SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK ti^aal Headquarters »^a2»>itsosat^^ I, I,-—¦ Gate »esy _ - Kullman of Ohio If* 5Ht Monday night we had a IS 2af awSerahlp maeOng. nomgaae^^Staawfor tbe council and...

...VloeOo»dte Passikoff...
...David George of Virginia spoke on conditions in that part of the country...
...New Jersey...
...The Committee rose to pay Its respects to our comrades snd instructed that letters of condolence be sent to the families of the deceased...
...I67 Tompkins Avenue...
...Tuesday, March 19...
...Sunday, March 17...
...What's To Be Done... 3 p. m. in Peter Blnkowskls hall, SS9 Muakego Ave...
...P* S"J-10ffte« gladly help, ¦a "f%wateradng Arkansas 1 -SnToete ha* sent out anI'SlbS* of letters, this time ¦** ^daBs» «nd near Socialist* ¦ ** - |-Til—i Several other lSwSm»*' baen covered and before ¦S*»^2, — vin nave covered an the law~ abates Socialists everyisspe"" ^jjed to action — no time IVwatied...
...CONNECTICUT Friday...
...On Sunday...
...8:30 p. m. Dr...
...Ctty Cesstral Coasawttso The Committee, met Wednesday, March 6, the largest one this year...
...Admission is 3-"> cent...
...Friday March 22...
...Important Bsspperrlngs of the Week...
...The mere fact that Ciaessens Is to speak is sufficient A first-ctaas attendance is anticipated...
...Pennsylvania Big Plans for Philadelphia Local Philadelphia held an enthusiastic general membership meeting Sunday afternoon at which the new organizer...
...UJ} ,J«st Street... the office of Dr...
...Brighton Beach Branch The Friday night forum continues successful Comrade Clsassani has Just roncludod a series of two lectures...
...Friday, March 22...
...Those elected on special committees include Comrades Lithgow, Polln, Wolf and Kreekmann...
...The branch has arranged for a social and dance for Sunday evexuhg, April 31, in the Brownsville Leber Isyceuu...
...Tickets win be in the mail within a week...
...Forrest Wailaoe, Tsederaburg...
...March 22... secure Norman Thomas for a conferencedinner early in April...
...4-1-12 A business meeting h»ld last Monday evening was fatrly well attended...
...nomgaae^^Staawfor tbe council and a aw**,;*r*»*tbe School Board, and Us***" £tr Organiser...
...The subjects for the next month are: March IS, Louis Marcus, "Revialon of SoeaUst Policies:" March... a. n. The annual theater party of the 7th A. D. West, an event which the whole membership of Bronx County has been looking forward to...
...April 17...
...Sunday, March 17, 11:30 a. m. William Karlin...
...Central Branch The next meeting will be held Tuesday evening, March 18, 830 p.m...
...Plans are under way for the formation of a Socialist Action Committee to coordinate the new activities and to give proper direction to the important task of building a good Socialist movement in Philadelphia...
...Prises wul consist of merchandise and cash...
...Simon Berlin, 245 West 74th Street...
...March 23, 8:30 p. m. August Ciaessens...
...Ticlutfor the debet* can be had in the various Brooklyn branches, City Offlc-, 7 East ijth Street and the Rand Book Store...
...15S1 Washington Avenue, is now drawing to a close...
...A prominent speaker will discuss some current event...
...This affair will be held by the Socialist Kinjs County Committte...
...8:30 p. m. Louis P. Goldberg...
...Harvard SeeaHst Club The Harvard Socialist Club is putting out a bi-weekly paper with six Issues planned between now and the end of the year...
...9-l« The meeting held with Morris HUlquit last Friday evening was highly sucessful...
...joung Circle News (The Young Circlt clubs have been formed by the Workmen's Circle to provide children of its members an opportunity for social and intellectual contacts in an atmosphere sympathetic to the ideals of the labor movement.} ^SiS* or W-C...
...The State Orsanlssr is CJerenee Bond, Munde...
...atae hundred people filled the seat* a Best fifty others occupied standing * Ite new members were taken 1 *» Branch and Organiser Oeorge a* Sat he has several others to be ¦a* at their regular meeting...
