THOMAS CALLS FOR CRUSADE TO BUILD THE CITY BEAUTIFUL Socialist Appeals To Supporters To Enlist Under Party's Banner For Year Round Battle To Redeem New York City By NORMAN THOMAS ISHOULD like...

...His decision to ask for a pardon bears two possible interpretations: (1) he may expect Mooney to be pardoned soon, and wants then to be in line for executive action in his own case...
...An Illustration will make the argument clear...
...Whether this is because Socialists have come to rule or are on the threshold of power here and there, or because the old theories have been found wanting is beside the point at this time The fact remains that the if ¦. phrases do not give complete satisfaction, they do not command the confidence that they formerly did...
...By withdrawing credit the bank can break any ranchman or farmer...
...I shall be obliged for transcripts of letters from Harris, reports of meetings and conversations with hi" pressions of his personality, etc...
...I "The Campaign Is Dead...
...Can we, in short, make the contents of Socialism prominent instead of the label* Thomas Applies Socialism The answer has been partly given in the municipal campaign of New York City which has just ended...
...Men and women slowly seem to become aware of the fact that none Sf as m New Tork is so strong, BO rich or so fortunate that he can guard his own health, his own liberty, bis own well-being, still less the well-being of his children, against the city government's ¦rimes or its failure to do its duty...
...What the Campaign Lacked The weaknesses of the campaign arose from the inadequacies of the research work: (1) Failure to disseminate enough Information to campaign workers...
...We do sot Cssse'i llbility for our detailed staakl We know that we are eath^Sl track...
...He was aided by a staff of investigators centering around the Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist Party of New York City and the Labor Research Department of the Rand School...
...The trouble is with ourselves...
...5) Appearance of Socialist representatives at public hearings...
...Thomas Jefferson i himself would have to realize that in modern New Tork the best government is not that which governs the least but that which is so effl; dent end so much in harmony with the peoples' need that we are aware of it not so much as an agency of policing as an agency of constructive service...
...eVrmers and stock growers do not 'have enough cash to operate their ¦"$Mmm or ranches, end unless they have credit the whole farming, wool-growing, and stockralsing interests will collapse...
...A linking together of these organizations and the publication of a national organ devoted to municipal problems worn a Socialist viewpoint would be next on the order of business...
...Perhaps it was the fault of the easy money atmosphere in New York when eVen workers took flyers on Wall Street and gambled on margin in baby stocks...
...These proposals are not visionary...
...The bank merger does not appear to have made much headway in North Dakota, although one Sank in Bismarck, the capital, has gone into the merger...
...Indeed Mayor Walker'i own contemptuous refusal to meel I charges, to discuss issues, or tc lay down a program with regarc to unemployment, transit, markets, bousing, the protection of the workers or any other thing should have cost him and his associates their Jobs...
...8) Preparation of diagrams, charts, maps and photographs for j use in campaigning...
...Of course, I shall keep all communications private and confidential unless otherwise instructed...
...Will the slump tn interest be repeated during the coming year and the years to come...
...The Demand for Sensations And yet it must be confessed Best we deserved that Insult to our intelligence which the Tammany campaign has been by reason of our refusal to get excited about anything except the dramatically sensational...
...Details are wanted and he who cannot supply them soon begins to wonder whether he knows what he is talking about...
...This is not casting any doubt whatsoever upon the soundness of our basic ideas but the complexity of our modern society has so overwhelmed us, has become such a fundamental premise in our thinking that we demand to ksow how these ideas will work out or will be made to work out in practice...
...2) more probable, he may have despaired of Young's ever pardoning Mooney, and have decided to do something "on his own...
...Individual enterprise sqlely for private profit has already failed in the matter of housing, transit, a market system and electricity supply...
...FP)—For the first time since his sentence thirteen years ag...
...The same author's "Expansion and Conflict" is also invaluable...
...Can we capture the interest of intelligent men and women who want to see social justice achieved in America and in the world...
...Then came the American Federation of Labor with its business unionism, which deliberately discouraged all working class organizational activity except unions, and which led the workers to immerse themselves in the capitalistic culture...
...Some material was circulated among campaigners but it soon became a physical impossij baity to continue to do so because | of the necessity of feeding the press...
...2) Drift towards liberalism Because much of the material was ill-digested and haphazardly collected the fundamental issues of municipal Socialism received insufficient treatment...
