A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "ONE OF THE SIX BEST-DRESSED" L-nj, FBaGENBAUJa, wno is a sort or personal tlBttrsry guild when it comes to suggesting good to read, «ends us a fascinating...

...Brooklyn, this Sunday at 8 p. m. at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...The Negro cropper, the white tenant, and the small cotton farmer five upon a basic diet of salt fat pork, corn bread, and molasses," writes the author...
...Help Wanted The addressing of a list of 40.000 names starto Friday, Oct...
...There if sane* thing anti-toxic in being a nut perhaps...
...No wonder it takes him so long getting around to |ticts when be has to decide what to wear out of ncn a collection...
...In this work (Human Factors in Cotton Culture...
...How *• gets that snappy dip in the rim of his Panama hat And why anybody votes for him except barbers and Fifth Avenue tailors...
...He has received an average yearly compensation of $282.13...
...Andy Furuseth of the Seamen declared at Toronto ™*t the ruling classes of all countries are preparJJJT labor for a new "Babylonian slavery...
...wno would ever have suspected our aymy of loving "raging reds...
...Neither can we on certain mornings...
...It is not surprising, therefore, that cotton colors the religious, social, economic and political thought and action of the population...
...Matchett said: "The tendencies, to vAdeh I referred that I did not like in the party were e**eral...
...But what I mean to bring out is, that wbfle afl these people were dying and passing into silence, net one of my belligerent and all-knowing corraapondents has been in the least affected...
...However, there are other and important matters on which the women could give expression to—i...
...The members of Circle One have entered into the mayoralty campaign with considerable gusto...
...ife uas not sa;r A day uho had '1 he honor to be Damned as mad Hated, but soul I nsrathed...
...Aad not only appears but usually is...
...of course, too late to do anvihing concerning Miss MacDonald...
...Women have gone into almost every field of work now and I don't see that they have done so badly...
...He loves deep purples, p& folden browns, raging reds as well as softly aatsd pinks and blues...
...In this respect the women of th...
...the man or woman who permits words like 2*°utionism" or "pacifism" or "Socialism" to close j* °r her mind has not risen above the habits of p"™ *ho seek the darkness of the cave...
...One lad out in the west has filled up BM**J0 waste baskets here with closely written peratflaM, each epistle containing six to seven thouaaasl ewb . . . and all harping on the same theme . . .that all around him lies a world of morons and peoetltuted thinkers . . . that he has the right idea ehout the Social Revolution . . . nothing else will do...
...She will, however, say this, that when a number of women comrades will write her and signify their intention of getting together once more, she will undertake to call .1 meeting at which such matters can be discussed intelligently...
...7a here human Hogs remain...
...Here in less than 3 per cent of the world's land area 60 per cent of the world's cotton is grown...
...Anyway now you are hep to what all the activity Dwad City Hall is...
...Circle 6. Manhattan Installation of officers will take place this Sunday evening at the regular meeting of Circle Six...
...Then I suppose the only way out is for the 4&> umnist to fool the whole lot of them by eroektag first...
...training would do the same for her in any other line...
...Manhattan, in the Harlem headquarters...
...A few of the members are at work in their respective localities doing what can be done...
...N. C, University of North Carolina Press, $3) the author presents the results of his extensive research and atudies in southern cotton history, confining it chiefly to cotton growing and the cotton growers...
...This in the land of "prosperity," in the "land of opportunity...
...it was staving off the inevitable because the United States cou:d easily be master of the seas...
...doing all I can to squelch it by speaking from '¦•rear of General Sherman's statue, at the Plaza...
...We feel that we know our Mayor much better after reading hr...
...Ford would be able to be...
...Henry Ford went out of his way recently, and talked about women— their inability to think, their place is in the home, etc...
...375 Stone avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Wonder of Peace Much that does not appear entirely justified in the eyes of young radicalj is being said of Ramsay MacDonald's visit here and his activities towards naval disarmament...
...The cheap diet they are compelled to live on is a prolific source of pellagra...
...Down in the minimum wage group, where girls have to live on as little as $19.70 a week, there is...
...What are his favorite colors in hydrangeas, "hat he does with those two hundred canes...
...Miss Miller first attacked Ford's allegation that "women are a diminishing, rather than an oncoming force in industry...
...p*he up in your limousines and hear me some time...