...600 West 181st Street, room 10...
...Looking Forward...
...March 30, at the headquarters, 94 Avenue C. The Sunday evening Forum had the largest crowd of the season last Sunday evening...
...March !9...*»*7*: BssSgates to the Central |"5 William Herman and Irving BjP*.J** meets Friday evenings...
...Alces, Crest vs...
...Nex: Sunday evening, the guest poet will be Samuel A DeWitt and his coming is eagerly awaited...
...Flatbush Seniors...
...Bend to The Labor World, El ansa BWg...
...had bit hands ftB answering arguments and objections until wen past midnight There was a good attendance, including visitors...
...Terra Haute...
...May Nominations Local Berks wui hold a caucus at Labor Lyceum in connection with the Msy meeting at which time candidates for the November election will be named...
...We Kg afcjEnhsda Oerman branch KasVffnewi indeed We have ¦ •JLSi to see the Socialists of |e»"f*17what Detroit Is doing, and P^KSaee an organiser on the lob...
...I Saeraaeato II awreat at Saeramento writes that ¦ sap ef eki timers got together rets* sat decided that they should be Eta toexUJst Party again...
...Wiliamsburg Mansion...
...297 South 5th Street...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Street...
...Their schedule is: Arista vs...
...v Michigan _ Detroit nest Ms held a get-together meetivsh Jee Sharts as the speakar...
...Anns Meisner...
...Workmen* Circle Center, 1581 Washington Avenue...
...Xolorado fis want aferetsry of the new local isakln- reports an increase in memmm eat considerable activity...
...Alexander Walker, member of trie Rand School training class, who spoke on Problems and Issues Before the British Election... 11:30 a. m., "What is to be done''" His ta'k Till be an analysis of New York City r>ciitic?l problems, politic 1 parties and the opportunities confronting Socialists in the coming campaign...
...Afros will present medals to the winners of the Junior Oratorical Contest, aia Palsy and Abe Agranowlta And the banner will be awarded to the Arista...
...April 5. Joseph A. Weil on the "What to know in order to succeed...
...Bat* " wboptodged themselves to BP^fit orssriixtas Cleveland...
...Ohio _ feawasd hUNtlng April 1st m OereJand party members will ¦* ejeelal meeting on Monday, April ' Ip...
...The ess Beach also took In soepe new ¦esn The English branch, will meet |J/8eadsy afternoon at I o clock, 527 eawk sveaue...
...will be held TuesGuild production...
...COMING STENTS Saturday, March is—amtertstnmsnt snd dance by the Bmanon Club, at the Bronx Center, 1103 Boston road...
...The matter of dues stamps was discussed at length and the following motion was carried, "That the dues for membership for local New York City shall continue at 'the rate of t«.00 per year...
...It has been some years since an attempt was made to hold such meetings on Sunday snd our comrades are gratified with the splendid attendance Matters pertaining to welfare of the Bronx Organization were discussed at length and the County Organizer...
...Thinking Aloud...
...March 17, 11:30 a m. Speaker and subject to be announced...
...Auspices Socialist Party, Branch Seven...
...Xtth Ward Branch Card Party The 34th Ward branch win hold its annual card party Sunday...
...KINGS COUNTY Interesting Debate On Tuesday evening...
...Subject to be announced...
...The last speaker will be Winiam Karlui...
...The weU-known Negro Jess Band—that recently played for The Masses" Ball has been engaged, namely—The Renaissance Dance Orchestra...
...Twenty-five subscriptions were obtained...
...Friday, March 15, 8:30 p. m. August Ciaessens—"The Restriction of Immigration...
...23, J. Allen, 'Psychology of Socialist Propaganda...
...Socialist Party, 9-16th A. D. Branch...
...Wort mens Circle Branches and Various Trade Unions...
...Members of the Alces will present a one-act play, 'Wisdom Teeth," with Abe Asranowits...
...Socialism of Bertrand Bussel...
...March 29...
...The program includes following speakers and topics: March 15...