...7) Holding of indoor and outdoor meetings to bring the Sodalist interpretation of current events and basic issues before the workers of the city...
...Rooted firmly in Socialist philosophy, he has been able to explore practical questions without fear of going astray...
...In part our program emphasizes the fact that in our age of machinery, factories, subways, and apartments where we live in a huge collectivity, never more than three or four days ahead of hunger if food supplies are Interrupted, we must accept the fact of collectivism and seek to use city government as one agency for managing this collectivism for the use of the people instead of the profit of owners and politicians...
...The individual alone is too weak to fight the machine...
...The municipality may fail if it is* corrupt and inefficient...
...Our task is not a simple matter of house cleaning on which, theoretically all honest men of goodwill should agree...
...cultural groups taking issue with: this dominantly inhuman and antisocial capitalistic culture...
...and had it not been for organized labor they would have succeeded...
...That fear runs, up or down, from the day laborer, the pushcart man, and the little merchant who trembles before the wrath of the district leader or the precinct captain, to the teacher who fears the bureaucracy of the school board and the lawyer who fears the sinister alliance of politicians, racketeers, gangsters and some magistrates too much to try to expose it...
...In New York City the Municipal Research Bu- J reau should adopt a four-year re- j search program in preparation for the 1933 campaign...
...In this political campaign I have not been arousing my fellow citizens to one short and bloodless battle at the polls, but to a crusade...
...Norman Thomas would be the first one to acknowledge that he had not done this single handedly...
...As dwellers in the Machine Age we are subjects of a capitalistic culture...
...We explained csrefat»S honest and expert ssssseSM taxation based on' tat~a« that land values belong1 tea ciety which creates than aa^ 1 tial to all progress toward Uan Beautiful...
...6) Preparation of material for press releases...
...A Task For Many Cities By LOUIS STANLEY r' has always been one of the policies of the Socialist Party that the work for Socialism does not end with Election Day, that the appeal to the workers and -their sympathisers must go on all pear round...
...Since the disappearance of the Non-Partisan League the power of the bank has been curtailed, j When the Bank of North Dai kota was in process of formation ' the powerful financial interests of the country tried to crush it in its infancy...
...In part our program stresses common honesty and efficiency...
...His vision and his intelligence v.'on him the support of the newspapers and many independent voters...
...The most brilliant short volume is Dodd's "The Cotton Kingdom" in the Chronicles of America Series...
...Only St el delists seek to build the eaaafej ship of a permanent party spAtl for the interests of the easel with hand and brain both a ml ducers and consumers...
...Two special economic studies that are very informing are Van Deusen's "Economic Bases of Disunion in South Carolina" and Russell's "Economic Aspects of Southern Sectionalism, 1840-1861...
...that is, a mode of feeling, thinking and acting In terms of the ! problem of labor, reinforced by the aspiration for a social order in which service instead oi profit is the ideal...
...THOMAS CALLS FOR CRUSADE TO BUILD THE CITY BEAUTIFUL Socialist Appeals To Supporters To Enlist Under Party's Banner For Year Round Battle To Redeem New York City By NORMAN THOMAS ISHOULD like te take you, my readen, into my confidence...
...National snehra be divided between the Bares I Information in the National 01 of the Socialist Party and fab Dor Research Department all Rand School...
...Some win say there hi no Organization...
...can have their official legislative reference libraries, but even they could with profit establish Party bureaus...
...The American Federation of Labor, under Samuel Gompers, went >o the support of the Bank of North Dakota and got th: international unions to buy the state bonds of North Dakota...
...Bank Mergers In The Northwest By DONALD MONTROSE « BANK mergers are going on all over the country...
...Cksa Senior, National Secretary e? I Socialist Party, long a steed < municipal affairs, could bt of p service in furthering-this fnpe The probability -is that tbtk mediate future of the Bene Party will be bound npataa nlcipal activities and beat, t emphasis upon Municipal Bass Bureaus that has been pleat I this article...
...But the right sort of a party is as necessary in the city as it is in the state and nation...
...In part it stresses the need of using all the facilities of experts and all the powers of science to plan for the future of our city...
...Norman Thomas, the Socialist candidate for Mayor, symbolized the new point of view...
...In vain, during the campaign, I challenged anyone to point out any way of operating an Intelligent transit system except by the use of public credit and under a public authority...
...Can we dispatch missionaries who will disarm those inclined to shout: "The same old bunk...