...To a person whose political intelligence has matured since the great war, it seems a fairly logical, obvious and even simple rourse for' Great Britain and the United Stetes to decide on naval parity and then proceed to cut down at an equal rate...
...As petty proprietor of this here space, my leet years or so have been pestered and bludgsossed at all too frequent intervals with letters, broeharea^ and serial novels by every one of these geata Mir loose in the land...
...And her= is where the really remarkable aspect of all these negotiations ccme in: The United States has given up an opportunity to be the biggest and th...
...And the quality of gray matter is supposed to be the same whether one is trained iu engineering or in the art of homemaking...
...After the lecture, "ceremonies" attending the opening of the gymnasium in the Brownsville Labor Lyceum will be held...
...While she is willing to co-operate to the fullest extent in doing this kind of work, she has not the tint" to initiate it...
...Ford would not scorn the mind of Mrs...
...Chapel Hill...
...Comrades and friends who are interested in getting a sample copy should write to Harry Lopatin...
...It transformed many^New England mill owners into vampires draining the vitality of women and children...
...All meatings are manned by Yipsel committeemen and the speakers likewise are very often Yipsels...
...Acid /.':.< "..as a sfinl I i 'kite ai fire- - A iifitd flame .¦ibrte thai mire Irani uhiih there uaddle >afe atid sane Hogs...
...Ford's implication that women instinctively are good only at cooking and sewing and taking care of children Is quite wrong...
...Professor Rupert B. Vance has written a study of this phase of the cotton kingdom that is an invaluable contribution to American economic history...
...Surveys of married women who work have shown that what they are working for is vacations and better educational and travel advantages for their children, as well as more recreational advantages for themselves and their, husbands...
...Isn't it comforting to have that all cleared up...
...Textile Meeting The Youth Committee for Industrial Co-operation will hold a meeting on the Southern textile situation In the Labor Temple on Oct...
...This is the work of the entire committee...
...I don't want any of my constituents to worry about what I am going to wear in *• Aldermanic chambers...
...Write to th° editor of this department at once—if you want action...
...Within the past year or two cotton manufacture and its allies in the South have been unable to conceal the social abyss that lies beneath the new textile industry...
...3 The joyful melody of that refrain * g Tou played upon my heart goes laughing: atSt' Along the crooked hallways of my brain gS| To waken old desires, to mock my will, • *1 Though I have sneered when death his sie*Bf #fMwi About my throat, though I have laughed at yah...
...Why all the women doctors...
...He has spent on an average of $328.56 annually over a period •f 28 years...
...We quote the author: He has in 28 years, with the help of his family of seven children, produced S36 bales of cotton thaii brought $16,600...
...Out of this he has lived, clothed his family, bought six mules and partly paid for them...
...Special reference will be made to Marion...
...Out of the 18 members who constitute the committee, only about one-third have answered the correspondence sent out and some did not acknowledge the letter informing them of their election as a member of the National Women's Committee...
...She quoted statistics, from 1870 to the present, on the rapidly increasing percentage of women gainfully employed...
...Newman and Panken seem to be doing all possible to interest women...
...The Mayor's barber is a fellow named Philip...
...Great Britain's relinquishing of her supremacy on the = constitutes an historical event of m" 'or importance...
...The proportion of part-time Jobs is going up year by year...
...Everyd^/ . . . yes every minute fir the last six years a whole procession of funerals has gone an interminable route to countless cehBOteries with the bodies of folks who were quiet, unassuming, unbothersome, gentle, useful, CO ppsie tive, and withal so delightfully decent to me...
...He wishes them back in the days of butter-making and weaving and baking twelve blackberry pies on Saturday...
...Why have there always been a superabundance of women teachers...
...At one point in the study be quotes a writer in the "American Journal of Sociology" who declared: "In the Belt—Black, Cotton, or Bible, as you prefer, cotton is Religion, Politics, Law, Economics, and Art...
...If they don't want to think, why are there three times as many women lawyers now in New York State as there were ten years ago...
...It made many white owners of slaves calloused to horrible whippings of their laborers...
...Comrades Eddy...
...He ia now In debt $1,400...
...Now hold your hats, boys and girls and get this ¦a "Jimmy finds it hard to say 'No' when he is Bitted to represent the City Government at various tttafra...
...A pathetic aspect of this drab life is that of the women and children, the latter getting little schooling because of the necessity of the cotton grower exploiting his own young...
...UBS and I, (I mean Eddie LeVinson) are pretty m that we were not put on this list...
