F.*el hr'1 V—-h ev...
...A meetire...
...v *'on oT-""-1s proti"-1 y-t rr-rin7 -'"-e...
...96 avenue C. Ma'ters nert-inlng to futvre work win be discussed and acted upen...
...Gliere— _HM " _Hj» S-Bman...
...In c-e i-r*ance wh«re a ?cri?I-rt...
...1Earl Marx and the Twentieth Cento— " Jan...
...Many new members obtained during the campaign wul be properly initirted...
...At text is by Jacques Chenc¦*, —• m_c by ~—H Jaqaes abuei...
...August Oessens and Wm...
...Dec 1. "Race Prejudice tn Boston...
...eye::ti-e se— ret-.*- pf tv» Les—¦-e *cr I-f?-e-fe-t Poli*i'-3l A-tic...
...The Ph losophy cf So^iali-rr...
...noenalism and the Colored Workers...
...Soci?lir: movent e-t cf Amr»r*>a...
...There are sev¦aataMeux...
...Moriey has writ* the lyrics and sketch"": hackaortea has planned the hai decor and technique: SanBiK...
...8. -Trade Unions and the Colored Workers...
...Jos, M. Ca'dwell...
...James and Foreland street...
...N"-Vr-"vt —"c-y t 0 •>* c'rl_-h...
...Oregon Charles Kolb...
...4. Rome—The Glory that Was.—A thriving Dicta*cr-hip fed bv American Capital...
...MTFTTNG On Frids^ eveni-r...
...n-a^** an effort to rerister he d:s'"~eer—d that temebedv had wrt"*en 'n fo?l'wir!tr hs wife s rar--> on the boo"r...
...The 'r.tecse a-t'vtr of the camp';!—i made it difficult to arr-rce a m?momeeti-e...
...Srd A. r...
...r*e_r MttcheTl street, end the th'rd December 1. in Bshn Fr?i hall The r*udeTtts st the rr'-fritr rf Wise-ns_ have JtL-t firr-ed a r"r...
...Dogmatic theory, ironrind rules of attack, standardized formulae for all countries—all seem cast to the winds...
...f the Toung People's --oc_>'i«t Le-gue...
...THE FOEOI The rpen ftrcr...
...What Psychology Offers to Modern Ed-eat__" Dec 2. Prof...
...So-tal:rt Partv... L-rre...
...8—8:30 pm.—Wm M Fe_rerbau— and Ausust Claessens—Topic •The Results of the Election"—S:vcv Mansion...
...It is time to pet back to fundamentals...
...Hazel Park...
...W. J. Van aaeen, -What the Sorts lists Have Accompi-bed te Vienna...
...A Meats U starred...
...or tor men nasal tooks ean be made thiuurli thei City Ofltoe...
...the ^—t —' *^7—»-—f-f —,^---», ,-"1 V„ .—1 f<rr...
...Our Bronx comrades win bear reports of the campaign man a cttt sad wis liiiiiw1_iie ly plan intensive orgsm_ Hon sad educational work...
...n :n the Scnth &A.e rnnorr...
...Organizer August Claeaaens will be present in behalf of the city organisation BROOKLYN W-B-msbarg A joint meeting of the membership of the four Williamsburg branches will be held on Monday evening...
...Emil Bromberg...
...6. Prague a la American.— Progress've and Prosperous...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 14

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