...For many months I have been engaged in gathering material for the first full-length study of Frank Harris For that work I have received the aid of many distinguished people, such as Ernest Newman, Upton Sinclair, Augustus John, Dunsany and dozens of others...
...Montana, and North Dakota have been absorbed by the combine...
...It is part of tee if...
...J We pointed out In detail what I we do to keep the subways from beiag ran as a fSIHaii aej^ venture...
...They are pathetically afraid to antagonize the powerful political figures of their world...
...There are probably various explanations to account for the suspension of educational and organisation work on the part of many comrades from one election campaign to another...
...To depend upon a few noble leaders or to unearth a few facts during election campaigns is not enough...
...I have not been telling the possessors of special privilege that they can dear out Illegitimate graft bet still keep the special privileges of absolute or nearly absolute land ownership which cost the men and women of New York far dearer than all the graft of all the departments...
...Two chapters in the editor's "Workers in American History," will also be hdpful to the reader.—Ed...
...The labor movement in this country was well on the way to developing a labor culture with a rounded out labor movement including unions, cooperatives, political parties, mutual benefit societies, workers' education, a press, and so on...
...Some will say that the Amertasntiatlnm of the Party has required the imitation, consciously or unconsciously, of the old party's seetheds of campaigning only before election...
...The third thing we have been trying to do is to examine in detail what is wrong with our government in order to point out how to make it right...
...Who will deny, however, that in recent years there has been a decided decline in activity between election campaigns ? Who will deny that this has been connected as cause, effect, or both, with the apathy which we are now tt^gf^g to shake off...
...The banks affected by this j aaerger are mostly all within the ninth Federal Bank Reserve District, extending from Michigan to p*»K« The banks In the Calumet copper mining belt of Michigan have been swallowed by the merger...
...Chicago with the University of Chicago, and other dties should not have their bureaus ? Milwaukee and Reading, Socialist dties...
...While these criticisms refer to the New York City campaign, even the casual observer will readily see that the two dangers pointed out will always confront us, in any city, in any state, in any national election...
...son of all its strains to tat kssd spirit, and to human ksjehnl You have reason to hope taaal the dty may become tt thi pa**] of modern science can bi sasM to achieving the good Mr Ik J all...
...And to make matters worse the trade union movement tends to fuse itself Into the capitalist culture as an auxiliary or subordinate agency ready to further the salient objectives of capitalism...
...As we become more and more convinced of the necessity for concreteness, the need for spreading knowledge to the rank and file and preserving our Socialist view-point will become ever more pressing and difficult...
...Some will turn to Prosperity for an alibi...
...The second thing we nave been trying to do is to ask your comradeship in building your party as the necessary and effective instrument for achieving the good life in New York...
...One finds the sentiment in many places that the only thing to do to safeguard the Interests of the producers is for each state to follow the example of North Dakota and establish its own bank, STUDIES OF THE CIVIL WAR Flora Deutchman, Brooklyn.— There are quite a number of excellent studies of the causes of the Civil War...
...We know that tht ask | of the pioneers who Cartel M ice out of the wuderseemiSB our generation find esetsah social engineering inspires don for the common r»l ffl is a challenge especially fa,IS young...
...other workers had to rely upon the newspapers for data...
...This is a program for one xity but it immediately suggests a' broader field of work...
...As long as we, like dogs, can be kept quiet by a judicious mixture of bones and the whip, we shall be denied our rightful place at the banquet table of this city's great prosperity...
...The individual organised in a party on the political field and in a union on the economic field is strong...
...Practically every institution or or- j ganization with which he comes in contact Is either hostile or has no direct and intelligent Interest in the ideals of labor...
...For A Labor Culture By DAVID J—SAPOSS THE prime need in the United States at present is an effective labor movement, in order to counteract the viclousness of rampant capitalism, and the more dangerous paternalistic perversions of ¦ welfare capitalism...
...We pointed eat hi what we would do te haSH more expert leadership see true democracy te wsj tern...
...and today many wageworkers throughout the northwest send their savings to the state-owned bank of North Dakota...
...These things could then be accomplished: (1) Accumulation of clippings, documents, and other material needed at a moment's notice, that is, maintenance of a clipping file and reference library...
...Where -Jobs are scarce men are afraid to take chances...
...nomic individualism are gone and ! gone forever...