...WOMEN'S gg»j FLEDGES AID TO | jytt CIRCLE LEAGUE a»,*"b*ho endorsing the Young _i i*H« and pledging aid was g*«* national convention of the JiyjOrele Women's Clubs in the ¦Th^fanng on March 2 and »¦ a, J»*ei delegates participated...
...Tickets arc going fast, and re*ervstlons should be made immediately if you want, to join in making merry a: the Guild Theater...
...Following the meeting, S good part of the audience adjourned to the dining room of the hall and stayed for Informal discussion...
...The forces must be PfiJand the rounding up of new sHE?a» Bade Ui» W» tob of the trty ihould be cc the outEwaaaarw crgaoJsatiaci...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4215 Third Avenue...
...March 17, Mark Starr, wellknown British Laborite...
...will lecture...
...Wisconsin hOwaakaa Theatre Party The Sixth Ward Branch has arranged to hold a benefit ¦ theatre party at the Arcade Theatre...
...Morris HUlquit win be Invited as the principal speaker and efforts win be made to get the local unions to cooperate in making dinner a success...
...Details will be made public shortly...
...County Organiser Jsger made an appeal for the New Leader...
...Arcs, Chums vs...
...The conference will be both hi sanest and incise a get-togther of the Hoosler comrades...
...Frank Crosswaith...
...March 26...
...Anna Ingerman on "The Future of Socialism in America and Abroad...
...Old Reliable Qua Ciaessens will in...
...rttfl Beimboad...
...Comrade HUlqults talk was highly appreciated...
...The names of artists will he made public shortly...
...A ill D. branch wOI likely be orsas h the Unirerslty soon...
...On Sunday night...
...Martinique Mansion, 156 and Beck Streets...
...N. Chanin "Traditional from Moses to Mark ' BrownsviUe Labor Lyceum...
...which has day evening...
...8.30 p. m. Louis Waldman...
...Another oneactor, "What They Think," will be presented by the following members of the Arista: Sylvia Kielnman, Dorothy Band, Jack Blitt, Morris Bronstein...
...vade the precincts of the loth this Friday evening, March 18, and address the comrades on, "The Restriction of Immigration...
...Recording Sjjwj' UUen Simon...
...Current Events...
...Auspices, Branch Seven, Socialist Partr...
...If the previous social » sny criterion, a special cop at the door Is m order...
...New York Negro Socialist, and organizer for the Pullman Porters' Union, will be the speaker...
...zS-tt A branch meeting will be held on Tuesday evening...
...g-5-io A. D. Branoh...
...8:30 p. m. Henry Jager...
...IJJ^^e greetings of the Young EJf *° AID BCSSIAN JEWS Bi*saior and Senior clubs In Bfc5"*i*ln participate In a concert i»T-**t...
...11 Arion Place...
...SUte reafeisass A big state conference of the Indiana Sorlshsts win be held on the first Sunday In May...
...Tickets may be bought st B. S. Herrmann's Cigar Store...
...Both debaters will vpeak In Yiddish...
...WUliamsburg Mansion...
...BROOKLYN Friday, March 15, 8:30 p. m. Jacob Panken...
...Auspices, 5-16th A D. Branch...
...Auspices, 3rd A. D. Branch, Socialist Party...
...Upper Weai Side The next meeting wiU be held Thursday evening, March 21...
...Workmen s Circle Center, 7316—20th Avenue Auspices, 16th A. D. Socialist Party...
...March 17...
...A short program is being arranged to consist of miadratt and dance members...
...has a new Jugoslav Lata Breech with twenty-two memET Tb»t munber Joined at the first gal more are expected at the *? -,,111 if Al Benson, the busy a—«aur, was booked tor the rTi.-TrtYf The ederation's Tranela.ipsrT Charles Pogorelec, orCa» Sanj" fcr 1929 to the tune ol E mm a a Hre Federation with a live Car...
...Auspices.' Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party, 23rd A. D. Branch...
...Auspices, Branch 1—Bronx Jewish Branch, Socialist Party...
...A number of valuable prises wul also be offered In connection with the affair...
...For reservations, write to Mrs Rose Goldsmith, chairman of th« committee...