...S. H. CIRCLE ACTIVITIES Coleman on Debs McAlister Coleman, columnist and cat psychologist, will talk on the life of Eugene Debs at the meeting of Circle One, Bronx, this Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m., at 1167 Boston road...
...A reporter of the Telegram got on the job, and went to the right persons for comment...
...a * These intimate little touches are a great help in letting at the true character of genius...
...Of rourse...
...When he (the Mayor) is in town no one is permitted to shave him but Philip...
...Un epidemic of dying doesn't touch them In the least...
...The author devotes one chapter to the geography and soil of the cotton kingdom, another to the evolution of the cotton system, a third to the weather and the weevil, and then gives his attention to the human and economic aspects of cot on growing...
...Three hundred Social-Democrats, all young people, have been arrested in Lithuania...
...Walker makes it a point whenever keeping an Qotstment to appear fresh...
...Philip rushes by jxito the City Hall, the Mayor's home, Paul Block's rfsrtment in the Ritz Carlton, or any other place lis Mayor may designate for this function...
...He Is misinformed about their progress in industry and their reaction to it...
...We shall omit the details of the squalid life, the hopeless drudgery, and merely consider what John and his wife had at the end of 28 years...
...Dripped acid ink...
...Perhane because so few of them ever read this coftjaM of mine...
...Aad a* long as there are waste baskets in the world, they can dribble and dabble and howl to their own eatstent...
...Hh valet or rather his tailor is a gent named Jean rnedman who goes "personally to the City Hall or gtj other part of the city to measure and to fit Bk- Honor...
...Eight children died, the parents soon followed, leaving John the only survivor...
...The work is supplemented with case studies that remind us of studies that have been made of poor wretches vegetating in the slums of northern cities...
...only he knows what the Socialist Party ooght to do . . . and failing to do it . . . whatever that ia . . . we are what we are...
...Educational Director of the Rand School, will address Circle Two...
...MUSSEJL I am thankful to Comrade W. W. Passage Who has taken enough trouble out of a busy life to d*©» a short note about one of my remarks on au***i|f*t poseurs of the past . . . and enclose the eartract'af a personal letter sent to Letghton Baker, hy the late Comrade Charles H. Matchett . . . one of OB» pioneers...
...t<tt $H make amends by defining "garrulous" as a tfloiM with ten thousand yards of words, "mtaOaetneJ," as a guy who has a mind and thinks the rasa at as are plain deaf, dumb, and dopey, . , . "sjeMsJMttlB^ as a bozo who must keep Busting up things . . i e» he can't live . . . that's all...
...Thank the fates, they are hi* numerous...
...And there is a lot that can be done before the campaign is actually over...
...They are like the gambler playing with stacked cards who can never win but who plays because he has lost the will power to desert the game...
...Comrade Ef5e Mueller...
...Two-thirds of southern life rest upon the growing, marketing or manufacture of cotton...
...One example of the many that are cited will be sufficient...
...As she herself states in her report to the Executive Committee: i "The Committee as it is now organized and constituted is a failure, it cannot meet because of its large numbers and lack of funds...
...He married and nine children were raised in the field on the same diet...
...The National Woman's Committee of the Party MRS...
...Lilith M. Wilson, who was Chairman of the National Woman's Committee of the Socialist Party has resigned her office...
...engineer, and many others I could mention...
...And if, as he says, they are not precise in their work, why do so many factories nowadays assign women to delicate and intricate work that requires absolute accuracy...
...Miss Miller and Miss Nell Swartz, Industrial Commissioner: "As to women...
...Ford is sentimental, according to Miss Frieda S. Miller, director of the Women's Bureau...
...When one travels through the cotton regions and observes the thousands of wretched shanties in which these croppers, renters and laborers live, such cases as the one cited above become more vivid...
...It is...
...T:..' And this I know: that if my sou...
...hy, my...
...He received for his share of that amount $7,900...
...And, as she said, "Government Labor Department statistics are more inclusive than Mr...
...This work must be completed by Tuesday and all Yipsels with a moment to spare are urged to appear and announce they are ready for work...
...Naturally he cannot be on time except at the first one...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Until yen joat feel like getting up from the desk, hailing a aah, and going to the nearest speakeasy for eoasftete oblivion...
...Wake up...
...28th at 8 p. m. Dr...
...The chairman has not the power to remove or add to the committee: neither should she decide committee matters, write the leaflets, plans, etc...