...Of course between the Republican pot and the Democratic kettle partisan politics are absurd...
...the receipts of .which gave the bank the capital to commence business...
...this machine age to bell J greater an artificial city «f ad ble congestion and sprtsdhxal pension biologically ansa brass...
...That hope must be a social hope...
...For years he has been hammering away upon concrete problems...
...Research, property S ried on, can help bring rleW the Socialist Party...
...This is particularly true where there are big universities...
...Maxwell McNutt, who defended Billings in his trial in San Francisco, states that be stands ready to be of service now if he needs formal legal representation...
...Most of these banks are located •a the main distributing points of the farming and stock-raising territory, and all at strategic points, where the bank can control the economic life of the states and dictate the political policy of the Voters...
...Fear Hke this can only be conquered by hope...
...Even our imperfect municipality has done better than we realize sometimes to nwef our social needs and to provide some security for its own workers...
...With a few exceptions, every lour mill in the state is similarly ssmed...
...Plans are already on foot to bring them to fruition...
...2) Publication of research reports on fundamental city problems, so that the results can be made as widely known as possible...
...but two mergers now In process of formation fax the northwest are going to have a far-reaching effect on the psoplt of their communities...
...This, too, can only be remedied by long range preparation...
...or outlined a plan...
...Ing machinery necessary to CM on the all-year round cassS that will bring victory on He* Day...
...Is ; live the campaign...
...There was more discussion of the fundamental problems of a municipality in this campaign than ever before...
...And the only agency to which the organized worker belongs that might counteract the anti-labor sent!-, ments and opinions of his environment is the trade union, pigmy in stature, poor and feeble in spiritual, intellectual and philosophic content...
...We Must Conquer Fear Yet I do not want my last words to be a criticism, however richly deserved, of the Democratic Tiger or of the Republican Jackal, which in district after district in this city cleans up the bones the Tiger leaves...
...Their sorrowing former owners can now console themselves that' John D. Rockefeller and other big financiers will hereafter provide them a good and secure home...
...Not a Highbrow's Jet It is important not to look as this research work as an aetsai occupation...
...Every possible research worker was drawn into the task of digging up facts...
...And this attitude must in turn permeate and inspire a completely rounded out labor movement, the organizations of which function in all important fields of human endeavor...
...One seerger, the First Stock Corporation, is being promoted by the cop- j per and hydro-electric power mag- Bates...
...An effecive labor movement is only possible when it is based upon a labor culture...
...Only a continuous program of research can meet our needs...
...Ax owning and employing dees uses that economic power end supplements it by the skill of its political agents In cowing the masses...
...As long aa we act like sheep the butchers will treat us like mutton...
...Like Mooney, Billings refused to ask for parole, as being a confession of guilt, whereas both men have been irnind tn be innocent -wer to elect whomever it pleases...
...Our task is to make municipal methods better...
...But X need not tell you, gallant and intelligent fighters that you are, that what we have done can never take the place of that permanent army Of peaceful progress which it is the deepest ambition of myself and my party to build...
...There has been a decided asndency for the Socialist moveaesnt an over the world to turn from generalities to specific things, from the abstract to the concrete, from doctrinaire utterances to practical programs...
...Warren K. Billings has applied to Governor C. C. Young for a pardon...
...Nevertheless, es valuable work can be dost hi fields of state and national sal State Research Bureaus ett.S a little courage and less nssf established in several stsheetl present time...
...Yet nine times out of ten they come from | men and women who dare not let i their names be used...
...The bank mergers have revived the talk in the northwestern states in favor ot state-owned banks...
...This information and the suggestions which often accompany them show that .New Yorkers aren't completely dead above the neck...
...They comprise the majority of the strongest banks in Minnesota...
...The campaign is seed...
...We must build for the future but to do so we must campaign all year round, studying specific issues, working out a Socialist approach towards current problems, permeating the Party with a wellorganized body of facts and opinions...
...Many good citizens miss this vital point when they talk of non-partisan government in New York...
...4) Conducting of discussions at branch meetings and seminars or classes at the R&nd^School or elsewhere for the study and analysis of fundamental problems and current developments...
...Turning to Realities Without stopping to evaluate Bay of these reasons or others that satght be advanced, the writer ¦hales to call attention to one factor that he believes has contribBted to the present unhealthy sitaatlon...