...11:30 a. m. Henry Jager...
...Tbe due* E^ssntfe end there Is no excuse for EaTsa the outside...
...New York, March 24, at 3:30 in the afternoon...
...Comrade Shiplacoff and others have promised to speak for the remaining dates in April...
...will take the negative...
...Socialist Party...
...ALCES-ARISTA PARTY The Aloes Juniors and tbe Arista Juniors will hold a joint party Saturday eve-, ning, March It, at the home of Hy Kaplan...
...9 p. m. August Clees*er.s The Socialism of Oeorge Bernard Shaw...
...possibly two speakers from the Rand School Training Class...
...s debate of interest to Jcw:«h Socialists and sympathteers -wi] be held in the Amalgamated Temple...
...Auspices, 18th A. D. Branch...
...A social gathering and dance has been arranged for Saturday evening... the clubrooms...
...Schedule follows: Arista vs...
...The sr ^ker aad subject for next Friday evening wfl be announced snd the program for the coming weeks will be made public shortly...
...The Theater been hailed by all the critics as a perfect comedy, has been chesen...
...695 Rockaway Avenue...
...42nd Street and 14th Avenue...
...Theresa B. Wiley of Schenectady will act for the State Secretary st the confcrencs-dinner which Is to be held at Albany on ihe same day with' Morris Hilquit as the principal speaker.-, Herman Kobbe...
...NEW JERSEY Saturday...
...Tickets are ct)*y 50 cents...
...A capacity audience crowded every Inch of space in the Boro Park Labor Lyceum...
...Auspices, 3rd A D. Branch, Socialist Party...
...August Ciaessens...
...Minutes of the City Executive Committee Indicated 44 applications for membership were received during February... the county headquarters, 1167 Bo6ton Road Matters referred to the branch by the general membership meeting will be acted upon...
...Is confined to bis home st Nassau by nines...
...Martinique Mansion, 156 and Beck Streets...
...I, Indiana ssaiff *» K»eak la Gary ¦¦¦*aiy Henry will speak in shda bsg crowd is aapeetstL The local...
...Benjamin Goodman gave a reading of classical poetry...
...Cherry Lane Tea Shop, 43 Commerce *Rreet...
...Louis P. Goldberg on "Inadequate Laws...
...Comrade Ciaessens introduced three of the younger generatioa who contributed to the success of the program: namely...
...Jewish Socialist Verband...
...March 15...
...Tuesday, March 19, 9 p...
...BRONX Friday, March 15, 8:30 p. m. Joseph E. Eron, "Dante's Divine Comedy...
...March 22, 8:30 p. m. Dr...
...The subject is "Should Socia'ist* Suoport the Pioneer Labor Movement in Palestine...
...May their tribe increase...
...I California I law Wand hwaee Special Edition I Iwatesaey aad BflUngs I f— iasw World, of San Francisco, gVad s atooney-Billings special edition gaPav 12, gmng an up-tc—date lineup Eat stearic esse...
...Antiquated Laws...
...New York Stale Interstate Socialist Conferenee State Secretary Merrill will meet with the Secretary of the New England District, the state secretaries of Connecticut and New Jersey, snd s representative of the Socialist Party of Pennsylvania, at a conference in the Peoples' House...
...Auspices, Workmen's Circle...
...Saturday, March 20—A general meeting of all the Greater New York Young Circle Clubs...
...297 South 5th Street...
...Two speskers from each club wiU take part...
...Boys' teams must report at 3.20...
...Local Schenectady li ende^vorm...
...not* lerge one, but tt is eettve and ****** a ts hoped that new nsterest can be created and new asstabers edded te the Party...
...7yotnlntT have the same n? 2, ^one m*y u Uv« to spread k^_*J>ocl»-l1«m throughout the lw^°rnjOHT-' is the name of ,^eas and It eosu II no per year IBgTJ" *i months...
...These leaflets are especially recommended...
...Address: 90S ~"ea, Cheyenne, Wyoming...
...March 22...
...Thursday and Friday, April 1, 3. 3, 4 and 5. Tickets are 30 cents...
...A prise Will be awarded to tbe winning club...