...In one of his speeches here MacDonald pointed out that it actually amounts to affection Ever since Drake defeated the Spanish Armada, the Union Jack has maintained its supremacy on the seas by the simple expediency of sinking the ships of anv challenger...
...They are less better off than the slaves on those plantations whose owners permitted them to cultivate a patch of ground and to sell the produce, keeping the proceeds for themselves...
...The men ggwe experts must have been out of town the day our Fall overcoats out of hock, ss a « « « Mayor "sponsored the one button, form-fitaar owrcoat which is the conceit of Piccadilly fcjoda" Isn't it great to think we have someone mb at City Hall who can think up cute conceits as that...
...O. O. Mclntyre and we trust you feel the same...
...Miss Miller concluded, "I have felt that, while he is a first-rater in his own line, he is a strictly mediocre thinker outside of it...
...Married women are going out into the Industrial world increasingly...
...Now for a few rebel poetue hy rebel poets...
...Sow can you have justice when you put private T*8* in prison while public robbers are seen in •tople and gold ?—Cato...
...It is just a last¦Jwite effort to blacken my reputation with the ¦°ys and girls up there where the Ritz Towers rise...
...Seconded by Miss Swarts Miss Nelle Swartz, member of the Industrial Board of the State Department of Labor and a member of the Committee on Industry of the Women's City Club, supported Miss Miller in these statements...
...Ever since the days of Ford's peace ship...
...I suppose that's the mysterious bird you see sky^y^ng- around town in a big Police Car...
...It is not uncommon to have six or eight sf them fall at the same hour in the same evening...
...One who is anxious to understand the cotton kingdom today must read this work...
...TillnftfWpje for the nonce...
...The large vote cast in the last Los Angeles election shows that such work has been done...
...We take the liberty of re-printlng the interview with the Director of the Woman's Bureau...
...The editor could give them no comfort, since she is not responsible for the organization of the socialist women...
...party are in no worse position than the party itself...
...William E. Bonn...
...Lilian Gilbralth...
...I think that she did the right thing...
...Men and women are learning to work together successfully, to mutually respect one another in industry," Miss Swartz declared...
...This theme is played on until It wears yoO...
...Twenty of them have been turned over to the court-martial authorities and are in danger of being sentenced to death...
...1 * It is about the prosy, noisy, prolific correctJonieta that I make vehement protest...
...It consigned a few millions of poor whites in the old slave South to abysmal illiteracy, reeking poverty, and degraded superstition...
...Brotherhood ; Prof for the iveak, ihs fearless pen Dripped acid ink I-'rom hearts of men...
...Supplemented with a knowledge of life in the textile areas he will understand something of the "prosperity" that mocks the wretchedness of several millions of workers in the Coolidge-Mellon-Hoover paradise of American capitalism...
...These cases show that often labor is cheaper in the rural South than slave labor...
...They slaved for 28 years and brought into the world seven children who shared the fate of the parents in the matter of diet, work and education...
...The cotton complex follows as a matter of course...
...Los Angeles, and Comrade Lena Lewis of San Francisco, both very busy with j State and Local work, are doing all j possible to interest women...
...and his opinions about their industrial potentialities bear little weight in the light of facts...
...Henry Ford says women don't want to think much...
...It was cotton culture that provided the main cause of our Civil War...
...t About poets and their fierce complaints I ahaf say little, since for them I shall always boM tesn and forbearance...
...Bonn in Brooklyn Dr...
...He married, neither John nor his wife ever having had a chance to go to school...
...Indianapolis, who was elected to nil the vacancy made by the resignation of Emma Henry, has organized a women's group in Indianapolis and is now sending out letters over Indiana to organize other groups...
...Wilson, seem to be indicative of some new arrangement that will change the former, rather large committee, with no definite function or power, into a concentrated small group of active women headed by Mrs, Mabel Barnes who is in the National office, and could, if she would, assume the responsibility of starting a movement 1 which would, at least, hold some promise for the future...
...It is Jean rushing around with as measuring tape and Philip getting lathered up...
...It created a dangerous oligarchy of a few thousand white families who seriously desired to enslave the laboring population of the world, both blacks and whites...
...But in industry as a whole I find no more discontent, no more maladjustment, among women than among men...
...Leon K. Land...
...Blood has been shed, the class struggle—ever present and always denied—has been rife, and the end is not yet...