...Beyond and behind the specific program which I have tried to outline in detail is the need of giving our people a vision of the kind of city we might have and hope that that vision may be made to come true...
...Talent which ordinarily would never have been utilized was used to the utmost...
...Can we send forth speakers for outdoor and indoor work who are equipped to meet the new requirements...
...Bvtr/aJ for us helped to make tat gj3 I brighter...
...Intellectually, it had even a greater demoralizing effect, for in all his important activities the worker in the United States is surrounded with a point of view that ¦ is anti-labor, or at best non-labor...
...M Only we Socialists hast sje*| of the shining vision for Re* to...
...Especially, at the very end of the campaign there was a popular awakening, slow ha coming, but impressive when it came—an awakening to the extraordinary Interest and importance of municipal problems...
...He had to have assistance in working over all the vast amount of material that bears upon the complicated affairs of a great dty like New York...
...This situation hdds true of his political party, church, athletic dub, fraternal and benefit society, press, theatre, store and so on...
...We need the comradeship of a party inspired by vision, sustained by philosophy, to give us strength to work out our program for the city...
...and various American periodicals have given space to my request for material bearing on my subject...
...He is a student and at the same time a participant in public affairs...
...This attitude automatically destroyed the incipient labor movement and labor culture, with its traditions and customs, finally even resulting in the weaken- | ing of the trade union movement, so that in general it is weaker now than it has ever been in its history...
...Dare to dream tor B a9 of what New York might W hi will have reason to fear leatifl will become If chaotically aa ^ ¦ out control the lust far sty gain drives the fanm—m esses...
...The tragedy of New York is the wantleasness of great masses of people, their apathetic conviction that the city c»n be scarcely more to them than a capricious and often unjust policeman or, at most, the source now and then of some tiny special favor if only they are docile...
...It is particularly easy in New York City at the present time to come before the Committee of the Whole of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, or at other public meetings and it Is worth reams of publicity...
...It Is a task of city building and the kind of city we build and the way we build it will depend upon our general point of view with regard to the necesI sity of controlling those things i necessary for our common life for the common good...
...FRANK HARRIS Editor, The New Leader: I shall appreciate your giving space to this communication...
...How much of our suspension of propaganda work during the year has been due to the feeling that the message we have to deliver is not in shape to make an effective appeal today...
...In all i important industrial countries, except the United States, the outstanding minority cultural group is the labor movement, which explains why organized labor through j its manifold organizations and activities is such a tremendous social force in those countries...
...Certainty 1 a natural outgrowth of Asa* conditions and not a (hflsB) imitation of what hat •oasi abroad...
...Indeed you cannot do much in New York except as part of a general struggle for freedom, peace and plenty...
...3) Preparation of a popular "text-book" on municipal problems based upon the research reports...
...Long Live The Campaign" A Research Program To Provide Socialist Fighting Material The Entire Year Round...
...As Billings was formerly convicted, by a frame-up, in another labor case, he cannot be pardoned by the governor without the recommendation of a majority of the judges of the California Supreme Court...
...Some will, no doubt, blame the Communists and tell yon about The Split...
...New York Socialists, who knew what was happening, were certainly made conscious of the value of research...
...Labor unions all over the country, sent deposits to the State Bank...
...As i one chronic candidate expressed it: I "I used to have one speech, this j year I had twelve...
...Thanks to you we have developed a surprisingly good improvised army...
...We wanted pap sjfl but still more we want yet, fl3 that the election is over, wt ssh I still welcome your moral ess hem I cial support in our eostasel fight...
...Is there any good reason why Boston with Harvard nearby, Philadelphia with the University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburg with the University of Pittsburg, Baltimore with Johns Hopkins...
...Can we break into the newspapers with statements that command attention...
...More than in any campaign in my snpsrlenco the newspapers, with gome notable exceptions, have givSB> a fair and reasonably adequate account of our constructive criticpans sad proposals...
...The Need for a Party I have had in this campaign amazingly interesting information and constructive suggestions touching comparatively minor things like the provision of more comfort stations, the end of the danger and inconvenience of guardless subway trains and dry sweeping up to serious charges of wrong conditions in the hospital department and the courts...
...Transit, housing and health can be made.Just, as dramatic and sensational as graft and corruption...
...The governor, who is still "studying" the preparedness day case, has made no comment on Billings' appeal...
...Every dty in the United States where a few Socialists exist can easily have its Municipal Research Bureau, even if on a modest scale at first...