...If Cms s* m»rr' ^ P^Per- 7°u win c* CswB st ft* proof of innocence beta large mnnber of extras was Esatfcr hie comers, so get your orE set the malls at once...
...6-8-13 A. D. Sooiatist Party...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 4-14th A. D. Branch Friday...
...April 9. S. Syrjala, 'Labor and Immigration...
...Two Big Meetings in Beading Everything is in readiness for the two big meetings which will be held in Labor Lyceum under the auspices of the lecture committee...
...Tuesday, March 19 9 p. m. Speaker and topic to be announced.' two West 18i Street, Room 10, Auspices, 23-88 A. D. Branch, Socialist Party...
...Labor Lyceum, and Socialist Partv, 23rd A D. Branch...
...JJsases Arnold...
...There awssj Uke going forward all along ¦ ss...
...He will speak next Sundav...
...March 31...
...a, at the Superior Building ^¦atUTiues during the next camm _rae report of the platform com[•efil be given and the membership "es on the platform on which the ¦H local candidates will run this nalk 2?* 01 the councilmanic 3J Uh campaign will give the Party an unusual opportunity ¦ ~ PWtaunary to a good compaign » wen-attended organization •> Apru 1st * Wyoming fi-?* BuBetln issued by the JJ~J« Wyoming is very much k^lrt J1 18 gotten up and...
...Bronx Jewish Branch...
...875 Cranford Avenue, Bronx: Phone Fairbanks 1517...
...Quite a fine gathering of young people was noticed at this meeting, consisting of the members of the Y P. B. L, saonser Youth and the Workmen's Circle Youth...
...The Socialist .Answer te the Marriage Question...
...Y. M. C. A. Broadway and Federal Street...
...Chairman of the Albany Peoples' Forum, and member of inState Executive Committee...
...editor of the "Wecker...
...March 23 at 6 Byron St., Boston...
...Representatives of the Action Committee are also expected to be present...
...Sarah Dubln and Jennie Lipner...
...1 The very successful forum on Sunday morninirs st the chib rooms...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 42IS Third Avenue, near Tremont Avenue...
...Abraham I. Shiplacoff wii...
...A Committee was also elected to communicate with the Workmen's Circle, the United Hebrew Trades and other organisations to arrange a Joint May Day demonstration which wui be more Impressive than any ever held in this city...
...Rockaway Mansion...
...rake the affirmative snd Chsim...
...m. August Ciaessens...
...State Chairman, Wfflhun Fogleson, hsdUnapons: State SOeresary-Trasaorer, Lots B. Bewlund, U3» BeUefontaine street, IiwnanapoUa...
...May Day Celebrations Conferences are cow being called for the arrangement of Joint May Day demonstrations under the combined auspices of the Socialist Party...
...Third street end North avenue, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
...Labor Lyceum...
...Joseph Stein acted as chairman...
...BRONX The Bronx County membership meeting last Sunday afternoon was a success...
...Socialists and the Next War...
...April », to aid the Rus¦PJJ The Central Committee on C J?, deeded to aid in the oam¦TafmMea by the Workmen's ClrEJ* tnr»rd, and tbe Verband to ¦^»*t the "declassed" Russian nrTKEMEDIATES ELECT laiJ** meeUng of the Jamaica In^^¦Jr™* following officers were •stents, William Herman...
...State Convention The State Convention of the Socialist Party will be held April 21 at 11.00 a m. at 21 Essex Street...
...TO BE ORGANIZED ngPrcle will be organised in the MS* Circle School at 1618 Mer~ lff'i2Pn*y Island/Wednesday, JUNIOR BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The Junior basketball tournament start* March it at the Washington Irving High School gymnasium...
...Also Samuel,- A. DeWht In poetic readings.-* 96 Avenue...
...Third and Garfield, from Frank Oerger, sort drink parlor, at Fourth and Lloyd streets, or from members of the Sixth Ward Branch...
...Current Events," Boro Park Labor Lyceum...
...8:30 p. m. Dr Anna Ingerman "The Future of Socialism" in America and Abroad...
...Various plans were made for an- intensive membership drive preliminary to the coming campaign...