...Of cotton manufacture we know much but back of the mill towns is the vast region of cotton growing itself with a story of human tragedy that persists to this day...
...62 Fast lffith street...
...Ford would have them, how would this 'new kind of power in complete partnership' come about...
...It has always been accompanied with tragedy and suffering...
...I have two union suits and some Open Shop D's myself...
...Comrade Aaron Levensteln has been particularly active...
...Of course we would like to know a lot more about aint...
...For the cotton grower, white and black alike, the banking and credit system, marketing, merchandizing and other phases of cotton culture constitute a spider's web in which these millions of unfortunates are caught...
...My other twenty-five pairs of spats are out being toy-cleaned but as soon as my valet gets them back I «xpect to wear a different pair for every succeedday of my campaign...
...Here we may add the important fact that these rations are identical with the rations selected by owners of slaves before the Civil War...
...Disciplined in Home "Woman's mental discipline has been in the home, and a psychologist wou'.d say that if training has made a woman a capable homemaker...
...LILLIAN S. KAPLAN EDITOR Published Every Week fay The New Leader for the Young People's Socialist League CITY ACTIVITES Tag Day On Saturday...
...no matter how iaspoaafMy printable their work may be...
...The hopeless outlook for the cropper, tenant, and laborer has been so constant in the lives of these workers that they continue in a dull routine from year to year...
...So that you may recognize me, I ** the well-dressed man in a pair of slightly bent ¦j^rimmed eye-glasses to the • right of General ¦fflnan's horse...
...Well just to spite them all...
...Cans, tags and arm bands will be available in the City Office at 7 East 15th street, all day...
...Thus the legend pr/wa...
...Comrade Coleman is now at work on a biography of the great Socialist leader and his remarks should be particularly worth hearing...
...Organization Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 31 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...down to a frazzled strip of betf yourself...
...In Response to Many Requests Since the arrival of the MacDonalds...
...Work tor Vocations "And I think the trend out of the home is good-—It makes for better ; standards of living within the home...
...Jim Smith, a day laborer, recelved eight dollars a month and the rations mentioned above fifty years ago...
...Guests don't understand this and it is 'The Mayor is late again' to them...
...And when they slcx' i hat saint, their souls Dripped acid too...
...Tja will all be glad to hear that our Mayor la — «f the six best-dressed men m New York, "the flvt selected by men fashion experts being I_7a11 Haggin, Ray Long, Roy Howard, Otto Lata and A. L Eads...
...The present plans, according to Mrs...
...Your last fond tears upon my cheek have ftoggp So fiercely that my own eyes wept again...
...Whenever he sends sa a three alarm' for a shave...
...a desire on the part of many to ntahe a career out of the movement l"T*esd of asrvteg tt disinterestedly . . . the placing of peraoMi vanity in the foreground . . . wilfulness In the adenaaay of ideas which leads men to put their perSMeejRsr before the cause ia importance...
...Ford Gets His Due...
...I shall persist hThving on for all of their subtle intentions...
...Boxing and handball matches between comrades who give the impression that they can only work With their mouths, will be a feature...
...the City League will conduct a Tag Day for the Marion textile strikers and other Southern workers in need of assistance...
...Some of them, even came to see her in person if something could not be done about it...
...the editor of this department has received many letters from women asking why the women of the Socialist Party have not been able to arrange some sort of a reception for Miss MacDonald...
...Nowhere does he attempt to draw an indictment of the system but the facts are here for the reader to draw his own conclusions...
...tonight "** .. Were wrtthtng in the crucibles of bell Your touch, your kiss, could resurrect It #?aHa, Brush all its scars away and make it weJL 1 ~> Put me down as intolerant with "'""?Mr daae Sh humans . . . the garrulous, intellectual, arfhisaaam "nuts...
...Miss Swartz said that Ford's wish to keep women in the home was destined to non-fulfilment, because there is no longer enough to do in the home to keep a woman occupied unless she goes back to the old-fashioned practices of milking and weaving and grinding wheat on stones...
...iJke most fastidious dressers he has an emoaajal nexus with color...
...The southern politicians who rant against "Negro equality" should explain why It is that Bixty-four years after emancipation the diet of black and white workers is practically the same that plantation overseers rationed to Negro slaves...
...Her reasons for doing so are valid enough...
...18th, at the city campaign headquarters in the Rand School...
...Especially does this seem the only course to one who is unfamiliar with w hat the 3-iush Navy means to the British people...