...Even the | wealthy and powerful are kept | from occasionally kicking over the j traces and firing their political brokers by fear of the vengeance of tax assessors who at present do not assess real estate at full value and of a Board of Standards which | permits or refuses to permit for political reasons disregard of zoning regulations...
...The Non-Partisan Leaguers in the legislature passed a bill creating a state-owned bank, known as the Bank of North Dakcta...
...The heads of the tickets were kept informed...
...Through this bank merger the super-power trust will be rahls to control the state legislators end own the state officials...
...Of course character and efficiency must never be sacrificed to partisan consideration...
...The reason this state is not good picking for the bank trust is the action of the old Non-Partisan League, which was a power a few years ago...
...That means, as we Socialists have pointed out over and over again, a better Civil Service system for the workers, the elimination of favoritism and the wrong kind of poli1 tics, recognition of the right of j workers to organize, and expert ) and functional leadership rather : than mere political leadership in j the management of subways, the : bousing authority, markets, etc...
...He had changed from generalities to specific issues...
...Whatever the reason, it has been a reproach to us that political wiseacres could say: "There are no burning issues in this campaign" simply because no one could present eye witnesses to prove Just what Tammany was covering up in the Rothstein case Apparently we are not expected to get excited about maladministration and graft unless three newspaper photographers, at the least, can present a picture of the spot where the crime was committed and five reporters will testify tc the passage of marked bills...
...Any immediate program for New York City comes square against the need for favorable action in Albany and Washington as well as at City Hall...
...Iket X should like to express in Mingled pride and humility, my eery deep gratitude to my col-' leagues on the ticket, my dear friends aad comrades m the party, the little army of gallant workers at headquarters, the N cm-Partisan Committee, the contributors to our small campaign fund, which is not yet fully raised, and those persons known and unknown to me who by personal work, by giving me valuable information, and otherwise nave helped so gloriously in the campaign...
...The old days of eco...
...There has been much that has been encouraging in this campaign...
...But there are minority...
...The Labor Research Department of the Rand School, if It could spare the time, could very well undertake to study those numerous general problems of municipal Socialism and history here and abroad which bureaus devoted to the affairs of particular cities would have to neglect...
...In like manner, I challenged them in any way to get rid of the slums except by a program of municipal housing under expert authority, any way to alleviate unemployment or reduce the cost of living save by collective action with the municipality as the appropriate agent...
...A city which has once more learned the lesson that there is no real wealth apart from work may be less tolerant of "honest" graft and political favoritism...
...It is safe to say that more than in any" campaign before this the new type of strategy employed by Norman Thomas characterized the work of all the candidates, speakers, writers and press agents of the Socialist Party...
...He has taught applied Socialism no matter what office he has run for...
...The chief Montana banks have been swallowed one by one until, at the present time, over fifty banks in Minnesota, Michigan...
...Of the immediate post-war period, Oberholtzer's "History of the United States Since the Civil War," Volumes I and n, and Bowers' recent work, "The Tragic Era," are excellent...
...In awakening hope we shall have conquered that pervasive fear which characterizes New York's life...
...We have become acmtsl to heave sighs of apprectsttat the pioneer work done is WSJ by the Fabian Society and tatt tuals of Socialist peisuaasi may be that the restarts a ; here proposed will bacon I 1 American counterpart of eh* I British have done...
...Za Montane the Interests behind the bank trust own all but two of the daily newspapers in the state, -ead^many of the weekly newspap-.ara...
...As a matter of fact, what I sale on the school system alone, without contradiction, what I salt about the administration of th* ; Police Department, the District i Attorney's offices and the Magistrates' courts, also without contradiction, should have been enougr to turn Tammany in disgrace out of office...
...This can only be remedied by long range preparation...
...Men do not so much vote for the political machine because of its occasional human kindness as because they fear it The background of that fear is the lack of security for the workers in our industrial civilization and the increase of technological unemployment...
...All campaign workers sought, within the limits of their abilities, to live up to the high standard set for them by the head of the ticket...
...and a threat to withdraw credit unless the vote in the district goes as the bank desires will give the bank the Warren Billings Asks Pardon of State REPRESA, Cal...
...Visions a "City Beautiful" The first thing, then, that we Socialists have been trying to do is' very imperfectly to paint the vision of the City Beautiful and to awaken hope that it can be achieved...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 14

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