...Bundle Lav * for 25 cents: 23 for 50 cents...
...Corresponding 1.77' athel Weinstete...
...March 17...
...Seotahst Party...
...March 22...
...Friday, March 15, 8:30 p. m. Jessie Wallace Hughan...
...1093 Market street, Ctwaeteo, Cattf...
...New York City Seven, Bronx...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 4-14th A D. Branch...
...Concert end Donee...
...Debs Auditorium, Band School, 1 Bast la Spring Cessesrt esse' Dance The program for tbe affair conducted by the Ctty Organisation on Saturday evening, April 37, Is sneswag up...
...Literature Bvery branch la urged to elect a literature distribution committee to give out leaflets...
...The meeting also decided to hold a dinner as an initial step in the campaign...
...Louis Wens report and suggestions were considered and acted upon...
...Marcn 19...
...Massachusetts The Tinsels and the Boston Central Branch now meet Jointly every Friday at 31 Kasex Street, with an educational program...
...The purpose of the conference is to devise ways and means to keep two speakers continuously In the field in the states represented, and to prcr ide for a general plan of co-operation...
...Sunday, April 14.—An oratorical contest of the senior .clubs on "The Young Circle League and the Labor Movement...
...2129 Sackman Street... 8:30 p.m...
...There was law*JaS-" »hown by the eotnaW* »%iaawi«n Bagnega branches...
...The opinpCttat group (according to the writpi ss Bat each member should pay ¦ essr par month to tbe Socialist st *• east the organisers can be h*i h the field and the work of oratsaSs earned to success...
...Relnhardt Meyer snd Olga Simon Of the German Branch and Peter Flannigan of Jamaica Branch...
...MANHATTAN S-5-10 August Ciaessens will speak on the "Socialist Answer to the Marriage Question" on Tuesday evening, March 19, at 8:30 p. m. The Cherry Lane Tea Shop, a very commodious and pleasant place has been obtained for this meeting...
...Marco, Chums vs...
...Dance The Ylpaels and the Harvard Socialist Club will hold their second dance on Saturday...
...Lecture CateBtiar Manhattan ' Sunday, March 17, 8:30 pw-nt...
...The .Socialism of George Bernard Shaw...
...Delegates to the City Convention wfil be elected and Samuel 6rr will speak on some . subject pertaining to Bronx County politics...
...1*1*1^7,— SaeavUrt Branch 1 wtija...
...Secretary Ciaessens reported the death of three comrades...
...Socialist Party...
...Simon Berlin...
...The admission is free and members are making ever" effort to obtain the record crowd of the season...
...On Saturday evening, March 30, a theater benefit performance win he gsveo uswJsi a* .the Btaarka Behwarte Theater on 144B Street, lash A. D. Beasseh A sseet to* etesttng address-qn ttma seruamto1 DenbshV at*Frtday» meetinR torch I, °<(th* igth^tooths Rockaway tenuous one, the speaks...
...March 39, Donald Thompson...
...Carl Ouimnlngs, manager of the Labor Lyceum, served tea and cake...
...It Is believed that the dinner will rally many of those who have recently fallen away and attract many sympathisers...
...The facts oongasd therein will prove to any falr2 aaeon that these workers were ETswd because they were fighters BB daw and not because they were Cat atf the crime* charged against gsa B b me duty of an our comrades E| fjraa to sand for a bundle of the Cki affikxi and distribute the copies Eji fey will do the most good...
...Algernon Lee delivered a very Instructive talk on the difficulties confronting the growth of Socialism in these United States...
...The IndtanT BoSahsts**** full set of state oSBcen^ear the^year ln*-_ State Basouu,, Cossnnttes eoneJsta of stems Henry...
...Alee*, Youth vs...
...AU girls' teams must be there at 2 p.m...
...4-14 The Friday evening forum will continue through the month of April...
...Out of Work" and "What is Socialism...
...Frank J. Manning, outlined his plans tor organization work The meeting fermed definite plans for rebuilding the snovement and created a sustaining fund to finance the organization and educational activities...
...Waterbun" Conn...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 9

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