...If women remained at home, as Mr...
...Tie Mayor's wardrobe includes about 30 business afts, 15 overcoats, two full dress and two dinner gits, 20 hats and innumerable shoes, neckties and ijrta He has a collection of 200 canes, mostly -fit...
...But these are mysteries that even the observing Mr...
...The conducting of business, the outlining of plans and the preparing of programs which has been attempted by correspondence has not met with success...
...and an life's later scars ~J|p 3row pale beside the magic of their flame...
...His subject will be "These Dis-United States...
...Even with the help of Jean and Philip he can't get to six or eight affairs, all falling at the same time...
...Concerning Woman Edited by PAULINE M. NEWMAN A department of news and views of particular interest to the woman of the labor movement...
...Comrade Jack Shur will speak 300 Younp Socialists Are Jailed in Lithuania...
...It is one of the most important results of women's participation in the economic struggle...
...Pardon the heavy description...
...Depending as she did on voluntary assistance from women comrades all over the country, who were busy with j their own local problems, her situa- ! tion was not quite a happy one...
...they will...
...Didn't he once aw we ware all "carrion crows...
...The New Yofk [ Comrades, Hughan, Mailly...
...O. O. leaves untouched...
...BOOKS IN BRIEF The Blood On The Cotton By James Oneal IF ONE were superstitious and studied the history of cotton growing and cotton manufacture he would be inclined to believe that a curse follows the raising of this staple and its manufacture...
...This is literally true and it has been largely true since the thirties when the possibilities of the cotton gin were recognized by the ruling class of planters...
...Great God of Destruction, why are they spared to make this Ufa of mine a hazardous performance ? Everyday a*M, harmless souls are loosened from body bondage by motor-cars, bandits, ptomaines, suicide pacta, au heart failures...
...And I had taught all along it was the head of the Secret jonce looking for the man who shot Rothstein...
...the Jews, Palestine, and jaaa...
...You are "tat, Andy, and trade union support of capitalist Wines will help to bring it here...
...Joe Viola, our personal manager has B*en busy arranging for an interview with me in ftgard to my taste in spats and wrist-watches...
...None of them ever wrote in as much as a line...
...Ugly rumor is being spread by my political •"hies to the effect that I can read and write and ***t the hell would I want with reading and writ"f on the Board of Aldermen...
...All comrades and friends are invited to attend...
...of course, dissatisfaction...
...Tom Tippett and a striker will speak...
...Unless there can be secured more cooperation, or some other plan devised to take care of the women's work, it seems to me to be useless to go on as at present...
...To become personal for a minute, our campaign tor Alderman in the Fifteenth district is still raging along...
...If this were an isolated case there would be no point in citing it but being in debt at the end of the year is typical of hundreds of thousands of cotton growers...
...But cursed be this fortune that* *4M|p they lack in arithmetic, they more than e*WBBM* with rhetoric...
...he stood A shield for alie...
...THE CHATTER BOX this Thin* I Know 11 Dear Heart, the years have fled since you east ] Walked hand in hand beneath the southern sSSBna Yet still the kisses of our last goodbye r. JC| Burn on my hps...
...So that's so much...
...greatest and the best and the most important and is content to remain merely equal with Britain in the matter of a navy...
...It is this tragic history that makes any intelligent study of cotton culture of special interest...
...Space allows just this portion Of Ih6 extract...
...Ford's Allegation Ford wound up his essay on women by the charge that men and women pull against each other rather than together...
...There are many others who write in that they are isolated in this or that community, where setsjfhodj j is undoubtedly "against" everything progreesive . . . that they alone are the brilliant mentalltlee ttat perform beacon-light service in the rocky wastes . . . and for this they expect that I pubttsk ttjgjr horribly hodge-podge diatribes against prohibition, or for prohibition, pro and con the GkthoSt Church...
...For t appears that "Walker is tender-skinned and causae shave himself without bleeding...
...As for women's brains," Miss Miller continued...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "ONE OF THE SIX BEST-DRESSED" L-nj, FBaGENBAUJa, wno is a sort or personal tlBttrsry guild when it comes to suggesting good to read, «ends us a fascinating biography of Walker written for "The New Tork Amer5» Iry O. O. Mclntyre, well-known man about *^ though what else he is about I do not know...
...N. C. The New Vista The October issue of The New Vista has Just been published...

Vol. 9 • October 1929 • No. 11

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